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Shivaay. Ani Anika he calls her name and took her in his lap immediately. He hold her wrist which is bleeding but unfortunately it's not stopping infect it's bleeding so badly.

Shiv. Shit. Anika he calls her name again and again petting her cheek but nothing is working infect she is getting pale second by second. As shivaay's realised its not gonna work he immediately tied her dupata on her wrist and run outside carrying her in his without looking around.

Shiv. Khana khana. He calls khana name coming outside of house. Khana who was around he come running there and got shocked when he saw Anika in his arms that also unconscious

Shiv. Khana get the car out. We need to leave for hospital

Khana. What happened to her sir

Shiv. Ask me all this later but right now get the car

Khana nods and immediately left for car.

In hospital

Shivaay set on the bench in the horror thinking about consequences. If something happens to her then what will he answer to his family because he knows how big drama gonna be created because of it. He is just praying for her well being otherwise everything will get ruin. He rub his hands in tension and got up walking here and there.

He grit his teeth feeling angry over tia as it's all happened because of her. Neither she would had come in the room nor he would had shout at anika and she would had got hurt. It's all mistake of her. She did it yes she did it. He try to console his heart and mind to putting blame on tia because somewhere he knows that he is responsible for her condition. He did it. In anger he got blind that much that he didn't realise he is hurting her. Infect he didn't even see his broken ring which he was wearing How stupid he he even idiot as well.

Khana. Sir hows Anika mam

Shiv. I don't know they took her inside.

K. Ok I hope she would be fine

Shiv. If something happened to her then. Fear gripped around his heart even thinking about it. Unknowingly or better to us unwontedly tears fell down from his eyes

K. She is strong sir. I'm sure she will be fine. Don't worry

Mr oberoi doctor comes out from the ward removing his cap

Shiv. Doctor he goes towards him and look at him with hope filled eyes

Shiv. How's she ? Is she fine.

Do. It's really good that you tied that scarf over her wrist otherwise if blood would had got loss more then her life also could had go. But thankfully she is saved now. And gonna get her conscious in morning then you can take her home

Shiv. O thank you doctor

Do. It's ok saying this he left from there. Shivaay sighs in relief and set on the bench hanging his head down being thank full to god to not do any thing to her.otherwise he would had fell in trouble. 

In morning

Anika open her eyes slowly and again  close them because of sun ray. She moan  feeling tried and  about to lift her arm up but again drop it feeling so  much pain over it. She looks down and saw bandage has been tied  around her wrist.  Then she remember how last night he has cut her wrist and she landed here. Indeed he don't like her infect hate her to the cure that's why  he tried to harm her.   She closed her eyes and let her tears come out from there. Where she was thinking about a happily life Atleast after marriage and where she got landed with him who  consider her nothing but a road side stone Which belongs to nothing.   

Shiv. Anika he comes towards as he saw her all awoke. He set besides her and kept his hand on her forehead showing little concern

Shiv.  Anika are you fine. Thank god you got up.   Doctor had said that you gonna be up around six but you took two more hours to open your eyes. 

Ani.  are you scared she said turning towards him having stern face

Shiv. No I I

Ani. What I and one second why are you still here. You should had left me here  and stayed at home instead of wasting your time over me. 

Shiv. What are you saying Anika I  was worried

Ani. Yes you were worried that If family will got to know about that then they will shout at you and will feel angry over you to harming me. Isn't.

Shi.  No it's nothing like I'm just

Ani. You just what.  Stop hiding your fears because you are really bad in it. I know that why you are doing this and what motive you have behind.

Shiv.  Ok fine if you know then keep this straight in your brain if you told my family then

Ani. Then what ha then what , will you cut my another wrist or this time you gonna slit my neck. 

Shiv.  Shut up Anika I'm not murderer. I didn't do deliberately it was just accident

Ani. It was not incident. You did it deliberately. You wanted to kill me.

Shiv. I didn't want to kill you for god sake.  My ring was broken and it got slid in your wrist that's it. 

Ani. You are jerk.  She sobs and turn her face away sobbing silently

Shiv. Ok stop this drama and let's go from here family must be worried

Ani. I don't wanna go

Shiv. You have to go and I'll take you saying this he carry her in his arms making her shock

Ani. What you doing let me go she wriggle in his arms but he is the one who didn't leave her an started marching outside along with her without caring she is in hospital gown that also without slippers.  He brought her outside and made her sit in his car with the help of khana who was waiting for them

Ani. You didn't let me change my clothes even she screams over his face which made him angry  but he  control himself and shut the door over her her marching towards his side

Shiv. We are Going khana. You come in another car. Khana nods and they drove sues from there. 

An. You are bastard  and asshole

Shiv. I know that don't need to tell me. He said  turning his car right side swiftly which cause her arm collided with  door

Ani.  Sssss  aaaa she cry in pain when a string wave of pain hit her

Ani.what you doing stupid. Drive slowly for god sake

Shiv. Are you fine

Ani. No I'm not.  She said clutching yes arm which is paining profusely

Shiv.  Drama mera samne mat karo Anika.  I don't wanna see them. Anika shakes her head in disbelief and turn her face away wiping her tears.

Ani.  Asshole

After some couple of minutes they reached in house and cAme out from the car 

Shiv. Hey she about to fell down because of  little  stone on whom she kept her foot mistakenly but luckily shivaay caught her

Shiv. Are you fine

Ani. I'm she said jerking his hands away

Shiv. You deserve nothing Anika the way you behave

Ani. So did I ask you to give me something

Shiv. Ok ok now shut your bloody mouth and let's go inside. He glares her and took her inside.

