12. Only you..

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Thank you all for your votes and comments.

Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

P. S: Unedited chapter!

Target: 100 votes

Next morning :

Sonakshi tossed around in the bed in her sleep and felt something beside her reaching upto her sides. She slowly opened her eyes and was surprised to see a row of pillows arranged on the sides. She scrunched her eyes in confusion and sat upright. It was then she noticed herself covered with a duvet. She looked around and thought for a while. She very well remembered that she slept while reading the diary and had no clues who made her sleep comfortably. She closed her eyes and tried to reminisce something but all that she could remember was darkness.

"Don't leave me"

"I will never leave you"

"I won't let it happen.. again"

She could remember a few voices only, because everything seemed to be blurred. She could feel herself in someone's warm embrace but couldn't guess who it was. "Did I get a nightmare.. again?", she wondered and tried to remember it but she couldn't as her head ached badly. She held her throbbing head in her hands and shut her eyes in confusion. But as much as she tried to remember all that she could see was nothing! She felt as if someone has erased all her memories of last night. But she felt something, something deep down in her heart. The feeling of having someone by her side providing her the much needed solace. And then she remembered something, something which she could never forget and the realization hit her so hard that she couldn't believe herself and her eyes widened in shock. The first word that she let out as she woke up from the sleep..



"Kichu bhaiya, where is elena?", Sonakshi asked as she settled down on the dining table. "Madam, she didn't come down from morning", he said and sonakshi shook her head tiredly. She very well knew elena was such a lazy head and would wake up so late. "Good morning Ms. Bose!", Dev said sitting opposite to her and seeing him sonakshi stiffened in her place. She didn't know why but she was feeling nervous around him all of a sudden. Seeing her silent, Dev continued, "What happened Ms. Bose? It seems like you didn't have a good morning", he said and she shot her eyes up at him. "Did you come to my room last night?", she asked narrowing her eyes at him and Dev looked at her with a small smile playing in his lips.

Rohan who just came into the scene saw Dev and sonakshi glancing at each other with a kinda opposite looks and settled down on the chair beside confusedly. "I come to your room everynight Ms. Bose", Dev said smirking and Rohan choked on his food hearing him. Sonakshi looked at Dev with questioning eyes, while Rohan tried to control his raging cough awkwardly. "Please excuse me. I will have my breakfast in my room", he said taking the plate in his hand and disappearing from there within a fraction of second. "What do you mean?", she asked Dev who was already staring at her only with a playful smile.

"Did you forget that I came to give you your medicines last night?", he asked her and she rolled her eyes off him. "I was asking you if you came to my room after I slept", she said trying to sound calm. "Why would I?", he asked her and continued his food making her doubt him more. "Didn't you?", she asked him again and he shrugged his shoulders looking away from her. "I had a dream.. a bad one", she said and he stopped his actions. "Do you remember it?", he asked looking up at her nervously. "Yes", she lied and she could very well sense him getting tensed. "What.. What do you remember?", he asked her nervously and she moved a little closer towards him. "Do you want me to tell you?", she asked him more of a whisper and he nodded his head quickly in a yes. Sensing his eagerness, she moved back. She stood up from her seat and gave him a tight lipped smile. "Why would I?", she asked him and before he could retort back she left the place, leaving him all confused.


"Why can't I remember anything!", Sonakshi huffed in dismay entering her room, shutting the door behind in frustration. All that she could remember about last night was nothing but a few words which she didn't even know who said. But somewhere she felt it was him, but she held no proof to it, except her heart that was screaming his presence last night in her room. But one thing that she couldn't understand was how he came there at the middle of the night and why did she scream his name in her sleep? Was the dream related to him or them, she wondered pacing around the room nervously.

Suddenly her eyes fell upon the diary that was kept upon the bedside table and she walked towards it. She took the diary in her hand and opened the front page. "Devrath Rajvanshi", she saw the name written and caressed the first three letters of the word with her slender fingers. "Things wouldn't have turned to be what it is now if I didn't find you", she said looking at the diary. "But now I can't back off",she said flipping the pages and continuing it from where she left.


