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"Fucking hell." He glared at the chain. Virgil looked up.

"Roman we need to relax, he'll be back."

"We were just kidnapped virgil! And we don't even know where the hell we are in the state!" Roman looked around the room. "We don't even know if-if remus is okay..."

"Hello he's lived with this man for ten years Roman, he'll be fine." Roman looked at his hands.

"He threatened Remus, he said that he has me now so he doesn't need remus because he's useless..." Roman looked down. "He won't kill him...he won't. If he does I-I won't cooperate he knows this..."

"Roman please calm down!" Virgil kicked him and roman looked over at him. "he's fine" Roman took a deep breathe.

"Right, yeah...maybe I just need some more sleep." Virgil nodded.

"Get rest." Roman closed his eyes and leaned against the wall. His brother could be killed and it would be his dumb ass fault for going after him with no backup.


"I got it." The door to the basement slammed open and someone walked down. "hmm..." he stepped closer and Virgil flinched away when the man leaned down to his face. "I like you." He laughed as he squeezed virgils face. Virgil slapped his hand away and the man harshly grabbed his arms. Virgil cried out. "None of that." He shoved something into virgils mouth and then tied it around his head. "You come with me." He dragged Virgil upstairs and Virgil started kicking and trying to get away. No. He had to make it back to logan!

"Be nice, he said to make sure there's no bruising on the kid." Virgil was shoved down to the couch in a room set up like a photographers studio. He tried to run away but was thrown back down.

"Don't even try it kid." Virgil started crying as they removed the thing from his mouth.

"W-What are you doing?"

"Police are on to our buddy here, so we took you to use as leverage. We let you go then they will stop searching for the others, they don't agree to those terms?" He leaned forward and Virgil flinched back but he pulled Virgil close. "Then you my boy...are in for the special treatment."

"Th-They will agree! You guys are crazy!" They laughed.

"You have such confidence. Now.." they threw some clothes on the seat next to him. "Change or we change you." They took the chains off and shoved Virgil into a room. He took off his black hoodie, his jeans and his MCR shirt and threw on the ridiculous poison ivy looking lingerie they threw at him. He bit his lip as he opened the door. "Take his old clothes."

"What!? Please no!" Virgil went to go grab his stuff but they attached him to the chains again and threw him back down.

"Now; you will put on a show for us all by saying goodbye to Remus. If you don't then you will be punished way worse when we finally get to have you; we just know the police will be saying no we have an inside source in the force and they told us the verdict already." They started putting makeup on him when the front door opened.

"Boys." Virgil panicked as his kidnapper walked in without Remus. Then Remus walked in and glared. He saw Virgil and went to run over but was grabbed by their kidnapper.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Remus cried out.

"Fine boys, say goodbye then." Remus ran over to Virgil and wrapped him up in his leather jacket.

"Oh my god..." he started to cry. "Fucking hell im so so so sorry this is all my fault." Virgil held Remus in a tight hug.

"I'll be fine...well I don't really think the police will take the bargain so I might be sent away and never see you guys again but I know you, you'll find me." Remus shook his head.

"Are you fucking serious Virgil!? No way in hell am I letting them just fucking take you away if the police say no! They will say yes! They'll take you home!"

"I don't know Remus....I'm not all that important to anyone."

"This can't be happening...no..."

"I love you Remus, thanks for being my friend. I know I let you down but I'm hoping they will find you soon enough." Remus shook his head.

"Don't you dare say goodbye to me..."

"I'm sorry Remus." Remus was dragged from the room and Virgil wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Good performance." Virgil backed away as they snatched the jacket from him.

"Police are on the line." Virgil was dragged over to where there was a seat right in front of the camera and blinding lights.

"Here you are just as we promised, he's safe and sound is he not?"

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE MY SON WEARING YOU MONSTERS!?" Virgil snapped his head up and saw his mother holding tightly to his father.

"Mo-." He felt a hand go over his mouth and he squirmed.

"As we said, he can go free if you agree to not search for the other two boys. If you don't agree..." he felt a hand rub down his arm. "We get to keep him." Virgil felt tears falling down his face faster as he watched his mother screaming profanities at the cops. The cops side was muted but he could see some of them looking down at the ground and Virgil knew just then, they had already made the decision to continue looking for Roman and Remus.

"Times a ticking, what's the verdict?"

"The verdict is..." he watched as a few of the men behind the camera grabbed some rope, lube, a ball gag, some sort of whip, and some handcuffs. He shook with tears as he looked back at the camera. The police unmuted themselves.

"Virgil," Virgil looked at the camera and nodded as he felt all color drain from his face. "I'm sorry..." Virgil screamed as he was pulled to his feet and pulled closer to the man behind hims chest.

"Guess we were very right." The men behind the camera got into view of the camera and handcuffed him, tying the ropes around his chest and his thighs. They put the gag in his mouth and he screamed and cried as he struggled.

"PLEASE NO!" His mother screamed. He heard laughter.

"Obviously not happening in my living room dear, they only tied him up so you can see that you allowed this. Your son is ours now." They shut off the camera and virgil got away backing himself into a corner and attempting to get out of the ropes. "Bring him back down to Roman and Remus, we can deal with them all later."

