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The rest of the week goes quickly. We spent the last few days doing really crazy stuffs, such as: Going on a road trip every midnight, having movie marathon, and going into a creepy abandon building at the end of the road.

I never knew that I could still be happy, and be in complete joy after all. My friends helps me and motivate me to be strong, and to be confident, right after they've recieved what happened to I and Nash's relationship. Even though Nash and I aren't together anymore, we promised each other that we will always be in touch with each other as a friend.

Before I left Canandaigua, I and Sam exchange our goodbyes and that's when I found out that Sam will be flying with Nicole in the United Kingdom. Sam can't live without Nicole by his side, I am sure about that, because I was there when he was all alone, He was so devastated.

After all that happened in  Canandaigua everything went successful, I'm not devastated nor depressed. My feet had reach the wooden floor of our home, I was no longer the person who left this house about a week ago. So much has changed in a week. Nobody would've thought that someone can move on in just a few days.

Though, I and Cameron didn't talk after all that happened. I miss his touch, his warm luscious lips, the feelings that he gives me; the heat, the sparks, the concupiscence, the butterflies that's wildly dancing in my stomach and his presence. I am longing for his company, his absence makes me indisposed. I want him, I need him right now. But, he belongs to Casey now. The way they act gives us the hint. All they do is, lock themselves in either Cam's room or Casey's and it honestly breaks my heart to see them together, but I'm not in the right place to stop them from spending their precious time together, I'm just Cameron's stranger.

I break my thoughts by the time I enter the school's property, so I can try and go look for an empty parking spot. Hell, the parking lot is loaded with cars, I can barely find an empty parking spot.

After driving around the school's parking lot for several time, I've had finally parked my car into the parking lot.

I rush into the school, then to the room to save myself from getting a tardy record in my card, but It's too late. The class has started, all of the eyes in the room are on me. Everyone are staring at me and it gives me anxiety.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Robertson for being late." I apologize to my horrid algebra teacher. I know I'm disrespecting someone who's obviously older than me but she always push me over the edge, and always left me with a single string to pull myself and land both of my feet onto the flat surface, but the string always break due to my unbearable weight.

"If you're tired of school, just drop out. I don't want lazy students in my class anyway." She tells as she raises her eyebrows on me, her forehead wrinkling.

Yep, that's what she always thought of me. A lazy, doltish and lost cause person. That's what comes to her mind whenever she thinks of me. It hurts, but I always shrug it off, to prevent myself from being disrespectful towards her face. I don't know why she's treating me like a different person, but I always get heavenly scores in her class and I always try to fit myself in her words, but it isn't helping at all.

I didn't response at my teacher's rudely remark, because I don't want any arguement from her. I just sit on my usual place.

Even though I hate this teacher and the subject, I force myself to pay attention to the lesson because I don't want to get rid of my name into the honorable students list.


The rest of the day goes fast, and I got a message from Andrea, saying "Meet me up at Starbucks." I didn't bother to reply because that's where I am really heading to.

I get in the car, and drive to Starbucks. I pull my car into the parking lot of the said café and hop out of my car, then secure it.

Before I enter Starbucks, I can already see my best friend in one of the said café's booth with her boyfriend Cobi.

Right after they saw me walking towards them, Andrea flashes me with her grin and Cobi is just Cobi who greets everyone with a simple "Hey."

I sit across them, and all of a sudden Andrea slides the cup of  frappe on my way. A peppermint mocha frappe.

"Thanks." I tell her, luckily I haven't ordered anything yet.

I take a sip of my frappé, then started, "So?"

Cobi sighs and Andrea on the other hand, her grin fades away. I'm confused. "I know you could careless about Cameron, but," Cobi hangs, to take a sip of his black coffee.

That's not true, I frightfully cared about him. What happened between me and Cameron at Canandaigua is kind of nostalgia. I am longing for his presence since we reach the city.

"Yeah?" I reply. Wherever he is, I wish, want, hope that he's perfectly fine.

"He's been wrecked since you guys walked in different paths." Andrea enunciates.

Their words brings chaos in me, It's consuming me. "What do you guys mean?" I catechize, still acting as if I don't care about Cameron. Hell, he's been running in my mind since the day we disunited.

"He needs you, Amanda." Andrea reach for my hand, My mind is so messed up, why does he needs me? Why me? When he has Casey?

"Why? Casey can be there for him." I interrogate. I'm sure Casey will be there for him in any time. She's deeply inlove with him and she's willing to do anything for him, but why me? Why does he needs myself? Myself who ruined his happiness while in Canandaigua, Myself who devastates him, and Myself who made him a horrible person in everyone's eyes.

"Yeah, he has Casey, but he's been enunciating your name." Andrea articulates. I am still in chaos, but it is no longer in charge. I'm done of pretending as if I don't care about him, because in reality I truly care about him and love him more than breathing. That's what I honestly feel.

"Oh." Is the only word that is able to escape my mouth.

"I need to go home." I lied, then I grab my drink, stand up from the seat, and rush out of the café without any term.

I accelerate in my car, and make my way to Cobi's house where Cameron is staying for a month, and he only has two more weeks here. I don't want him to go back to California and be distant from me, but I'm not in the place to stop him, and if I ever told him not to leave me, will he even comply? He's not the type of guy who listen in people's words.

I pull my car into Cobi's driveway and rush in the house, then to Cam's room, only to find him leaning against the wall with a liquor in his hand.

