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Adrien has been coming back everyday to the forest for a month now. He would bring her clothes and food. He would miss important business trips or meetings or lessons just to be with her. She made him happy. They sat by the river eating a picnic he prepared for them.

"Adrien you're far to kind. I can't keep letting you give me things." Marinette pleaded as Adrien looked deep into her eyes.

"But I want to. You're far kinder then me and with all of my money I might as well spoil you." Adrien joked but it made Marinette hurt and confused. "Hey what's wrong?"

"I-I need to give you something back. It's not fair if you keep giving me things and I can't give you any back." Marinette said as tears escaped her eyes. "It's just not fair."

Adrien moved closer to her as she cried. "Hey please don't cry." He hugged her and she didn't know what to do, shes never been hugged before. She eventually wrapped her arms around his neck. "You already have given me the best thing ever."

"What is that?" She asked as she lifted her head off of his shoulder.

"Happiness." Adrien smiled and she laughed.

"Don't you have a meeting to be at?" She laughed.

"Yeah but this is better." Adrien smiled.

"Prince Adrien where are you!" Nathalie yelled as she rode her horse into the woods.

"Who's that?" Marinette asked as Adrien grabbed the picnic. He ignored her question and she skipped while he ran into her cave.

"Your father is furious! Come out this instant!" Nathalie yelled as she passed the cave. "Check in there."

"Oh no." Adrien whispered as a butler, Nino walked into the cave. Marinette giggled as Adrien began to panic.

"Adrien dude your dad is angry." Nino said as he walked into the cave. "That meeting was important for some reason."

"Adrien he's your friend." Marinette giggled. She tried to move but Adrien stopped her.

"Dude I won't tell anyone, but Alya. You know this." Nino crossed his arms. "I guess you won't mind if I eat your croissants then." Nino walked out of the cave and up to Nathalie. "No one in there."

She sighed. "Well then he's in the village." They left and Adrien breathed.

"What was that about?" Marinette pouted.

"I'm not really suppose to come here."

"Well that much I figured since you missed a meeting." Marinette stuck her tongue out as they walked back to the river. Marinette sat by the edge of a rock while Adrien stepped into the water. The light hit his hair making it golden and she blushed.

"Don't you want to meet other people?" Adrien asked and leaned on Marinettes lap.

"Not really. I have all the company I need right here." Marinette smiled and rubbed Adrien head and messed up his hair.

"'I should get going." Adrien sighed as he sat next to Marinette.

"Do you have to?" He put his head on her lap.

"Yeah. If I'm gone any longer I won't be able to leave the castle." Adrien sighed and looked deep into her eyes and she did the same. They starred at each other in silence. They looked away when Plagg put his paw on Adrien face. Marinette laughed and they got up.

"Why don't you stay with me tonight?" Marinette asked as she walked Adrien to the edge of the forest.

"I wish I could." Adrien sighed as they stopped at the edge."Why don't you come with me?"

"You know how I feel about people over there."

"I know. But you'll stay in the castle and be treated like the princess you are." Adrien took her hands.

"I'm not a princess." Marinette laughed.

"You're my princess." Adrien put his forehead to hers. "And then in the morning you can come back to the forest if you don't like it." Adrien starred deep into her eyes.

"Fine." Marinette giggled. Adrien smiled and they left the forest and headed to the castle.

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