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The girl sat by the side of the river, watching the fish swim by. She puts her hand in and a few nibble at her fingers.  She giggles at their touch. The girl had known the forest for here whole life. When she was just five years old her parents left her.  She didn't blame them or hate them.  She felt bad for them.  That she gets to live in such a wonderful place. She's only left the forest twice and each time she regretted it.

She sat alone as she heard a gunshot and Plagg, her puma and father run up to her. "Plagg it's okay." She giggled as another gunshot was heard. "Everyone's gotta eat. I won't let them hurt you."  Tikki, her deer and mother sat next to her. She learned English from hunters and campers. She made her own clothes but wore stolen dresses from campers most of the time.  "Let's go home."  She said as the hunters walked through the woods to her.

She got up and sat on Plaggs back and he took her to her home. A cave she shared with forests animals. She made everything on her own and was happy about her life. The forest animals were her friends, they helped her pick berries for her to eat and even gave her themselves to eat during the winter months when they couldn't find anything. She was thankful for them.  They were her friends and family.

"Prince Adrien where do you think your going." Nathalie yelled as Adrien tried to leave the castle.

"I'm going to town. You can't stop me." Adrien left but didn't go into town. He went to the forest. He heard a rumor from the maids in his castle that if you stay the night and survive you will live forever. Your not allowed in the forest for the fearsome beast that lives in it but hunters were since they needed the money and everyone has to eat. Adrien got to the edge of the forest as the sun set. He took a deep breath before walking in and finding a tree to sleep under.

"Plagg did you hear that?" The girl asked as she brushed out her hair. Plagg stood up and they walked out of the cave to find Adrien asleep by the cave. "Is he dead?" Plagg looked at him and shock his head 'no'. She took a breath of relief. "I wonder who he is." She sighed and climbed the tree and watched his chest evenly lift and rise, lift and rise until the sun came up where she hid behind a big rock.

"Did it work?"  Adrien stood up and looked into the nearby river. "I don't look that different.  I guess rumors and rumors." He sighed as she took a step closer breaking a twig. "Hello who's there?"

She stepped out from behind the rock as Plagg and Tikki watched her from the cave. "Who are you?"

"I should be asking you that. Why were you following me. Do you know what happens if you follow the prince?"

"No who's the prince?" She asked as she sat by the riverside. Gently she putting her hand in the water and having the fish nibble her fingers again. "Good morning friends." She giggled.

"Who are you girl?"

"I asked first." She laughed as a rabbit came up to her holding a leaf filled with berries. "Thank you Mylene."  She gave her four of them as more animals surrounded her.

"I am Prince Adrien. Why did you call the fish your friends?"  He sat next to her as she ate.

"This is my home. I've known the forest my whole life." She smiled as she gave Mylene another berry. Plagg was hungry so he walked up to them.

"Stay back!" Adrien yelled as he brought out his sword and held it in Plaggs direction.

"No stop. This is Plagg. Let me take you to my cave there you can eat as well." She smiled and Adrien put his sword away. She skipped to the cave and walked inside to find a bear sleeping on her makeshift bed. "Ivan wake up. You promised to catch my fish for lunch."

Ivan yawned and left. "You have an interesting life." Adrien chuckled as she brushed out her hair again. "What's your name?"

"I don't have one.  I was abandoned here when I was young and can't remember it." She smiled as she put her brush down.

"Can I give you a name then?"

"Sure. I've never had another friend that's not an animal." She smiled. The light hit her eyes in a way making them sparkle like the river they were just at.

"How does Marinette sound?"

"I love it! Marinette."  She smiled bigger as Ivan came back with fish.  she gave him half of what he caught and cooked the rest. "Here eat."  She smiled as she gave Adrien a fish she cooked.

"Uhm okay." Adrien looked around for something to put the fish on but couldn't. Marinette took a bit straight out of the fish and ate hers quickly. Adrien did the same and ate the fish bite by bite.

"You should head back to your kingdom." Marinette said as she lead Adrien back to the edge of the forest.

"Why don't you come with me?"

"Because every time I pass through this wall of trees I'm known as a savage. It's kind and nice and warm here while everyone else is cruel and mean over there. You can visit here anytime you like. You know where the river is and there you can find me."

"I'll see you soon Marinette." Adrien kissed the back of her hand and left back to his castle.

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