3. The Handsome Stalker

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Thank you all for your votes and comments.

Thanks for completing the target too.

And have a look at the note written at the end of this chapter.

Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 90 votes

Sonakshi's eyes widened in shock looking at the sketch in Devrath's diary. She asided the book and glanced at the mirror infront of her. This can't be a mere coincidence. Or was she actually imagining this time too? From the thick crescent shaped eyebrows to the almost dark crystal like iris, it looked every bit similar to hers. "But it's just similar. Not same though", she thought trying to convince herself. Brushing away her thoughts, she continued from where she left..

Flashback :

Placing both her hands on the wall, the girl raised up slowly trying to peep in as her eyes wandered around and stopped at Dev's honey brown orbs that were already staring at her. Gulping down nervously, she raised up as Dev gazed across her dark brown eyes and her sharp nose to her soft thin lips, which she was biting due to her nervousness. Sitting on the wall with the support of her arms, she jumped from there on the ground. Dusting her hands, she walked towards the little boy and stood beside him. Fidgeting with the cloth of her skirt, she glanced at Dev nervously, who was all lost in her.

"Chotu, what happened to him?", she asked the little boy raising her brows in confusion, seeing Dev literally gawking at her. The boy shrugged his shoulders in return and they both turned towards Dev. "Is he mute or what?", she thought to herself seeing him standing still. "But he was talking to chotu till now", she thought confused. "Bhaiya", she called Dev who was standing like a lost puppy. But hearing her, his eyes popped out in shock. "Bhaiya, It's not his fault..", she continued only to be stopped by him.

"What?", he asked her shockingly, who looked at him confused. "Bhaiya, It's not chotu's fault. I..", she repeated her words but he interrupted her again. "Not that. What did you call me as?", Dev asked her, who thought for a while. "Bhaiya", she repeated confusedly. "Don't.. Don't do that", he said irritatedly. "Why Bhaiya?", she asked him again and he shut his ears with his palms making both of them confused. Only he knew how many times his heart exploded hearing her calling him like that.

Exhaling a long one and calming himself a little he looked at both of them. "What's your name?", he asked her who stood infront of him with a sad pout. "Bhai...", she was about to say something but he shushed her off. He gestured her to place her finger on her lips and stay quiet. "You tell me", Dev said to chotu, turning towards him. "Shona didi", he replied innocently and Dev's lips curved up instantly. Shona and chotu stared at each other blankly and then at Dev who was again lost in his dreamland.

"Shona, tell me what are you both doing here", he asked her authoritatively. She glanced at the finger on her lips and then at him, who facepalmed himself. "You can open your mouth now. But don't call me as Bhaiya", he stated strictly and she nodded at him like a obedient child. "We came to see that", she said pointing towards the car in the parking lot. "Then you could've came through the main entrance right? What is the need to jump from the wall? What would've happened if you've slipped from there and got hurt?", he asked her worriedly, with concern dripping out of his each word.

Shona and chotu looked at each other confused and it was then Dev realised that he had acted a little desperate. "I mean.. What would've happened if you both had slipped from there and got hurt?", he corrected his words but met with their confused glances again. "Instead of scolding us for sneaking into his house, he is worried if we got hurt, such a strange man!", she whispered to chotu to which he nodded at her in a yes. Sensing their doubtful gazes, Dev decided to change the topic. "And what were you both doing, hiding behind the tree when the car's tire got punchered?", Dev asked them to which they both stiffened in their places.

"We.. We were not hiding.. We were just standing.. Casually..", she said stammering which didn't go unnoticed by Dev. "Is it?", Dev asked chotu who nodded at him quickly. "Then why were you giggling then?", Dev asked him to which he gulped down nervously. "We.. We were cracking some jokes", she said smiling meekly at him to which he gave her a is-it-so kind of look. "Joke... Hmm.. I know what joke it was. Throwing thorns on the road to puncture this car, isn't it?", Dev asked them to which both looked at him gobsmacked.

"No.. No.. Not at all.. You have mistaken us..", she tried to cover it up but he glanced at them angrily making them gulp down in fear. "Accept your mistake. Otherwise the consequences will be worst", he said trying to scare her but what happened then, scared him the most. Tears started pooling in her eyes as she took in his angry form. His eyes softened looking at her at the verge of crying but she didn't seem to stop. She started sobbing loudly making him gasp in shock with the sudden turn of events.

