2. One step closer

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Target: 85 votes

"Devrath Rajvanshi", Sonakshi spelled caressing the torn pages of the book with her slender fingers. "It's his diary, may be?", she said doubtedly looking at his name on the first page of the book. "Should I read this?", she thought confusedly. She knew that reading someone else's diary is definitely not a good thing. But her curiosity didn't let her stop. After fighting a mental battle, she flipped the page and was surprised to see his writings. Though the book was more than 100 years old now, the letters were visible though not much clear. Even though the pages were a little torn, anybody could easily understand what he has written and so does she. Putting an end to her thoughts, she decided to read it, getting one step closer to his world..

11th February, 1907

Hello diary!

This is Devrath Rajvanshi here.. In all these years, I neither had any interest nor any need for you. But now, I wish to tell everything happened today, to someone. So since there is no one here to hear me, I am telling you. I have been waiting for this day, the day when I will be back to India, since so many years. But never I thought that this day will change my life, ofcourse in a beautiful way, until I met her..


"What happened Ramu? Why did you stop the car?", Dev who was sitting in the passenger seat asked to his driver Ramu as the car halted with a thud. Dev, who just reached India was travelling to his newly built Bungalow in Jharkhand in his Rolls royce. All this while, people on their way were almost gawking at them, seeing this huge peculiar kind of vehicle moving on the road majestically.

Why wouldn't they? Dev was the first person to own a car in that village. It's been a few days since this royal car of him arrived to his bungalow even before him. And since then, people regularly used to go there everyday to have a look at it. Well, when they used to watch the car when it was standing still, why won't they, when it was moving on the road!

"Dev bhaiyya, the front tire got punctured", Ramu said getting out of the car as Dev looked at him shocked. "Isn't there any spare?", Dev asked him. "I guess there is one inside", Ramu said and went to check the car dicky. "Thank god! There is one", he said as Dev sighed in relief. "Wait let me help you", Dev said and was about to step out but Ramu stopped him. "No need bhaiya. You stay inside. You must be tired after a long journey. I will manage this", Ramu said and went to change the tire and Dev too agreed to him.

Dev turned towards his left and saw in the rear view mirror, someone hiding behind a tree and looking at them. Furrowing his brows in confusion, he turned back to see who it was, careful enough not to get noticed. There was a boy of around 10 years peeking from behind the tree and giggling to himself but someone pulled him from behind the tree, making his confusion grow more. "I wonder how these thorns are on the road", Ramu said still working with the tire.

"Thorns?", Dev asked him confused. "Yes bhaiya, look at this", Ramu said showing him a piece of thorn, while Dev looked at it keenly. "It looks as if someone had purposely thrown these thorns here to puncture our car", Ramu said huffing tiredly making Dev's doubt grow more. He again looked back and found no one much to his confusion. It looked as if that little boy was the one who has thrown the thorns on the road to puncture the car and now escaped before getting caught. But why would he do that? he thought to himself and brushed away his doubts.

"What are you looking at Dev bhaiya?", Ramu asked settling himself on the driver seat breaking Dev's reverie. "No.. No.. Nothing. Did you fix it?", Dev asked him diverting his talks. He can't accuse someone just because of his doubt. "Yes it's done", Ramu said igniting the car to life. Soon the car disappeared from the sight of the two little monsters, who were disappointed with the happenings and stood there helplessly thinking of some other plan.

Soon Dev reached his Bungalow, the house he had built with lots of dreams in the memories of his parents who were no more. "Bhaiya, You take rest. I will ask the cook to prepare your favorite food for lunch", Ramu said walking out as Dev nodded at him smilingly. Ramu's father was one of the loyal servants of their family since Dev knows. His father worked for Dev's family till his last breath and now after his death, his son was continuing his job. No wonder he felt very much comfortable with Ramu, though they met only hours back. More than a worker, he found a good friend in him.

