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"I hope she'll wake up soon." A girl's voice sighs right after the door shut closed and her voice sounds like she's been crying. It isn't my mom, It sounds more like Andrea.

The beeping of electronic systems and the earsplitting humming over the central air unit blend together, terrifying me.

I bash to open my eyes, but my lids are just to hefty for me to unclosed it. I can feel someone's hands are being wrapped around mine. It gives me fire, passion and wild butterflies in me and only one person can serve this feeling to me, Cameron.

Cameron! I gather all my strength and force my lids to open, and when I finally come to, I am welcome by the painful burn. I am in the bright and austere white room which makes it hard for me to keep my eyes open. "Amanda." Cam blurts out and he soon releases my hand, which makes me whimper due to the lost of contact.

I try to reach for the glass of water onto the table next to the bed, but Cameron hands it to me.

Andrea rush out the door, and soon came back with the doctor infront of her. "How are you feeling?" The doctor smiles. "I'm fine." I croak. Hell, my throat feels like I drank a fire-y drink.

"Okay, so your friend right here," The doctor points at Andrea. "Told us not to call your parents, Is that okay for you Ms. Earnshaw?" He asks.

She sure can read me like a book, I'm glad she didn't panicked and called my parents. I don't want to ruin my parents trip just because of myself being so stupid. Though, how did Andrea recieved the news?

I pull my eyebrows together when suddenly the doctor says, "She was with you in the ambulance, don't you remember?" I barely remember things from the incident that's probably because I was blacked out before I was even carried into the ambulance. I shake my head 'No' and the Doctor turns to face Andrea and says, "We're keeping her overnight, Is that okay?"

It's okay for me to stay another night, I guess. "Ye-" I trail off as Andrea cuts me off, "Why? I have classes tommorow, Mister." Andrea states to the doctor.

"She has concussion that's why." The doctor sighs, probably sick and tired of Andrea's reactions. I bet she's been acting like this since I arrived here.

"Oh shit." Andrea blurts out.

"Andrea, I can be here on my own. Don't be a jerk." I sigh, I feel shy towards the Doctor due to the reactions of my designated mother at the moment.

Soon enough, the small-interview has ended. The doctor makes his way towards the exit of the room.

"I'll be with her." Cam volunteers. We all look like we've been striked by a thunder because of how astonished we are. "You don't have to." I tell him, I'm happy because he volunteered to stay with me, but I don't want to be the disturbing weight on him. He's a model, He's busy all the time. What has gotten into his mind that makes him wants to stay with me?

Cameron is staring at me blankly, while Andrea saunters to me from across the room and smooth my hair. "Just let him. I don't want you to be alone." She plead, I can't help myself but let out a little giggle. She's so concerned, I'm not used to it.

She suddenly hit my arm and asks, "How are you my bitch?"

"I'm fine, It's just my head hurts." I was greeted by the sharp pain in my head and arm right after I was awoken up by the large mouth of Andrea.

I try to touch my head with my left hand, but I can't due of the heavy congeal wrapped around my arm, meaning I broke my arm. I try reaching my forehead using my right arm, but before my hand lands on my forehead, I was stopped by Andrea's large hands.

"Ow!" I wince. "Are you that dumb to touch your own stitches?" She asks. I put my hand back in place and look at Cameron who's in his phone, he seems so stark. I'm staring at him, I know it's kind of creepy but I want his attention on mine. I want his mouth to release the words "I'm okay." And he means it. I could careless about me even though I'm in this hospital bed, I would risk my life for Cameron.

I know I sound desperate for his love, but It's become my necessity since the first second I realized that my heart beats for him. The door creaks open, breaking my attention on Cam.

"Hey." Cobi greets from the doorway. Right after he entered, the room was filled with the aroma of bagels and coffees. My jealousy crawls towards me by the time my sight caught Casey behind him.

