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***two years later***

"So, when do I finally get to meet this logan you speak so highly of?" Remus leaned on his hands and playfully smiled at Virgil. Virgil stuck out his tongue.

"Oh leave it be Remus, he goes to a different school." Remus laughed.

"Ah so he isn't a reject. So what drew you two together anyways?" Remus asked.

"We met in the library a few months after I met you...then we started going out for some coffee and talking." Remus giggled.

"And it's just the two of you talking?" Remus wiggled his eyebrows. Virgil threw a fry at him.

"You have gotten so much worse my god Remus."

"You love me." Virgil laughed.

"Yeah I do" Virgil then tapped his pencil on the table. "I've been actually meaning to talk to you Remus.." he's going to tell you he doesn't want to be friends.

"Oh?" Remus asked.

"I'm...leaving this school." Remus almost started crying but instead he laughed.

"You can't be serious." Remus looked at Virgil and saw he was dead serious. "B-but..."

"Remus, my grades are a lot better and parents enrolled me at the other school for -."

"For the smart kids who aren't rejects..." Remus looked down at the table. "You can say it I know...."

"Remus that isn't what-."

"Have fun being mister popular." Remus grabbed his stuff and stormed off. He started wiping his face of tears. His only friend of two years and he's leaving him for some other school. He should have known something like this would have happened. He shouldn't have made any friends at all.

***a couple months after Virgil and Remus stopped talking***

"I'm just going to get art supplies you can chill out dad-." Remus was slapped hard.

"What the hell did you just call me?" Remus pouted.

"Sorry, I'm going to get art supplies and I'll be back later..." he paused. "Old man."

"damnit Remus."

"Oh suck my ass." He flipped his father off and left the house.

"Be back before midnight!"

"What the fuck am I Cinderella!!" He rolled his eyes as he walked down the street. His father seemed pissed with him for leaving the house more often now...he bit his lip. Wonder why.

***time skip cuz I can***

Remus was about the leave the food court when he saw a familiar purple hoodie. He stood up and walked over tapping his shoulder.

"H-hey Virgil it's been awhile." Virgil looked at him and then laughed.

"Roman it's been-." Virgil looked down and saw the mustache then immediately hugged Remus. "Remus!"

"How you been emo?" Virgil pulled away.

"I'm sorry we haven't talked Remus...."

"It's fine you've been busy."

"Oh! I'm here with Logan! Did you want to finally meet him?" Remus bounced excitedly.

"Oh my god yesss!" They walked over to a smoothie booth and Virgil tapped a tall kid on the shoulder. He turned and smiled at Virgil then looked at Remus.

"Roman when did you change?" The kid who Remus assumed was Logan asked.

"Logan, Remus, Remus, logan." Logan looked him up and down.

"Now I see he's a different person...he's much smaller than Roman...this is just weird..."

"I am really curious as to who this Roman is, when I first met Virgil he thought I was Roman."

"He's our friend, and you look exactly like him so maybe you are his doppelgänger! That would be so fucking cool!" Virgil said excited.

"Relax Virgil." Logan laughed. "It is highly possible."

"I heard my name!" A kid in red and white bounced over. He paused looking at Remus. "Oh my Disney..." he walked around Remus and looked him up and down. "Where'd you find the carbon copy of me?"

"Relax Roman, this is the kid I old friend." Remus laughed a bit then looked down as he felt the tears sting his eyes. Old friend. He doesn't want you anymore.

"I'm going to just head home, my father wants me to be home before midnight and it's already really late.."

"Remus why don't we bring you home?" Logan offered. Remus smiled.

"Thanks but I think I'll be fine walking."

"Nonsense!" Roman hooked his arm into remuss. "We shall not leave a damsel in distress!"

"Why is he like this?" Remus asked. Logan laughed as him and Virgil followed behind.

"You'll get used to it." They got into a white van. Remus smirked.

"A white van with only front windows? What the hell are you my kidnapper?" Roman rolled his eyes.

"Yeah we are totally kidnapping you." They started diving and Remus gave them his address. As they pulled up to the house someone stood on the porch. Remus immediately looked down. He was so fucked. It was after midnight and he was also getting out of a van. He got out and waved.

