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***a few days later***

The door opened and Remus looked up. His kidnapper placed the food down and glared at Remus.

"What?" He asked.

"You don't believe it do you?" He asked. Remus looked away from him.

"Just admit you kidnapped me you asshole." Remus looked over at him. "And tell me why the hell we came back to my hometown if you didn't want to be caught in the first place?"

"Remus, I'm your father. Always have been. You have gone mental."

"I know now that you fucking aren't, you fucking abusive piece of shit. I can't believe I thought you actually cared about me all these years Jesus.." he slapped Remus who just laughed.

"Don't speak to me that way!" Remus glared.

"Fuck off." Remus looked away. "I don't have to respect you."

"Fine, you want the truth?" Remus looked up at him. "Yes. I am your kidnapper." Remuss heartbeat picked up. "You and your brother were both meant to be mine but that brat wouldn't fucking stop with the being a goody two shoes so he ran off, You were curious as to what I was talking about so you followed me..."

Flashback (Remus and Roman are 6)  (Romans POV now)

"Don't go too far boys." Remus laughed as him and Roman ran off with their sticks. They reached the playground around the corner from their house and continued to play.

"Come at me!" Roman lunged at Remus who laughed and lunged back. The two play fought until some man approached them.

"You know boys, when I was your age I had this amazing's still set up in my garden if you two want to come play knights there?"

"Oh Roman come on can we!?" Remus bounced excited.

"Remus..." Roman stared the man down. "I don't think that's a good idea dinners almost ready anyways we should be heading back home."

"Oh you can be back by dinner Roman it's fine" the man smiled. Remus didn't even think he smiled at his brother.

"I want to check it out! Go home if you want but I'm going to go play at the castle!" Remus followed the man and Roman immediately ran home. When Roman got home, and his mother asked where Remus was, Roman explained what happened. His mother immediately panicked. Roman started crying. He didn't understand what happened, one minute he was with his brother the next his mother was panicking about his brother going off with a stranger.  

***a couple of years later*** (Roman and Remus are now both 14)

Roman watched as his mother and aunt lit candles and placed them down in the backyard. He frowned.

"You really think he's gone don't you?" Roman asked. He knew that his brother was kidnapped now that he was older. He felt guilty that he didn't go with his brother that day, because maybe he could have stopped it.

"Oh Roman, I know you want to believe he's alive but.....we just..."

"Can't keep holding on? Right" Roman sighed. "I'm sure he's out there." Roman turned away from his mother and aunt and went up to his bedroom. He refused to redecorate anything in case Remus actually came back. His room still had the split paint half and half. His half of the room was red gold and white and remuss was black green and silver. He sat on his bed and curled up in a ball. "I miss you"

****another time skip**** (both boys are 17 now this is before they met at the mall)

"Hold up." Roman held his hand up. "You are trying to tell me you met my doppelgänger? That's fricken impossible." Romans heart picked up. That could mean Virgil met Remus!

"Yeah, he looked so much like you! I thought you were pulling a damn prank especially because the kids name was Remus." Roman gasped.

"You had better not be lying to me Virgil.." Virgil shrugged.

"That's just what the kid said Roman." He looked around. "I'm going to go grab a table." He kissed Logan's nose and walked away. Roman immediately texted his mother he was going to be late and looked at Logan.

"I want to find this kid. It's important." Logan nodded.

"I can imagine, you told me before your brother was taken...I understand why you want to see it this is him or not. Thought it makes no sense as to why his kidnapper would be bringing him back especially now knowing that he's old enough to be able to start to notice things."

"I just hope it's him..." Roman frowned.

"It'll be okay Roman." Roman immediately smiled sadly.

"I'm going to go look around at some stuff I'll be back." He walked away and watched as Virgil and someone else approached logan. His heart picked up and he almost cried right then and there. He looked exactly like him. Roman immediately ran over and started a conversation with them. They offered him a ride and Roman watched his facial expressions. Something wasn't right. He purposely drove the wrong way a few times and they all laughed it off but Roman watched as Remus kept glancing at the clock. He was afraid. Roman finally pulled up the house and he watched remus freeze before opened the door and thanking them for the ride.

"What a weird kid." Virgil laughed out. "Alright then, homeward bound."  Roman pulled away and immediately memorized the address. He was going to bring this man down.

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