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Marinette skipped through the forest and back to her cave where Plagg was waiting. He purred and ran over to Marinette when she came into the cave and she pet him. "I missed you too." She laughed and pushed Plaggs head away. Ivan came in with her lunch and she cooked it and feed all of the animals too. "I hope you like it." Marinette smiled and gave them all their food and sat by the river waiting for Adrien.

Adrien walked into the castle and was met with silence. He got used to it but it was too quiet. You didn't hear the shuffling of the maids and butler or the talking of them as they were on break. Adrien sighed and went up to his room. "Adrien where did you go?" A cold voice said behind him as he walked up the stairs only to stop in his tracks.

"I walked my guest home."  Adrien turned around to his father.

"You have another meeting." Gabriel turned and left Adrien on the stairs. Adrien sighed and went to the room he has all of his meetings in.  He walked in and saw two people already in it.

"Hello and sorry for my tardiness. I was walking one of my guests home." Adrien sat down on the other side of the table.

"That is quite alright Prince." The small woman smiled.  "We are the Dupain-Chengs of the north. I am Sabine and this is my husband Tom. It's a pleasure to met you Prince."

"Please call me Adrien. What can I help you with?"

"Well our daughter-" Tom started.

"I am not looking for marriage at this time."

"No it's not that. We were hoping you could help us find her." Sabine handed him a small photo of her.

"Find her?" Adrien lifted a brow and took the photo.  "She's only 5."

"Yes in the picture but now she would be your age. We went on a picnic in your woods and lost her there. Do you think you can find her?" Tom pleaded.

Adrien handed the photo back. "Those woods have a beast living in them. I'd be surprised if she's survived this long." Adrien put his hands on the table. Tom and Sabine started to leave. "But there is always hope. Can I have a name and a small description of what she looked like." They sat back down and Adrien smiled.

"She has bluebell eyes and midnight hair. Her skin as pale as snow." Sabine smiled.

"And a name?" Adrien wrote down the description.

"Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Tom smiled.

"And how did you lose her and where at?"

"We went on a picnic by the river. She ran off chasing a purple butterfly and we lost sight of her. When we got ready to leave we looked for her but couldn't find her."  Sabine held back tears.  "Do you think you can find her?"

"Well I am an excellent detective. I'll do everything I can to bring her back but if I do not find her we must assume she's dead."

"Of course." Tom bowed to Adrien along with Sabine. "Thank you Prince."

"Please call me Adrien."  He smiled. They nodded and left. "I've already found her." Adrien smirked and started running out of the castle.

"Adrien Adrien!" Someone yelled from behind him. He turned around and saw a panting Alya and Nino. They stopped at his feet and caught their breath.  "Your not permitted to leave the castle until you wed." Alya huffed out.

"What." He spat out.

"Cool it we're just delivering your dads message." Nino said out of breath.

"But I was given an order to find someone."

"Who? And if this is an excuse to see that girl-" Nino got interrupt.

"What girl! Adrien are you dating someone?" Alya put her hands on her hips. Adrien sighed and walked back into the castle and into his room with them following.  "Adrien you will tell me EVERYTHING!" Alya grabbed his collar and he gulped.

"I uh found a girl in the forest and how do you know about her?" Adrien looked at Nino.

"You brought a girl yesterday. She didn't look like a Princess. Lucky guess."

"She's my Princess." Adrien mumbled under his breath. "I found a girl in the forest and I go to her everyday and hang out with her."

"So you're dating?" Alya smirked.

"What no! We're just friends! Now if you excuse me I have to go find someone." Adrien left his room then the castle and into the forest.

Marinette sat by the river singing a song she heard in the village as she and Adrien walked through it.  "Wise men say only fools rush in but I can't help falling in love with you."  Marinette looked into the water and saw Adrien reflection. She turned around. "A-adrien?" She got up and looked around. "Adrien are you here?" She looked behind a few trees but sighed when she found nothing. She sat back down at the river and sang the song again and again. "Oh Adrien why do you have to be so cute."  Marinette sighed and put her hand in the water and the fish nibbled on her fingers.

"Excuse me I've seen to have gotten lost can you help me?" Marinette turned around and saw a girl with long brown hair and a hood covering her eyes.

"Of course." Marinette smiled and stood up. "I'm Marinette."

"Volpina." She smiled back but it was hard to see. Her hood covering majority of her face. Marinette guided Volpina to the edge of the forest.

"Here we are. Have a nice day." Marinette started walking away.

"Where are you going? Don't you have a home?" Volpina questioned.

"The forest is my home." Marinette smiled.

"Well it seems I'll have to take you from it." Volpina smirked.

"What do you-" She was cut off by a hand going over her mouth.  She screamed for help as they tied her hands together and put a cloth into her mouth so she wouldn't and couldn't yell. They put a sack over her head and carried her out of the forest and put her in a carriage that was driven all the way to Lilas castle where she was chained to a wall. Adrien walked into the forest and looked around everywhere she said she would be but couldn't find her. He couldn't even find Plagg or Tikki.

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