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My tears overflows as Cameron throw the lamp against the brick wall of his room.

"It's easy Amanda! All you have to do is to stay away from other boys!" He thunder outs making me whince.

It's not easy to just stay away from the boys, I have so many great friends who turns out to be a boy. Cameron is obviously making me choose, he isn't exactly saying it but he's showing it. I'm not dumb for me not to see it nor feel it.

This Cameron is hardly bearable, I don't know what to do but to comply to all of his words which is slowly killing me, slowly wrecking me. He's like treating me like I'm his something, not a human nor his girlfriend.

Cameron ambulates to my direction with his jaw cleanch. Affrightness, panic, and anxiety collides in me, leisurely destroying me.

He suddenly stops, I close my eyes horrified that he might hurt me physically.

I feel the pads of his hands brush against my tears-stained cheeks. "You're mine."

His words made me still, unable to say anything nor do anything. I'm unfunctional and intoxicated by him again. I'm trying to be sober to save the remaining tiny pieces of my ego that was shattered by Cameron, right when I first met him.

His minty breath hits against my bare lips, sending chills down my spine as my hormones and pride battles.

My pride can even barely fight for itself, but it always tried to fight back even though it knows that it can't win. It's too weak when it comes to my hormones.

Cam's swollen lips touch against mine, making my ego to govern me for some unspecific reason.

The feelings exists, but it isn't that much powerful like before. Cam pulls his lips away. Disappointment and pain flashes through his alluring brown eyes.

I suddenly feel numb when I saw what Cam's eyes are shouting. I don't deserve to be treated this way, he's destroying me. I do love him so much but reality jolts me back. I always looks like a dumb person whenever I'm handling this kind of Cameron. Nevertheless, I still won't give up on fixing him because I love him more than life itself. Maybe all I should do is give us each a time, and wait for time to heal us. I have to, even though I don't want us to tear apart. It's for our own good and for the sake of our relationship.

"Let's just give us time, Cam." I blurts out. I grab my purse and walk down the staircase.

I'm hoping that he would go after me, so I waited for a few minutes outdoor.

No footsteps, no voices, no actions. He didn't go after me. I shouldn't have hoped anyway.

Cars or any automobiles are nowhere in sight. Partly, because of the piles of snow covering the streets, and partly because everyone is busy celebrting christmas eve even though it's only six in the evening.

I've nearly forgotten about Christmas Eve and celebrating it with my family, too much stress has been hitting my mind lately.

I was supposed to introduce Cameron to my family, but now my plans are shattered I don't think there's another time for it. I've decided to give each other time, and it's torturous.

The cold breeze of winter is nothing to me, I don't feel anything. Snow starts to fall down the streets ready to thicken the amount of snow that are already covering the streets.

The coldness starts to hit me little by little, tears starts flowing down my cheeks as everything flashbacks and it makes me regret everything I said towards Cam. I can never let him go. I want to, but I can't.

Someone calling me from behind interrupts my thoughts, I look behind me only to find Taylor Caniff, the guy who has a huge crush on me since kindergarten. He's a really good guy, to be honest.

"Hi," he smiles. When he realized that I was freezing to death in my only stockings and sweater dress, he hugged me and asks, "Are you okay?"

I nod in response. I got in surprised when I realized that he looks much more better than before. Before, He left the state when we were at grade nine, after the catastrophe that happened in his life. His parents split up, and he took it so hard. His family is the one he treasures the most.

"How 'bout you?" I managed to ask. At this time, I only want to get home already but I don't want to look rude to someone who is really a great friend of mine.

"I'm fine," he smiles, I love his smile. "Let's get you home, you're freezing." He says as he rub his hands on my shoulders, probably trying to build up a heat.

He leads me on the passenger seat of his range rover, who's luckily can pass through the thick coats of snow.

Right after he enters his car, he turn the heater up and it is something I really need to thank him for.

"Thank you." I said. He smiles in response, I love the fact that he always smiles, but I hate the fact that I know there's something dreary behind those.

"So, why are you walking all alone?" He asks, which I wasn't able to answer due of over exhaustion, I all of a sudden fall asleep.


When I open my eyes, the white and pink walls of my room welcomes me. Right after my mind starts to function, all I think about is Cameron and it makes me regret even more as the time passes by, and as my yearning for his presence increases.

I just hope, wish, want that he would all of a sudden come here and surprises me, but I know that I'm only giving my self false hope which can destroy me even more.

But at this moment, I don't care how wrecked, shattered and terrible I am. I love Cameron and that's what all that matters. I need his love and company, but at the same time I need to do what's good for us, for him.

I'm not a perfect person, and neither does everyone, but I always try to go for the rights and goods.

A feeling of the need to immediately go downstairs hits me abruptly. It's like magnetic force.

An unexpected noise starts to surround the house, and I'm assuming it's coming from downstairs. I walk down the staircase carefully, and before I completely reach the wooden floor of the living room, I try to sneak in who is it.

