17. The Unbelievable Truth

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Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 100 votes

Devrath and Shona stood stunned seeing Bijoy standing infront of them angrily. Never in their dreams did they expect him there and catching them together was the worst thing ever. Bijoy's gaze travelled from their shocked face to their entwined hands. Seeing him they immediately loosened their hold, distancing away from each other. "We..", Dev was about to say something but Bijoy gestured him to stop. "Whatever you both did till now is enough", he said looking at shona who lowered her gaze in shame and then looked back at Dev. "If you want to do anything more, leave everything and go", he said as she shot her head up at him. "And never come back", he completed as they both looked at him shocked.

"Papa..", shona was about to say something but he cut her off. "And the same goes to you too", he said and her eyes widened. "If not come home, but never look back", he paused. "Now the decision is yours", he said and walked away without giving her much time to think. She looked at him and then at Dev teary eyed, who stood startled by the turn of events. Seeing her standing rooted, he blinked his eyes assuringly and gestured her to go behind her father, which she did immediately. He stood staring at their retreating figure as he knew this time its gonna be difficult, really difficult.

Two days passed by and nothing changed in shona's house. Neither her father uttered a single word to her after they reached home nor did she leave the house even once. Her mother was too shocked to hear the happenings that it took too long for her to digest the fact. Though her parents didn't talk about anything to her, shona could very well understand what was going on in their mind. She couldn't blame them, because if anyone should be blamed she knew it has to be her only. She very well knew that such a thing could happen, but never expected it to be this soon. Anyhow she expected her parents to question her, scold her but neither did that happen, much to surprise.

They were unusually silent and this made her more tensed. Neither did they initiate any talk about that nor did she had the courage to talk to them. Though she knew that talking to them about her and Dev could change no thing, she somewhere felt the silence to be strange and scary. She feared what things will lead to, if she kept quiet for a long time. She knew Dev had promised her to be by her side and he will never break that. But the fear of losing him engulfed her as those two days passed in nothing but loneliness. Sitting by the window side, she looked out at the moonless dark sky that was pouring heavily. Her mind travelled back to the time, when she could take no time to enjoy this beautiful rain from which she is hiding now.


"Can you please stop being this sad?", Dev asked shona as she sat with a sad pout, holding her face in between her palms. She shook her head in a no and continued staring at the bright sunny sky making him huff in dismay. "What do you want me to do so that I can get to see your beautiful smile?", he asked her as she looked up at him. "Bring me rain!", she said seriously and he gaped at her in shock. "Where can I bring that from?", he asked raising his brows and she moved her hand up pointing towards the sky as he gave her an unbelievable look.

"Why do you love rain so much?", he asked as she thought for a while. "Umm..Because it makes me happy", she said dreamily. "Fine, come", he said standing up and extending his hand to her. "Where?", she asked looking at him quizzically. "Do you want rain or not?", he asked as she smiled at him brightly nodding her head in a yes. "Stay here", he said making her wait inside his house. "Where are you going?", she asked him confused. "I will be back soon. But don't go anywhere. Stay here only", he said and left inside before she could ask anything further.

"Where are we going?", she asked as he closed her eyes with his hands and made her walk inside. "Sshhh.. Walk carefully otherwise you may fall down", he said as she stumbled a little. "I know that you won't let me fall down", she said walking as his lips curved up a little. "Here we are", he said making her stand and removing his hand from her eyes. "Wher..", her words died in her mouth as she opened her eyes and saw the sight infront of her in surprise. They were standing at one corner of the house inside which, it was raining heavily.

"But how? The sky was bright a while ago", she asked him confused but he just smiled. "Does that even matter?", he asked her smiling as her lips curved up into a bright smile. Literally running towards the opening, she stood under the water closing her eyes and extending both her hands out. "Thanks to the Rain God", she said giggling, as the tiny droplets came in contact with her warm skin making her shiver a little in ecstacy. She opened her eyes only to see Dev standing a little afar and smiling at her with all his love. Hiping her hands, she shook her head tiredly and walked towards him who looked at her surprised. Without giving him much time to think, she grapped his hands and dragged him under the water making him wet from head to toe.

Looking at his shocked face, she chuckled to herself and gestured him to smile. Seeing him still frowning she took a hand full of water and splashed on his face making him shut his eyes due to the sudden contact of cold water. Failing to hold back her laughter she giggled aloud as he squeezed his eyes in disbelief. But soon her laughter died as she saw him gazing at her angrily. Gulping down in horror, she held her ears in her hands and looked at him with her lips curved down but he didn't look convinced. Frowning at her he walked out making her scared but soon turned back to face her and splashed hand full of water on her face making her gasp. Seeing her shocked he bursted into laughter as she stomped her foot angrily and tried to walk away.