It's been evening then and Dev was in his room. Hearing some noise, he walked towards the window and was shocked to see someone trying to jump inside the compound wall of the house. He was about to call the servant to check who it was but before that something caught his attention. He had seen this person somewhere. He thought for a while and it was then it striked him...

**End of flashback**

Sonakshi was so much engrossed in reading the diary that she failed to notice someone banging on her room door. After a few minutes of knocking, the sound grew louder and it was then she realized that someone was outside her door. Huffing in dismay, she placed the diary on the bed and walked towards the door, wondering whom it could be at this hour of the night. Thinking that it might be Rohan, and as usual he would've forgot to get her signature in some important files, she opened the door but was surprised to see no one there.

She stepped out of her room and looked around but still there was no one much to her surprise. The corridor was dark and silent as always. And there were no traces of anyone outside. Confused by the happenings, she shut the door and walked inside the room. But not so later, as she was about to settle back on the bed, the door was banged again much to her irritation. Huffing in annoyance, she walked back to the door and opened it again. She stepped out and looked towards her either sides but still she could find no one.

"Someone is definitely playing with me", she said irritatedly. Walking along the corridors, she heard some noise from Dev Dixit's room which was adjacent to hers. Thinking that it might be him only as there were no chances of anyone who could disappear all of a sudden, she decided to ask him about the same. Already he was disturbing her a lot during daytime and now he had started to disturb her even during night, she thought angrily and reached to his door.

She knocked the door of his room but getting no response, she banged on the door aloud and the door flung open much to her surprise. It was then she found that the door was not locked from inside. She stood at the door step and searched where he was but the room was quite dark. She knocked a few times again thinking that he might hear her as well but still there was no response. Thinking for quite a few minutes, she hesitantly walked into his room, wondering where he went. As she stepped in, the door behind her shut quickly, leaving her startled.

She rushed towards the door and tried to open it but it seemed as if it was locked from outside. "Mr. Dixit open the door", she banged the door with all her strength but still there was no response. She cursed herself for entering his room at this time of the night. She always felt something strange towards him and now her thoughts were becoming true. She felt as if her nightmare was becoming real and the thought of that itself made her numb. Pushing her thoughts aside, she started banging the door again but suddenly she heard someone's loud scream, making her startled. Her eyes widened in fear as the screams grew louder and she knew it was from behind her.

Gathering all her courage, she slowly turned around and what she saw then, knocked all the air out of her lungs. Her ruby ring started glowing brightly, as infront of her stood a person, who was burnt completely from his head to toe. "Aahhhhh!", she screamed to the loudest, shutting her eyes in horror, covering her face with her shivering hands as he held her by her shoulders. She tried to get out of his hold but instead the grip grew stronger making hot tears stream out of her eyes. "Sshhh.. Don't cry.. It's me", she heard a faint voice and her sobs grew louder. Suddenly, she felt the grip on her shoulders loosening up and she slowly lowered her trembling hands, that were covering her face. But what she saw then, made her eyes widen in shock.

The screams that she heard were from the television that was on, from she don't know when. She moved closer towards it, and realized that what she saw till now was from TV only. There was a person fully burnt but he was inside the TV. "Don't cry.. It's me", the words were repeated again but this time from the movie that was going on in the TV. She held her head in her hand and looked at the screen once again. Was she hallucinating everything, till now? She thought and her head started spinning.

Suddenly the lights were on and she turned around in shock. "Ms. Bose, what happened? How are you here?", Dev asked her confused seeing her standing still in his room. She looked at him who was waiting for her answer and then back at the door. "The door.. The door was locked.. Someone locked it from outside.. Why.. Why did you lock it?", she asked him stuttering in fear. "What? I was inside the washroom all the while. How can I lock it from outside?", he asked her confusedly and she stared at him in disbelief.

