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Remus sat down in the chair and looked at the food in front of him then back at the man across from him.

"Where are they?" remus asked.

"Eat your breakfast Remus." Remus looked towards the doors and then back at the man.

"And if I don't?" He glared.

"Remus, you will be heading over to that school with me today and you will be enrolled. I will not have you asking me stupid questions about if you eat breakfast or not. You don't want to eat? Fine." He finished his food and got up. "Then let's go now."

"Where's Roman and Virgil?" Remus asked. He grabbed remuss arm and dragged him through the door. "I'll scream!" He glared at Remus and shoved him against the car.

"Scream and you will never hear from those two again you understand me young man?" Remus pouted as he got in the van.

"Just tell me what you've done to them..." Remus looked out the window with a frown. "you can't keep me quiet about the whole kidnapping me thing unless you let me see them."

"After we get you enrolled I'll take you to them, fine?" Remus nodded.

"Better keep that deal or so help me I will be screaming at the top of my lungs that you kidnapped me." They drove in silence and finally got to the school. They entered and walked into the office.

"Good morning! You must be Remus, very nice to meet you. This dad?" Remus cringed but nodded his head. "Not much of a talker are you? Alright then, here's the forms you need to fill out and.." she looked around the office then smiled. "Patton! Perfect! Could you please show Remus here around while dad fills out all the needed paperwork?" Remus froze and bit his lip looking nervously at the man. He huffed annoyed.

"Go Remus." Remus walked off with this Patton kid.

"Your name sounds oddly familiar to I know you?" He asked. Patton put a finger to his lips.

"I told logan I'd keep an eye out, my parents basically let me do the transfer as soon as I got the information from the schools hard drive that you were being enrolled here, as soon as I explained the situation to my father, who doesn't like the idea of us meddling with police business but at the same time he's actually okay with it as long as we make sure to stay safe while doing this...." Remus let his eyes widen.

"Dude what the hell?! Are you and Logan like super hackers or some shit how..." Patton smiled.

"Yeah, it's illegal but my dads a cop so I can get away with a lot." Patton looked back. "That your kidnapper?" Remus nodded. "Got it, don't worry we'll get you guys out of there, hey if he's enrolling you what happened to Roman and Virgil?"

"He's got them locked up at the house somewhere..." Remus looked down as they continued walking. "I told him I'd keep my mouth shut so that they don't get hurt. Patton-."

"We can send someone to the house while he's here to go look for Roman and Virgil if needed." Patton gestured at the wire he was wearing. "Just let me know and I'll let them know." Remus bit his lip and looked back at the office that was in the distance.

"I dont think this is a good idea, you guys shouldn't have gotten involved." Patton brought Remus into the library where a few cops were set up with computers and security cameras. "Woah...."

"I told you I wasn't going in alone Remus, we found you and know you are safe and while he's here we want to get them out of there we just need the okay from you..."

"I-I'm going back there when we are done here at the school." Remus ran a hand through his hair. "Let me take a wire, so that you guys can still have contact with me but please we can't it obvious." The officers nodded.

"Alright, just promise us you'll be safe about this." Remus nodded.

"I've lived with this man and believed him to be my dad, for ten years of my life. I can handle this." Patton frowned.

"I'm sorry we couldn't get you out sooner Remus." Remus sighed.

"It's fine, let's just get this over with so Roman can get back home and Virgil can get back to logan."

"You can too you know, go back home. Romans your brother Remus you parents have been missing you for years..." Remus bit his lip.

"But....will they even want me?" Remus asked. "Maybe in their heads they are actually glad I was kidnapped...."

"Aww Remus don't think that way!" Patton pouted. "Im sure she misses you a lot." Remus raised an eyebrow.

"Only mom huh?" Patton bit his lip.

"Ask Roman about that." Remus nodded.

"Here we go." They helped attach the wire to Remus and Remus nodded.

"Let's do this"

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