16. The Mysterious Stranger

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Happy Raksha bandhan everyone!

Thank you all for your votes and comments.

Thanks for completing the target too.

Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 100 votes

"Shona, I am Devrath Rajvanshi, Son of Jagdish Prasad Rajvanshi and Urvashi Rajvanshi", Dev completed and an eerie of silence filled the air. He looked at shona nervously anticipating any reply from her but all she did was to stare at him wide eyed. "Shona, I am sorry. I know you can't take it easily. But I didn't meant to lie. It..", before he could continue she gestured him to stop. Her face was so expressionless that he couldn't decipher what she was thinking. But deep down his heart he felt scared. The fear of losing her overtook him as yet again a strange silence prevailed between them.

With every passing second, his heart beat increased haphazardly indicating how nervous he was. Ofcourse he didn't want to fool her but the truth was he lied to her. Though it didn't affect anyone it was a lie, and he knew that he had to bear the consequences of his actions, whatever it might be. Calming down his raging heart he looked at shona who was still staring at him. He didn't know what got into her that she remained silent for so long, making him even more tensed and he gulped down nervously averting his gaze from her.

Looking at his scared face, unable to hold it anymore shona burst into laughter making him shot his head up at her. His eyes widened in shock looking at her who was laughing hard clutching her stomach. Wondering over her unexpected reaction he stared at her in disbelief as she finally suppressed her giggles and looked up at his shocked face. "So, you are Devrath Rajvanshi, the heir of Rajvanshi family!", she asked and he nodded his head in a yes slowly. Here he was so tensed to see her reaction but she looked all the more cool much to his surprise. Suppressing her smile, she nodded her head understandingly and broke out into further more giggles. 

"What?", he asked confused as her giggles didn't seem to die. "Dev.. how.. can.. you?", she said in between her laughs and he narrowed his eyes at her. "Enough okay.. I can't laugh anymore", she said trying to control her chuckles and he stared at her blankly. "What is there to laugh?", he asked her confused. "What is there not to laugh? Do you even know what you were saying?", she asked still chuckling and he furrowed his brows at her. "Look at you!", she said pointing at him, making him confused. "I have never seen a person from royal family wearing such dirty clothes", she said holding her chuckles and hearing her, his mouth formed a 'O'.

He looked down at his clothes that turned a little untidy due to their cleaning works and groaned at her in disbelief. "Haven't you seen in any dramas? People from royal family wear royal attires. Like intricately designed sherwanis with heavy jwellery and ofcourse a royal turban. But definitely not something like what you are wearing", she said still giggling and walked in leaving Dev gawk at her open mouthedly. This was definitely not what he was expecting from her. 'Was he looking that bad that she can't accept him to be a part of Rajvanshi family?', he thought looking at himself shocked yet again.

"Dev!", he suddenly heard her calling him aloud and that broke his reverie. He looked around and realizing that she was not there inside the house, he stormed out panicked, worrying over her sudden scream. He rushed to the back of the house hearing her from there with worried lines etching his forehead. "Look at this!", Shona said smiling adorably holding a cute little black kitten in her hand making him sigh in relief. "You scared me", he said softly walking closer to her while she was all busy in adorning the little kitten in her hand. "Look how cute it looks", she said looking at the kitten that was trying hard to open it's drooping green eyes.

"But it's dirty", he said cringing looking at the mud covering the kitten making her frown. "It's not dirty, you are!", shona said and his mouth turned to a 'O' yet again. "But I am dirty because of you only", he said dusting his hands filling the air around with dust making the little cat sneeze. "Eewww! Dev go away. You are making my kitten sick", shona said and Dev looked at her wide eyed. "Your kitten! When did this happen?", he asked her in disbelief. He couldn't believe that she was taunting him just for the sake of a little kitten that she met a few minutes back.

"Now only! I fell in love with him the very first moment I met him. It's love at first sight!", she said smiling, her eyes gleaming with happiness and Dev looked at her shocked. "Then what about me? You never even said those words to me", he said in disbelief. "I will say only what I meant and only to whom it meant", she said smirking and hearing her Dev's jaw hit the ground. "How can you be so mean!", he asked hiping his hands and she chuckled aloud looking at his annoyed face. "Meow!", the kitten hissed in it's sleepy state blinking it's little green eyes while she looked at it adorably.

"Aww! I will make you bath and you are going to look even more cuter", she said looking at the kitten in her hands. "Umm..You said I look dirty. So even I need a bath", Dev said smirking, leaning towards her but she moved quickly making trip a little. "I can bath cats only, not wild animals", she said and walked away even before he could understand what she said. But when he did his jaw dropped down in shock and he stomped his foot angrily, walking out of the house.