"Here we are!", Devrath said to shona as they both stood infront of the huge gate of his bungalow. "Is this the place you told me that you will take me to?", she asked to which he just smiled and led her inside. "Stop!", he shouted as she was about to step inside the house. "What?", she asked him confused but he gestured her to wait. "Ramu!", he called and Ramu hurried towards them. "Why are you always so irresponsible?", Dev asked him annoyed and Ramu gave him a sheepish smile. "Just a minute Dev bhaiya", he said and returned soon with a plate in his hands. "What is all this?", shona who was all silent till then asked them as Ramu was about to take the arthi.

"You are stepping into this house for the very first time and I want it to be special", Dev replied gesturing Ramu to continue and he did the same. "But this should be performed after our wedding only", she said surprisedly stopping Ramu. "For me we are married from the moment you said yes", he said asking Ramu to continue while she blushed a little. "But Dev these things should be performed at your house only. This is your friend's house, isn't it?", she asked him confused. "Which friend?", Dev asked her quickly and then bit his tongue realizing the blunder he has created. "Owner of this bungalow is your friend right?", she asked him and he gulped down nervously.

"It's because he is a very good friend of Dev bhaiya. And he asked bhaiya to consider his house like Dev bhaiya's house", Ramu came to the rescue making Dev sigh in relief. Though not fully convinced by the answer, shona nodded her head confusedly and Dev asked Ramu to continue. "But Dev these things are not necessary", she said stopping Ramu again while he huffed in dismay. "Let's do one thing. You both first decide what to do then call me", Ramu said and turned around to leave but Dev dragged him back. "Shut up and do what I said", he said as Ramu scrunched his brows at him and was about to continue but shona interrupted making him roll his eyes off her.

"But Dev..", she was about to say something but Dev stopped her. "Please listen to me atleast once", he said and she gave up. "Yes shona. Learn to respect Dev Bhaiyya's words. Though you never respected anyone, try to do so atleast once", he said and Dev gave him a death glare. "Not shona, call her bhabhi. And first you give her some respect otherwise I will kick you out of this house", he said and Ramu gawked at him open moutedly. "Shut your mouth and be quick. We have so many good things to do instead of staring at your stupid face. Hurry up", Dev said while shona giggled. Ramu flared his nose angrily and performed arthi, welcoming her inside.

"Should I do this too?", she asked Dev surprised as he asked her to kick the bowl of rice placed on the floor. "With no doubts", he said and she did the same smiling at him. She then dipped her feet into a plate filled with red liquid and placed her feet on the floor, leaving fresh imprints of her foot. "Now dip you palms", Dev said and she did the same. He took her to the other side of the house and made her paste the print of her palm on the wall. "And its my turn now", he said dipping his palms in the color making her surprised. "This is a symbol to show that I will protect you, always", he said pasting the print of his palms on either side of her palms to which she smiled looking up at him. "You are making me feel like a new bride", she said as they walked inside the house. "My bride", he said proudly, not missing to notice her cheeks turning into a hue of pink.

"I am doing everything in this house that a woman should do", Ramu who returned after emptying the arthi plate, blabbered to himself sadly making them chuckle. "Why are you troubling him so much Dev? You should have asked some maids to do that", she said as she saw Ramu entering the kitchen. "It's his right to do shona. Other than you, I have only him", Dev said smiling and she took his hand into hers much to his surprise. "Do you miss your parents?", she asked him even though she knew the answer to which he just smiled at her. Though he projected himself to be happier outside, she can understand how much he wanted to be loved and she was ready to spend all her life in loving him only.

"What is this!", shona asked moving towards a huge painting hung on the wall. "The flowers have withered", she said removing the garland from the portrait. "Can you please get some fresh flowers?", she asked the maid who was standing there to which she nodded at her and went to fetch some flowers. "Do you know who they are?", Dev who was standing silently till then asked her pointing toward the portrait and she nodded at him in a no. "He is Jagdish Prasad Rajvanshi", Dev said pointing at the man on the picture. "And she is..", he pointed towards the woman beside him but shona interrupted him. "His wife, Urvashi Rajvanshi. And they are the owners of this bungalow, isn't it?", she said and Dev looked at her in surprise.

