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***years ago***

"Roman! Roman stop!" Remus suddenly coughed up blood and Roman stared at it in horror stepping away from his brother.

"Oh my god why didn't you tell me you were sick Remus I wouldn't have-."

"Mom won't let me play anymore if she knows! You can't tell her!" Roman shook his head.

"Remus you know how dangerous that is!" Roman put his toy sword down and knelt besides his brother wiping his mouth free of blood.

"You know boys, when I was your age I had this amazing castle...it's still set up in my garden if you two want to come play knights there?"  Roman jumped looking at the man in front of him.

"Oh Roman come on can we!?" Remus bounced excited. Roman looked at the cloth covered in blood then back at his over excited brother.

"Remus..." Roman stared the man down. "I don't think that's a good idea dinners almost ready anyways we should be heading back home."

"Oh you can be back by dinner Roman it's fine" the man smiled. Remus didn't even think he smiled at his brother. Roman immediately shook his head worried.

"I want to check it out! Go home if you want but I'm going to go play at the castle!" Remus followed the man and Roman immediately ran home. When Roman got home, and his mother asked where Remus was, Roman explained what happened. He didn't even leave out the part Remus threw up blood. His mother immediately panicked. Roman started crying. He didn't understand what happened, one minute he was with his brother the next his mother was panicking about his brother going off with a stranger.  

***a couple of years later*** (Roman and Remus are now both 14)

Roman watched as his mother and aunt lit candles and placed them down in the backyard. He frowned.

"You really think he's gone don't you?" Roman asked. He knew that his brother was kidnapped now that he was older, and he knew he was sick. He felt guilty that he didn't go with his brother that day, because maybe he could have stopped it. He could have saved him because now there's probably no chance he survived the sickness.

"Oh Roman, I know you want to believe he's alive but.....we just..."

"Can't keep holding on? Right" Roman sighed. "I'm sure he's out there." Roman turned away from his mother and aunt and went up to his bedroom. He refused to redecorate anything in case Remus actually came back. His room still had the split paint half and half. His half of the room was red gold and white and remuss was black green and silver. He sat on his bed and curled up in a ball. "I miss you"

Roman bolted up in the bed and pulled his knees to his chest as tears flowed down his face. His kidnapper entered and smirked at him.

"Sleep well my prince?" Roman gagged and glared at him.

"Did you save him?" Roman asked.

"Save him? Oh I see, you remember now." Roman looked down at his hands.

"Answer me damnit, how is he alive if he was coughing up blood back then?! Did you save him?? And for what purpose if you just plan on killing him off?" His kidnapper walked over and sat down besides him. Roman pulled away as much as he could.

"He was useless to me, but I needed him to get you eventually. So yes, I saved him." Roman looked at his hands.

"You know I will never stop fighting you, even if you force me to go to school and try and act like you are actually my father you will be caught." Roman looked up at him. "I still look like me, and we are all over the news by now I'm sure."

"Oh definitely, but...you forget." He stood up and opened the door to two men dragging a half conscience Virgil into the room. "You won't tell anyone who you are after changing your appearance because we have him."

"Stop it!" Roman stood and reached for Virgil but since he was chained to the wall by his ankle he couldn't get very far.

"I was originally going to sell him, make an extra buck but...he will make you listen to me." Roman bit his lip.

"Only if you allow me to see him everyday will I not fight you." Roman looked at Virgil and then back at his kidnapper. "I dont want to do as you say ever, I'd rather fight you, but I won't risk his life. So I promise you I won't fight you if you let me see him when I get...home...everyday." His kidnapper smiled.

"That's so sweet, I'm really happy you agree." He nodded and his men left the room. "I assume you know how to dye hair and all that?" Roman nodded. One of the men walked back in with a box and he handed it to Roman. "Better cut and dye that hair. I want you to be unrecognizable. There's contacts in there to hide those eyes of yours." He walked out and Roman looked into the mirror afraid.

"Roman, please don't do this..." Roman looked over at Virgil.

"If I don't do it, he will just hurt you." Roman looked at the mirror again applying bleach. "It's not worth the risk of you dying. You need to get back to Logan in one piece or he will definitely have my head." Virgil curled up in a ball.

***roman has now washed his hair and put the contacts in***

"You don't even look like a good person." Virgil mumbled. "I mean come on the hickeys and bruises make you already look like a gangster or some shit, but that hair?? Why the hell did you dye it blonde, and also what the fuck is with that hair cut?" Roman laughed and fixed his clothes looking at Virgil with a half smile.

"I saw a photo of my father, he actually used to dress and act like this when he was my age" Roman bit his lip. "But will this work?" He looked at Virgil. "Do you think I can actually pull this off? I don't want him to hurt you because I got caught..."

"Don't you dare worry about me." Virgil shook his head. "I will be perfectly fine. Even if he touches me, he won't get away with it ever." Roman nodded.

"And he won't get a chance." Roman stood and looked down at his new look in the mirror. His hair was dyed blonde, with light orange tips. He had cut it so that he no longer had long hair but his hair had a undercut and it was hanging in his eyes. He wore a long sleeved shirt with flames on it, and black pants.

"Take care of yourself Roman." Roman smiled at Virgil.

"of course, wouldn't dream of doing anything else."

AN sorry it was such a short crap chapter but I figured I'd update cuz I haven't updated since April and I felt bad lol

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