Dev was walking around the garden with a constant smile lingering in his lips. Even after these many years, this house didn't seem to lose the beauty or even the memories he had with his family. Though it was very few he could very well remember everything. Suddenly he heard a loud honk, breaking his reverie. Wondering what and where it could be from he walked out and was surprised to see a huge jeep standing infront of the house. He could see a person talking with someone or precisely arguing standing infront of the jeep and a person standing beside him with his back turned towards him. They both didn't seem to be Indian.

"Any problem?", Dev asked as the person turned around to face him. There was a local villager beside him to whom the person was talking with. "Bhaiya, he is saying something and I can't understand that", he said and Dev nodded at him before turning towards the person, who seemed like a chauffeur. "I am Devrath.. Devrath Rajvanshi", he said waiting for him to continue but the person infront of him looked at him amusedly. "Mr. Rajvanshi, the owner of this house?", Dev heard the other person and turned around surprised. "I am John Henry Williams", he said forwarding his hand with a tight lipped smile.

And it was then it clicked to him. He was the general of the town. "Hello Mr. Williams", Dev said smiling, greeting him back with an handshake. "Is there any problem?", Dev asked as he thought for a while. "Nothing much, I was just asking for a way. But I guess I found it now", he replied while Dev looked at him quizzically. "Good that you found it", Dev said with a tight lipped smile. "Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have got to see you Mr. Rajvanshi", he said with a smirk, which didn't go unnoticed by Dev.

"Dev, see how cute he looks now", shona came out all of a sudden carrying the little kitten in her hand and everyone's attention fell on her. Getting no response from Dev she looked up and it was then she realized that he wasn't alone. Mr. William who by then noticed shona coming from inside the house, looked at her and then at Dev suspiciously. Dev, noticing his gaze on Shona who stood silent staring at both of them, continued. "It was good to meet you Mr. William", Dev said breaking his reverie. "Well, we will happen to meet again.. more often", he said with a smirk and got inside the jeep, which zoomed off quickly leaving Dev suspicious.

"What were you talking with them?", shona asked Dev as he kept staring at the direction the car went. "Nothing much. They were asking for the way to go", he said and she nodded her head understandingly. "You know what Dev, papa doesn't like them", she said. "Why? And how did he know them?", he asked her confused. "I don't know. But he always says that people who came from far away are not trustworthy", she said caressing the little kitten in her hands while he narrowed his brows at her. "I too came from far away. So do you mean that even I am not trustworthy?", he asked her and she sighed at him tiredly.

"But you are not from that far. London is near Varanasi only right?", she asked innocently and he let out a chuckle which she didn't go unnoticed by her. "What?", she asked furrowing her brows at him but he nodded his head in a no. "Your kitten looks good now", he said and she grinned at him widely. "Because of me only", she said with a proud smile still caressing the cat. "Even I want to look good. Help me too shona", he said yearning a death glare from her. But her cheeks turned to a hue of red, which he didn't miss.

"What happened?", he asked as her smile drooped down. They reached his bungalow long back and all the while shona was busy in playing with the cat, ignoring Dev completely. "I can't take him to my home", shona said looking at the cat in her hands. "Why?", he asked her as she looked at him with a sad pout. "Because papa hates to have animals at home", she said sadly but soon her lips curved up and she looked at him lovingly. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?", he asked her as she grinned at him widely. "Dev please. I know you will do this for me", she said looking at him ever so lovingly making him all the more doubtful. "Do what?", he asked her confused. "Keep him with you at your house", she said smiling but he was quick to nod his head in a no.

"Won't you do atleast this for me? For your shona?", she asked him with a cute pout while he rolled his eyes off her. "Fine. Give me", he said taking the cat from her hand as it crawled at settled on his arms. "He likes you", she said with a bright smile. "But I don't like him", he said flaring his nose angrily. "Sshh.. Don't say like that. He may hear you", she said pointing at the sleeping kitten. "I don't like him", he said more of whisper audible enough only to her as she giggled. "Dev, you are jealous. That too of a cat", she said chuckling and he looked aside faking anger. "But don't worry. I will come to see you and look after you everyday", she said to the sleeping cat and hearing her Dev shot his head at her.

