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We got home by two in the afternoon, I wish I didn't came and join them to that lunch. I was expecting it to be enjoyable but I was wrong. When Casey kissed Cam infront of me, infront of everyone, I feel my heart crash. It was a terrible moment.

I'm not going to waste my time spending time with my friends with someone who I don't enjoy being with.

My friends are having a movie marathon right now and I told them already about the party at Sammy's later and the only thing that I regret is inviting my friends infront of Cam and Casey.

I'm laying on this bed since we got back and it's already three in the afternoon. I got bored, so I decided to facetime Joanna, because I realized that I forgot to call her yesterday.

At first ring she picks up, "Hey, sorry for not calling you last night." I tell her.

"It's fine. What's up?" She says.

"I and Nash got back together." I roll on my bed due of boredom but being able to talk to Joanna has lessen it.

"Good for you, why did you guys broke up anyways?" She asks as she shove a single peanut into her mouth.

"I thought that he cheated on me." I tell her.

"Huh? What do you mean?" She chokes herself due of the peanuts.

"His ex kissed him." As the words escape from my mouth, the sharp pain hits me.

"Why?" Her confusion takes her soul.

"His ex can't get over the fact that their relationship is over, I guess." I take a sip of my tea that has been sitting on the bedside table since, we arrived.

"That's shit. She should get over the past." Joanna says. Lexi is trap in tha past, that's why. She have to move on with her life, and accept the fact that her relationship with Nash was over.

"Yeah," I'm running out of words, but I don't want to end this call yet. "Can I ask you something?" I added.

"Yeah, what is it?" Her canadian accent is so thick, It's nice though.

"Have you ever had your first kiss?" The words escape my mouth, I have to know what are my feelings towards Cam. My mind is going to blow up.

"Yeah, why?" She pulls her eyebrows together as she shoot another peanut into her mouth.

"I had my first kiss, and I feel like there are fireworks, sparks, fire and butterflies dancing around my stomach, Is that normal?"

She screams, and grin and tells me, "You're inlove Amy! Well, before you had your first kiss you're already deeply inlove with Nash." She cheers.

I'm inlove with Cam? there's no way, I never thought that I will fall for him. This is another heart ache. My joy that was build up inside me due of Jo's presence, shatters down.

"Oh," That's it, I'm running out of words to say. "What's up with you?" I added. I'd be such a selfish person if I didn't ask something about her.

"Well," She holds up her hand and shows me a paper, saying that she's the top on her class. I'm so proud of her. "I'm so proud of you!" I yell.

"Thanks boo, I'm sorry to end this call but I gotta go. Ttyl! Love you!" and with that she hungs up.

Now, I'm back at being bored. I still got four hours for the party tonight.

A light bulb suddenly metaphorically light up in my head when my sight caught the jacuzzi on the balcony of this room. It's autumn, which means It's freezing outside due of the low temperature. I'm going to give warm to myself with that jacuzzi.

I strip my clothes off, exposing myself because I'm only wearing my bra and underwear. Luckily, I got this room for myself, I just hope that no one is outside. I turn the jacuzzi on and wait for the water to get hot enought to warm myself.

The champagne bottle sitting on the desk across the room caught my eye, I walk closer to it and grab the bottle and one of the champagne glass into the drawer.

I hate pouring alcohol into my system, but one glass won't hurt. I pour a champagne into my glass and walk towards the jacuzzi, then dip my hand into the jacuzzi to check the temperature.

The temperature is enough for my liking, so I dip myself into it. The hot water makes me flinch, but as the time passes by I'm enjoying it with my sparkling champagne in my hand.

As I scan the town of Canandaigua while sitting in this jacuzzi, I decided to put some classic music on. I hum along the music as I put my hair in a pony carefully, I'm saving the curls for the party later.

Of course, I'm alone, I don't have someone to chat to which makes my thoughts fills my mind.

Did Cam felt the same way while we're kissing? I hate to admit this but I'm inlove with Cameron. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment of being alone.

Someone breaks into the bedroom door, without knocking. What a great manner this person has! I look back and I'm completely surprised by him, It's Nash with a duffle bag hanging on his shoulder.

"Hey," He waves his hand. I missed his voice and his presence. He smiles at me, and I smile back in response. I'm still surprised by his presence.

My guilt for kissing Cameron is consuming me, Nash is such a sweet person he doesn't deserve to be cheated on. I'm so lucky to have him in my life, and he knows me better than anyone.

I know his lips crashed into someone else, but I had forgive him already and he's not the one who kissed Lexi, It's Lexi who kissed him. I don't want to wonder anything about it, past is past, I should just leave it there.

"Come join in!" I invite him, I don't care if I'm nearly naked at this moment, we're in a relationship and besides I trust him.

"Are you sure?" He puts his hand on his nape, his habit whenever he's nervous and I assure him with a simple nod.

He makes his way to the bathroom to change himself. I missed him, I missed him so much. His absence kills me slowly but now he's here, and brought my life back.