"How do you know about them?", Dev asked her surprised. "My papa told me many times about them and how generous they used to be", she said smiling at him. "But God is so cruel that he didn't let them live for so long", he said sadly reminiscing the memories of his parents in the potrait with whom he never got to spend his childhood. "Have you seen them?", she asked and Dev stared at picture with a sad smile. How would he tell her that they are his parents only! Meanwhile, the garland arrived and shona changed them on the portrait while Dev smiled at her.

"Dev, I asked you something", she said turning around breaking his reverie. "They are my parents", he blurted out the truth and she looked at him blankly. "Like your friend's house is your house, his parents are also like your parents. Am I right?", she asked him smiling. "Yes, you are right shona.. I mean shona bhabhi", Ramu interrupted inbetween and she smiled at him brightly. "Dev bhaiya, why don't you show bhabhi your room?", he asked Dev who was just staring at them. Though he blabbered by mistake, he so wanted to tell her the truth. But before that Ramu interrupted them much to his dismay.

"Bhaiya, please don't tell her anything now. She might get hurt easily. It's just been a few days of your relationship. Give her some time before telling her who you are", he whispered but Dev stood silently thinking over something. "I don't think it's good to hide the truth from her Ramu. It may lead to something worse", Dev replied back looking at shona who was smiling to herself, all engrossed in admiring the fresh flowers in the vase. "I didn't tell you to hide it. Just wait for a few more days. I know her from childhood. It's not easy for her to accept that you have told her a lie, though it is for good only", Ramu warned him but Dev looked adamant. "What are you both talking secretly?", shona asked them doubtedly. "No, nothing. Come I will show you the other rooms in this bungalow", Dev said to her smiling and took her to look around the house.

"And here is the most important one", he said opening the huge door of his room and shona looked at it with awe. "It's so pretty", she said looking at the perfect interior of the room. There was a huge king sized bed at the centre, with two tall night lamps on either sides. The room was huge, the biggest one she had seen till now, in that bungalow. "Is this your room?", she asked him and he nodded at her in a yes. She ran towards the window and smiled excitedly looking at the beautiful garden below. He smiled looking at her excitement and stood behind her admiring her happiness.

"And soon to be 'Our room'", he whispered in her ears making her shiver due to the sudden proximity. He placed his hands on the window pane, either side of her, caging her between his arms and her breathing quickened sensing him so close to her. She quickly turned around and realised it was the biggest mistake she had ever done. He was standing close to her, closer than she ever thought and looking at her intently making her gulp down. "Our room?", she asked nervously and he hummed in response still looking into her eyes, all lost in her. "But it's so big", she said as he smiled at her. "It's because we can play all the games we like inside this room only", he said with a playful smile.

"Oh really! What are the games that you like?", she asked him innocently and he smirked at her. "Do you want me to show that to you?", he asked looking at her lips and she felt herself melting with his intense look. By now she could understand what game he was hinting at and mentally facepalmed herself for asking him a stupid question. "Devv", she said gulping down as he smiled admiring how her lips parted everytime she spelt his name. Never in his life, he realised how beautiful his name is, until it came from her mouth.

"Can I ask you something?", she asked nervously as he smiled at her. "Anything", he said huskily and she blinked her eyes twice inorder to get herself out of his magnetic eyes. "What is that?", she asked pointing behind him and he looked at the piano with a completely disappointed face. "Seriously?!!", he asked in disbelief moving back, letting her out of his hold, making her sigh in relief. "It's piano, a musical instrument", he said and she looked at it in surprise. "Can I touch it?", she asked him nervously and he smiled at her. He grabbed her hand, taking her towards the piano and made her sit on the stool infront of it.

