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Remus panicked seeing Roman and Virgil on the living room floor.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" he ran over and checked for a pulse sighing in relief when he found one.

"Oh relax, now pack your things. I need to get these two situated in the car." Remus glared at him.

"What you just going to kidnap both of them and run away like you did when you took me away!? I was six how was I supposed to know you were a kidnapper!" Remus looked at Virgil and Roman. "J-just leave them behind okay? Please? I won't fight you anymore okay?"

"No Remus, listen to me and go pack." Remus shook his head.

"Please they have nothing to do with this!" Remus moved in front of them. "They don't have to come with us! Please!"

"Stop whining and go!" Remus flinched. He glanced at Roman and then back at the man in front of him.

"I won't let you take them!" Remus cried.

"God damnit Remus!" He grabbed remuss arm and dragged him outside. "Then stay in the van." He chained remuss wrist together and chained him to the ceiling of the van. His arms above his head. He groaned and shifted so he was sitting down instead of kneeling. His arms already felt sore. Remus panicked.

"Fuck..." Remus saw him carrying Virgil out first and begged for the neighbors to wake up. If they saw this they'd call the police right?? He placed Virgil down, chaining his leg to the van and then walked back inside for Roman. That's when Virgil woke up.

"Oh my god..." he looked around. "Fuck...oh this isn't good at all..."

"Should have listened to Roman huh?" Remus asked. Virgil looked at Remus and rolled his eyes.

"Dude, why are you so calm!? He's kidnapping us!" Remus shrugged.

"Virgil, I've lived with this man since I was six...." Virgil looked out the window. "I don't trust him anymore don't's just difficult to not be calm you know? He's pretended to be my dad this entire time so I just-."

"Remus calm down. You are going into a panic attack..."

"I'm scared he's going to hurt you..." Remus shook his head as he started crying. "This is all my fault I shouldn't have become friends with you guys I could would have been easier to protect you.."

"Me and Roman can look out for ourselves Remus, I'm more scared of the fact that he thinks he's going to get away with this so easily? Like did he purposely try and get you to meet up with Roman and realize you were his brother? He's got something planned and it's not pretty..." Virgil scooted closer to Remus. "Question..." Virgil looked at the chains. "What the fuck is up with the chains? Is he that creepy that he just keeps them? He's never-."

"Virgil." Remus laughed. "Calm down, he's never sexually assaulted me. I don't know why he has chains." Remus pouted as he looked up at his arms. "Fucking hell my arms are sore." The door to the van opened and he placed Roman down. He walked over to Remus and unchained his arms.

"Don't. Try. Anything." He chained up Roman and then dragged Remus out of the back of the van and to the front. He chained Remus to the front seat and Remus glared at him.

"You won't get away with this." Remus growled.

"Yeah, you think I wouldn't?" He laughed. "I took you away when you were six Remus, it's not like anyone would care a sixteen year old went missing. They'll assume Roman and Virgil ran away." Remus panicked.

"Please..." he looked at him. "Please just don't do this! Roman and Virgil did nothing to you!"

"I dont care if they did or didn't do anything to me, like I said before the goal was to get you and Roman both but nooooo Roman had to run away and leave you behind. God you always have been useless but today? Oh today you became useful." Remus pouted.

"Hurtful. Jack ass." He slammed the door and Remus glanced out the window. Come on anyone..." he saw a mirror and flicked it so the light shined into the room across the way. He saw a light turn on and he laughed as he moved the light a bit more. He saw the shade move and a kid around his age open the curtain. Remus wiggled his toes at the kid. the kid waved back with a concerned expression. The kid looked around then immediately pulled out his phone. Remus laughed triumphantly. He saw a women in a robe open the front door and come running outside with a man.

"What the hell is going on out here!? It's eleven thirty at night!" Remus watched his kidnapper panic.

"Me and my son are just moving away is all..." he rubbed the back of his neck as he placed some boxes down, Remus looked in the mirror and saw he closed the back door so they didn't see Virgil and Roman. Remus pouted.

"Check the back morons." Remus rolled down the window with his toe since his hands were chained up out of view. "Hey there." He smirked. His kidnapper glared at him. "I'm a little..." Remus tried to lift his hands. "Preoccupied at the moment...but my dad accidentally packed away my favorite stuffed animal mind grabbing it from the back for me?" He glared at Remus and stepped in the way.

"We really should be going." He lifted the heavy box and walked over opening the door slightly so that they couldn't see the chains and slammed the box into remuss lap. "Bye folks!" He glared at Remus as he got into the truck. "Try something again, I will not hesitate to fucking kill you Remus. I have Roman who's less useless than you."

"Again; hurtful." Remus glared at him. "We'll get out of this, and your ass will be arrested. If you think I'm ever going to trust you again after this? Please...I will never stop fighting you now that I know you aren't my father."

"Yet you've been so trusting of me all these years." He chuckled.

"Forget that you asshole!" Remus struggled against the chains. "I hate you. I hate you!" Remus started crying. "Just let Virgil and Roman go? Please..."

"Not happening." He continued to drive away and Remus looked out the window sadly. Of course now they were all trapped going who knows where. Life sucks.

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