"Hey babe." Casey waves at Cameron as she ambulates towards him. It makes me think that Casey just step her feet in here just because of Cameron, not because of me. Her friend. The name she uses to call Cameron makes my stomach to alternate.

My jealousy is consuming every tiny parts of my body, which makes me turn my back at them. When I heard the sound of their lips hitting against each other, I feel fire of anger.

"Can you guys just get out of the room?" I ask, referring to the disturbing persons in this room, as far as I know I'm here to rehabilitate my injuries but Casey's presence is just making it worst.

Everyone in the room seems shocked right after the words escaped my mouth. "Who?" Andrea asks as she munch her bagel.

"I'm sorry." My mouth releases the words without my mind's agreement. Why did I apologized? I'm not supposed be sorry.

I'm getting sick and tired of jealousy. I grab my phone from the table beside my hospital bed.

The fact that Nate Maloley lives here in New York City gives me an idea. I enjoy his company, so I decided to ask him to come over here to at least lessen the jealousy I'm having.

"Nate, Can you come over here? At the Hospital? I got in an accident." I texted Nate.

Within a minute, Nate replied, "Fuck. And sure, just text me the Hospital you're in."

I texted Nate the hospital I'm in and he said that he's going to be in here in a few minutes. Nate has a feeling towards me, he told me about it the first time we met at the party. Never thought that love at first sight exists. Though, I don't feel the same way.

Everyone else in the room are watching some movies in the TV provided, while I'm impatiently waiting for Nate's company. I glance over Cam and Casey, only to find Casey nuzzling against the crook of Cam's neck. This isn't some kind of motel, this is a hospital. If only I knew that Casey and Cam will show some kind of romance in this room, It will be much more better if they aren't here, If Casey isn't here.

I pull my mind away from the thoughts when Nate showed up in the doorway. Finally, It's been an hour.

My face lit up with a smile, "Hey babe!" I greet. Everyone in this room stared at Nate as he walks closer to me.

"A new couple in the clique." Casey smirks which makes everyone smiled, while Cameron, he seems so pissed off. I try to lock our eyes but he pulls away. I don't have any clue about our relationship, It's completely complicated.

Nate leans in and kissed me on my cheeks, "What's with the babe thing?" I can feel the cold mint breeze hitting against my ears, It give me shivers but not as great as Cameron.

"Just go with the flow." I whisper, making sure nobody can hear it. If Cameron wants me to get jealous, I'll make him jealous too. He was being unfair enough to make me think this way.

While Nate's face is an inch from mine, I took the opportunity and hit my lips against his. It fills me with butterflies, but no fire, passion nor lust.

Soon enough, we pull away and serve each other a smile. I glance at Cameron who's looking at me in disgust, he then stand up from the couch and storm out of the room with Casey behind him like his tail. I never want his absence, but he's pushing me over the edge.

"Shit." I whisper to myself. I take a look of the time on my phone and It's six thirty-seven in the evening. I need to find Cameron.

"What the fuck just happened?" Cobi asks.

"Let's just eat." Andrea blurts out as we heard the knock onto the door, I hope it's Cameron but my disappointment hits me when a male nurse shows up with a tray full of food in his hands.

"Here's your dinner, Miss." The nurse formally says as he lands the tray onto the table beside my hospital bed and he soon walks out of the room.

"Can I not eat those?" I look the food in disgust, knowing that it's one hundred percent disgusting due of it's horrible taste.

Nate hold my hand as he sit onto the chair next to the hospital bed where Cameron used to sit.

"That's why I bring pizza for everyone." Nate laughs. I don't feel any hunger, so I guess I'll skipped dinner for now.

"I'm not starving." I say, coldly.

"You have to eat." Andrea says as she grabs a piece of pizza.

"Fine," I articulate, knowing that if I didn't comply to her command we're gonna end up fighting and I don't have the enough strength to fight. "But I need to take a walk first, alone." I blurt out.

Andrea pulls her eyebrows together and asks, "Are you sure?"

