Chapter II

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Your POV

"Ah, so she is living. Sebastian insisted that we help you, I probably would have left you there to be someone else's problem. I'm Ciel Phantomhive. Tell me about yourself." The demon. Of all people, wanted to help me. An angel. Oh, right this guy needs my name.

"I'm (y/n) (l/n), it's a pleasure my lord. I'm unemployed, alone, and stronger than most people would presume. That's al-"

"What about that key? What does it unlock?" I remained silent. It was a key that could rid of that butler for good. It was also my escape route. Every angel had one. "If you won't answer to me, then maybe you will answer to Sebastian. Sebastian."


"Get that key and find its purpose," Ciel demanded. They have a contract. Shit. Hide it. Either that or run. I chose both. I ripped the key off of the cord it was on, gripped it tightly in my hand, and ran towards the door. All I heard was Sebastian saying:

"Yes, my Lord." Then dashing out of the room to follow after me. I kept making turns, hoping to lose him. I know it wouldn't work, he is a demon after all. Wrong turn. I skidded to a halt when I reached the end of a hallway.
"Why do you refuse to give that up? I am surprised at your running skills you almost outran me, and that says a lot." I gulped. He took two steps forward. I stepped back to be met by a wall. "Give in, it'll make this much easier."

"Stay back, demon! I'm not afraid of you!" He seemed shocked by my words. "It's your aura, the darkness in it. You disguised yourself well, but I can see through you."

"How can you sense my aura?" He questioned me. I am not in a mood for a quiz right now. I dropped to the floor and slid past him. Unfortunately, he grabbed my ankle and lifted me before I could escape. I let out a yelp and held my dress up/down as he looked me in the eye. His eyes were pink instead of the typical red. "How can you sense my aura?" He asked again, voice stern.

"An ability I was born with. My parents said it was a blessing, but I call it a curse." It was true. I hated that ability, it let me see what people truly were just by being in the same building. It was like judging people by being near them.

"What does that key do?" He asked me, seeming to try to be nice to me.

"Protects me from being burned, by demons like you. I'm weak to beings from hell. So my skin burns when I'm touched." Half of that was true, it can only protect me in battle, not like right now where I'm being held upside down by my ankle. "Can you please put me down, the blood is rushing to my head." He did as I asked

"So if I touch you with my bare hand you will be burned?" Ugh! Stop asking questions!

"That is correct. Please do not do so, it can sometimes leave permanent scars." It reminded me of Noah. He was there for me when others weren't, but then he decided angels were the enemy. He was a demon after all. I won't fall for you, Sebastian. For the safety of this world.

"(Y/n), why did you run?" I looked up at him. One foot. I was taller than Ciel and his servants, but one foot smaller than Sebastian. His eyes were red, meaning he had calmed down.

"I felt threatened. I was afraid of what would happen if I had stayed." I opened my hand and looked down at my key.

"Stay here, with us. We could use a worker that is actually useful. You said you were unemployed, alone and stronger than most people presume. That could come in handy in this household. I'll bring you to my Lord and ask his opinion."

* * *

Once we were back at Ciel's study he approved of me working here (yay!) but disclaimer! I have to be trained by the demon. Oh legion, help me. That guy is insane! He does everything! The worst part is I have to stay in his room for two nights until my room is prepared. "(Y/n), dinner has been prepared" Sebastian called me to the table and sat me down so we could eat. I was dreading the time that supper ended.

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