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Yesterday was the best day of my life, and It was also the day I gave someone I can never take back. I hope I won't regret it, because when I was in that moment, I feel great, and blissful. I can't stop reminiscing what happened yesterday, I've never felt like that, mainly because it's my first time.

Cameron barge in my bedroom, I'll miss him everynight, because tonight is when my parents are coming home from their trip.

I'll introduce Cameron to my family, but I don't think they'll allow me to stay alone in a room with a boy until I graduated college. Basically, I abused their absence, partly because I sleep with a guy, and partly because I had sex while they are away.

"Let's go?" Cameron asks, breaking my thoughts. Cam's going to drop me off of school, because my car is wrecked and there's no way someone can fix it, so basically I need to save up money for a car. Though, my parents' cars are in the garage but not the keys, they probably brought it with them.

Commuting is a struggle, luckily Cameron is here but I know that anytime soon he'll go back to LA for modeling, leaving me here.

"Yeah, give me a minute." I tell him, I take a look of my appearance once again. Hell, I look like Sadness from Inside out with this white turtle neck sweater dress, stockings and uggs. I don't like wearing turtle neck sweater but I don't have any choice with all this hickeys around my neck area, and shoulder.

I plug in my curling iron, and curl my hair. To prevent myself from looking like the clone of Sadness. She has straight hair, so I'll curl my hair.

After doing my hair, I did my everyday makeup routine; A coat of BB cream, a sweep of bronzer, blush and highlighter, A few coats of mascara, A line of black eyeliner on my lids, a line of white eyeliner on my waterline, a few sweeps of tinted brow gel, a line of lipliner along the edges of my lips, and a few coats of mauve lipstick. Instead of using my contact lenses, I decided to just wear for my specs.

I walk down the staircase with my school bag hanging on my shoulder, and my phone in my hand messaging the group chat, saying, "See y'all! #GoodVibesWednesday!"

And with that message they all replied with, 'finally!' 'I missed you!' 'Sorry for not visiting you at the hospital!' 'Why are you absent yesterday anyway?' Before, I can even reply Cameron remarks at my appearance.

"Why the fuck you are so dressed up? Who are you trying to impress?" Cameron snaps.

"So dressed up?" I said "Hell, I look like Sadness from Inside out. Though she's cute." I don't want any arguement, I've had enough last night with Andrea. I prepare myself a bowl of cerial for breakfast.

"Fucking get rid all of your make up. It will make fucking everyone hit you up." He stomps his feet out of the kitchen. I try to lean against the stool I'm sitting on, carefully. Trying to get him on my sight, and he's just sitting on the couch in the family room, with his phone in his hand. Everytime, used to it.

By the act that he's showing I can tell that he's jealous. This is basically how I look everyday, except for the days I am in the hospital, and yesterday.

I'm not getting my appearance worse, I just don't want people seeing my obnoxious dark circles, and faint dark spots. I'm definitely not trying to get every guy's attention, because even myself don't like if someone's attention is on me other than my friends.

I rinse the bowl and spoon and just leave it in the sink, I'm too lazy for cleaning it completely.

I walk in the family room, and grab my school bag. "Let's go?" I asks, half invite.

He looks at me in disgust, I hope we're not going into the conversation about my appearance today again, but I'm wrong when he asks, "Are you really not getting those colors off of your face?"

I want to laugh due of the term he used to label the cosmetics, but instead I shake my head in disappointment and walk out the front door, hoping that he'll follow me outside.

Waiting for a couple of minutes, I realized that he's really pushing me over the edge.

I stomp my feet off of the concrete making my way to the front door, and when I was about to reach for the front door, Cameron came outside. Just in time.

He walks pass by me, and I lock the front door for me and my family's safety.

When I turn my look on Cam's jeep, he's already inside the car. I know that he's pissed off and so do I. He's supposed to open the door for me, How gentleman he is!

I hop in off the jeep with a frown on my face, and Cameron's just so blank. He starts the engine, and afterwards he hits the road.

In the middle of the way, the loud silence is deafening, so I grab the aux cord and play Justin Bieber's The Feeling.