"Alright alright." They dragged Virgil down into the basement and Roman immediately gasped. "Here you go." He was thrown down the ground and Virgil started crying as they left the basement. Remus walked over and took the gag out.

"Remus, they took your jacket." Remus rolled his eyes.

"I don't care about it." He scooted closer to Virgil. "They didn't hurt you did they?"

"No." He leaned into Remus and started crying.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault!" Roman cried. Remus looked over at him as he held Virgil.

"Roman, just because you let it happen once when we were fucking kids doesn't mean this time is your fault!" Remus shouted. "I'm the one who didn't realize the truth as soon as he..." Remus looked at Virgil. "As soon as he moved us back here...as soon as he started acting weirdly about letting me go to public school again. I should have known as soon as he allowed me to make any sort of social media page! He's a fucking monster, and he's at fault not you."

"But Remus-."

"No!" Remus glared at Roman. "You aren't at fault here."

"Remus...we did come without backup." Virgil pulled away from Remus. He wiped the tears from his eyes. "We didn't even know how bad it was." Virgil pulled his knees to his chest. "I overheard them talking...they were being serious when they said they'd sell me." Virgil then looked at Roman sadly. "But I'm not the only one he wants to sell." Virgil looked back at Remus. "He said he doesn't need you anymore."

"Fucking figures..." Remus glared at the stairs. "But I will not stand by and let him hurt you." He looked back at Virgil. "You are going back to that boyfriend of yours."

"But that just means-."

"I know." Remus smiled. "But it's better than you never being seen again."

"Remus we can't let you do that! Are you nuts!?" Remus laughed.

"Oh definitely, my intrusive thoughts are horrendous." He looked at the door. "And nobody has been able to understand them so why should I bother?"

"Remus.." Remus looked at Roman with a smile. "Please don't, we came after you to bring you home. I made the mistake losing you when I was a kid I'm not losing you again! Not if I can stop it..." tears were streaming down romans face. "Please..."

"We'll see eachother again. I promise."

AN I was gonna torture you guys and leave it like this until the next chapter but knowing me it would take months until the next update and I already feel bad making you guys wait haha so...


The hatch opened up and logan curled up into himself.

"I found him!" Someone shouted. He felt the chain come off his leg and he lifted his head. He was pulled out of the hole gently. When he was finally adjusted to the light he saw there was a mess in the kitchen as if someone was fighting and there was things moved around. He looked to see who had pulled him from the hatch and smiled upon seeing officer sanders. "My god how long have you been down there..." he helped logan over to a chair and yelled for a paramedic.

"What time is it?" Logan asked. He cringed at heating his own voice. It was so weak.

"Logan that doesn't matter." He sadly looked around the room. "We got word you never arrived at school..."

"So you sent out a search party because I didn't show at school? I could have just been home sick." Logan saw the expression on the officers face change to one of sorrow.

"Logan you've been missing..." logan shook his head.

"N-No....that's...Wheres my father?" He looked around.

"Logan, buddy he's in jail. He'll be there for a long time. "He won't hurt you for talking about whatever's been going on here." Logan started to cry as he held his arms to his chest.

"H-How long have I been down there?" He asked.

"Well, the school reported you not being there to social services and demanded they do a wellness check because they said you have never been gone especially during school days. Everyone said you were fine just an act of rebellion but then your friends started panicking. We decided to search and your father went ballistic saying your were fine, we had asked to search the grounds for you but he refused to let us in without a warrant so we got one...that's when we found out about the hidden room. He had said we'd never find you because you were hidden." The officer looked logan up and down. "Are you alright?"

"I've been in there for a week?" He asked. He looked down. "But he hasn't given me any food or water.... Typically, humans can go without food for about three weeks before the effects of starvation on the body kill a person. But since the adult body is made of 60% water, typically a person would only last three to four days without a drop of water....how the hell am I alive?"

"You are quite the miracle." Logan looked up. "Logan, I've never seen a kid fight so hard before and you? You survived all of this for years."

"He won't..." logan heard someone gasp and he looked towards the door. His mother stood in the doorway with a paramedic. "M-Mom?"

"Logan!" She ran over to him and pulled him into a hug.

"Ma'am step away from logan or we will arrest you." She pulled away and glared at Logan.

"What did you tell them!?" She pulled her hand back and slapped him and he stumbled backwards. He fell down and looked up at her.

"I didn't say anything!" He was too weak to fight back.

"Ma'am step away from logan! Who the hell let her in here!?" Thomas lifted logan up and glared at the women as she was dragged from the room. "Logan are you alright?" Logan shook his head as he started to cry.

"I guess I will be now...b-but where will I stay?" He asked.

"We'll figure this all out when you are out of the hospital, come on kid." Logan followed him out and as soon as they stepped outside the paramedics rushed him to the ambulance. Logan looked out the window as they attached a bunch of wires to his arms. He took a deep breathe and closed his eyes. For once, something was going to be okay.

AN hope you liked the update! Sorry if it takes a bit for the next chapter but hopefully you won't be waiting for long!

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