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He opened his eyes and immediately went to stand up. He looked at his leg and saw a chain and he groaned. Figures, it wasn't a dream.

"Fuck." He groaned.

"Roman?" Roman looked over across the room and saw Virgil, with his knees pulled to his chest.

"Oh my god are you alright!?" Roman asked. He looked Virgil up and down and saw a slight bruise on his cheek.

"I'm fine, just woke up when he was moving us from
the van and tried to fight back because I got scared" Virgil looked at the door. "I don't know where Remus is, he almost had a panic attack because he kept thinking this was his fault Roman..."

"Well, it is." Roman shrugged. "But I don't blame him I blame this asshat for taking us."

"Yeah Roman, that's a dick thing to fucking say." Virgil stood up and walked to the door. He banged on it. "Hello!?"

"Really Virgil? Pissing off our kidnapper isn't going to help anything."

"Okay but if it gets me taken to Remus? Then yeah it's a good idea." Virgil banged on the wall again. The door opened and a very grumpy kidnapper stood in the doorway.

"Virgil back up!" Roman cried. He shoved Virgil against the wall.

"Listen you little shit." Roman pulled on the chain as he held Virgil tighter. "You need to stop being fucking annoying." He dropped Virgil and Virgil backed away quickly. Roman glared at him.

"Let Virgil go home you Jack ass!" Roman growled. "Seriously he has nothing to do with us! He's just an innocent person in all of this! Please!" He turned to Roman and laughed.

"And risk having him tell the cops what I look like? Having him tell them what car I drive?" He walked over to Roman and tilted his chin to face him. "Not happening, in fact I think I might just sell him off. He's of no use to me anyways. Say your goodbyes because as soon as I find a buyer he's gone." Roman panicked when their kidnapper walked out of the room.

"YOU BASTARD!!" Virgil looked at the floor stunned then back at Roman.

"Y-You don't think he was serious? Right?" Roman looked at Virgil then back at the door.

"I don't think he was but if he was? I'm not letting him touch you Virgil." Virgil scooted closer to Roman and Roman held him. "I'm getting you back to logan don't worry..."

"What if you can't stop him? What if he just grabs me and that's the end of it?" Virgil asked. Roman frowned and held him tighter.

"It'll be okay Virgil, I would never let him take you." Roman started playing with Virgils hair. "You need to sleep off the drug."

"No! Because if I sleep he might take you!" Roman laughed and rolled his eyes.

"I'll be fine." Virgil pouted and leaned into Roman.

"You better not be lying to me because if you are I'm going to be very very pissed." Roman smiled.

"Logan's gonna be even more pissed if I don't get you home." Roman looked at the door. "And I am not letting him take you away, and we WILL be getting you home."

"Thank you Roman." Roman nodded and hugged Virgil closer as he got situated to sleep.

"Of course Virgil, any time."


Logan paced around his room. He looked at the location and he shook his head. Why would they ever go there after what they found out!? Especially alone!? He bit his lip. It was almost midnight. Somethings wrong. He immediately called the police and they came to his house. He saw his dad walking down the stairs to answer the door and immediately panicked.

"Dad I got it!" He ran to the door.

"Why is there officers outside!?" His mother screeched. His father immediately looked at him.

"Oh you have some explaining to do right now young man!" Logan opened the door and the officer smiled.

"Are you logan Croft?" Logan nodded. "We received your call about your friends location, and we went to check it out. May we please come inside?" Logan let them in. "Ah good day mr. and ms. Croft this will only be a few." They looked at Logan and he just walked the officer passed them and into his bedroom. He pulled the location up on his laptop and showed the officer. The officer frowned.

"Logan, nobody was in the house. The neighbors said they saw someone moving with his kid but that was all they saw. There was nobody with them"

"And you found nothing?" Logan looked at the location. "It wouldn't just glitch out like this...please help me look into this! This man is a kidnapper!"

"Alright logan, why do you say that?" Logan pulled up the missing persons posters from the many years romans mom posted them and the police report of the kidnapped child, and then finally the image of Remus now.

"Because we found Romans missing twin." The officers stared wide eyed.

"And they didn't call the police to go get him instead they went by themselves!? How stupid are you kids!?" The officer walkie talkie someone. Logan sighed.

"We wanted to be absolutely sure it was actually him..." Logan said. "Look, not only does he have remus but now he has roman and our friend virgil. I'm scared for their safety especially because he clearly is a hacker and knows how to hack peoples locations..."

"We'll find them don't worry." The officer frowned. "Just don't do anything."

"I'm not going to do anything Officer, but I do wish to help you if I can in anyway? My boyfriend l, Virgil, was just kidnapped after all and I really can not just sit around knowing I might never see him again..."

"Wow did not expect that one especially with them as your parents..." the cop pulled his badge away from his chest showing he wore a rainbow pin with the words "ally". "Don't worry if you didn't want them to know, we won't tell. I'm sure we can figure out how you can help in anyway."

"Thank you officer, please contact me anytime and I'll come down to help I'm very good at detective work." He gestured at his wall. "I'm actually looking into going to school for it." The officer smiled.

"Bet they don't like that very much." Logan sighed.

"Not really, they want me to be a lawyer like dad." The officer shook Logan's hand.

"Welcome to the team, see you soon kid." They left the room and Logan walked him to the front door. "I can come grab you after school and we can bring you to the station if you'd like?"

"Thanks, that will do. Greatly appreciate this officers, see you tomorrow." As the door closed logan turned to look at his father who was standing in the doorway of the living room.

"What the fuck was that?" Logan rolled his eyes.

"None of either of yours concern." He went to walk up to his room but was grabbed by his mother. "I'd advice you to let go of me right now before I call them back in here." His father walked over and yanked him down the stairs.

"I am not allowing you to go with them ever, understand me?" He then dragged logan over to the kitchen and opened the hidden latch under the mat. Logan was dragged down into it and he squirmed.

"Let go of me!" He tried to shove his father off but his father just shoved him back down and attached his leg to the chain.

"You will stay down here until you act like our proper son like you are supposed to be." He walked out and slammed the lid shut. Logan heard the floor mat being placed back over the latch and it got dark. He turned on the lantern and sighed. Another day locked in confinement....time to pretend like he wants to be perfect.

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