Chapter I

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Your POV

"Is she awake?" A high pitched voice asked. It was a male voice, young and fragile.

"Does it look like it? Plus Sebastian told us not to bother her until he got back." There was another male voice, this one slightly deeper than the other, but he smelled of smoke and foods, so he must work in a kitchen.

I felt a new aura in the room, dark demonic. It must be that demon from earlier. "Please tell me they did not harm the lady." The voice was deep and I could tell he was tall based on the sound waves taking longer to travel. (A/n: yeah I went there.)

"Nope!" This was now a female voice, and the girl must be short, and clumsy because she had a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"You can leave now."

"Yes, sir!" Three voices said in unison. I felt the demon crouch down next to me and push my (h/l), (h/c) out of my face. I slowly opened my (e/c) eyes to see a (demon) butler with medium length black hair, red eyes, and somewhat pale skin. He was so close to my face that I sat up and tried to back away from him. He chuckled softly then stood up.

"So you finally woke up, may I ask your name M'lady?"

"(Y/n), what's uh, your name sir?" No matter what being you must always be polite, even if it's the enemy.

"I'm Sebastian, I'm the head butler here at Phantomhive Manor. Might I ask where you are from so we can get you back to your family?" Shoot! I'm from the angelic realm, why would I tell a demon that!

"I'm uh um I-I'm unsure s-sir." Wow smooth. Like that won't give anything away.

"Please, call me Sebastian. I must inform Lord Ciel of this." He started to walk towards the door but I got up reaching out to grab his arm.

"Wait!" Unfortunately, my legs were still weak and I fell to the ground. I expected to hit the hardwood floor but instead was greeted by a set of arms. Sebastian's gloved hands were tightly gripping my arms he lifted me up and set me back down on the bed.

"What is it miss? You really should not be standing. You are still much too weak." Sebastian told me. He was being this calm around an angel. Are his senses off or something? Play along, it'll get the job done faster and not get your ass killed. Ah, conscience always guiding me. Anyways, I looked at him and held out my arms saying
"Help me up, I would like to speak with your master."

"You are still injured, I can not-"

"To hell with it! Just help me get up you damn-" oops  "I apologize I get angered easily. Can you please help me?"

He smirked at me and I wondered if he had figured it out yet.

"Of course Lady (y/n)." He grabbed hold of my arms steadying me when I stood up. We started to walk down the halls taking turns every so often.

"How long was I asleep?" I bothered asking.

"Two days M'lady." That means it was now a Saturday, but I never really paid attention to dates. He looked at me with his daring blood red eyes, a smile on his face showing that the conversation was over. He was a butler, which meant he had a master. He has a contract on Lord Ciel Phantomhive, I know of it. "M'lady we have arrived." I looked back at him, and his eyes were pink for a split second before returning to red. I now wish I had paid attention during the announcements, then I could maybe learn some information about this demon butler standing in front of me.

I tightly clutched my key necklace as the demon opened the door.

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