"I'm.. I'm sorry.. I didn't meant to scare you. I was just asking you casually", he tried to convince her but she started whining like a child making him startled. "Please stop crying and say what happened. I won't do anything. Please", he almost pleaded her and then she controlled her sobs much to his relief. "Last week we both came to see this car. But that Ramu, idiot, duffer shouted at us for touching it. So we thought of teaching him a lesson. So only, we threw those thorns on the road to puncture the car tires. We thought that he would happen to walk alone, pushing the car all the way. But instead he changed the tire and drove back the car to this house. So, disappointed with that, we thought of some other plan. That's why we sneaked into this house", she said proudly as if she did a holy thing.

But Dev instead of getting angry at her, was admiring her the whole time. He cursed Ramu for troubling her much and thought of giving him a tight slap later for making her cry. Breaking his thoughts, he looked at her who was sniffing silently. "Fine. No problem. But don't repeat this again", he said to which they both nodded at him obediently. She wiped her tears and turned around to walk while Dev stood there still staring at her. Somewhere his heart ached to see her crying. She then turned towards chotu, who was gawking at her open mouthedly and secretly winked at him. Chotu who by now understood that she was acting all the while tried to suppress his growing giggles looking at his dramaqueen sister.

"And..", hearing him they both turned to face him. "You don't have to jump into this house hereafter. You can walk through the gates and look at the car anytime you want", Dev said and their faces gleamed with joy. "Really?", she asked him in surprise and he nodded at her. "By the way may I know whom you are? Are you the owner of this house?", she asked him surprised. He was about to tell her something but chotu interrupted them. "Didi did he look like a owner? He must be a server here. Isn't it?", chotu asked Dev who stood there dumbfounded. "Yeah you are right", she too joined him while Dev gawked at them open mouthedly. "Then, how can you let us to touch the car? Even you are a worker here", she said and then an idea striked him.

"No, I'm not a servant", he said to which they both looked at him a little shocked. "Owner of this bungalow is my friend. He will be arriving here a few days later. So he asked me to look after this place till then", he said to which they sighed in relief and nodded at him understandingly. "And don't cry hereafter. If Ramu troubles you again tell me about it. I will break his bones", Dev said to which she nodded and gave him a tight lipped smile. "Thank you", she said and held chotu's hand, literally running from there while Dev stood there smiling at her dreamily.

**End of Flashback**

Sonakshi couldn't help but smile reading his diary. She is definitely not a believer of love but it's true that she is falling for the characters in his diary without her own knowledge. Leaning back on the bedrest and holding the diary close to her heart, she closed her drooping eyes. Soon she slept in that position itself unaware of the fact that someone entered through the closed door of her room, took the diary from her hand and placed it on the table beside and made her lie on the bed properly . After covering her with the duvet and switching off the bed side lamps, all that could be heard was the creaking sound of the wooden rocking chair swaying front and back with a soft touch on her hair that was being caressed gently.

Next morning :

Sonakshi stirred in her sleep hearing the morning alarm and soon woke up yawning tiredly that she failed to notice her sleeping comfortably on the bed rather than how she slept last night. She soon got up from the bed and after refreshing herself, she decided to join others for breakfast. She stepped out of her room with an unknown smile crept on her face which didn't go unnoticed by the person who saw her then. "Good morning Ms. Bose", Dev who just came out of his room wished her. "Good morning Mr. Dixit", she wished him back much to his surprise.

In those 3 days that was the first time she was wishing him back. Previously, if he had greeted her all she would do was to nod her head and walk away from there but now something changed in her, he thought and smiled to himself. "You seem to be in a good mood!", he said to which she nodded at him. "May I know why so?", he asked her curiously. "That's none of your business", she replied curtly and Dev shrugged his shoulders thinking that the bossy Ms. Bose was back. "If you don't mind, can I look at the box you got from Devrath's room last night?", he asked her smartly. "Not now.. May be later. I'm reading his diary now", she said walking down leaving Dev behind as he smiled to himself knowingly, looking at her retreating figure.

