Chapter 1

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Word count: 2312

"UGGHH WHY DO YOU KEEP FOLLOWING ME AROUND SPIKY HAIR!!" Said angry Pomeranian shouted at the top of his lungs, eyes white with rage from the behavior of the red-headed soon-to-be hero. "Come on, I and Denki think your cool, you deserve the attention, man. Plus, my hair is no different from yours!"

"Are you comparing yourself to ME?!?" Mini explosions started to erupt from the hot head's right hand as a blood lustful smirk spread across his face like wildfire, the aura around him beginning to change and everyone could feel the tension, even making the manly man a little overwhelmed- no, afraid- no not that either...unmanly!

"Settle down you too, fighting shall happen in the battle arena. Right now it's time for class."

 A yellow cocoon that looked more like a sleeping bag entered the room, a head beginning to peak out from whatever shell it was hiding in. Everyone visibly stiffened, except the angry Pomeranian. 

Who was this guy, and why was he coming out of a cocoon? We all thought only butterflies do that...' Then it hit you. This guy has a quirk, and his quirk was a butterfly, like how the green hair girl in your class has frog as a quirk. '

Who knew humanity could go so far...' You thought as your brain looked for more possible solutions, all efforts going down in vain.

Said blonde only scoffed, turned on his heels while putting his hands in his pockets and taking his seat behind you. You looked out the window like a cool, calm, and collected person like you weren't just about to explode with laughter from all that happened. 

By now, your face was probably nowhere to be seen. It had been sucked in by all the tension from keeping your mouth shut, and for those five seconds, you couldn't breathe. "Alright, everyone. I go by the name Aizawa Shouta and you now all know me as your class teacher. Now that we're done with introductions let's get on to the task at hand-"

"Wait, sir?" Round face interrupted the teacher as she raised her hand, not that high but enough for the teacher to notice. The man sighed, "What is it now?"
"Uhmm, don't we get to do homeroom first?" 

The class slowly began to fill up with the children's anticipated mummers and snickers, all of the little teenagers filling with curiosity themselves, but only one was left dumbfounded. "Huh..."

You had no clue what was going on whatsoever, mostly because you weren't paying attention as you tried to pull your face out of whatever hole it crawled into. 'HOW DID MY FACE EVEN GET TO THAT POSITION?!' You recalled yourself thinking in frustration as you tried to reposition the features on your face, the mission was a success. 

"This is the hero course. If you think you want to have homeroom or other crap like that you better leave now. There's no time for any of that, we have only three years and we are expected to shape you into the finest heroes this world has ever seen. Do you still expect us to go through time-wasting activities like that?"

Everyone visibly stiffened, and they began to comprehend and understand what the man was saying, soon feeling bad for acting selfishly. He was right, the time wasn't enough. Even though he looked to be a tired, sleep-deprived being, he spoke with such certainty and determination that made your drive to be a hero become stronger. 

His voice, the tone, the tenacity, this man reminded you of someone, even though they look nothing alike and you are almost certain they have nothing in common, but the way your teacher speaks is the way he talks. 

"Now that that's out of the way, let's get on to the task for today." Mr. Aizawa, if you remembered his name correctly, said in a bored and regretful tone, like he honestly didn't want to be here. Okay, maybe you weren't all correct...

"We'll be doing a quirk assessment test."
"QUIRK ASSESSMENT?!??" The entire class shouted in unison, thinking they were done with quirks for a while, even though they had an entire two weeks to rest from the entrance exam.

"Dress up in your P.E uniforms and meet me on the field outside." The man pressed a button on a certain remote and sets of cuboids came out the wall in pairs of fives both columns and rows.

Everyone was hyped, well, part of the class was hyped, the rest of the class was tired of the hero course already. You were nowhere to be seen in any of those groups, you were just thinking about the little furry friend you left home and remembered you didn't leave it for dinner in case you came home later than expected. 

You let out a heavy sigh, feeling disappointed in yourself. How could you forget to feed your own family?

"Right, now that we're all here, I'd like to explain what this quirk assessment is all about. It's doing normal activities as you would in middle school, ball throw and all that stuff, but this time, amplifying the strength by using your quirk. 

Bakugo," Mr. Aizawa called out to the blonde who was surprisingly standing next to you, making you jerk upwards a little when you heard his voice that close to your ear. You eventually scooted a little to your left to get away from the angry Pomeranian. 

'Ever heard of personal space? Geez, rude much?!' You thought to yourself as you rolled your eyes.

"Yeah?" He responded with not so much as a care in this world, as he looked Mr. Aizawa's way with a gaze that could rival his, but Mr. Aizawa won that one already as you were able to see Bakugo, if that was his name, flinch a little as his gaze began to weaken. "If you can remember, how far was your ball throw in middle school?"

"Uh...65meters or so."
"Alright, try throwing the ball with your quirk." Aizawa threw the ball Bakugo's way. On catching it, Bakugo looked confused as Mr. Aizawa began to move out of the circle he was standing in, moving towards Bakugo. "Go stand in the circle and use your quirk to throw the ball."

Bakugo was now in the circle, and Mr. Aizawa was standing next to you. You were able to smell the cologne that radiated from him. But you were able to dig through all that cologne and find his original sent. 

He smelled like sugar, a hint of coffee and whipped cream lingering around, making you have a soothing sensation. It brought a type of nostalgia. You felt like you were home, and your dad was handing you a nice sugary cup of coffee with lots of whipped cream toppled over it.

Mr. Aizawa's company felt welcoming and you enjoyed it. You enjoyed it so much you subconsciously leaned into Mr. Aizawa, getting a stronger wave of his sent. This was by far the best event of the day, but you had yet to see. 

