Chapter 6

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As Y/N sits in the ring, basking in his victory over Sami Zayn with his arms spread wide, the crowd’s reaction begins to shift. A familiar theme music hits, and the arena erupts as Johnny Gargano steps out onto the stage, his expression determined and eyes locked onto Y/N.

Gargano wastes no time marching down to the ring, microphone in hand. He slides under the ropes, immediately stepping up to the towering Y/N, who slowly rises to his feet, towering over Gargano with a smug grin.

Johnny: (raising the mic to his lips, voice full of conviction) “Congratulations, Y/N. You proved just how dangerous you are tonight. But if you think that’s going to scare me, you’re dead wrong.”

Y/N chuckles, looking down at Gargano with an almost dismissive attitude. He goes to grab a mic from the side, but Gargano steps forward, cutting him off.

Johnny: “You’ve been running through everyone in your path, making a name for yourself by crushing anyone who steps up. But that ends now. You see, I’ve been the underdog my whole life, Y/N. People have told me I’m too small, too weak, that I don’t have what it takes. But every time, I’ve proven them wrong.”

The crowd begins to chant “Johnny Wrestling! Johnny Wrestling!” as Gargano's intensity grows.

Johnny: (leaning in closer) “You might be bigger, you might be stronger, but I’ve got something you’ll never have—heart. And that’s why I’m here, right now, staring you in the face. Because I’m not afraid of you. I’m here to challenge you, Y/N. Let’s see if you can break me like you’ve broken everyone else.”

Y/N’s grin fades slightly as he looks into Gargano’s eyes, seeing the unwavering resolve. He raises his microphone slowly.

Y/N: (with a cold, menacing tone) “Johnny… you’re walking into a fight you can’t win. I don’t just break my opponents. I destroy them. If you want this, you better be ready to get hurt.”

The tension in the arena is palpable as the two stare each other down, neither backing down. The crowd is fully invested, chanting for Gargano, urging him on.

Johnny Gargano: (smirking) “You’ll have to try harder than that to scare me, Y/N. I’ve been through hell and back, and I’m still standing. You want to destroy me? Bring it on.”

Y/N glares at Gargano, clearly irritated by his defiance. He drops his microphone, taking a step closer, and the two men are nose-to-nose now. The crowd is electric, sensing the potential clash.

Just as it seems like Y/N might take a swing, Gargano suddenly steps back, a confident smile on his face.

Johnny: “See you next week, big man. Let’s see if you can back up those words.”

With that, Gargano drops his microphone and exits the ring, leaving Y/N standing there, seething with anger. The crowd continues to chant Gargano’s name as he makes his way up the ramp, turning back to give Y/N one last look before disappearing backstage. The message is clear: this rivalry is just getting started.

After his intense confrontation with Johnny Gargano in the ring, Y/N strides through the curtain to the backstage area, still radiating the adrenaline from his match and the heated exchange. The hallway is bustling with crew members, but they all seem to instinctively move out of Y/N's way, sensing the intensity in the air.

As Y/N rounds a corner, his focused expression shifts slightly as he spots Peyton leaning casually against a crate, arms crossed and a sly smile playing on her lips. She’s been waiting for him, clearly interested in what just went down in the ring.

Peyton: (with a teasing tone) “Well, well, well… Look who’s making waves tonight.”

Y/N slows his pace and stops a few feet away from Peyton, giving her a once-over before meeting her gaze. He doesn’t respond immediately, letting the tension build between them.

Peyton: “You’ve got everyone talking, Y/N. First, you destroy Sami Zayn, and then Johnny Gargano comes out and tries to play the hero. It’s like you’re the star of the show all of a sudden.”

Y/N smirks slightly, clearly not minding the attention he’s been receiving.

Y/N: (calmly) “It’s only natural. They all want a piece of the top dog. But they’ll learn soon enough that stepping up to me comes with consequences.”

Peyton uncrosses her arms and takes a step closer to Y/N, her eyes sharp and calculating.

Peyton: “I know how this place works. The bigger you get, the more people want to take you down. But something tells me you’re not the type to let that happen easily. Especially with a guy like Gargano trying to play the hero. You think you can handle him?”

Y/N raises an eyebrow, slightly amused by her question.

Y/N: “Gargano’s got heart, but heart alone isn’t enough. I’ll deal with him like I’ve dealt with everyone else.”

Peyton nods, seeming to weigh his words carefully.

Peyton: “Good. Because I’ve seen what happens to guys who let their guard down around here. They get swallowed up, forgotten. But you… you’ve got something different, Y/N. You’ve got that killer instinct. And I like that.”

She circles him slightly, her tone becoming more intrigued.

Peyton: “But even the best need allies sometimes. People who can watch their back, keep things… interesting. What do you say, Y/N? Maybe you and I could… help each other out.”

Y/N watches her closely, recognizing the offer she’s putting on the table. It’s more than just a simple alliance—Peyton is offering to be a strategic partner, someone who could help elevate his standing and keep him at the top.

Y/N: (considering her offer) “You think you can keep up?”

Peyton smirks confidently.

Peyton: “I’m not just here to keep up, Y/N. I’m here to make sure we both stay ahead of the game. You keep doing what you do best in the ring, and I’ll handle the rest. Together, we could be unstoppable.”

The two share a moment of silent understanding. Y/N gives a slight nod, accepting the unspoken agreement.

Y/N: (with a hint of a smile) “Alright, Peyton. Let’s see where this takes us.”

Peyton grins, clearly pleased with the outcome. She takes a step back, her eyes gleaming with ambition.

Peyton: “You won’t regret this, Y/N. Just watch… things are about to get very interesting around here.”

With that, Peyton turns and walks down the hallway, leaving Y/N standing there, already thinking about the possibilities this new alliance could bring. As she disappears from sight, Y/N’s expression hardens again, knowing that with Gargano on his heels and Peyton at his side, the stakes have just gotten higher.

But Y/N isn’t one to back down. If anything, he’s more determined than ever to solidify his dominance in WWE.

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