She did nothing

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In dadi's room

Shivaay comes there and march towards her  wuth slow steps

Shiv. Dadi

D.  Who  gave you permission to come in my room. Leave from here shivaay

Shiv. I'm I'm sorry Dadi.  I'm ashamed for my behaviour. I should had control my anger he said sitting infront of her keeping arms on her lap

D. I don't wanna talk to you shivaay.  So leave from here

Shiv. Don't say this Dadi you know na I cAnt handle your anger

D. If you really cared about me then I guess you shouldn't had talk with anika like that

Shiv. Dadi she is  lying. She very well knew that I didn't do deliberately. It was just incident which caused her to get hurt it was unintentionally Dadi. She is just trying to fill your ears against me that's it. Did you see how first she tried to be so kind with me and later she filled your ears.  Her hypocrisy is showing here only Dadi

D. But Anika didn't tell me infect I didn't meet her afterwards

Shiv.  Dadi don't need to cover her I know she did it

D. I said she didn't tell me anything. I didn't meet her

Shiv.  Then how you got to know he said wiping his tears having frown on his forehead

D. Tia told me about it. She said she had went in your room and that time you hurted Anika.  You did really bad shivaay not for hurting Anika but for letting that tia come near you that also that time when you are married with anika. I agreed you don't like Anika but you should understand that romancing with your x infront of your current is ridiculous.  These things doesn't suit you shivaay. If you want Anika to being loyal to you then you also have to be otherwise time won't take to break you both apart

Shiv.   We will talk about that later But first tell me was it tia who told you about our fight

D. Yeah she did. What you think am I lying

Shiv. I'm sorry Dadi next time I won't behave with anika like that please forgive me

D.  Fine billu but this  is  last warning for you

Shiv. Ok thank you Dadi.   Dadi smiles caressing his face and he left from there after kissing her hand.

Shiv. Tia's he grit his teeth and march towards her room In fast speed

In room

Tia is  putting nail paint on her nails when suddenly Shivay comes there and throw all the paints bottles down on the floor.

Tia.  What you did shivaay baby

Shiv. Shut the fuck up bitch. He screams holding her face in his fist

Shiv. You told Dadi about that incident

T. What you talking about  baby

Shiv.  Just shut up. Don't try to be innocent I've got to know that you told Dadi that I've hurted Anika.

T. It's  just slip of tongue

Shiv.  Because of your fuckin slip of tongue my whole family got angry over me.  My Dadi literally slapped me.   It's all happened because of you and instead of being angry over you i yelled on that Anika.   I don't know how many things I've said to her and it's all because of you. 

T. Ok stop blaming me for that which you did it. I agreed I've told Dadi but there was nothing connection with anika though why would she tell Dadi when already she had told her that she got on  her own. When you can't trust her then why are you yelling at me.  You should feel angry over your ownself instead of me shivaay because it's your mistake not mine. She said pushing him away

Shiv.  Tia I will sue you surely wait and watch. He glares her and walked out from there fuming in anger.

In room

He shut the door with bang and started walking here and there rubbing hand over his face.

Shiv. How dare she how dare she told Dadi how could she he screams and broke the table throwing it in other side of room

Shiv. I will kill you tia. I will kill you he shout and see on the bed tapping his foot on the floor.  Well feeling angry over tia his eyes landed on the pool and then he realised Anika is not  being seen from last many hours. It's almost 12 pm and she is not here.  He got up and look through all  the room but there is no clue of her

Shiv. Anikaaaa he calls her name and march out from his room calling her name

In a park

Anika is sitting still crying thinking  about his words and behaviour.  Apparently He did really bad with her. Infect pushed her in  death bed. But still she took his side and hide the truth to thinking his family will be angry over him  but what he did he still didn't believe her and blamed her for  that which she didn't do. That  asshole don't  deserve anything. He deserve only evil people like tia who bite him from back.  He don't deserve her
  From now on she won't take his side will always blurt out the truth. Then she will see how he will react.  One thing more hurted her and that he dragged family matter in all this. Which is really sensitive part of her   Life. He shouldn't had do this. He shouldn't had say her all this.  She sobs play with her fingers without realising the time.  Suddenly she got scared when someone throw ligit over her and march towards her still tucking light on her face

Man. Madam what you doing here at this time. Don't you know park has been closed

Ani. I just

Man. Leave from here now. It's not save for you. Go home

Ani. I'm sorry im going.  She wipes her tears and left from there

How will you understand the love of family when you don't have any. If you had one brother then that also left you. You got nothing Anika that's why you tried to fill my family ears against me. You are evil just evil.  These words keeping in her mind she is walking on the road with looking back. She don't understand this man first of all he married her she didn't ask him to do it and now he is behaves like she was the one who forced him neither he.   It should be she who should be angry over him not he who always been on mistake.

Hay madam what you doing here move from here move.  A man screams from the car but it was already late and she got hit by car felling on the road.

Ani. Aaaa she moan in pain when she got hurt on her forehead.

Man. Mad woman.  Can't you see he said making her get up from the floor.

Man. If I won't had break then surely you would had died

Ani. I'm sorry

Man. You should be.   Now don't walk on the roads he shout at her and left from there zooming away his car.

Anika  hissed when she felt her blood running down from her forehead. 