The strong scent of someone familiar's fragrance filled my nostrils just made me discover that the guy in this house, is the guy that I treasure the most. Cameron.

I stop my actions, and sit on one of the steps of the carpeted staircase.

"Take a sit, Sir." I sure know that my Dad is referring to Cameron, since they're the only guy in the room.

"Good Evening Mr. and Mrs. Earnshaw, Is it okay if I see your daughter right at this time?" Cameron asks my parents formally, which I find very attractive.

"No," When the word came out of my mom's mouth cause my heart to break even more, because I know that right at this moment that it's a sign, a sign that she doesn't like Cameron for me. Though, she can't stop me from loving him, she can't stop us.

"Liz," my father's thick voice interrupts when Cameron was about to reply at my mom's unwanted answer.

"Tony, so you're just going to let this guy see our daughter? Look at his appearance!" My mom yells at my Dad infront of Cameron. I hate to say this or even think about it that I shame on my mom everytime she's not in favor of someone who's I'm hanging out with, I'm so sick of this. My mom should consider herself lucky, that Cameron is respecting her somehow.

"He might be a rapist, Tony." My mom sturdy whispers, but hell everyone in the room can hear it. Why would my mom think that Cameron is a rapist? My mom is humiliating my Cameron and I'm starting to hate my mom for that, I know it's wrong and so does my mom.

"Excuse me, If I was a rapist I'm sure as hell your daughter won't enjoy making love to me. What crosses your mind to call me a such an obnoxious name? " Cameron scoffs and I know that he's trying to avert cussing infront of my parents, but I can't believe what he said infront of my parents, I wasn't expecting that he would bring it up to any conversation he's going to have no matter who is he talking to.

"You touched my daughter?!" My mom's voice is loud, loud enough to make me jump from where I am.

"Lizandra, calm down." My dad's tone of voice is more like polite, and understanding unlike my mom.

Seems like my mom just took my dad for granted and continue humiliating Cameron which is a really rude of my mom. "Now, answer me."

My mom is way out of line now, this is not just about me anymore nor Cameron, It's about us against my mom. Dealing with this situation makes me want myself to disappear.

"Like I said," Cam sighs. "Yes, I did." Now, that Cameron assured it to my mom, my birth giver starts hyperventilating, and when I heard the slapping sound that's the time I decided to show up.

All eyes are on me. Two pair of eyes are full of disappointment while the other pair are full of affection. I stand behind Cameron, I'm at his side. My mom was the wrong one, Cam wasn't doing anything wrong, he was just asking for my presence and now, he's got humiliated by my mom abruptly. He doesn't deserve any of it, despite the fact that we had an arguement earlier but it's normal for couples and at least Cameron never humiliated me.

When I finally got in Cam's sight, "I just want you to know that I'll be leaving the state tommorow morning. Goodbye, Amanda." And with that Cam saunters out the door, leaving me with tears flowing down my face. Again.

My mom ambulates towards me and once she's finally a few inches away from me, that's when the stinging burning feeling kicks in. I land the palm of my hand on my hot stinging part of my cheek.

"I thought you were different Amanda, but you are just like any other sluts!" My mom yells, but at this moment I could careless anything about her.

I ignore my mom and just run up the staircase, Arguing with my mom will make no sense. None at all.

I shut the door close of my room and plop myself onto the mattress, my Cameron is leaving and I didn't even do anything for him to stop. I just let him go away, how could I!

I grab my phone and try to contact Alissa, I can't call Andrea mainly because we aren't yet in good terms which I should really change soon, but I could careless about it right now.

Alissa picks up after three rings, "Hello?"

"Hey, can you help me?" I ask through the line.

"With what? And why are you crying?" She asks through the other end of the line.

"Can you help me sneak out? Please?" I plead.

"What?" There's no doubt that she got surprised.

I ended the phone call, she's probably just going to give me a long discussion if ever I explain it to her. The fact that my mom and dad are still having their arguement down the stairs give me an idea, I tiptoe towards my mom and dad's room to find any of a vehicle key.

When I got in the master's bedroom, my mom's purse is on her desk. I search in for her mini van's keys and when I finally found the key, I immediately run back to my room.

I change into a pair of jeans, a white deep v-neck shirt, a leather jacket, and a pair of knee high boots. I walk towards my door and lock it, afterwards I open up my window and climb down until I finally reach the ground.

Luckily, the mini van is already in the driveway. Instead of using the car remote key, I use the key and put it in the key slot of the car door.

I get in the driver's seat and starts to drive out of this place without a doubt. Knowing that Cameron is safe and sound is all that matters for me at the moment. Anyone can bring their bullshits towards us elsewhere, but I'm not going to give up on Cameron.

A/N: ahh sorry if I haven't updated for ages, really sorry for that. So, I'm going to change the next remaining chapter of this book. I'm going to change the terms into a past tense, because I'm having a hard time on doing every chapter on present tense, if you have realized, others chapters are screwed up. Much love, guys! And happy new year! May god shower each and everyone of you with euphoria throughout 2016!

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