"Then who will look after me?", he asked her in disbelief. "Ramu!", she was quick to reply. "No, I have decided something. I am going to appoint someone to take care of me. Any young, beautiful, unmarried woman", he said placing the sleeping cat on the table beside and she gawked at him open mouthedly. "How dare you? I will kill you if you did something like that", she said hiping her hands. "If you killed me, then who will you marry?", Dev asked with a smirk. "Him", she said pointing towards the cat while Dev gawked at her openmouthedly. Soon they both burst into laughter filling the air around with their undying giggles, all lost in themselves completely forgetting the little kitten who was smiling in his peaceful sleep.

**End of flashback**

Sonakshi felt her eyelids closing in their own accord as the day's toll took over her. She placed the diary on the bedside table and switched off the lights. Soon sleep took over her as she pulled up the blanket over herself, with a constant smile lingering on her lips as the sound of a cat hissing inside her room went unheard by her.


Next morning :

Sonakshi saw Dev sitting on the dining table and walked towards him. "Good morning Mr. Dixit", she greeted him chirpily surprising him much. "Good morning Ms. Bose. You seem to be in a good mood today. Strange!", he said as she settled opposite to him. "What's strange in that?", she asked sipping her juice. "Because after what happened last night I thought you would be packing your things to Delhi. But after meeting the ghost you seem to be happy as if you met your boyfriend after a long time", he said smiling teasingly. "Haha.. very funny. But I am not a coward to run away Mr. Dixit", she replied as he smiled at her knowingly.

"Good morning everyone!", Elena greeted enthusiastically descending down the stairs. "Good morning ele. Good that you are early today. Have your breakfast on time atleast today", Sonakshi said pulling the chair beside her gesturing her to sit in it. But without noticing her, Elena took the seat beside Dev and smiled at him warmly while he too reciprocated the same. Sonakshi pushed back the chair to its actual place and smiled a little at elena who gave her a toothy grin. "Who knows.. She might have not slept at all. Were you chatting with that ghost all night Ms. Mushroom?", Dev asked elena teasingly while sonakshi shook her head smiling.

"Not with that ghost. But with a devil, who is busy having his breakfast sitting beside me", Elena replied and hearing her sonakshi shot her head up at the two. She didn't miss the blush that was covering elena's cheeks. "Who?", Sonakshi asked her with a nervous smile, her heart not wanting to hear what she thinks. "Ms. Bose, how can you let someone call your friend as devil?", Dev asked her but before that elena interrupted him. "Oh hello! You might be her friend now. But even before that, I am her bestfriend. She will do anything for me. Isn't sona?", Elena asked and sonakshi felt something prick her heart.

She wondered when did elena become so close with Dev that they exchanged their number and chatted for the whole night. She took her phone and opened her chat list with him, but alas, it was empty. "What are you looking at?", Dev asked as he saw sonakshi staring at her phone screen for a long time. "Nothing. I checked whether I received any mail", she said with a tight lipped smile and placed her phone back on the table. How could she say that she was checking for his message only! "Oh sona! Didn't you get tired waiting for mails for your whole life? Sometime you should wait for someone's message. You will never get to know how it feels like", Elena said smiling dreamily while sonakshi gave her a tight lipped smile.

"Where is Rohan?", Sonakshi asked Dev. "After what your pagal friend did yesterday, he didn't even have the courage to come out of the room", he said while sonakshi smiled. "Ah.. That's rude!", Elena said smacking his arms playfully which sonakshi didn't miss. She couldn't understand why but she felt completely uncomfortable sitting there and watching the two. "You guys continue, I have some work", she stood up leaving the food in the middle. "What happened?", Dev asked confused with her behaviour. "She might have received that mail", Elena answered even before sonakshi could open her mouth.

Sonakshi nodded her head in a yes, with a tight lipped smile and turned to leave but stopped hearing elena. "Dev, if you are free today, can we go out?", Elena asked while Dev thought for a while. Sonakshi stood rooted in the same place with a hope of hearing a 'no' from Dev, she didn't even know why. "I would love to", Dev said and Sonakshi's heart sank in her chest. "But after what happened yesterday, that room again went back to it's worse state. And so I have double the work to do now. So, we'll go some day or the other", he said and hearing him sonakshi couldn't help herself grinning from ear to ear. She quickly dashed into her room and after shutting the door behind sat on the bed with a constant smile playing on her lips.

Bruno who just woke up from a deep slumber saw sonakshi smiling to herself which was a very rare sight for him too! He walked towards her and pulled the hem of her skirt breaking her trance. She saw bruno sitting and looking at her with a confused look. "What do you think about it?", she asked Bruno as he gave her a blank look. "Why do you think he didn't agree to go out with elena?", she asked as bruno blinked his eyes twice not understanding anything. "May be he had some work", she said as he moved his tail from left to right. "Or may be he actually don't want to go out with her", she said and he barked once while sonakshi gave him an amused look.

