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Walking into town with Gale, I keep my head down, wanting to lay low and not draw attention to myself. Birds sing in the trees and people walk around as though everything is normal. I look back and forth as I walk and Gale grabs my arm a moment. 

"You sure about this?" He asks and I nod. 

"We need supplies," I say. "Besides, the longer we stay away, the more suspicion that is put us. Enough people around here know that Peeta and I were hanging around together. He was last seen headed for the woods and they know you weren't fond of him being around me. It would look better if we come back to town so we don't draw more suspicion." Gale looks around and shakes his head. 

"As prominent ass the Mellarks are," He says. "I don't see a single missing poster."

"They think he ran away," I whisper and Gale shakes his head. 

"Still, could you imagine either of our families not looking?" he asks and I shrug.

"I guess things just work differently here than in the woods," I say. "Everyone is friends, making them less attached to their families." I start towards the Hob market, walking past the people like before and I shake my head. "I still don't like this though." Gale walks behind me, still keeping a protective stance and I weave towards Greasy Sae's table. 

"Hey, Girlie!" She says as she sees me walk up. I set my game bag and coal pail on the table and she looks through them.  "Long time no see." 

"Yeah, I'd been meaning to visit," I say. The traps were running dry and I didn't want to start to many fires. Rain wasn't falling so I wasn't sure what would catch if a spark got out of hand." 

"Well, thanks for coming to see me, let me go weigh this out and I'll get you your prices," She says and I nod, pulling a list from my pocket. 

"My mother would like these supplies," I say. "Just exchange for what I have here." Greasy Sae looks over the list and nods. 

"Sure, I can do that," she says handing her list to her granddaughter, "Grab these spices for me, won't you sweetheart." The little girl nods and walks back behind the counter. to the stock of spices. 

"How's business been?" Gale says and the old woman shakes her head.

"Oh, it's been good, " She says "Though not for everyone."

"What do you mean?" I ask and she looks back and forth before leaning forward.

"Rumor is, that Mellark boy went missing after he went into the Forest of Broken Trees," Greasy Sae says and I look up at her.

"How long ago?" I ask, the curiosity strong in my voice.

"Week, week and a half,"  she says. "Thing is, not too many claim to have saw him headed to the woods while a lot more claim to have heard a pretty nasty fight going on in their house a few nights before his father started looking around for him." 

"A fight huh?" I say. "Who do they think it was?" Gale kicks my legs, warning me to be a little more subtle. 

"Sounded like the boy crying and the old lady," She says. 

"You think the old lady did him in?" Gale asks and she shrugs.

"Ella runs a tight ship and that boy caused a lot of trouble for her when he was growing up," She says. "And she's been known to take out her temper." I shake my head.

"That's too bad," I say, "I met him here, even traded with the baker a couple of times. He seemed like a nice kid." Gale nods, looking at me. 

"I wasn't too fond of him, but that was only because he was overtly kind," he says. "Always trying to help." 

"Whatever the case, business for them has been bad," she says. "Nobody trusts the rumor that he'd run away and don't want to be associated with the kind of family to cover up something like that." The little girl walks up with a box filled with bottles of herbs and spices. 

"Is this everything, Grandma?" She asks and Greasy Sae nods. 

"Yes, thank you Janessa," She says taking the box and sliding it to me. "You two keep an eye out for that boy. I hope he's just lost in the woods." 

"Us too," Gale says picking up the box and I walk with him out of the market . We pass by the bakery and I can't help but stop. Looking at the building and shaking my head. "Katniss, you know he doesn't want them to find him right now."

"Yeah," I say looking at my hands. "I know. It's just, his poor father. He must be so worried, and I know where his son is, that he's alive and safe." I stand there a moment longer and shake my head. "Come on, lets go."  Gale nods and we start walking away when I hear the bell on the door ring. 

"Katniss," I hear the baker say behind me and I stop, looking at Gale. "Katniss Everdeen?" I turn and look at him. 

"Hello, Mr. Mellark," I say softly and he walks up to me. 

"Have you seen Peeta?" He asks, "I know you two are good friends and he's been gone for over a week."  He looks down  and I can see in his shoulders how tired he is and his eyes are red with the tears he must be shedding over the days.

"When is the last time you saw him?" I ask, my voice soft and gentle. 

"He and Ella had a fight one night and I know it was bad," He says, "Those two don't get along very well, so fights are common. But this time, he just wasn't acting the same after and a few days, he just left one morning." I look at him and sigh.

"Do you think she hurt him worse than usual?" I ask , my voice plain and monotone

"You know about that?" He says and I nod. "Did he tell you anything?"

"He didn't have to," I say quietly. "He flinched sometimes when we went out dancing. He was covered in bruises more often than not." The baker looks at me oddly.

"Dancing?" He asks and I nod. "He was sneaking out to the Underground?" 

"Katniss, we should get going," Gale says and I look up at him.

"You go on ahead, get those to my mother," I say. "I need to talk with Mr. Mellark a bit longer." Gale looks between us and sighs.

"You sure about that?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah, I'll catch up later," I say before turning back to the baker. "A few times a week, yeah. He was helping me get to know what life in the village, since I grew up outside of it. You didn't know?"

"No, he must have snuck out after we were in bed," He says, shaking his head.

"I'm guessing that's the kind of thing that Mrs. Mellark might lose her temper over?" I say, kind of leading him on. He nods.

