Chapter 2

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Word count: 1738


You immediately began sprinting to the finish line, relief going though you as the breeze came in like a new aspect of your life. You, alive. You threw your hands up as you shouted out of the blue, feeling the happiness seep back into you once again, as your heart lightened, mostly because the rib cage was filled with the particles of air. (the vessel goes through all parts of the body so don't worry guys you're not gonna die lol)

You looked to your right to see Todoroki moving at the same pace as you were, except...he was gliding on ice. 'Is this some kinda fairytale?' You thought to yourself as he looked like some kinda handsome prince gliding on ice in order to each the princess in time or something. You started to slow down due to your distraction, soon realizing Todoroki was ahead of you, and you two where close to the finish line. 'No no no!'

You immediately began to race to the finish line and the wind wasn't so pleasant anymore, as it burned your eyes from the speed you were going at. You crossed the finish line and hoped you too had at least tied. "You both tied. 4.85 seconds. Good job guys. Next is..."

You didn't even care who the next was as you threw your arms in the air. That was your fastest record yet! You turned to your right and saw the heterochromatic eyed guy looking at you, a glint of shock in his eyes, but it quickly went away. "You didn't win, you know?" Todoroki said as you heard a glint of anger in his voice. You looked him in the eye with a smile on your face. No matter how intimidating he seemed, you wouldn't blow your chance to be friends with a "prince". Even if he's always gloomy, as you judged his character to be.

"I know, but if I didn't pick up the pace I would've lost, and that's not the first impression I'm looking for. Plus, that's the fastest I've ever ran, so it's kind of a win, don't you think?" You blabbered on as you rubbed the back of your neck, his bi colored eyes just staring blank at you, no emotion could be picked out. You nervously chuckled. You didn't know if this was awkward for him, but it definitely was for you. You opened your eyes and looked at him again, a determined smile on your face as you stuck your hand out,

"You did good out there, looking forward to getting to know you better, Todoroki" You sounded so formal yet you spoke lightly, your (h/c) hair blowing as the wind gushed through the both of you as you awaited him to shake your hand. At first, he was surprised, then confused, then he composed himself and made sure his gaze was directly at you.

You shrieked under his gaze, yet you maintained your position, hoping you can make him of a friend. "I'm not exactly here to make friends, and if you are, then you shouldn't have come here." Todoroki said coldly, as he turned around and left you on the scene, you hand still out but your face broken. You retracted your hand and looked back at him, just to see his back turned on you as he walked away, the dark aura soon surrounding him again.

'He's cold. He doesn't show any emotion. He must be the type of nut that's hard to crack. But inside that hard shell is a smooth soft buttery cream. I believe Todoroki can be nice and kind if he gets to know someone better. But...there is something inside him. A beast he doesn't want to unleash, maybe the past he doesn't want to unlock. And that's probably why he doesn't want to open up, he's afraid he'll say too much...' Your ability to study and analyze people is better than any pro hero there is, even sir No.1, for within minutes you could tell a person's character precisely.

It was a skill you worked on ever since you got your quirk, and your master helped you with that. With a quirk that uses matter it would be almost impossible to defeat someone who could understand feelings as well as you. You could easily use your enemy's weakness against them. Their heart holds all the secrets, therefore it is your ally.

You quickly moved back to your place to see the rest of your classmates shine. 'No matter what I'm gonna make you my friend, Todoroki!' You thought to yourself as Bakugo returned from his match with a girl whose face was perfectly round. 'She's cute. I wonder if he one.' Your peripheral view caught a glimpse of the blonde and you swore you could see a light smirk on his face, signaling to you that he won.

Task by task, let's just say you got half of everything, solid 5/10. Your quirk wasn't flashy, in fact, it's like you could almost say it was invisible, for no one could see particles of matter, there too small. But your eyes adapted to your quirk so you could be able to see them. You also use a visual attempt in order to let the particles of matter that flow through you into the right vessel.

"Now it's time for the last test. The ball throw." Your classmates went on one by one and they got phenomenal scores. "607.9 meters"
"700.2 meters"

"INFINITY?!" Everyone in the class shouted, including you, though you tried to keep your cool together as you saw the round face girl stand in the circle with an innocent smile on her face like she didn't just break Boom Boom boy's record. "Great job, Uraraka." Mr. Aizawa spoke as the girl, now known as Uraraka came back to her position, which was to your left. 'How did I not notice her this entire time?' You mentally face palmed your head as you turned to face the bob haircut girl. "That was awesome you did great!" You spoke as you flashed one of your most amazing close-eyed smiles ever. "Thanks, you did well too!" She said as she nodded her head in agreement, raising a thumbs up. "Izuku Midoryia."

A broccoli haired boy came out of the crowd of students as he stood in the circle, getting a ball from Mr. Aizawa. "Use your quirk and throw the ball." He said to the green haired boy, and you could see Uraraka's eyes widen. "Oh, that's the boy who saved me in the entrance exam."
"Really, what happened."

"You must've been in a different battle arena. So we were up to about five minutes to ending the test when a huge robot popped outta nowhere and started to attack. I was trapped so I couldn't move my legs and I began shouting for help, but everyone was just running away. Just before I lost hope he began sprinting towards the robot and he jumped and hit it with one punch and the robot crashed down. If it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't be here, though he got pretty badly injured, and he had 0 points."

"How did he even get in..."

"The point of the entire exam was hidden, there were rescue points for those who didn't look at it like just a test, for those who took it as a real life situation, for those who understood that to be a hero means risking your life to save others and that's what he did. So he might have got 0 fighting points, but he earned 60 rescue points and was the highest in that department." You were amazed. He didn't even look that strong, to be honest...he looked kinda scared at that moment. But then, something changed. He focused his gaze, and all you could see, were unimaginable amounts of tenacity and determination flow inside his green eyes. As he moved his right arm back, ready to fling the ball your eyes widened with every move he made. His arm began to spark as you could even make out his veins. 'he's using his quirk...' You were eager, just eager to see the ball fly up and it hit 10,000meters. He threw the ball.

"6 meters." Everyone was shocked, including you. You looked up to see the broccoli haired boy. He looked just as confused as we all did, staring at his right arm, and saying words that sounded muffled to the human ear. You looked up to see Aizawa, his hair floating up and his scarf moving in air. He was speaking to the broccoli hat, only no one knew exactly what about, since they were quite away from the group of students

"Now, throw the ball again." You heard Mr. Aizawa's voice move swiftly though the stiff silent air around everyone. You turned your gaze to the green hair boy who did the same thing. He swung his arm back, ready to fling the ball as he pushed his arm forward. 'What is he doing?' You almost thought he wasn't gonna use his quirk, but at the last moment. He used his finger at the last point of connection with the ball and blast his quirk, making the ball go high in the air to no point of return.

"705.4...meters" You couldn't believe it. Aizawa was stunned himself. "This kid..." The teacher said as a smile you never thought would've crept onto his lips did, and it gave you shivers. "Wow he actually did it." You heard your round faced friend say as she looked at you, nodded her head, and moved away from you to congratulate the broccoli topped boy. You thought of congratulating him too, maybe you two could even be friends. You moved forward but something kept pulling you back, you literally couldn't move your other foot. You felt holes being burnt down at your back as you used your peripheral view to spot the boom boom boy staring at you immensely. You turned around to face him, and he didn't shy away. Instead, he narrowed his eyes at you. 'Don't' you could read from his eyes. It was as though he was trying to tell you not to go see the green haired guy. You just stood there, releasing your tension as you sighed. 'Guess I'll congratulate him at lunch.' The blonde turned his head around, facing ahead as he waited for the next instruction.

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