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I carefully fold the last of my clothing and close them in the old suitcase. Prim sits on the bed, going through her bag for everything she thinks we would need in the wheelhouse over the next few days. 

"You know how to change his bandages?" She asks and I nod. 

"Yes Prim, I'm aware of how to change a bandage," I say softly. "I also know very well where to go for more." She nods and places a few rolls of bandages in my bag and sitting up.

"I guess, I really don't want to see you leave," she says I smile and shake my head.

"It was bound to happen eventually," I say quietly. "We leave when we grow up. Peeta doesn't want to impose any longer so he's moving into the stone house . I don't want him to be alone. It only makes sense that I would be the one to go with him. We have a soul bond. " Prim sighs, looking at the pile of clothes I had set aside and picks one up.

"What do you want me to do with these?" She asks and I shrug.

"Up to you," I say. "I just don't have the room to take the and there are only so many black dresses one person can own." 

"You could retailer them," she says and I look at the pile of clothes. "Make different styles than a floor length dress."

"I plan to do that," I say softly. I pick up my bag and smile at her. "I know it's hard, but I'm hardly a half mile away. Besides, I think we will both visit often." She nods and I hug her. Prim looks up at me and sighs.

"I'll leave you to it then, if you are really sure about this," she  says and I nod.

"I am," I say softly as I let go of her and climb down the stairs, ducking into the kitchen. Peeta stands there my mother packing the pack on his back with some of my father's old clothes. she glances at me and sighs.

"I'll leave you to it," She says and I nod. I walk over to him and smile.

"Shall we?" He asks and I nod. 

"Let's go get settled," I say walking past him. Peeta limps after me, already having become more agile on his remaining leg. "You think you'll like it out here?" 

"Oh, I think so," He says as we leave the house. "It isn't as though I could want for much out here." He looks around as a pair of birds flutters through the trees and past us. "Who knows, we just might end up staying out here?" I look at him and chuckle. 

"You'd move from happy little  village life to the dreaded  Forest of Broken Trees?" I say and he nods. 

"Of course I would," He says. "This is where you feel comfortable. And it is really, it's beautiful out here, Katniss. Don't you think so?" 

"Well, of course, but after the riches of the village, I didn't expect you to want to give that all up," I say and he shakes his head.

"Well, I'm not saying that," Peeta says. "Obviously we'd still visit. But I think I could see us living here. Don't you?" I shrug, walking with him towards the house. I open the door and we walk in, Peeta shutting the door after us. I walk over and light a lamp, looking around. 

"The bed is upstairs," I say quietly and he shrugs.

"Go ahead and put our stuff up there," He says and I look over at him. "I'll figure out a way up there."

"You sure?" I ask and Peeta nods. 

"Yeah," he says. "Right now I'm gonna go look at the plants around the house, see about maybe starting a garden." 

"Really?" I ask. 

"We need more food than what you can a catch in snares," Peeta says and I chuckle. 

"I suppose we will," I say and he goes back out the door as I climb up the stairs to the loft that had been made into a bedroom. I light the little kerosene lamp up there and walk over to the shuttered window, unlocking it and swinging the shutters open. I reach out and hook them to the sides of the house. walking back downstairs, I grab our clothes and bring them upstairs, setting them on an old dresser. I put Peeta's things in the top, where it wouldn't be so hard to get and mine in the drawer beneath it. I softly sing to myself as I work, pulling the musty sheets of furniture and wiping down what I can with the rags I can make with them. I get to the window and sit on the edge, stopping.

"Why'd you stop?" I hear Peeta's voice ask below me and I look down smiling.

"Just thinking," I say "You find anything?" He nods.

"Wild carrots and onions," He calls back up and I smile. 

"THere might be some potatoes closer to the river," I say pointing up the way. We could make stew with those and a small game animal like a squirrel." Peeta nods and starts that way.

"Okay, I'll take a look," he says and I watch him a moment.

"Just be careful of the snares," I call after him and I see him nod.

"I will, Katniss," He calls back and I move from the window. I sigh as I look at the room and go down stairs to continue the work of clearing off the old furniture. I start a small fire as I do to ensure it would be hot by the time that we decide to cook dinner. I start my song over and work to sweep up the floor a little. I keep my focus on making the house cleaner and more livable than it was before when Peeta walks through the door, a rabbit hanging from a string and a basket of veggies. 

"You pulled a snare?" I ask and he nods.

"I hope that's okay," Peeta says and I walk over to him. 

"Of course it is," I say quietly. I look at the animal and pick it from the ground, setting it on the table. "Have you ever cleaned out prey?" 

"A couple times," He says and I nod, pulling my knife out. 

"Use this," I say. "I'll go fill a pot with water and we can start a stew for dinner." Peeta nods, taking the knife and siting down, carefully starting to cut up the pieces of our meal. The rest of the night goes on like this. Us moving around one another as we get everything together for a meal and once it is done, eating it together at the table. Peeta smirks at me and holds out his glass.

"We did it!" He says. "All by ourselves." I chuckle and look at the now empty bowl below me. 

"Look at us, acting like adults in our own house," I say. He nods and looks around. 

"You did a good job, cleaning this place up," He says. "It already looks so much more like a home." I look around and nod.

"I always did really like this old place," I say soft and he stands up. "What are you doing?" 

"I'm gonna go get ready for bed," He says and I watch as he walks to the stairs.

"Do you need help?" I ask and he shrugs. 

"I think I can do it," Peeta says, setting his crutches to the side and grabbing onto the railing, hoping from step to step, slowly making his way up. I carefully follow after him, making sure he doesn't fall. Somehow, he does eventually make it all the way up. 

He comes over and sits down on the bed, breathing heavily. I stand to the side and tilt my head.

"You okay?" I ask and he nods. 

"Yeah," He says, "It was harder than I thought it would be." I walk over and sit down next to him. He sighs and carefully unbuttons the shirt he's wearing, pulling it off. He unbuttons his pants and slides them down, leaving him in just his undershorts as he lays back on the bed. "God it's been so long since I slept in a bed." I get up and grab his dirty clothes, throwing them to the side and grabbing my nightgown from my drawer. I look over my shoulder as I start to unlace myself from my dress.

"No peeking," I say and he shakes his head using a hand to cover his eyes. 

"You act like you have something to hide," Peeta says and I shake my head as the dress falls to the ground.

"Don't I?" I ask, sliding off my slip and pulling the nightgown over my head. "I already told you you aren't going to have me immediately rolling around in this bed with you the way lovers do." I walk over and pull his hand away.

"But is it so bad to get a sneak peek?" He asks looking me up and down. I walk around the bed and go to shut the window, "Could you uh, leave it open? I sleep better with a window open." I stop and walk back around, slipping under the covers as he does the same. 

"Fine, but don't complain to me when you freeze your butt off," I say and he shakes his head.

"Oh I won't, he says, laying on his side. I turn to face him, blinking.

"Why is that?" I ask and he reaches out his arms, pulling me to his chest. 

"Because," He whispers, dragging my hair from my face. "From now on, I have a litle Fire Flower to keep me warm." I smile and lean in, kissing him sweetly. 

"Well, I guess that is something that I can agree with it," I say and Peeta lays his head down, the two of us just sitting there, slowly falling asleep in one another's arms.

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