A couple of minutes passed by, when I realized that the automobile's speed is going slow and soon stops."Why did you stop?" I ask as he parks his jeep at Target.

He doesn't answer, and I sure know that he found myself annoying now. Staying away from arguements, I did not ask anymore questions.

He gets out of the jeep without even a word, leaving me hanging. He didn't turn off the jeep's engine and heater, and it's a sign that I'm not invited walking in Target with him.

I'm not a great singer, but because of boredom I sang along the music while playing games on my phone. Annoyance fills me when I look up at the time and It's been fifteen minutes since Cameron left. I'm getting late, again.

I wish I could change my schedule, but I can't for some reason. I hate it whenever Mrs. Jefferson embarass me infront of all my classmates.

My eyes caught Cameron with a paper bag on his arms, and a paper bag of Starbucks. Is it for me? I sure hope so.

Cam opens the car door and handed me the peppermint mocha frappé, my favorite!

I take a sip and smile above, it taste so great. I wish Starbucks sells this all the time.

My annoyance towards Cameron fades away, but it hits me again when Cam hands me the paper bag, consisting several packets of make up wipes remover.

I look at him with anger, and he answers, "Stop PMSing and stop covering your fucking face with crayons."

My blood starts to boiling when he told me that I'm PMSing when I'm not.

"I'm not PMSing Cameron!" I yell, even I don't want to.

"Sure," he says. "But just please remove all of your makeup." He says and still, looking at me and my frowning face.

"No." I simply answer.

"Please love?" He pleads, I was surprise by the name he calls me. I find it enormously romantic.

For him to stop, I did,  even though having no makeup makes me feel like I'm naked.

I swipe across my face the wipes on my face, excluding my eye area. My freckles are showing, faint pimple marks starts showing.

"You're much more attractive without it." Cameron smiles, and starts the engine. I roll at my eyes at his jerkiness, or am I the one who's being a jerk?

Just right in time, we arrived at school. Much relief fills me.

"Pick me up after?" I ask, I'm probably staying at his room, which is at Cobi's house. Because I have no choice, since my parents are going to be home by six in the evening. I already knew what my parents' reaction will be, if they saw me alone with a boy and afterwards I will be in a situation I never want to be in.

He nods in response, and with that I watch as his car disappear.

Tonight will probably one of the best yet worst night ever. I sure as hell that my parents are going to ask me countless questions if they realized that my car is nowhere in their sight. Though, I know that I'm incredibly stupid for not informing them about the incident.

I sprint towards my class to save myself from embarrassment. But, when I my feet reach the tiled floor of the classroom, I got astonished by the person who's standing infront. Nate Maloley.

Nate looks at me with a smirk forming in his lips, "Coincidence!" He says.

"What are you doing here?" I smile at him, he nods and smile at me in return, then I sit on my usual seat. Next to Andrea. I tried getting her attention while walking towards my seat, but she didn't turn her eyes on me, not even a glance.

If I wanted to hug him, to thank him for his conscientiousness, but my mind told me not to. I don't want to make a scene, especially infront of the group of obnoxious girls in this class.

I shake Andrea off of my thoughts and wonder why Nate is in this classroom, and where the heck is Mrs. Jefferson?

Someone clearing a throat, caught my attention pulling my eyes off of my table.

"Okay, so class," He started. "I'm your Math teacher until your last day in this school."

Everyone starts whispering, probably they're gossiping and wondering why or where's Mrs. Jefferson.

So that's the reason why he's here, isn't he? I never thought that he's a teacher, a Math teacher. Goodluck to him handling our abrasive class.

I hate to admit this, but I'm pretty fortuitous about Mrs. Jefferson's absence and is replaced by Nate's presence. But, wherever Mrs. Jefferson is I hope that she's okay.

My thoughts got broke when Crissa, the  most abhorrent girl in class chimes in. "How old are you sir?" Crissa asks in a flirty tone. What the heck?

Nate chuckles, "I don't think I can answer that."

So many questions was flying through the air towards Nate, from the students and whenever he answers a question his bewitching dimple is showing making every girl in this room go wild. He always smiles, and that's one thing I like about him.