"These are the keys. Press them one by one and you will hear the music", he said standing behind her. She hesitantly took her hand and pressed one of the keys. Her lips curved up hearing the music and she couldn't help but press the keys one by one excitedly making him smile too. "This is fun!", she said still playing with the keys as he stood leaning on the pillar beside admiring her all the while. "Let's go", he said walking towards her. "Where?", she asked him surprised. "To somewhere very important", he said grabbing her hand and taking her out of the room.


"Dev, why did you get me here?", Shona asked confused as they both stood infront of two tombs built beside each other. "Do you know whose grave these two are?", Dev asked her and she looked at the name imprinted at the top stating 'Jagdish and Urvashi Rajvanshi'. She looked at him and nodded in a yes as he smiled. "I wanted to make you meet them. And I am so sure that they would love you more than me", he said smiling at her while she reciprocated the same. By the excitement in his face, she could sense how important they are to him. "By now, they will be happy to see you", she said smiling. "To see us", he said stressing the latter making her smile wider.

"What is this?", she asked him as he took out a box from his pocket. He opened the box and she was amazed to see an intricately designed white gold ring with a big ruby stone fixed in the middle. It was elegant yet royal and she couldn't take her eyes off it. "This is the one for you, only you", he said taking her hand in his and slipped the ring into her finger, making her surprised. "Dev, what are you doing?", she asked shocked looking at the beautiful ring adorning her slender fingers. "I did what I was destined to do. This one was given by them to me", he said pointing towards the tomb. "And I fulfilled their wish now", he said smiling looking at the ring in her finger. 

"And you should never take it off.. Never", he said and she looked at the ring in her hand. Everything happened so quickly and she couldn't come to any terms. "But how..", she was about to say something but he interrupted her. "Sshhh.. No ifs and buts shona. Even if I am not with you, this ring will give you my presence around you. So promise me. You should never remove this", he said forwarding his hand. She looked at the ring in her hand, that was shining brightly and up at him. Pushing her hesitation aside, she placed her hand on top his making his lips curve up.

"God is not that cruel Dev", she said as they both stood holding each other's hand and he looked at her confused. "That's why he gave them you, who considers them as his own parents", she said smiling at him looking at the two tombs. But somewhere he felt guilty for hiding things from her which he shouldn't. "Though they didn't live for so long, I am sure that they would've lived together happily. Not everyone gets a chance to be together even after they died. They are lucky to have each other with them, even now", she said looking at the two tombs beside each other.

"I want to tell you something shona", he said and she looked up at him. "Tell me that you will never hate me", he said and she narrowed her eyes at him. "I can never hate you Dev", she replied confidently. Letting out a long breath, he continued. "I have been hiding something from you for so long", he said nervously and she looked at him confused. "I don't know how you will take this. But I did everything for our goodness only", he said and she looked at him gesturing him to go ahead. Calming himself down, he continued, "Shona, I am Devrath Ra...".

**End of flashback**

Sonakshi heard someone knocking on the door and quickly got up from the bed. Wondering whom it might be she hurried towards the door and was surprised to see Kichu bhaiyya standing there nervously. "What happened bhaiya?", she asked him confused. "Elena madam didn't come out of her room till now", he said nervously. "She might be sleeping. Don't worry. She will wake up soon", she said and was about to go in but he stopped her. "No madam, I heard a loud noise from her room. And so I knocked the door but she didn't open it at all", he said and sonakshi thought for a while. "Okay, Come let's will see", she said and walked towards Elena's room.

"Elena, open the door", she banged her room's door but there was no response. But the door was open much to her relief and she stepped inside nervously. The room was unusually quite and empty much to her surprise. "Elena", she called her again but there wasn't any response. She wasn't even in the washroom making her panicked. Giving up, she quickly dialled her number but elena's phone was on the bed side table making her huff in dismay. "This girl is so irresponsible!", Sonakshi murmured to herself and went to grab elena's phone but what saw her then, made her heart stop for a while. There she was, lying on the floor beside the bed, lifelessly, covered in a pool of blood.

What happened to elena? Will Devrath tell shona the truth?

Precap : Elena 💔 😫

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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