"Don't lie Mr. Dixit. If you were in washroom all this time then how can you not hear my scream? I was shouting and banging the door all this while if someone can open it. Didn't you hear me as well?", she asked him angrily and he nodded his head in a no. "Because you neither called for anyone nor banged the door", he said calmly making her go redden in anger. "Then am I lying to you? See this..", she rushed towards the door to show him that it was still locked but when she pulled the door, it flung open making her flabbergasted.

"See, I told you. No one has locked it from outside", he said making the door wide open as she gulp down. "But..", she stammered looking at the open door and then back at him, who was already staring at her. She looked into his eyes, that looked nothing different from the one that appeared in her dreams making her heart thump aloud in her chest. "I guess you are tired. Don't be working all the time. Take some rest", he said holding her shoulder making her shiver due to his touch. She immediately pushed his hands aside and walked out of his room, ignoring his talks. She could very well recognize his touch. Somewhere her heart screamed, it was him..

She walked into her room absentmindedly and shut the door behind her. She looked at Bruno, who was sleeping peacefully in his bed. She sat on the bed with a thud and looked up at the mirror. There were not even traces of tears on her face, much to her surprise. She looked the same as before, except that her eyes held some unknown fear etched with confusion. "Am I dreaming all the while?", she thought to herself confused. She took her hands and caressed the place, where he touched her. She shut her eyes and all she could see was Dev!

"Are they both same?", she gasped with the tinest thought of it. "But how is that possible?", she asked confused. Today she got to see all that she used to see in her nightmares only. Though it appeared as if it was her imagination, she couldn't come into any terms. She looked at her side and saw his diary, still lying on her bed. She took it in her hands and caressed the torn pages. "Was it because of this diary?", she whispered doubtfully. "Should I continue it?", she thought for a while. "May be I can get all the unknown answers for my questions by reading this", she said to herself. Exhaling a long one and calming herself a little, she opened the diary. She flipped the pages and continued from where she left..


Dev quickly rushed down to the garden but stopped in his traces, seeing the little boy sitting on the compound wall. "You too come soon", the little boy said looking down outside the wall and it was then Dev understood that someone else was also with him. But the one outside showed the hand, gesturing him to step down the wall and so he nodded his head obediently and jumped in. Dusting his dress, the little boy stood up only to be shocked, on looking upon Dev, who was standing infront of him with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Who are you?", Dev asked him who stood there dumbfounded, still not recovering from the shock. The hand on the wall from outside was retrieved back quickly hearing Dev's voice which didn't go unnoticed by him. "I.. I...", the little boy stammered, sensing that he was caught by him red handed. "Aren't you the same person who placed those thorns on the road to punchure the car tires?", Dev asked him doubtfully but he quickly nodded his head in a no. "Then why were you hiding behind the tree and giggling at that time?", Dev asked him to which he gulped down nervously.

"Please let me go. I won't come here again", he said fumbling, almost on the verge of crying. "That's not the answer to what I asked you", Dev said standing still making him all the more nervous. "Okay, I will let you go. But before that ask the person who is hiding behind the wall to come here. I know that you are not alone", Dev said and the little boy turned around and looked behind nervously. Giving up, the person who was hiding behind the wall and hearing everything till now, finally decided to come out. Keeping both the hands on the wall, she raised up slowly trying to peep in as her eyes wandered around and stopped at his honey brown orbs that were already staring at her.

I was a blind, but her eyes led me along the path to heaven.. In between the flapping of her eyelashes, I lost myself in her captivating orbs, that has the power to pentrate through my soul, enlightening my world.. and at that moment.. I knew.. She is the one..

Who's that girl and why was she trying to peep in Dev's house?

To clarify, the words in italics were from Devrath's diary and I have included the flashbacks separately because I thought it would be better than showing everything in Dev's POV only.

Precap : Sonakshi's doubt over Devrath's sketch. Will she recognize the person in the picture?

My other works,

# Falling for you..

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

#My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

~ See you soon ❤️

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