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"Sorry Neil, you know we can't get  hold of Vidyut in that way. Especially because he is the father of missing child. It may backfire and Avni could be in trouble. You know how influential he is." Aryan sighed.

"I know Aryan. But I need to save them. He didn't kidnapped Misty to pamper and love her." I groan in exasperation.

"Neil. I understand that.  Don't worry,  I can't do anything officially. But we can plan an unofficial mission. I have some trusted cops in the department. Let's involve them.   "
"I have a handful of cops too. But we will be outnumbered by Vidyut's goons. Still.... we don't have any choice."

Aryan summoned some cops soon.  We a group of 10 cops stepped out of Aryan's apartment.  When I came to know that Vidyut took Misty and Avni to Delhi. I immediately contacted Aryan. He is my fellow from IPS training and friend. Currently working in New Delhi.  It's past midnight.  It's going to be 13 hours since they have been kidnapped.  I just hope they are safe.

I turned around to see Vidyut smirking.
"I have heard you are a soldier's daughter. I expected you of this. This bravery and fighting back. But this is my world Avni... you can't escape from me."
I choose silence and looked around there are two men with guns aimed at me. My heart clenched with agony and helplessness. Now what?
"You are looking for Misty right? Come on, I will show you."
Vidyut grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. He walked towards the door I suspected where Misty might be.  He opened the door and pushed me inside. I fell on the floor but I didn't felt any pain. I saw Misty. She is sleeping on a bed. There's an intra venal fluid attached to her hand.  I  ran to her in panic. Is she alright? But Vidyut stopped me.
"What did you do to her?" I roared.
He chuckled. "I haven't done anything yet. She is unconscious. A doctor is watching her."
Then only I noticed another man sitting beside Misty's bed.
"Please let her go. She is a child. Don't do anything to her. You can kill me but don't hurt her."
Vidyut chukkled again. " Why would I hurt her. She is my daughter. She is the only one related to me I have now."
"Stop acting Vidyut. I know what you are up to. You want her to sustain your life. Misty is just a donor to you." Anger surged through my veins. I rushed forward and grabbed Vidyut's neck. He tried to relieve from my hold and stepped forward to me to tackle me by crossing his legs with mine. I fell down dragging Vidyut with me.

Suddenly I heard a gun shot. I looked sideways to see Ragini pandit, Vidyut's mother. She was pointing a pistol at Misty. I froze. Would she shoot Misty? No. Then Vidyut's life will also be at stake, right?
"Don't act smart. Get up... " Ragini shouted. I stood up surrendering.  Suddenly, a loud ringing sound echoed in the room probably an alarm. I saw panic striking Vidyut's face.  Vidyut picked his phone and talked to someone. I couldn't hear clearly but I understood something has happened outside the mansion. After the phone call Vidyut nodded at Ragini Pandit and left.  I hope Neil has arrived.  My heart overwhelmed with solace and happiness. Thank God for answering my prayers. But... but what if it is not Neil? There can be other reasons for the alarm.  A war of tug between the two scenarios began in my mind.

"Hey... ladki kya soch rahi ho?" (Hey ,  girl what are you thinking?)

I smiled. She is not confident that she can withhold me. It's a good sign. I confirmed it when Ragini's eyes showcased nervousness.  She moved towards Misty and pressed the pistol to Misty's forehead.  It's risky.  I need to redirect her attention to me.
"You can't kill Misty. You won't do it."

Ragini stood taken aback but soon regained her composure.
"You can't gamble with your beloved son's life." I said approaching her.

"My son's life?"

"Yes. Vidyut's life. He needed an organ transplant. That's why he abducted Misty."
Ragini stood stupified.  What happened to her? She didn't know? This is the opportunity.
I rushed forward and snatched the gun from her hand and immediately pointed it on her head.
"That's a lie! I don't believe you." Ragini spat.
"It doesn't matter. Come on, move forward. " I tried to threaten her. Pointing gun at her I picked up Misty from bed.
"Open the door and move forward."
I think I have her under control now. She stepped out of the door  without protesting. I was expecting some guardsmen outside but fortunately there were none.  Probably the alarm blared earlier because of someone broke into the building.  I made sure to place the gun at Ragini's medulla oblongata and motioned her forward. We could hear gunshots and breaking of furniture. I hope it is Neil.
"You and your son... both will go jail. Come on move..." I shouted. Misty was unconscious but I could feel her heartbeat on my shoulder. Which assured that she is alright.

Suddenly a goon fell in front of us crying in pain. When I looked up I saw DD.
He called.
"DD...." Tears escaped my eyes. He came to my side.
"Are you alright?"
"I am fine DD. Misty is unconscious. Where is Neil? Let's go to him."

"He is here. This is Ragini Pandit, right?"
I nodded and DD pointed his gun at Ragini too and moved forward.  I followed DD with Misty on my shoulder.
I can feel the rush of adrenaline in my veins. Some goons came blocking us but got threatened by us keeping Ragini at our gun points.

I was thrashing the goons who came to block me with whatever I got in my hands. I am becoming mad. I have to save my Avni and Misty. I didn't think twice before attacking everyone who blocked me.
I froze for a moment hearing Avni's voice. I ran to the adjacent hall and found DD coming down the stairs with a woman at gun point and Avni is following them carrying Misty.
My eyes welled up seeing my life  in front of me. Thank God. Thank God my Avni and Misty are safe. Avni began to run towards me but Before Avni could reach me, someone pushed Avni towards me and snatched Misty from her. Avni fell on the floor and her forehead got injured. I pulled her up and hugged her. That's when I saw him- Vidyut. He had an ugly smirk on his face and Misty on his shoulder.
"So, you are Neil. You came for Avni, I guess. You can take her with you but Misty will stay with me."
"Vidyut... I will kill your mother... leave Misty..now." DD shouted. So that woman is Vidyut's mother Ragini Pandit.
Vidyut laughed madly. Avni and I looked at him confused.
"Kill her. She is of no use to me now. I want Misty. Either you leave with Avni or you will leave with Misty's dead body. Choose wisely."
"No... I won't leave without Misty. You are going to kill her. " Avni screamed.
I looked at Avni in confusion.
"Vidyut, you don't want to see your mother alive? Leave Misty alone." I shouted.
Vidyut laughed again.
Ragini cried. "Beta...tum.."
Before Ragini could complete her words Vidyut fired his gun at Ragini. We stood shocked at his move. What a hearless man! Is he a psychopath? I saw Aryan entering the hall hearing the commotion. I nodded at him and he nodded back.
"Now what? How will you negotiate with me? I have no other way. I need Misty. I am ready to let Avni go. Otherwise Misty will die and so does everyone. Vidyut's goons had already surrounded us.
"Neil...Vidyut's life is already in danger. He need an organ transplant. He need Misty for that." Avni cried.
Oh! So he is risking everything for his life.  We should somehow   make him release Misty. He may not think twice before killing Misty. We should distract him. I thought.
"Vidyut.... we can arrange another donor for you. Leave Misty." I said.
"Ha Ha Ha... As if you would. I know better than that. This is your cheep trick to get Misty back. I am not falling for it. "
He started moving away from us. Drop your guns. Everybody!"
"Vidyut... we can help you. This is not an official mission. Handover Misty and Avni. You are free to go anywhere and have treatment. " Aryan tried to reason.
Vidyut turned to Aryan and roared. "I am already free and I will do my treatment. "

Suddenly I heard the crack of firing a gun nearby. Vidyut fell down in pain and without wasting a second I snatched Misty from him. I heard an another gun shot. Vidyut screamed in pain and his body became still. When I turned to see who fired it, I felt my heart crushing in pain. It was Avni. Her eyes were wide and terrified. But her hands were not shaking. They were holding a gun tightly.

To be continued.
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