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"He's allergic to that." Roman mumbled as his kidnapper went and grabbed some lotion off the shelf. Roman looked around and then back at his kidnapper. "If you have been taking care of him this long you must know that by now." Roman went and snatched the lotion from his kidnapper putting it back on the shelf.

"He mostly did the shopping so..." Roman froze looking at the bottle in his hand. He turned back to his kidnapper.

"And nobody ever turned your ass in?" Roman scoffed. "God they must feel really stupid knowing they let you walk around—." Roman was shoved against the wall and his kidnapper slammed his lips against Roman's. Roman gagged and shoved him away.

"You never shut up." He whispered. Roman realized there was a lady standing in the isle looking at lotion and his eyes widened. He looked at his kidnapper. Fuck. He almost just revealed them to her.

"I-sorry." Roman placed the lotion down. He got an idea and laughed as he grabbed some random lotion off the wall. "Maybe this will help? I heard it helps glide it in so much easi-." His mouth was suddenly covered by his kidnappers hand.

"Oh my god what the hell!?" He pulled away and Roman laughed at the women's reaction.

"Sorry ma'am I know you didn't need to know any of that." He giggled.

"Well..." she walked over and took the lotion from Roman's hands. "I speak from experience." She placed the bottle back on the shelf and grabbed a bottle of lube off the bottom shelf. "Use this, lotion burns like hell." Roman chuckled as he thanked her. He was dragged from the isle and smacked upside the head.

"You really are just making a big joke out of this aren't you?" He asked. Roman chuckled.

"Yeah, I wanted to test how stupid I can be until you actually get mad."

"You two are so much alike it infuriates me." He mumbled. "He used to do the same thing."

"Good to know my brother kept his sense of humor being locked away with you." Roman pulled the lube and some other things out of the basket.

"Keep those in there." Roman looked at the things in his hands and shook his head. Lube and a few other sexual items. Roman grabbed the lube as a fucking joke! Jesus that sick pervert...

"No way in hell, I don't know who you think you will be using these on, but I am not leaving them in the basket you fucking demon." Roman walked away to go put the items back. He reached the lotion isle and smiled at the women who was still looking at lotions. He placed the lube back and she quickly looked around before looking back at Roman.

"Decided against using it?" She asked as she looked around again. "Listen, can I give you my number? I'd love to keep in touch." She walked closer and Roman smiled awkwardly.

"I really need to go back to my—."

"Boyfriend?" Roman didn't realize how close she was until she was touching his hand.

"Please I just-." She wrapped her arm in his and started walking.

"Pretend like you know me, don't react." She started dragging him from the store. Romans eyes widened.

"Oh my god." He struggled to keep in step with her. When they reached her car she shoved him into the front seat. Roman groaned and attempted to get the door open.

"Let. Me. Go!" Roman glared at her as she got into the car. "You don't understand!"

"I do." Roman shook his head.

"No! No you don't! Listen okay he kidnapped me, and he has my family you kidnapping me is just going to make him think I ran off!" She covered his mouth and nose with a cloth and Roman struggled.

"Sleep tight baby doll." Roman shook his head as he felt the darkness surrounding his vision. Soon enough the chloroform kicked in and he passed out.


"That fucking idiot!" The front door slammed open and Virgil looked up at their kidnapper. He threw bags down on the counter and turned to Virgil. "He got himself abducted! Can you fucking believe that?! Ugh!" Virgil laughed a bit at that.

"So he was abducted, from his kidnapper? Now that's actually hilarious." Virgil looked over at Remus who raised an eyebrow.

"You let him walk away from you in a store?" Remus looked at Virgil then back at their kidnapper. "Did you at least get the bandages?" Remus walked over and grabbed a bag of medical supplies walking back over to Virgil who was chained to a radiator. Virgil raised an eyebrow as Remus started taking care of his wounds. Remus put a finger to his lips and shook his head.

"I'm going out, hopefully I will find that damn boy. You behave Remus or I will kill him understand me?" He gestured at Virgil and Remus nodded.

"I understand." Their kidnapper left and Virgil looked at Remus. "Him letting Roman walk away is so out of character for him..."

"Thanks for taking care of the wounds." Virgil hummed as he leaned into Remus.

"He only moved us here so we didn't get caught." Remus mumbled. "So why the hell, did he let Roman walk away from him in a grocery store surrounded by people?"

"Who knows." Something made a sound and Remus looked around quickly before pulling something out of his pocket.

"Everything's fine, was that you who took Roman?" A few seconds later someone talked back.

"It indeed was, he doesn't know who we are so it worked well. Sorry to scare you Remus." Remus sighed and looked at Virgil.

"So he's safe?" Remus asked.

"Yes." Remus leaned into Virgil.

"Thank god." Virgil stared confused at the wire and Remus explained what happened at the school a few days ago. "He's out of the house looking for Roman, nows the chance to act."

"Are you sure?" The women asked. Remus looked at Virgil and squeezed his hand.

"I'm sure, let's go home."

AN sorry this took forever to update! I've been busy and haven't been really writing much. I hope you liked this chapter!

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