Chapter 7

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The following day, the WWE Performance Center is buzzing with energy. Wrestlers and trainees are working through their drills, and the hum of conversations, weights clinking, and bodies hitting the mat fills the space. Y/N steps into the facility, a sense of purpose in his stride. Despite his towering frame, his movements are smooth and deliberate, exuding the confidence of someone who knows he's on top.

He’s not here just to train today—he’s here to send a message.

Across the gym, Peyton Royce is already there, stretching on a mat, her sharp eyes catching Y/N’s arrival. She smiles slightly, watching as he commands the attention of the room without saying a word. When their eyes meet, Peyton rises and strides over to him, her posture confident, like someone who knows they’re walking next to a future champion.

Peyton: (teasingly) “Look at you, causing a stir wherever you go. Word travels fast around here. Yesterday’s little face-off with Gargano? Everyone’s talking about it.”

Y/N smirks, brushing off the attention. He’s used to it by now.

Y/N: “Let them talk. I don’t care about the buzz. I care about what happens when the bell rings.”

Peyton tilts her head, studying him for a moment.

Peyton: “You’re focused. I like that. But remember what I said yesterday. Focus is great, but it’s strategy that makes a champion. That’s where I come in.”

Y/N gives her a side glance, intrigued but not fully convinced.

Y/N: “You think I need help to take down Gargano?”

Peyton: (with a sly smile) “I think you need more than brute force to get what you really want, Y/N. Taking down Gargano is just the beginning. I’m talking about making sure you don’t just beat him—you humiliate him. You crush him so completely that no one even thinks about stepping in your path again.”

Y/N pauses, her words sinking in. There’s something about Peyton—her calculating nature, the way she thinks ahead—that’s different from anyone he’s worked with before. She’s not just here to ride his coattails; she’s planning something bigger.

Y/N: “Alright, Peyton. What’s your plan?”

Peyton leans in slightly, lowering her voice just enough so only Y/N can hear.

Peyton: “Simple. We start with Gargano’s weaknesses. He’s a fan favorite, sure, but he thrives on that underdog energy. He’s got heart, but heart doesn’t matter when you’re in his head. That’s where we hit him—psychologically.”

Y/N listens, nodding as she continues.

Peyton: “You’ve already got him rattled, whether he admits it or not. But we take it further. We make him question himself. You show up in his training sessions, his interviews, his matches. You don’t even have to touch him yet—just be there, looming, making him feel the pressure. You play the long game. By the time you two step in the ring, he’ll be so wound up, he’ll beat himself.”

Y/N’s smirk returns. It’s a smart plan, and it appeals to his desire to not just win, but dominate. He leans against a nearby railing, crossing his arms as he considers it.

Y/N: “I like it. But I’m not known for my patience. When do I get to break him?”

Peyton chuckles, clearly enjoying his eagerness.

Peyton: “You’ll get your shot, big man. Just let the tension build first. When you finally put your hands on him, it’ll be that much sweeter. And trust me, the audience will eat it up.”

Y/N pushes off the railing, his eyes narrowing as he looks at her. He likes the idea of making Gargano squirm, but there’s something else driving him too. He’s not just here to beat Gargano—he’s here to leave a legacy, to become a name that everyone in the locker room fears.

Y/N: “Fine. We’ll play it your way—for now.”

Peyton grins, satisfied.

Peyton: “Good. Trust me, Y/N. By the time we’re done, Gargano won’t just lose—he’ll regret ever stepping up to you.”


Later that Day – WWE Headquarters

Peyton and Y/N are now at WWE Headquarters, set to film a series of promotional interviews. As they walk through the sleek, corporate hallways, it’s clear they’re being watched. Crew members and staff whisper as they pass by, Peyton and Y/N both aware of the attention but unfazed. This is exactly what Peyton wants—building anticipation, feeding into the story that’s unfolding between Y/N and Gargano.

As they enter the studio, the lighting crew is setting up, and a producer gestures them toward their spots. Y/N takes a seat in front of the camera, his broad shoulders and intimidating presence filling the frame. Peyton stands off to the side, watching with her arms crossed.

The interviewer, a polished WWE staffer, takes her seat across from Y/N, flipping through her notes.

Interviewer: (with a professional smile) “Y/N, after your dominant win over Sami Zayn and your confrontation with Johnny Gargano last night, the WWE Universe is buzzing. Everyone wants to know—what’s your mindset heading into this inevitable clash with Gargano?”

Y/N leans forward slightly, his face stoic as he speaks.

Y/N: “Johnny Gargano made a mistake. He stepped into my ring, thinking heart was enough to get him through. But heart doesn’t win matches. Dominance does. And that’s what I am—the most dominant force in WWE.”

The interviewer nods, sensing the intensity in his voice.

Interviewer: “Gargano’s known for being resilient. He’s been through countless battles and come out on top. Do you think you can break that kind of determination?”

Y/N’s expression hardens.

Y/N: “Resilience won’t save him. Gargano might have a history, but history means nothing when you’re facing me. I’ve destroyed everyone in my path, and he’s no different.”

At that moment, Peyton steps into the frame, placing a hand on Y/N’s shoulder, her eyes locking onto the interviewer.

Peyton: (calmly) “What Y/N means is that this isn’t just another match. This is about making a statement. Gargano’s used to being the hero, but heroes fall. And when Y/N steps into the ring with him, he’ll make sure everyone remembers that.”

The interviewer shifts slightly, sensing the dynamic between them, before asking one final question.

Interviewer: “So, what can we expect from Y/N in the weeks leading up to this confrontation?”

Y/N stands, the camera zooming out as he looms over the interviewer.

Y/N: “Pain. Gargano will suffer. And when I’m done, there won’t be anything left to cheer for.”

With that, Y/N and Peyton turn and walk out of the studio, leaving the interviewer speechless, the tension in the room thick. As they exit the building, Peyton glances up at Y/N, her smile widening.

Peyton: “Perfect. We’ve got them right where we want them.”

Y/N doesn’t respond, but the fire in his eyes says everything. The game has begun, and there’s no turning back now. With Peyton at his side, he’s ready to tear through anyone who stands in his way—and Johnny Gargano is the first target.

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