When Nate, I mean Mr. Maloley realized that I wasn't paying attention to his lessons he calls for my name and asks, "Are you with us, Mrs. Earnshaw?" He smiles, making every single girl in this room go wild for a thousand time already.

I can't think off any answers so I just turn the pages of my book, pretending as if I'm really paying attention.


Today was pretty cool actually, and Nate being my Math teacher makes my day even more cool. Execept for the fact that I and Andrea aren't still talking.

While I was walking down the school hallway, someone calls out for my name making me turn back. Alissa and Daniel jogs towards me.

"Party at my crib this Friday!" Alissa invites as Daniel wraps his arms around Alissa.

"So-" I trail off as Alissa interrupts me and pleads, "It's my birthday."

Shit. After her mouth releases the words, she left. Now, there's no turning back now. If I didn't attend that party, she'll be disappointed and besides, It's one of my best friends' birthday, meaning I have to be really there.

I could take care about the party later, so I get it off of my mind and make my way to the parking lot, where I should wait for Cameron.

While waiting for Cameron, I sat into one of the benches at the parking lot, but I got interrupted when someone abruptly wrapped it's arms around me.

"Hey Nate, I mean Mr. Maloley." I giggle as I pull away from his touch, It's not right. A teacher showing affection to his students is extremely wrong, but I just shake that off of my head because he's a best friend of mine.

He laughs in reply as he reaches for something in his backpack, and says, "I got something for you." He pulls his hand away from the backpack, revealing a piece of white box that I guess has something in it.

He hands it to me, I grab it and unbox it, exposing a pandora bracelet. Due of too much happiness, my tears start racing down my cheeks with full of bliss.

He grabs it from the box, and gently put it on my writs adding an elegant from my simple self.

I hug him, tightly. I am unable to talk, move, nor function. It's drowning me with felicity until I got pulled away from him, and watch as he jump on him, which makes them fell from the concrete. Punching, and hitting each other without any mercy flashing from their eyes.

The pure euphoria tears was replaced by inconsolable tears rapidly.

"Stop!" I scream, but it barely does any help, they act as if I was just a wind who just passed by them while whistling.

I tried pulling Cameron away from Nate, but he push me back causing me to fall onto the freezing concrete. I stand up as quick as I can and tried pulling him away again from Nate. Cameron stops which is much to my surprise.

Cameron barely got any scratches, nor bruises, he just got hit once. While Nate looks so terrible from Cameron's hits.

When Cam got off of Nate, I tried helping Nate to get up. Not giving any shits on Cam's infuriate and frightening look.

"Let him go, Amanda." Cameron commands, and so I did. If I didn't he might hit Nate again.

"I'm sorry." I mouthed to Nate as Cameron walks closer to him, I grasp his arms but he just jerk it off, making me shudder that he might hit Nate again.

"Stay fucking away from my girl!" He yells right on Nate's face through gritted teeth, jaw clenching and knuckles tightening.

He walks pass by me, and I hold one of his arms but he jerks it off again and looks back at me in disgust. I look down at the concrete, What have I done!

I get in Cameron's car, not leaving my eyes off of Nate. I pity on him so much, but I couldn't do anything, and there's no any single person in this school to help me stop their unbearable fight.

Cam's rapidity is hardly endurable, everytime he increases the speed it makes me awfully apprehensive much more.

I want to yell at him, and tell him to 'slow down', but I'm horrified that he might hit me or hurt me or something worse, It's the first time I saw him like that. Everything that happened at school's parking lot made me regret that I gave him the most special thing I had, that I can never take back. Though, If only I'm not intoxicated by Cameron's love and presence all the time, I will be the one to call the police and get him in jail. But, what can I do? I love him. I am truly, madly and deeply inlove with him.

A/N: Alright! Cheers for another chapter! Ahahaha. Btw, I'm sorry if the sex part in chapter 12 kind of sucks, Im not good at it, partly because it's my first time, and partly because I don't know anything about it. Though, I've watched FSOG over and over again ahahahaha 😂

Please give every chapter in this story a vote, because that means a lot! All the love ❤️

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