He stares at me blankly, as if I am nothing but air who just passed by him. It tortures me seeing him this way. He's totally wrecked. His room is a mess, the lamp is on the carpeted floor, broken. Basically, everything in this room is messed up.

The room is filled with silence, the silence is too loud. it's unbearable, so I decided to get rid of the earsplitting silence, "Cameron," I walk closer to him to give him a hug, hoping that my touch will get him away from whatever he's going through right now, but he keeps walking away from me. I'm running out of ideas to make him feel better.

"Will you just stop walking away from me?" I plead. I want myself to make him better, Feel better. This Cam is unbearable, He's a messed. Though, I won't give up on him.

"Stop walking away from me?" He scoffs. "You were the one who keeps walking away from me!" He yells and take a couple of gulps of the whiskey.

He's right, He's tottaly right. I make myself near him, and try to grab the bottle of whiskey in his hand. But he's too strong, I don't have the enough strength to be able to get the whiskey out of his hand. "Give it to me," I beg. I lock my eyes into his, and adds "Please?"

He looks at me, jaws are clenched, face is red, and anger taking over his mind and body. I can feel the heat, not the heat due of great feelings, but the heat that gives me the sign that his blood is boiling and ready to blow up.

He leans in, leaving our faces with only an inch distance. I thought he was going to kiss me, but much to my dissatisfaction he smash the bottle onto the wall a few feets behind me which makes me flinch. Our eyes are still on each other, but there's a difference. Mine has a tear flowing from it, but his, his eyes are just dark and full of anger.

"Tell me why, Amanda! Tell my why the fuck you are walking away from me!" He yells, his veins are showing. With every yells of him, myself shrinks. I feel indignant of myself knowing I have fucked up people's lives in my surroundings. First, Nash. Second, my friends knowing I ruined some of the days in our trip to Canandaigua. Third, him, The guy I fell deeply inlove with, The guy who took my first kiss, The only guy who can give me the feels I always crave.

All of the things that I have done this past few weeks is eating me alive, I have ruined several people's lives because my brain is always lacking of decisions, my mind has been floating all the time and I'm getting lack of control lately.

I keep distant to Cameron to save myself from getting hurt and being called more than a whore by someone. If I'm always by his side while Casey and him are together. I will feel disgust of myself because in that way, I know that there's a major possibility that I will be labeled a whore, slut, etc..

The answer to his questions is because I'm scared, and I'm trying to get rid of the feelings by him that I truly enjoy, but everything is too late now. I have eaten alive by all of it, I fell deeply inlove with him and I don't know if I can even lift myself because, I fell for him but he didn't bother to catch me.

"I'm scared." I stutter. I'm scared that he might not have the same feelings, but like I said everything is too late now. He has consume me, every fiber of me.

"Scared of what?!" He yells, and it makes me wince, again.

"To fell in love with you! But It's too late now! Every fiber of me has consumed by you!" I yell, and let out all of the feelings that has been in me for the longest time. I plop myself onto the mattress and bury my face into the palms of my hands.

Seconds later, I find myself staring at the ceiling of the room and he? He's just sitting on the floor across the room. The room was filled in silence again, until Cameron decided to be the sound of it. "Why? Why did you fell inlove with me?" He interrogate, I can feel that he's staring at me, I don't want to look at him, I don't want to look at him at his worst time.

I shrug and says, "I don't know. It just hits me me. Big Time." I am not crying anymore, it's just my cheeks are stained and my eyes are sore.

I didn't choose to fall in love with him, It just hits me unknown where it came from. It's just like a hiding cupid shoots an arrow at me all of a sudden, but the cupid didn't shoot Cameron.

"We're different, Amy. I'm a terrible person." He says, coldly.

I honestly don't care if we're opposite or different. We can be in a Hessa relationship, Where we're different but we look so perfect together, Just like Harry and Tessa from the book After. But I can't just enter his heart without him having the same feelings towards me, It just doesn't work that way.

I stand up from the bed, ready to leave. Maybe if I give him a time, he could fix himself. I could help him, but I don't think my presence is helping at all.

Before I left the room, I tell him, "I love you Cameron." I left the room without hearing any terms from him.

I hit the road, making my way towards anywhere I can be alone. While I'm in the middle of driving my phone vibrates, so I grab it and I got a message from my mom saying, "I'm with your dad's business trip in Florida for a month, I left your allowance in your room. Love you!" I'm about to reply at my mom's message until headlights starts flashing through the windshield.

I close my eyes as the sharp sound of crumpling metals hits my ears. The sound is so loud, and I'm floating through the noise, unable to move, am I screaming?

The people on the street that has been staring as the car whips are disturbing as I try to focus on them, focus on something to tether to the earth. The sound of the tires shrieking breaks through the actions and my car comes to a stop.

Several persons are surrounding my car and I can even see them shouting and yelling out words that makes no sense at all. Every actions they do are in slow motion. People moves asides as the group of bod in white opens the door and the cold breeze hugs my body, striking me back to reality.

Darkness is creeping towards me as I'm being carried out by the medics. I fade into black right after I was even placed into the stretcher.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed! And please get the Outfield movie! I'm craving for the Outfield since the day Nash and Cameron announced about it, but unfortunately it isn't available global. I hope it will be, though. Let's support every staff of the Outfield!

I would like to send my thoughts, prayers and condolences to the people that had been affected by the heartbreaking catastrophe all around the world. #PrayForParis #PrayForJapan #PrayForMexico #PrayForTheWorld

Don't forget to comment and vote! All the love.

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