"But they have grown close that too within a day. Do you know how?", she asked and he gave her a blank look. "But they didn't seem to be that close. Do they?", she asked and he stared at her for a quiet long time. "Why are you looking at me like that Bruno? Mr. Dixit is a very playful person. He flirts with everyone. So I need to protect my best friend from him. That's it", she explained but Bruno walked away and settled back on his bed. "What? You shouldn't walk like that when I am talking to you", she said but he closed his eyes without listening to her. "Even Bruno is not listening to me nowadays", she murmured to herself angrily and sat back on the bed. Taking the diary that was placed on the table beside, she flipped the pages, continuing from where she left.


"It's my turn now", shona said taking a tiny pebble in her hand and throwing it on the water. They were sitting on the bank of the river on a not so sunny evening, enjoying each other's company. Nowadays it became their daily routine for them to meet there or at Dev's house. This place seemed to be even more comfortable as it was situated at the outskirts of the village with no one disturbing them. The pebble touched the surface of the water, skipping twice before sinking in. She facepalmed herself and looked at Dev who was grinning widely. "I won again", he said with a proud smile while sonakshi flared her nostrils in anger. "It's just a matter of one skip. You did it in three, I did it in two. Not a big deal", she said convincing herself but he was in a mood to tease her.

"Either one or two, it doesn't matter. What matters is, I won and you lose, for the seventh time", he said smirking and she rolled her eyes off him. "So what do you want me to do now? Should I shout to the world that I lost a game to the great Devrath?", she asked with annoyance dripping from her each words. "No need to shout that. Instead shout to the world that you lost your heart to this great Devrath", he said smiling mischievously and she shook her head in disbelief but with a crimson adorning her cheeks. "Fine. Let's do it once together. I am sure you will win this time", he said and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Let's try. Atleast once", he said and she agreed to him without any choice.

He gave her a pebble and held her hand in his. Together they threw the pebble and it sank in, skipping four times much to their surprise. "See, I told you", he said as she smiled at him widely. "That's why we should do everything together", he said as she smiled back at him. "And I fulfilled another wish of you but you didn't even fulfill that one wish of mine", he said with a sad pout and she gave him a death glare. "In your dreams! And you didn't fulfil all my wishes", she said and he looked at her quizzically. "What? I did everything", he said honestly. "No, do you remember your very first promise? That you will take me on a ride in that.. Umm.. that running box", she said and he thought for a while. "Running Box?", he asked her confused and she facepalmed.

"That one for seeing which I jumped into the bungalow along with chotu", she said and getting what she meant he burst out into laughter. "You meant to say Car!", he said suppressing his giggles and she nodded her head in a big yes. "I would love to take you in that car. But not hiding from others. I want you to sit beside me proudly and have a ride while everyone in the village should look at us in awe", he said smiling. "But Dev, it will take so long to happen", she said worriedly. "No. If I talk about us to your father it may happen very soon", he said and her eyes widened in shock. "Oh god! No need of your ride itself", she said scared and he shook his head in disbelief.

"Haa! Let's do one thing. That day the person whom you were talking with also had a similar box. I will ask him to give me a ride in that", she said with a teasing smile while Dev gawked at her open mouthedly. "How can you ask that to someone whom you didn't even know?", he asked in disbelief. "Don't worry. I will manage. It's gonna be fun", she said standing up excitedly but Dev grabbed her wrist stopping her in her traces. "No you shouldn't. Whatever fun you want you have, have with me, not with some stranger", he said seriously and she tried hard to suppress her laughter. "It's okay Dev. He is not a stranger. He is the one who governs this whole town. Won't he fulfill atleast this one wish of this poor girl?", she asked suppressing her laughter looking at his annoyed state.

"No, he won't", he said gripping her hands even more tightly. "Dev, leave my hand. Someone is coming", she said hearing some footsteps. "You can't fool me shona. I won't leave your hand. Neither in this birth nor in the next one, if we had any", he said still holding her hand. "Shona!", they heard a known voice thundering around and both snapped their heads towards the source. Shona's breath hitched in her throat and words failed to leave her mouth. Dev stood up from his place shocked by seeing the person infront of them. Both stood frozen as before them stood Bijoy, with his angry gaze transfixed on their entwined hands.

What is gonna happen now? 😰

Precap : 💔 Devrath and shona.... Jealous sonakshi 🔥

Can anyone suggest some good name for the cat? But it should be old referring suitable for the period they were living in. ☺️

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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