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Today is the day; The day that the concrete in my arms will be removed and Nate is with me through all of this, because all of my friends are occupied at the moment and I don't want them to ditch their classes just because of me.

Cam was supposed to be here with me, but he didn't showed up nor replied to all of my countless messages from that night he left the hospital and it's been three weeks. I'm apprehensive towards him, I know this won't help me from moving on. Or is there even away from moving on from him? I'm locked in him, but surely not in his heart. Just somewhere else.

"You ready?" Nate asks which makes me break my thoughts. I nod.

Nate open his car door for me, and my butt touches the cold leather seat of the car. Nate makes his way on his side of the car and starts to drive towards my home.

In the middle of the drive, Nate asks me, "So, you and Cam, together?" I wish, hope, want.

"No." I fake smile at him, to hide all of the pangs.

"He's lucky," he glance at me for a second and turn his focus onto the road afterwards. "That someone appealing like you likes him." He added. I just react with a shrug.

The radio suddenly starts to boom with a music, a lovely music I will never get tired of listening to. "You like The Fray?" He smirks.

"Mhm." I reply as I close my eyes and allow the music to drown me with its lovely sound.

This song reminds me of Nash, he hates this song so much because he thinks it's crude. Though, I love how he reacts to this song whenever I start to play it through my phone, audio, etc.. I miss him, I need to give him a call real soon.

I lean my head against the cold window pane of the car and rub my hands against each other, trying to warm myself.

"You cold?" He asks, and I just nod. He turns up the heater, which helps me from keeping myself from being frozen.

"Thank you." I smile.

He pulls into the driveway of my family's home. The road is covered by the snow, which stops me from getting out of the car by myself. I do have shoes on, but I never want to step my feet of the cold snow.

Nate put me in his arms, carrying me like a bride. Afterwards, he puts me down onto the cold leather couch of my home. He exits the house and soon walks back with my hospital bag in his hand. He have done so much just for me, and it makes me uncomfortable.

I pat the couch next to me, gesturing him to sit with me.

He smiles at me, his dimple is showing. I have to admit, he's so attractive, but being friends with him is the only thing I could give to him because I'm inlove with someone who doesn't even care about me. I'm like an insane woman who's desperate for someone's love, when there is someone who I sure know will allow me to own his heart and drown me with his love. Unfortunately, it isn't that easy to shift my feelings to a person to another.

Nate is such a great person and I sure as hell that he's going to meet someone who truly deserves him. I don't deserve him, I will never deserve him. I'm a huge messed and I never want him to be in it.

The sound of my phone ringing, signaling someone's calling me makes me to shrug my thoughts off. I grab my phone from the coffee table and Andrea's name starts to flash from it's screen.

"Hey." I begin.

She starts sobbing through the other end of the line, "Where you at?" She struggle to say between every sobs.

Why the hell is she crying? I could ask her later about it, She needs my presence as soon as possible.

"I'm at house now." And with that she ended the call. My eyebrows are pinch together by the fact that my bestfriend is bawling herself out.

When she ended the call, I sure hope so that she'll get here and not else where.

Nate's voice fly through the air between us, "What was that?"

"It was Andrea." I whisper, despite the fact that we're both all alone in this house. I bury my face onto the palm of my hands and soon disengage my face with it.

"What happened?" Nate asks as his eyebrows furrows.

I shrug in reply. I don't know what happened, I have no single clue about it. All I know is there is something wretched happened.

"So," I bring up trying to keep away my visitor from the unattractive boredom situation. "Netflix and Chill?" I sound hilarious by the sentence I got from the internet and it was pretty confusing knowing that it's all over the web.

Nate looks at me for a good second and laugh afterwards. I watch as he leans his head back and his mouth making an almost lovely sound.

The sound of someone knocking on the front door pull my attention away from Nate.

Nate fortunately stopped his laughter and tells me, "I'll be the one to get that." I smile at him as my eyes follows his actions.

Right after the door flung open, Andrea hasten in my direction. She looks so broken, her mascara blends into her tears as it runs down her cheeks like a waterfall.

She hugs me so tight that it makes it hard for me to breathe. She pulls away after a several seconds, which leads my breathing to normal.

"What happened?" I ask as I rub my hand onto her shoulder, while Nate walks towards the kitchen to probably get a drink for my delirious bestfriend.