But he grapped her wrist and pulled her towards him, locking her in his hold. "Do you know why I love rain so much?", he asked as she looked up at him trying to distance herself from him but he was too strong for her. She shook her head in a no with a light crimson colouring her cheeks which he didn't miss. "Because it makes you happy", he paused and she looked into his eyes that held nothing but pure love for her. "And seeing you happy makes me happy", he said smiling making her heart pound aloud in her chest. She could sense herself shivering not due to the cold but due to their sudden proximity. Seeing her all lost in him, he moved his one hand and caressed her face asiding the wet tresses sticking onto her cheeks making her toes curl up. Her breath quickened sensing his gaze being fixed on her wet lips as he moved a little closer trying to reduce the distance between them.

"I am still here", they both heard a sudden voice and Shona quickly pushed Dev away making him frown. Straightening herself, she looked up and was shocked to see Ramu standing on the side of the roof that has tiny holes in it and peeping from the open, making Dev facepalm. "What are you doing there?", she asked him confused as Dev cursed him under his breath. "I am here from the very beginning", he said smiling meekly as she furrowed her brows at him confused. "I am your Rain God", he said showing her a big pot and it was then it dawned to her. "Oh god! It wasn't an actual rain! You both fooled me!!", she said in disbelief as they both smiled at her nervously. Seeing her fuming, they both gazed at each other in horror. But looking at their scared faces, unable to hold it anymore, she burst into laughter as they too joined her, filling the air around with their undying giggles.


A loud thundering noise brought shona out of her reverie as she looked up at the lightening sky. "I never knew that there will be some day when rain can't make me any more happier", she said as a lone tear rolled down her cheeks. "Where are you Dev? Did you leave because my father asked you to?", she asked as another tear escaped her eyes. "Did you break the promise you made to me? No, you can't...you won't", she said shutting her eyes letting the tears flow down. Sensing the rain getting slowed down she opened her eyes as the clouds moved aside letting the moon shine brightly on the dark sky. Her gaze travelled down and her eyes widened in shock as she clasped her mouth in disbelief.

**End of Flashback**

The roaring noise of thunder brought Sonakshi's attention. She lowered the diary and looked at the sky that was pouring heavily, through the window. She looked at Bruno who was hiding inside the blanket with his eyes peeping out. "When did it start raining?", she asked shutting the book and walked towards the window. The sky was pitch dark and the rain was so heavy. "It doesn't even like it's noon now", she said pulling down the curtains. "Hungry?", she asked Bruno and he sighed in return. "Even me. Come", she said walking out of the room as he followed her silently.

"Kichu bhaiya, can you please give bruno his food?", she asked settling down on the dining table as he nodded his head in a yes. "Where are the others?", she asked as he thought for a while. "Rohan bhaiya is in his room. Dev bhaiya and Elena madam have gone out somewhere", he said as sonakshi stopped and looked up at him. "Where?", she asked furrowing her brows. "I don't know madam. They went by morning only", he said and she looked at him shocked. "How can they? They didn't tell me also", she muttered frustratedly as kichu looked at her in surprise. "It's raining outside and they didn't arrive yet. How irresponsible could they get!", she said angrily and stood up taking her phone.

She went through the contact list and dialled Dev's number. But before it could ring, she ended the call and mentally facepalmed herself. After thinking for a while, she dialled elena's number but was surprised to hear it ringing somewhere nearer. "We are back", Elena said entering in cheerfully, completely drenched while Dev followed her in the same state. Seeing them sonakshi fumed more and she walked towards them. "Why are you both wet?", she asked as elena looked at Dev and smiled a little which he too reciprocated. Sonakshi's eyes travelled between the two and she couldn't help herself getting frustrated for the reason unknown to herself.

"What? Why are you both looking like that?", she asked breaking their reverie. "Nothing sona. We got wet because of rain only", Elena said casually. "Very smart! As if I don't know it's raining outside. But why did you both get wet? And where did you go without telling me also?", she asked her annoyed. She clearly heard Dev telling elena that he had work when she asked him to take her out. But she wondered what made him change his decision so suddenly. "Sona, chill! We just went for a walk. But it started raining all of a sudden", she said. "Can't you take an umbrella also?", Sonakshi asked visibly annoyed. "Madam, how do we know that it's gonna rain today?", she asked as sonakshi looked aside, giving up. "Fine. Go and change. You are totally drenched", she said as elena nodded at her and went upstairs. "You too", Sonakshi said to Dev who stood still watching her fuming. "As you say", he said bowing down dramatically and stormed in, as she rolled her eyes off him tiredly.