"Positive." I assure her.

I stand up from the hospital bed with the metal thing which has the bag of liquid connected into me hooked from it. God, I feel like I'm four hundred pounds. Luckily, Nate helps me to stand up.

"Thanks." I say as my feet touch the cold floor.

"Here." Andrea noticed my whimper when my feet reach the cold floor of the room, and gives me a pair of slipper and I start to roam around the hospital.

This hospital is pretty diminutive, so by the time the clock hits seven in the evening. I find Cameron at the parking lot with Casey. They're making out.

I've been holding back the tears for the longest time and now I can't hold it any longer, I let it stained my cheeks. I want my feelings to Cameron to stop, but I don't think there's something that can stop it. It's too strong and my soul is no longer in charge of my mind and body, It's my feelings who is in charge of it, the feelings brought by Cameron.

I'm about to walk back to the room, until I heard someone says, "I can't fucking deal with this any longer." Cameron.

"What do you mean?" Casey furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. I'm a couple of yards away from them but I'm making sure that they can't see me. I know eavesdropping is never a good thing, but I can't just help myself.

"It's all a bet, Casey! I don't fucking love you nor have feelings for you!" Cameron yells.

He's all doing this for a bet, I can't believe him. I feel anger towards him even though I am not the one who's in Casey's place, but she's still my friend.

"W-what?" Casey's tears are now running down her face non-stop. Cameron should know that girls aren't toys, that he can play.

"Look, my friends and I had an agreement." Cameron explains. Though, his explanation will never right his wrongs.

"Who friends? You don't have friends here." Casey snaps as she wipe the tears on her cheeks. Can Cameron show sympathy on her? Even just a little bit? She's really hurt, she fell for Cameron. I guess she's more hurt than me, I should be blessed that I wasn't Cameron's victim. But that doesn't help Casey, I pity on her. Even though she wasn't that good friend of mine, we still had happy memories from the past.

"In LA." Cameron says as he runs his hand into his hair.

"Who do you love then?" She hollers.

"You have so many fucking questions." Cameron turns his back at Casey, but Casey grasps his arm. It makes him stop from getting in his car.

"Tell me!" Casey yells, I'm pretty nervous of the result. I can feel my fingers getting shakey.

"You fucking want to know who?" Cam scoffs, he's position looks like he's about to hurt Casey. He's jaw are clenching, Nose are flaring, and Knockles are turning into white because of how he grip his own hands.

Casey turns her looks in my direction. Shit. She sees me and rolls her eyes on me. Luckily, Cameron isn't paying attention on Casey at the moment, but What happened to our friendship? We were basically an epitome of great friendship, but that was before. I don't know what crosses her mind to treat me this way, but one thing I know is I should stop living in the world of past.

Casey turns her attention back on Cameron, and yells, "Tell me!" Her veins are showing through the thin layers of her skin of her neck.

"I don't even cared about myself, So what makes you think that I love someone?" Cam's words comes out of his mouth with laughter.

"You're sick." Casey spits and stomp her feet towards her car, then soon accelerates her car.

Cameron hits the road, I was assuming that he's going to go after Casey, but he went on the oppposite way of the road. Jealousy in me fades away after the moment, though I'm somehow disappointed because I'm too electrified to know who he lives for. Unfortunately, his heart belongs to nobody and I'm one hundred percent sure that he's not going to allowed someone to engrave someone's name in his heart and own it. I can't just hope for his love, It's clear to see that he isn't going to fall for someone or even let someone to enter his heart. He's giving me false hope, and It crashes my system down.

All I need is to move on, but is there an easy way? I don't think so. The feelings from him is influential enough that it's the one who's in charge of me. I can't even control myself anymore.

A nurse catch me up and says, "Let's get you back to your room." She bashes to grab my arm and lead me back to my room.
A/N: Sorry if this took so long. Though, thank you guys so much for 100+ reads! I love y'all.

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