"Good morning Mr. Dixit", Rohan greeted Dev who was descending from the stairs. "Good morning Mr. Nerd", he greeted him back enthusiastically. "You seem to be so happy today", Rohan said to Dev who was in all smiles. "Why won't I be? I had a very peaceful sleep last night. All thanks to your boss", Dev said to Rohan, whispering the latter part in his ears, winking at him. "What Ma'am has to do with your sleep?", Rohan asked him confusedly. "You are too young to understand it. Grow up", Dev said patting his back and walked away smiling mischievously, leaving a shocked Rohan behind.

Dev seated himself on the dining table opposite to where sonakshi was sitting and already having her breakfast. Rohan too joined them, sitting beside Dev and was visibly surprised looking at Sonakshi who seemed more calm and relaxed than her usual self. "You didn't believe me right? Then hear your boss itself", Dev whispered to Rohan with a playful smile lingering on his lips making him gulp down thinking what was waiting now. "Ms. Bose I forgot to ask you something. Did you sleep well after what happened between us last night?", Dev asked to sonakshi and she snapped her head at him.

"Oh yes! Initially I was worried but later everything became fine", she said calmly, continuing her breakfast, thinking that he was asking about how scared she got last night in his room, making Rohan's eyes pop out in shock. "But you looked disturbed", Dev continued. "Yes, previously I was disturbed but afterwards, I'm happy I guess. And thanks to you, because if not you, no one could have done that", She said hinting to Devrath's diary he handed over to her to which Dev smiled at her understandingly. Hearing them, Rohan's jaw dropped on to the ground in shock. "See I told you", Dev whispered in his eyes making Rohan gawk at both of them alternatively unable to believe his ears.

"If it makes you happy, then you should do it daily", Dev continued. "Ofcourse, will definitely do it when I have time", Sonakshi replied him and it was enough for Rohan. He stood up from his place and was about to run away from there but Sonakshi stopped him. "What happened Rohan?", she asked him who acted as if he had seen a ghost. "I'm not feeling well Ma'am. You both continue", he said awkwardly and rushed towards his room before sonakshi could stop him. "What happened to him?", Sonakshi asked confused to which Dev shrugged his shoulders, trying to control his giggles.

"Ms. Bose, can I ask you something?", Dev asked sonakshi who nodded at him. "Umm.. Well, if you are free today, shall we go out?", he asked her to which she raised her brows at him. "Ugh.. I mean.. Just to take a tour around this village. It looks beautiful", he said nervously sensing her sharp gaze. "Why not! Ofcourse this village looks beautiful", she said and his lips curved up into a relaxed smile."But I'm not free now. So you can go and wander around this village alone or else take Rohan with you", she said calmly, standing up, making him frown. "Have fun", she said walking away, smirking at him, leaving him sigh in dismay.


Sonakshi retired back to her room and taking the diary in her hands she sat on the bed. She can't wait till night to read it, so she decided to continue it now only. Flipping the pages she stopped at where she left and after positioning herself comfortably, she began her unfinished work.

12th February, 1907

Hello diary!

I am back again. Do you know what I did today? You will never believe me if I say that. Infact, even I can't believe that I did something like that. Fine, enough of suspenses. I will tell you everything. Listen..

Flashback :

"Dev bhaiya, why are we here?", Ramu asked Dev confusedly as they were walking along the field. "Sshhh.. Be quiet", Dev said hiding behind the pillar of a mandap making him all the more confused. "Bhaiya, what are we doing here?", he whispered to Dev, who was all lost somewhere, smiling to himself dreamily. Confused by his actions, Ramu too looked towards the direction where Dev was staring at. There were a group of young girls, talking and giggling to themselves. "Bhaiya, where are you looking at?", Ramu asked Dev who didn't averted his gaze from there. "There!", Dev said pointing towards a girl who was standing in the middle doing something while others were sitting and laughing at her heartily.

"That's Shona! Such a mischievous girl she is!", Ramu said to which Dev flashed one of his brightest smile, hearing her name again. "Do you know her?", Dev asked him surprisedly. "Yes, her father and my father used to be good friends. