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Vidyut's goons started to surround us and he was trying to escape.  No! I have to save Misty at any cost. Neil is trying to negotiate to him. But, that animal is hell-bent on taking Misty away. Vidyut's goons already took everyone's gun but they didn't know that I have Ragini's  pistol hidden in the folds of my saree.
I made up my mind. At the very first opportunity, I have to fire.
I saw another cop talking to Vidyut and he turned to that cop. Without wasting a second I fired. Yes, I freaking fired the gun. Vidyut collapsed screaming. I fired again.
I felt like a bucket of cold water splashed on my face. It was Neil who called me. He ran towards me with Misty. I shivered. I killed Vidyut! I looked at the gun in my hand. I haven't touched a gun before. Now, I killed a man with my own hands! I couldn't stop my self. I cried my heart out. I am a murderer now! I felt Neil hugging me tightly. He caressed my hairs and kissed my head. Tears clouded my vision. I cried.  Don't know how long. Then I heard Neil.
"Avni, come. Let's go." I looked at his face. He was also crying. We were on the floor of Vidyut's mansion.  The corpses were taken away but there were markings of the body on the floor. Blood still pooled where Vidyut and Ragini died.  There were still some policemen around.
"Misty? Where is Misty?" I asked. 
"She is safe. We have admitted her to hospital as she was weak."

"I want to see her."
Neil nodded.
We reached the hospital and I saw Misty is lying on a bed, awake.  She smiled seeing me. "Mumma... we are safe na?" She asked hugging me.
"Yes.. we are safe baby." I cried hugging her tightly. I kissed her face a hundred times.
DD had brought toast and milk for Misty. I fed her with my hands. I don't know when I would be able to do so next time.  I pushed that thought away.  I can't act sad infront of her so I smiled looking at my innocent baby. Misty happily had the food.
"Mumma apko chot lagi hei."(mumma you are injured!)
I remembered the cut on my forhead.
"Its ok baby. Just a small cut." I reassured her.
"Misty, I will take mumma to doctor uncle and he will treat the wound. DD uncle will be here  with you, ok?" Neil told Misty. She nodded. Neil held my hand and walked out.

Neil pulled me to the corridor outside Misty's room and made me face him. He cupped my face in his palm. I looked into his teary eyes and I could see different emotions. There was hurt, anger, love and longing.
"Why did you do it Avni?" His voice was merely audible. It pierced my heart. I collapsed on his chest crying.
"I killed him Neil... I don't know.... I killed him. Misty.... he was... going to.... I couldn't take any chance. Please ...don't hate me... Neil... please. I love you Neil... please don't hate me."
He pulled me back to face him.
"You shouldn't have done it Avni... Didn't you trust me? Did you think I will let him go with Misty?" Neil's voice was laced with anger and accusation. I felt my heart is constricted by Neil's words.
He pushed me a little away from him.
"Neil... I am sorry... sorry. Please forgive me..please don't get angry... I trust you.. more than myself...but.."
"But what? You know what will happen now? I will have to arrest you. Do you know how painful it is for me.."
Tears streamed down Neil's cheeks.
"Didn't you want to live a happy life with me and Misty? Or you wanted to go away from me again?"
Neil's each word pierced my heart. Tears flowed down my face.
I tried to hold his hands in mine but he didn't let me.
"You didn't have to think about me. But... what about Misty? Would you be able to live away from her and would Misty be okay? What would I say to Misty when she would ask about you?"
I sat on my knees and held Neil's feet.
"Sorry... Neil... please don't hurt me like this.. I am sorry..."
Suddenly Neil pulled me up and held me by my shoulder. "You feel hurt hearing the truth? This is the truth Avni. We both have to face it."
"I...I don't know what happened then. I..I "

"Sir, it is time we need to.... " We both turned to the side hearing the voice. There were three cops including a lady officer. I panicked. They are here to arrest me. I don't have much time to talk. I was feeling helpless.

"Neil... please...please .. I love you. I have always loved you. I will love you forever. Please don't hate me.
I am sorry I left you when we were kids
I am sorry I didn't came back to you
I am sorry I lied to you that I am married
I am sorry I tried to push you away
I am sorry you have to part from your family because of me.
I am sorry still I couldn't give you a family with Misty and I.
I am sorry I ruined our future."
I took a sharp breath.
I don't know if I have the right to ask you but, I don't have anyone to tell this please take care of Misty and.... also... my maa. Please. "
"Can I have five minutes alone with Avni please?" Neil asked the cops suddenly. They nodded and left us saluting Neil.
I looked at Neil questioning.

"Avni...I don't hate you. I can never hate you. I am just angry and disappointed. We couldn't start a happy life. I can't tolerate the pain of sending you behind the bars. "
I felt goosebumps hearing Neil.
He took a sharp breath and pulled out a small box from his pants pocket. He took out a nuptial chain from it. I stood dumbfounded.
"Look Avni, it is almost Dawn. "
I looked at the golden rays spreading from the horizon.
"I Neil Khanna, marry you Avni Mehta to be my legally wedded wife. This rising Sun is the witness of our marriage. "
I  couldn't react. My brain was twisted with ambivalent feelings.  A part of me wants to tie knot with Neil. Be his love, be his wife. But the other part wants me to deny Neil. I am going to jail. God knows how long. How can I ruin his life with my life.  He deserves a life, a happy one, a perfect one which I could not give him.
I held his hands. "Neil... no..."
He put a finger on my lips prohibiting me from talking. 
"Never ever doubt your rights on me. Don't think that I will leave you alone. We will fight in the court for you. I love you Avni. I had always loved you and I will love you forever and always.
Fresh tears started to roll down my cheeks.
"Me too" I mumbled.
I am still wearing the wedding saree and ornaments Neil bought for me.  If things were different we would have married yesterday and would have been happy with our small family.  But destiny played us really bad. Especially Neil. I can't even imagine what he might be feeling right now.
Neil lifted his hands holding the nuptial chain in front of me. He looked at the early sun. His brown irises were glittering in the golden rays of sun. I too looked at the sun. Instead of holy  fire, sun is witnessing our wedding.  Neil tied the nuptial chain around my neck.
He hugged me. I hugged him back like my life depends on it. Neil caressed my back and kissed my hair.
"I will take care of our daughter and our mother." Neil mumbled.
He pulled away from me quickly. I looked at his swollen eyes. He closed his eyes gulping down and walked away.
I went with the cops and got in their department vehicle. Neil was nowhere to be seen. He might be with Misty.  Then I saw DD sprinting towards me.
I ducked my face feeling embarrassed.  I  am just a culprit now. It is not good for anyone to claim their relationship with me in public.
"Please don't worry. We have evidences against Vidyut. We will try our best in the court."
He assured me. I nodded. I  heard the sound of engine revving.  It's time to go. I looked ahead. Don't know what is in the future for me. I looked at the nuptial chain around my neck.  Neil's words echoed in my ear.
"I will love you Forever and Always."
The End.

Hi friends,
The story "Forever and Always " has come to an end. This is my first finished story in wattpad ( i have another story completed in platform instagram). I started to write this story in 2019. I had a lot of writer's block, personal problems and health problems. Which is why it took around 5 years to complete this short story.  In the initial days there were around 150 votes and many comments for this story but as the updates were irregular people started to forget this story. But I  have no complaint.  Also I would really like to thank 30  readers who still follow this story and do vote.
I thank all of you especially the 3 or 4 people who write comments as well. It is because of you I decided to complete this story. A milion thanks for keeping up with me.
I would appreciate it if my lovely readers comment here their opinions.
Thank you.
Lots of love.

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