"She hates that place," He says. "Thinks that that partying can lead to nothing but trouble."

"You don't think she'd seriously hurt him, do you?" I ask and he looks at me. 

"I don't know anymore, after this week I could believe anything," He says before looking at me, "Why? Do you know something?" 

"It isn't something I'm at liberty to say," I say. "Good Day, Mr. Mellark. I hope you find your son." I turn to try to walk away and he grabs my arm. 

"Please, Katniss," He says. "If you know anything, please just tell me that he's okay. I understand if you want to protect him, but please just tell me Peeta's okay." I look down a moment before turning back towards him and looking him in the eyes. 

"He was badly injured when I found him," I say and he lets out a sigh of relief. "But he's okay now and he's safe."

"Peeta's alive?" He asks and I nod.

"He's alive, but I can't tell you any more than that, he isn't," I look down and shake my head. "I don't think he's ready to face what happened yet. I doubt he would even want me talking to you about it right now, just because the less people who know about him right now, the better for him." The baker nods, crying. 

"Thank you," He says. "Thank you so much!" I nod and he looks up at me.. 

"What?" I ask and he smiles. 

"I was right about you," He says. "He started asking about Soul Bonds when you started coming here." I look him in the eye and nod.

"Then you understand that I must protect him, even from you?" I say and he nods. 

"Can I send you something, food or anything?" He asks and I nod.

"If that is something that you want to do," I say quietly. 

"Wait here," He says ducking inside the bakery. He comes out a few moments later with a paper bag, a few loaves of bread setting in it. "These were his favorite." I carefully take it carefully and nod. 

"I'll make sure he comes to see you as soon as he's ready," I say quietly, walking away. I place my arms around the bundles and carry them towards the trees. Darius nods to me as I walk through and towards the trail leading towards the house. I duck in to see them sitting down to dinner, Peeta sitting next to an open chair for me. He smiles and I set the bag on the table, 

"What's that?" He asks. 

"Your father sent it?" I say. 

"You told him?" Peeta asks, looking at me, clearly a little perturbed. 

"I told him that you were alive and safe," I say, sitting down. "I offered nothing more, nor did he ask anymore. I know you don't want anyone to know, but your father at least deserved to know that much." 

"How is he? He asks as my mother passes me a bowl of stew. I start eating and shrug. 

"Better now that he at least knows you aren't dead," I say. The room is rather awkward and silent after that, no one daring to break the tension. Peeta grabs his crutches suddenly and gets up, nodding his head to my mother.

"Thanks, for the meal, Mrs. Everdeen, " He says. "I think I'm gonna go outside a while, before night falls all the way. I watch him, go, sighing. I set my bowl on the floor for my sister's cat and follow him. Just outside the door, he sits, looking to the West from his place on the ground.

"Peeta?" I ask softly and he glances at me, "I'm sorry if I overstepped." He shakes his head and I come over to sit next to him. 

"It's okay," He says. "I'm sure he approached you."

"He did," I say quietly, "You told him about me. Well, not directly, but you started asking him about soul bonds after you had met me." Peeta chuckles and places his hand over mine on the ground. "He's so worried, Peeta."

"I know, " he says. "But I'm not ready to let him see me like this." He looks down and shakes his head at his missing leg.

"I know, Peeta," I say softly and he holds out his arm, offering to let me come close to him. I scoot over a little, leaning into his side. His hand gently grips my arm and I lay my head on his shoulder. "I know you don't want to disappoint him, but I don't think that's possible."

"He's the only person in my life who gave a damn about me," he says. "Well, except you my dear." I look up at the darkening sky and smile, the rainbow of colors fading into the night sky and stars above us.

"I don't think I ever realized how much I loved the sunset until now," I say softly.Peeta turns to look at me and smiles.

"It's my favorite color," He says "That soft orange as the sun starts to fall for the night." 

"I can see that, knowing you, " I say quietly

"What's yours?" He asks. 

"Favorite color?" I ask and Peeta nods. "Green."

"Just green?" He asks and I shrug. 

"Deep, like pineneedles probably," I say. "Just, you know, that fresh, lifey color,"

"Lifey color?" He says and I nod. "It's kinda funny, how we create one another's favorite colors. Plants and flames." I chuckle and shake my head.

"You are such a dork," I whisper and he tips my chin up. 

"Yeah, I know," He says. "But if it makes you smile, I'll be a dork until the day I die." He leans down and gently kisses me, soft and sweet.

Our first real,  both knowing it was coming and wanting it to be. My hand comes up to cup his cheek and I feel an intense burning in my chest as I feel that telltale lust that comes with a soulmate. He pulls away and leans his head against mine. 

"I love you," I whisper and he nods.

"I love you too," He says, stroking a strand of hair between his fingers. He looks down and then back up at me.

"What is it?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Nothing," Peeta says.

"You were going to ask me to come to the wheelhouse with you," I say and he nods.

"I'm going there tomorrow," He says and I smile. "Have you thought about it?"

"I have," I say softly and Peeta pulls away.

"You have," he says and I nod. "Did you decide anything?" I nod. 

"I'll go with you," I say softly. 

"Really?" He asks and I nod. 

"Nobody should have to be alone out here and now that we have each other, I don't want to let it go, " I whisper and Peeta leans in and kiss me again. 

I stay there with him in the fallen leaves until the light finally disappears from the sky.

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