You decided to refocus yourself and scoot a little away from the grown man, though your feet couldn't allow you to. 'Guess I'm watching from here'

You focused your gaze on the being in front of you- and the whole class, looking into his red crimson eyes. You saw determination, tenacity like no other, and you could tell this person was to make UA a more interesting arena for you- and the whole class.

You've never spoken to Bakugo, let alone take a good look at him, but now seemed like the best time to get to know at least one of your classmates. You studied him, his stance, his gaze, his movement, everything. 

You analyzed him and watched every move as if he were your lab rat, and the one thing you picked up, the one thing you learned- he was hot.

"Okay..." He prepared himself to throw the ball, swinging his right arm back as he flung the ball, an explosion occurring before the ball left contact with his fingers. "DIE!!!"

The sudden outburst left everyone in shock, as the ball flew out of sight, finally landing when we heard the beep from Aizawa. "703.5 meters." Bakugo's eyes looked like they widened a little, then he composed himself to look as if he weren't surprised. 

He only scoffed, put his hands in his pockets as he began to move towards you, Aizawa beginning to move back to the circle as his sent began to descend you as well.

You didn't know why, but you had the urge to grab his shirt and pull him back next to you. His presence reminded you of a father figure, much like someone else did. The angry Pomeranian made his way towards you and for a moment, your eyes locked. 

You soon noticed that you couldn't stop staring at him even after he was done throwing the ball, his crimson eyes just attracting you towards him even more, like they were pulling you towards their vessel.

You had no idea why he decided to stare back at you though, even though it was just for a brief moment, you saw something. A glint in his eyes that showed a certain emotion, but you couldn't put your finger on it. 

Bakugo began getting closer to you as he moved to his spot, and you finally got what he was trying to show. It was a challenge. He was challenging you!

"Before we begin, I'd like to tell you all...the person who comes in last will be expelled. And your test!" You heard Mr. Aizawa speak, his voice emphasizing the last word. Your mouth dropped.

You were scared.


Afraid you'd get expelled on the very first day of school for that matter! And so was everyone else's, but there was no time to complain now. Everything has just begun...

"Shoto Todoroki and (Y/N) (L/N), you're up." You jerked a little at the mention of your name, like as if you awoke from a nightmare. You moved to the starting line. You were excited to see your opponent, thought nothing of it showed on your face. You were determined to make sure your opponent wouldn't get the better of you.

A tall figure began to descend from the students and his figure began to clear. You saw hair, but the hair was bi-colored. White and red, and as his figure began to clear, you saw his heterochromatic eyes, one a gorgeous grey, and another a beautiful blue. 

You couldn't help but get lost in the nimbus cloud of his right eye, and you couldn't stop swimming in the never-ending sea of his left eye.

Everything about him got you tense, but what you couldn't make out was the aura around him. He seemed...angry, and suddenly, a huge tidal wave crashed you into the sea of his left eye, and lightning from the nimbus cloud struck you in his right eye. 

Your excitement soon vanished as you gulped, the bi-colored-haired guy whose name was Todoroki stood next to you, getting into position as he looked ahead.

"(L/N), take your position please." You heard the grown man speak with an agitated tone. You were so out of it you forgot he was your opponent. You quickly got back in position and shook away any distractions. 'Well, there goes plan A. Time for plan B, win!'

Your eyes began to glow, as you used your quirk to see particles of air in the atmosphere. 'Perfect. The air at UA is clear.' You said as you opened your mouth, sucking in the particles. To the normal eye, it'd look like your drinking air, but you were absorbing the air molecules to make yourself lighter.


Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Age: 14
Height: 5'6

Quirk: Matter. You can manipulate particles of the three states of matter and form weapons of your choice. You can also circulate those particles through your body in a certain vessel your body developed especially for your quirk, if the particles of matter accidentally flow out of the vessel, it can lead to fatality if not rushed to the hospital immediately, since the particles of matter aren't similar to those of your body. You haven't learned how to absorb the plasma state of matter since you could get electrocuted.

About Y/N: Your parents were hero mercenaries and you were their trustful ally until you turned 10 years old, joining them and becoming a three-man squad. You guys did the dirty work for heroes as their hands remained clean, earning lots of money as hitmen and spies against the other side of the coin; the villains. "Just take 'em down. Credit goes to me." They'd always say and as long as the sum was handsome, you and your parents never wasted any time on it.

This took a major toll on you and your mental state. You never made friends, never joined kids at the playground. At the age of five, you were too busy hacking into systems and coming up with strategies for your parents. You didn't care though, at least you thought you didn't. Your parents were your decision makers, your thoughts and your dreams. You wouldn't exist if it weren't for them.

When they died, you weren't sad. To make it easier for you no one showed at their funeral, because you just couldn't hold the smile on your face from forming. You cried, but you were this close to admitting those were tears of joy. You were free now. And now that you were in UA; you could learn what it means to make friends- and feel at home for once. Just once in your life!

You were Y/N for the first time in a long, long while!


Hey everyone! Author-chan over here. Thanks for reading my first chapter and thank you for choosing "Forever". First time writing a fanfic and I hope I can meet your standards. (I think you read other fanfics other than mine.) But if I'm your first, (hehe) then thank you for choosing my book out of all the others. I won't let you down!

THANKS TO YOU ALL SO MUCH ONCE AGAIN AND ENJOY! Updates may be slow, BUT I'LL TRY TO FIGURE SOMETHING OUT!! Don't forget to vote and don't be a shy reader, I love reading comments. Even the mean ones. 


Bye now!-

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