"You are still irresponsible", Sonakshi said grabbing the towel from elena's hand. "Sona, when are you going to stop scolding me?", she asked as sonakshi started drying her hair. "You know what, you are a perfect mommie material", Elena said chuckling as sonakshi stopped and smacked her forehead. "And you are a perfect lazy material. Such a sloth!", Sonakshi said and continued drying elena's hairs as she smiled a little closing her eyes. "By the way, where did you both go, even without telling me?", Sonakshi asked trying to not sound interested. "I asked Dev to take me out. But he refused", Elena said sadly. "I know that", Sonakshi said but then bit her tongue realizing what she said.

"How?", Elena asked her confused. "Because he might have had work. After all that you did yesterday", Sonakshi said trying to covering up but elena giggled to herself. "What?", Sonakshi asked confused. "Nothing. I got reminded of last night", Elena said still smiling. "I don't think there is something to smile in it", Sonakshi said doubtedly. "Not that. I was thinking about how Dev was teasing me all night because of that incident", she said smiling and sonakshi stopped her actions hearing her. "What!", she asked more of a shock. "I meant, what was he doing with you... Umm.. All night?", she asked trying to sound unaffected.

"Texting!", she said casually and sonakshi sighed in relief, continuing what she was doing. "He is very fun to be with", Elena said smiling. "He is annoying", Sonakshi was quick to reply. "I know you have a very poor taste", Elena said as she rolled her eyes off her. "And do you know one thing? We have so many common interests between us. We will be very compatible.. as a couple", Elena said smiling and hearing her Sonakshi's actions grow faster. "Be a little slower. You are pulling my hair", Elena said stopping her. Huffing tiredly, she hummed in response muttering a quick sorry. "Even he likes rain... just like me", Elena said and sonakshi stopped hearing her.

"What happened?", Elena asked seeing her standing still lost in her thoughts. "Umm.. Nothing. So many people like rain,", she said calmly continuing her work. "But you don't like rain, do you?", Elena asked but she didn't reply. "And men like women who love to do these silly things, like behaving innocent all time, pitying for a roadside puppy and ofcourse dancing in rain", she said chuckling making sonakshi stop her actions. Her mind went back to the time, she read Devrath's diary as she reminsced how true elena's words are. She didn't know why but she felt insecured. She was not even 1% of what elena described a woman to be. She neither acted innocent infront of others, nor did she fall in love with any roadside puppy. Ofcourse she has Bruno, but he wasn't any stranger puppy whom she met somewhere. He was with her from the time she knew what world was and so it didn't feel the same way. And finally rain, it was her biggest nightmare!

"What a dramatic sight!", she heard Dev and brought herself out of her thoughts. "What? My friend is wet, so I am drying her hair so that she doesn't catch cold. What's wrong?", she asked annoyed as he sat infront of them. "You are always right Ms. Bose", he replied raising his hands up in a surrender as elena chuckled. "I'm feeling so tired. Will have my lunch in my room", Elena said standing up and taking her food in her hand to which sonakshi nodded. "Even my hair is wet", Dev said to sonakshi as elena left upstairs. Before he could continue, she threw the towel in her hand at him which fell right on his face and stormed towards her room, not before giving him a death glare. Asiding the towel from his face, Dev looked surprised to find sonakshi missing from the place. Shrugging his shoulders, he continued what he was doing, wondering over her sudden change of behaviour.


"Had your lunch?", Sonakshi asked Bruno as he barked at her cheerfully. "But I didn't", she said fuming and sat on the bed. "And no one ever asked me", she said crossing her arms across her chest. "People are so mean", she said to herself frustrated. "Why should I care about someone who didn't dare to care for me?", she asked angrily as Bruno gave her a blank look. "I won't. I won't care for anyone", she said leaning back on the bedrest. "I am gonna do what I like. Only what I like", she said stressing each word as bruno looked at her confused. Taking the diary in her hand, she flipped the pages, continuing it from where she left.