He comes back shirtless, only in his board shorts that goes above his knee. He open the glass sliding door and dip himself into the jacuzzi, joining me.

I hand him the champagne glass and eye on the champagne bottle sitting on the small table next to him. He grabs the champagne bottle and pour it in the glass.

He looks at me, I'm surprised that he isn't looking at my body, not even a glance.

"What are your plans tonight?" He puts the glass into the table and turn his look back at me.

"There's a party over Sammy's." I shrug, he's eyes got wide.

"Since when did you enjoy partying?" He laughs, and I join in.

"I don't know." I shrug and reach for the glass of champagne but I can't, so Nash hands it for me.

I take a sip and Nash asks me, "Who's Sammy by the way?" He's confusion consume him.

"My new friend, I met him the other night." I tell him.

"Him?" He has so many questions, I'm used to it because I understand that he's just being protective.

"Yeah." I answer.

"Well, I should meet him." He says as he review my not-so-attractive features.

"Yeah, why don't you come with us at the party." I invite him as I pour the whole glass of champagne into my system.

I lean in closer to Nash and kiss his jaw which makes his lips to form into a smile. I want him to make me feel like Cam does. I take my hands onto his cheeks and crash my lips against his. He kisses me back, his mouth are so soft just like his kisses. I need the sparks, the lust. I wrap my hands around his neck and pull myself onto his lap, not breaking the kiss.

"Amy," He says between our kisses and tries to push me off mellowly.

I stop and ask him, "What?" I pull away myself from him and look down due of extreme embarrassment. Maybe I'm not a good kisser, I don't know what crosses my mind to do that. All I want is to give me feels by him, like Cameron does, but there is no sparks, lust nor passion, all I feel is the butterflies dancing around my stomach.

He holds up my chin and commands, "look at me." I tear my eyes from my hands that's sitting on my lap and look at him.

His blue eyes are so intimidating, "It's our first kiss, It's your first kiss," He smiles. "I'm happy that you give it to me."

My guilt takes every fiber in me. If I told him about Cam, He'll freak out. I don't want to see him miserable.

"Yeah, I'm happy that you took it." I lied. I glance at my hands and it looks soggy, It's disgusting.

Nash glance at my hands and he knows that whenever my hands are soggy, I feel disgusted, so he suggests, "Let's get out of this jacuzzi." He laughs and I join in.

I'm about to get out of the jacuzzi until Nash refuses and tells me, "Hold on." He runs to the bathroom and I sigh. He comes back with a towel in his hand and a smile spreaded onto his alluring face.

He walks closer and gesture me to stand up as he covers me with a towel, and I giggle due of his actions.

"Thank you." I say.

He accompany me towards the bathroom, and closes the door behind us.

"I'll just dry myself a bit with a towel, then I'll get out." He tells me and I answer with a nod, still disappointed that I didn't get the feeling that Cameron gives me.

He kiss me on my forehead and left the bathroom. I sigh in disappointment and strip off my bra and undies, then wipe my body with a towel. I put some clean bra and underwear on me before leaving the bathroom. I was about to go crazy about not having undergarments in the bathroom, but luckily I put some of my undergarments into one of the drawers.

I left the bathroom with a towel covering me, only to find Nash in his boxers and picking clothes into his duffle bag. He's so masculine, It's attractive. I hug him from behind and say, "I love you." He turns his face to me and pecks my lips, " I love you more." I walk closer to my duffle bag and change with a pair of jeans, a black tank top and an oversized cardigan.

I'm planning to wear a pair of short nike pros and a simple t-shirt, but the clock across the room says it's six in the evening, meaning I only have two hours to go to the party, but I decided to get ready now to save myself from getting frantic while deciding what to wear for the party.

I changed and make myself presentable. I put make up, just like how I usually do it and let go of my curly hair.

Nash changed into his jeans and a t-shirt, he like it simple. We put our shoes on and head down the stairs.

"Cute couple!" Alissa remarks, and I think jealousy hits Daniel because he kiss Alissa infront of us.

I giggle and say, "Thanks."

We're all sitting on the couch occupying the four couches in the family room and I and Nash join in for the movie marathon, they were doing this since we got here.

Cameron and Casey caught my eyes, they're cuddling and I can feel the knife on my stomach twist.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" Andrea asks. I'm glad she asks that, she saves me from getting in pain. I pull my eyes away from Cam and Casey and cuddle with Nash.

"Pizza, because Amy here gives me false hope yesterday." Shaine glares at me, and I laugh due of her exprssion.

"I'm sorry boo boo." I tell her and she gives me a smile, I know that she was being sarcastic and it's totally fine.

A/N: Did you guys enjoy that? Nash and Amy got back together! Yay! But Amy doesn't feel the same way anymore, Cameron changed her feelings towards Nash.

The next chapter will be so exciting! Tune in for that! All the love ❤️

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