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Adrien sighed heavily and went to Marinettes cave. He sat on her makeshift bed and hung his head. "Where are you?" Adrien sighed. Ivan ran into the cave and Adrien tilted his head up. "Hey Ivan." He started growling about something but Adrien didn't understand. "I I don't understand. Can you show me?" Ivan nodded and put his head in Adrien hand. He guided Adrien to the river. "She wasn't here." Ivan walked over to where Mairnette sat and pointed to it with his nose. "So?" He pointed to her small drawings she made with other rocks. It was in cursive writing, Adrien my Prince. Written every few feet. Adrien blushed and Ivan ran to him and kicked Adrien onto his back.

Marinette woke up in a room chained to a wall. She looked around but saw nothing but the dim light of a bared window. "Help! Plagg Tikki! Someone!"

"No one will hear you." Volpina came out of the shadows.

"Why are you doing this!" Marinette started crying.

"Your in the way of Adrien loving me. I get rid of you and he's all mine." She laughed evilly.

"But he wouldn't be happy. Adrien being happy should make you happy!" Marinette yelled.

"Shut up." Volpina spat out.

"Adriens smile should brighten up your day! It doesn't matter if your the reason behind it of not!"

"Shut up! This is why your a problem! Your always the reason behind his smile and soon I'll be the reason behind it!"Volpina ran out of the room and Marinette cried.

Ivan ran through the village with Adrien on his back. Everyone ran in terror as a bear three horses long ran through the village with the prince on its back. He stopped at the gates. "Why'd you take me here?" Adrien questioned. Ivan ignored him as two more animals joined him. A coyote with a blonde spot on its forehead and a pink tinted fox. Ivan ignored him and started hitting the gate until it fell over. "Woah I could've opened it!" Adrien yelled as Ivan ran to the front door and started hitting it. Adrien sighed and got off Ivan and opened the door. The coyote and fox started sniffing around with Adrien and Ivan following. "What're they doing?" Ivan just growled.

"Why is there a bear in here! And a fox and- why are animals in the castle!" Alya yelled and Ivan growled.

"Alya calm down. This is Ivan the bear." Adrien smiled hoping she wouldn't freak out.

"Why are there vicious animals in the castle!" Alya yelled and Ivan growled and started walking towards her when the coyote howled. Ivan turned back around and waked with the fox and coyote to Adriens room. Adrien sighed and followed them.

Ivan growled and put his nose on Adriens chest. "Yeah this is my room. What about it?" The fox howled. She had a flower in her mouth. "I gave Marinette that flower. She forgot it so what?" Ivan and the the other two walked out of his room and put Adrien on Ivan's back. "What're you doing!" Adrien yelled as Ivan started running through the castle.

"Why is there a bear! And why is Adrien riding it!" Nino yelled as Ivan ran down the stairs and into Adrien meeting room.

"What're you doing!" Adrien yelled as the fox smelled around the room. She handed Adrien a torn part of a pink dress. "So?" They shock their heads and ran out of the castle and back into the forest. The coyote handed Adrien a pink dress and a piece of an orange one. "What about it?" Ivan growled in annoyance. Adrien got off his back and walked back home.

"Someone help me!" Marinette cried out. Her throat started to hurt. She's been screaming all day.

"It's useless no one will hear you."  Volpina laughed.

"Adrien will come for me! Or Plagg or Tikki or Ivan! Someone will come for me!"

"Sweetie no one cares about you. No one is coming. I mean your parents left you in the woods."  She laughed more.

"No! Plagg and Tikki care about me! Adrien cares about me!" Her tears streamed down her face.

"Sweetie." Volpina got in her face. Marinette saw she had a mask. "At the end of the day no one is there for you." Volpina smirked and walked away.

"Adrien will come for me!"

"How? He thinks your in that forest playing tag with that puma of yours." Volpina laughed and left the dungeon. Marinette cried harder.

"Wait.  Plagg Tikki! Where are you!" She yelled but got no response. She wanted her family.  She wanted her Prince. Lila took off her mask and walked through her palace to the great room.

"Lila I'm glad you could make it."

"What kind of host would I be if I didn't Nathanael."Nathanael kissed Lilas knuckles and then sat down.

"How is the plan going?" Nathanael raised a brow.

"Splendid. Marinette is in the dungeon as we speak."

"Then you will let her out for me to find her."

"Yes.  I was going to do it in an hour. Hurry to the forest and take this." Lila handed Nathanael a map where her cave and usual places were. "She likes the places and the pink dot is her house er cave."

"Thank you mademoiselle." Nathanael bowed to Lila.

"No problem. Our deal still stands?"

"Of course. I find Princess Marinette and her parents allow me to wed her after finding her and you get your beloved Adrien."

"Perfect. I will go talk to King Agreste and have one of my minions free her." Lila stood up and walked Nathanael to the door and to his carriage.

"Until our next meeting." Nathanael got in and left for the forest.

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