Pinky. Shivaay she comes running towards him and took him in her arms

P. Are you fine shivaay. Where you had been. You know how much worried I was for you

Shiv. Mom wo I

Ru. Bhabi he goes near her fastly when he saw her in hospital gown along with bandage on her wrist

Om. What happened Bhabi how come you are in hospital gown and what happened to you wrist

D.  Anika are you fine. Show me your hand she got worried when she saw her wrist

Ani. Don't worry Dadi  nothing happened it's just a little cut here

Om. What is this shivaay how Bhabi had got this wound. 

Ru. Did you do anything to her

Shiv. I I

Ani. No he did nothing don't blame him actually I had fell down on the floor which cause my bangles broke and pierced in my wrist. Shivaay look at her shockingly when she told them clear lie for him

Ru. Are you sure Bhabi. I'm not convinced by your story

Ani. I'm saying right don't worry. Anyways can I go room I wanna get out from this gown

D. Shivaay go with anika

Shiv. Yes Dadi. He nods and left with her

In room

Anika set on the chair and closed her eyes feeling tired or better to say because of pain when Shivay spoke

Shiv. I I didn't thought that you will cover me and

Ani. I didn't want Dadi to get angry over you. If she would had got to know then she would had feel so bad for being Dadi of such a beast grand son

Shiv. You lied for me  to them that's doesn't mean you will insult me like this afterwards

Ani. But I didn't say anything wrong. I said which is right.

Shiv. Keep your tight end wrong with you I don't wanna listen.

Ani.  Even I don't wanna do. Anyways now stop eating my head and let me go for changing my clothes. I'm feeling really clumsy in them

Shiv.  That's my room and I guess bathroom as well.

Ani. So you mean to say that I can't use the even

Shiv. Kind of

Ani. Let's see. She smirk and  get the clothes out from her bag which she had kept in the corner

Ani. So I can't use your bathroom

Shiv. No

Ani. Then definitely I'll use it she pushes him and run towards bathroom locking the door with thud

Shiv. Anika he screams feeling angry over her to not listening him.

After sometime

Shivaay come in room and saw her sitting on the bed trying to open her bandage.

Anj. Ssss she moan in pain when   Pain sudden pain  woke up there

Shiv. If you can't do it then why don't you ask another  person to do.  Give me ill do it

Ani. I don't need your help. She said looking at her wound which has   Turned her skin in blue near that area. Shivay look at  it and felt bad   To seeing the condition of her wrist  because some where it's his mistake. He had hold her wrist that tight that his ring went inside of her skin.

Shiv. Give me you stubborn girl I'll do it. He snatched from her hand and started tending it. Anika look at him and then turn her face away  wiping her tears which slide down from her eyes.

Shiv. It's done

Ani. Erm ya ok she said taking her hand back looking down.

Shiv. Anika I He about to say her something when he stopped hearing shout from the downstairs

Shiv. Dadi. He look at  anika confusedlu snd lett with her for downstairs

Shiv. Dadi what happened when suddenly his mouth got shut and  eyes got popped up when Dadi slapped him making him fell in Anika's arms

Ani. Shivaay she takes his name keeping hand over his cheek which got red like beetroot

D. How heartless you are billu. I never thought that you will do this.  I'm so disappointed from you.

P. What happened mummy Ji.  Why did you slap my son

D.  Why don't you ask your son who is harming his wife and then making her speak lies infront of me

Om. What do you mean by that Dadi

D. This ,,this wound which Anika have got its not because bangle had went inside. It's shivaay who cut it

Ru. What   ? Bhiya what Dadi is saying. Is that true. Did you harm Bhabi. But shivaay is the one who is standing being statue not believe his Dadi slapped him

D. Have you thought that shivaay if  you won't had take her hospital then what would had happened.   She could had die but I don't think so you had realised because  you were just busy to hurting her

Ani. No Dadi it's nothing like that I

D.  Stop  taking his side Anika.  Just stop.and you shivaay you just disappointed me so much.  I'm really sad because of your behaviour. Saying this she look at him angrily and left from there.  All family shakes their head and walked out

Ani. Shivaay she kept her hand over his shoulder but he just jerked  it and left for his room Anika who saw him going she also Went behind him

In room

She reached there and saw him sitting on the bed keeping hand Over his cheek where she slapped her. He is still in  that daze when she raised her hand over him

Ani. Shivaay she goes near him and set besides him keeping hand Over his shoulder. 

Ani. Shivaay I didn't know that this will happened and

Shiv. You didn't know That ha. Why you are lying Anika. Stop pretending like you didn't have  hand in that

Ani. Matlb 

Shiv stop being so good Anika because I know that you have told Dadi about it

Ani. I didn't why would I do  it

Shiv. Don't lie. If you didn't tell then who told her.  Now I've understood first you  acted goody goody infront of me and lied infront of Dadi. Then you went back to her and told all that including in some lie

Ani. I didn't do it infect I didn't leave the room

Shiv. Because of you my Dadi got angry over me Infect my whole family. Such a cunning witch you are Anika. Here I was feeling bad for you and there you back bit me.

Ani. Shivaay it's nothing like that I just

Shiv. Now  don't say that why would you hurt my family and me.  Because  I know you did it. Though why would you care if someone will feel hurt because you just know how to hurt people and  about  my family then you want to  bring rift between us.  You don't know how it feel when family get angry over you. You can't feel the pain and why would you feel when you don't have family. If you had a little Brother then he also left you.  Family pain that person understand who ever got them when someone didn't have then how will he understand

Anika got up and move back looking at him with teary eyes

Ani. You shouldn't had say this. You shouldn't had. She sobs and left from there leaving him alone

Shiv. Go to helllll 😬

Precap ..... some wedding rasams

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