At home

Shivaay is calling her again and again  standing in the door but she is not  picking up the call nor messages. He is pissed off and worried as well and why won't he when she didn't come back till now. One o clock is ticking on the watch and she is no where to seen. Suddenly his attention went on the  door when she comes inside with slow steps

Shiv. Stupid girl he run towards her and  hold her arm tightly making her yelp in pain

Shiv. Where were you ha. Do you know how much I was worried but he stopped when he saw her forehead which is bleeding

Shiv. Anika he immediately left her arm and cup her face making her hiss in pain

Shiv. Mad woman what you did to yourself how did you get it. But instead of telling him she pushed him away making him stumble

Ani. I don't need to tell you.  I'm bad na. I made your fsmily insult you.   I don't care about your family's feelings because I don't have any one then  I guess you shouldn't  show fake care to me as well. Just stay away from me and  don't need to show that you think about me and all I can care about  myself I don't need you any fuckin shity concern. Just stay away from me. Just stay away. She hit him on his chest again and stormed away form them wiping her tears. 

Shiv. Ya right I don't give damn. Go to hell. He shout and also went behind her to seeing what she is doing.

In room

He comes inside and found her taking pillow and blanket from the bed

Shiv. What you think you are doing

Ani. I'm going to sleep

Shiv. Stupid you didn't Even wipe your  forehead. It's still bleeding

Ani. It's my face and forehead. You don't think about that

Shiv. I'm not thinking about you. I'm thinking about pillow and sofa which you gonna Make dirty with your nasty blood. 

Ani.   Fuck  you and your pillow and sofa. I don't need them.  Keep licking them yourself I'm going. She shout throwing pillow and left from there fuming anger.  Shivaay who was standing near the door he goes towards window and saw her sitting near the pool tree leaning over it.  A painful sob erupted from her mouth and started crying looking down closing her eyes tightly.

Ani. I hate you. You made me condition like this. I hate you baghbilla.  She   Cry keeping her face on her arms looking towards water. Shivaay shut the  curtains and growl in anger after seeing her so rude behaviour towards him. Here he was showing her concern and instead of appreciating him she yelled at him and left from there. Now she should burn outside. He don't care. Let he die. He twisted his mouth and lay down on the bed covering himself with blanket. In no time sleep over took and he went in deep slumber.

4 am
Shivaay saw some bad dream and got up grasping. He looks around and found himself alone in the room. He run his hands on his face and set on the bed taking long breath. Suddenly he realised Anika is not there. Thats means she is still out. He pushed the blanket and run towards outside slipping In His slippers. Mad woman he thought she will come in room when she will feel cold but here she didn't come yet. He comes towards pool side and got shocked to seeing her still sitting on same place curled like bowl shivering badly . This girl she needed good treatment for not thinking about her ownself. He march towards her and immediately pick her up in his arms breaking her sleeping

Ani. Shivaay what you doing leave me she try to come out from his hold but he hold her more tightly glaring her

Shiv. Stop moving.

Ani. Aaaaa she moan holding her head when a wave of pain hit her head.

Shiv. I've told you to not move now look what happened. Anika look at him and then bend her eyes down bursting into tears she started crying silently closing her eyes. She is tired , tired of running here and there fighting with him and her life. She behave evil sometime but what she can do when he force her being like this. If he would behave with her good then definitely she gonna be fine but he is the one who never leave chance to tease her or fight with her

Shiv. Now you are crying. Why didn't you come on first place

ani. Stop trying to hide your mistakes you forced me to leave your room she sobs holding his collar in her fist tightly

Shiv. If I shouted that's doesn't mean you shouldn't come back in room. afterwardsyou can come

Ani. I've my self respect. If someone insult me once then I don't like to see his face even

Shiv. You and your self respect. Huh she is behaving like I don't know the truth he chuckle sarcastically

Ani. What do you mean

Shiv. Nothing. Saying this he went with he inside carrying her in his arms. He made her sit on the bed and march towards drawer to her first aid. He brought it near her and set besides her fetching out tonic and cotton

Ani. Sss It will hurt

Shiv. I know that. But you have to bear it otherwise it will get swollen which is not good. Now come here let me tend it. He said forcing her to look at him so that he could clean it

Shiv. By the way how did you get it

Ani. I'd cAme infront of car. She said playing with her dress

Shiv. What , are you serious

Ani. Now stop teasing me and do fast. I'm getting irritated

Shiv. You are stupid Anika.

Ani. Not more than you

Shiv. Excuse me

Ani. Nothing nothing now please do it. Shivaay shakes his head and does her bandage

Shiv. You can sleep on the bed.

Ani. So you gonna sleep on the floor

Shiv. Of course not. Saying this he grabs the pillow and lay down otherside of bed

Ani. I can't sleep with you.

Shiv. Aj so jao tomorrow you can sleep somewhere else

Ani. But

Shiv. Meri maaa Tomorrow I've office to go so kindly sleep already half night is gone

Ani. Baghbilla

Shiv. I've heard it

Ani. That's why I said it. She made pillow wall and lay down there closing her eyes.

In morning

Shivaay baby she open the door with bang but next second she stopped when saw their position. Literally Anika is sleeping on top of shivaay keeping her face on his chest well shivaay is keeping his one arm around her waist and other One on her head lost in their own word where they don't bother about anything

T. How dare she how could she do it. She fums in anger and left to telling pinky. In non time because of her heals sound shivaay's eyes got open and he yawned acutely. He about to get up when he stopped feeling weight over him. He look at his chest and muffled to seeing Anika sleeping over him and not only this he is gripping her like someone gonna take her away.

Shiv. Wtf as he take these words out Anika set straight on his crotch looking around like little monkey

Ani. What what happened

Shiv. Get get up he mumbled trying to say her get up but she is the one who is in still half sleep and wondering what happened

Shiv. Get up. Anika look their condition and immediately got up looking at him with big eyes

Ani. I'm sorry she said swiftly and run away giving him odd look. Shivay hold his crotch and fold his legs together moaning in pain.

Precap. Their wedding rasams

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