"Thanks for the ride." He walked to the porch and he was dragged inside.

"It is one o'clock in the morning Remus!" Remus pouted.

"We ran into traffic! Roman kept taking wrong turns on purpose! I swear he wanted us to turn into a pumpkin." He watched his fathers face fall when he said romans name.

"You are to not leave this house. Understand me?" He snatched remuss phone. Remus glared at him.

"What the hell dad?! It wasn't even my fault!"

"You could have been fucking kidnapped Remus!" Remus pouted.

"Yeah well it would have been more fun than being stuck with you." He stormed up to his room and pulled out his laptop. He saw an email from Virgil and he raised an eyebrow.

Vi-Vi (Stormcloud): dude look at this...I think I know why you and Roman look alike and why you don't look like your father.

Remus opened the link and saw an image. He frowned. This was some random ladies Facebook page. He scrolled through it and saw a few more pictures of two kids playing. Then the pictures became less and less of two boys and more of just one. Every year on the same day the photo of a missing persons posted was posted. He looked at the link and clicked it. It aged up the photo of the little boy and his heart almost stopped. He looked over at his bedroom door. What the actual fuck? He sat on his bed away from his laptop and held his head in his hands. So his father was his kidnapper? And all this time he thought it was actually his real father!? No wonder why he was always so angry when Remus suggested leaving, he didn't want anyone finding him. Remus shook his head. No this was just Virgil pranking him or something. Remus decided to find out.

To Julia S:

Hello, my name is Remus Black, I saw your photos of your boys and...well...I think we need to talk.

He bit his lip and sent the message just as his as his kidnapper called him for dinner. Remus walked downstairs and sat at the table glaring at him.

"Okay, just because I told you you can't leave this house doesn't mean you have to give me the silent treatment." Remus shook his head.

"Not why I am doing so, asshole."

"Remus!" His kidnapper glared at him. "Language!"

"Fuck off!" He caught his hand just before he could slap him and shoved it away. "I know."

"What?" He asked.

"I know why I don't look like you, and why you don't have any photos of 'mom' anywhere." Remus crossed his arms. "You aren't my father. Just admit it."

"What the hell are you on about?!" He slammed his hand down.

"It's why you didn't want me going to school, you knew this was my hometown before you kidnapped knew that I would figure it out. Just fucking admit it!"

"Remus I don't know what's gotten into you, but you need to chill out, I am your father." Remus laughed.

"No you are not." He glared. "Romans my brother isnt he? It's why you flipped shit when I mentioned Romans name earlier?"

"Shut up and go to your room." He growled. Remus laughed and stood up.

"Gladly." He walked out and up to his room. His laptop pinged and he walked over to it.

To Remus B. From Julia S.

I....nobody has ever reached out to me about my boys. Do you know something about My missing son? Please contact me if you know more! I want to find him and bring him home safe. I noticed your name which is why I'm actually freaking out right now...please get back to me!

Remus was about to reply when his door slammed open. He flinched.

"What. The. Fuck." Remus looked at the phone and groaned.

"God damnit" he was grabbed by his arm and dragged out of his room. "Let go!"

"What's gotten into your head Remus!?" He struggled against his kidnapper.

"Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!" Tears filled remuss eyes.

"Stop it Remus!" Remus shoved him off.

"What are you going to do? Huh!? I already hate you!" He glared at Remus.

"Don't you dare start with me young man!" Remus flinched. "I am your father! Here's your fucking birth certificate to prove it!" He shoved the certificate at Remus and Remus just stared at it.

"Why..." Remus looked at his father. "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A DICK!?"

"Get downstairs. Now." Remus pouted.

"You promised you'd never do that again." Remus started to shake. "You said you'd never lock me up!"

"Remus, I'm not in the mood for this." Remus was dragged to the door. "Go." Remus walked down to the basement and sat down on the mattress. He rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall. Of course, he didn't believe the birth certificate. He bit his lip. So if this guy was his kidnapper...then why go through everything bringing him back here? What the hell attracted him back home? Remus let his eyes widen. Was he going to try and kidnap Roman!?

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