"Dev!", shona's voice came more of a whisper as she couldn't believe her eyes. Her lips curved up and eyes welled up with tears as she saw Dev standing opposite to her house. It was then, Dev noticed her looking out from the window and he couldn't help but smile in happiness. But soon her smile vanished, realizing that he was standing completely drenched in rain, for god knows how much time! Seeing her getting worried, he gestured her to smile but she shook her head in a no. She so wanted to let him in, as it was raining outside with thunders and storms. But she very well knew its impossible. So she gestured him to leave the place but he stood there adamantly making her huff in dismay.

Suddenly they heard a screeching noise and was shocked to see the door of Shona's house open. Dev stood stiffened in his place and Shona hid behind the window, still peeping from it, trying to look what's happening outside. But to their surprise, her mother stepped out. "Come in", she said as Dev looked at her shocked. "But..", he was about to say something but she cut him off. "Shona's father only asked me to let you in", she said calmly and they both couldn't believe their ears. "Thanks", Dev muttered smiling, entering inside the house while shona thanked god for changing her father's mind.

As Dev entered in, he saw Bijoy sitting inside. Smilingly, he bended down to take his blessings but he gestured him to stop. Soon shona rushed towards him, with a towel in her hand but halted in her steps as Bijoy glared at her angrily. Seeing her, Dev relaxed a little and moved back while she stood behind the wall, fidgeting the cloth in her hand nervously. "Why did you come here?", Bijoy asked as Dev looked up at him. "I had promised shona that I will stay by her side always. And I will never break my promise", he said honestly and her lips curved up a little. She knew that he will neither make her lose her faith on him, nor on their love.

"But I asked you to", Bijoy said with his gaze fixed on him. "I am sorry if you felt like I disrespected you. Ofcourse I respect you. But I value your daughter more", he said honestly and Bijoy looked at him in disbelief. His gaze fell on asha who couldn't help but smile looking at her daughter swelling in pride. "But you know her hardly for a few days, don't you?", Bijoy asked him. "But those few days meant the lifetime to me", Dev replied looking at shona who could feel her heart flipping over in her chest which didn't go unnoticed by Bijoy.

"Do you know why you are here even after what you did?", Bijoy asked breaking his reverie as he looked at him clueless. "Because you are the guest of Rajvanshi family. And I know they won't let anyone inside their house, who is wrong", he said as shona listened to him nervously. "But how can I trust that you will give my daughter a happy life?", he asked as everyone shot their heads up at him. Shona couldn't believe that she heard her father uttering those words so easily. Never in her dreams she thought that he will come to the terms of talking to Dev about this, atleast not this soon!

"I can't promise that I can give her a life that is full of happiness. Life has ups and downs. One should always go through a happy as well as a tough phase. But whatever it is, I promise, we will cross it together. I promise that I will be by her side forever", he said as shona smiled in contentment. She knew Dev did his best. Now all that she could pray for, was her father's decision. Asha who stood a little afar, went by her side and squeezed her hand. Shona looked at her nervously, as she blinked her eyes assuringly.

Suddenly they all heard a knock on the door. Asha went to open the door and was surprised to see Ramu standing there at this hour of the night. "What happened? Is everything alright?", she asked as he entered in nervously. "Chachiji, nothing is alright. Dev bhaiya isn't there in his house", he said as asha gestured him to come inside. Confused, he walked in and was shocked to see Dev in their house, and that too fully drenched. "Dev Bhaiya, what are you doing here, like this?", he asked shocked gaining everyone's attention. "Ramu, I am fine. What happened?", Dev asked confused as Ramu kept examining him from head to toe.

"Enough of everything Bhaiya. Let's get back to home. Do you know how much I was scared searching for you?", he said worriedly trying to drag him out as everyone looked at him confused. "Ramu, wait. I was talking to them, right?", Dev stopped him in his traces. "Talking? It seems like they allowed you inside their house just because you were standing in the rain for these many hours. Let's leave bhaiya. I am responsible for your state. Your parents will never forgive me if they got to see their only son, suffering this much. No one will do what you did. No one will ever believe that the only son of Rajvanshi family was standing in this heavy rain since hours for the girl he loved, but her family didn't even budge a little", he said and hearing him everyone stood shocked. "What did you say? Only son of Rajvanshi family?", Bijoy asked in disbelief as Dev stood stunned. He couldn't really understand if he should feel happy or sad that the truth was finally out as the shocked reactions on everyone's face, told him a different story!

I know it's a boring chapter. But a much needed one for the story to progress. Kudos if you haven't slept even once while reading this, coz I slept so many times inbetween writing 😴

So, truth is out. But it is for good or bad? 🤔

Precap : A date 🤗 But whose?

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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