"Cobi," after the name came out of her mouth she start crying even more.

"Shh." I pull her with a hug and rubs her back, trying to comfort her with all my heart.

I pull away when she stops crying which took a couple of minutes. I grab the water on the coffee table that Nate brought.

As Andrea drinks the glass of water I handed her, I look at her with sympathy. "He's fucking gay!" She screams, her voice almost filling the whole house.

I was taken by surprise of her words, and so does Nate. I never thought that he's a gay all this time, he acts as if he is really a man. The fact that he's a gay never crosses my mind. I feel anger towards him, I hate seeing my bestfriend this way, scourging from all the pain that Cobi brought. Cobi is such a good pretender.

"What do you mean?" Nate's raspy voice hits my the back of my neck, sending chills down my spine and it's making me pull away from my focus on Andrea.

"I just fucking saw him kissing Jake!" She yells which makes my focus jolt to her story.

Despite all the things that Andrea have done for Cobi, It was all irreplaceable. Andrea fought for Cobi against her parents. Hell, she even ditched me just to go to a nonsense party with Cobi. The worst part is, Jake is Andrea's ex boyfriend who brutally abused her and accused her of cheating him with another guy.

Disgust fills my body, as the image of Cobi and Jake kissing flashes in my mind.

"Holy shit." Nate remarks, while I'm here in silence. I don't know what to say, I'm single and I promote break ups but not when it comes to Andrea.

"Yeah holy shit." Andrea rolls her eyes, it's obvious that she's being mean, but no one can blame her after all she have been through.

I glance at Nate who's looking at Andrea with complete sympathy in his eyes, and I mouthed him, "Sorry." Apologizing for Andrea's unrespectful manner towards him, but it seems like he's used to it, everyone seems like used to it.

I think of anything that will get rid of Andrea's recession and replace it with euphoria, and getting sweets and lots of foods will surely do the job.

The earsplitting noise of Andrea's bawling makes me grab the tissue from the coffee table and throw it to her.

She starts crying against the thin tissue and it sends message to my brain, saying She needs a lot more boxes of tissue.

I lean in on Nate, and whisper, "Can you drive? And get something for Andrea? I'll text everything you need to get." I pull myself away and look at him straight in his eyes, and he nods in reply.

By the time Nate's head out towards the front door, Andrea starts hyperventilating and I don't know what to do, basically I'm in panic.

I run to the kitchen and immediately get a water bottle for Andrea. Indignation and Sympathy fuels up my body. I don't know what to follow, should I just barge into Cobi's house and crack a couple of eggs onto his perfectly combed blonde hair that I know that it will piss him off as hell if I ever did the plan running in my head.


Andrea has fallen asleep. Finally, it's all that she needs, rest.

"I'll go ahead." I can't accept Nate's farewell, so I protested, "Please stay for the night."

"I wish I could, but I have shits that needs to be done." He says as he looks at me and tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I'll be longing his presnce, really. I watch as he fades away down the hallway. Whatever he's referring to, I know it's important and I can't be the selfish wall, trying to have his company and keeping him away from doing important stuffs for his own.

I let out a sigh, and just run my hand on Andrea's forehead, and then stand up, making my way towards my bedroom to get some rest. This day is pretty hectic for my bestfriend and for me too, because whenever she gets upset I get upset too apart from the moment I was with Nate.

As I was about to turn off the lamp sitting on my bedside table, a knock coming from my window stops me from my action.

The wooden carpeted floor of my room creaks as I ramble towards the window, not knowing who's there or what's outside my window. It frightens me.

I push the curtain hanging above the window away from the window pane, only to find that it's Cameron. Which makes me sigh in relief, and fills my body with dismay at the same time.

I love the way he blocks my sight, but not this way, not when he has a black eye nor when his knuckles are covered in blood.

I let him in, and he suddenly press his lips against mine, seizing me by surprise.

His cold wet hand from the rain is clutching my waist, pulling me closer, closing the small gap between us, and the other hand is grasping my heated flushed cheek as I wrap my hands around his neck.

And the things I've been yearning for so much more than anything else takes over my body. The fire, lust and passion.

A/N: I'm really sorry if this chapter took so long, it's just my father got my phone that I'm usually using for publishing chapters. Luckily, I found my old phone, so I'm using it for publishing.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and Merry Christmas to y'all! All the love ❤️

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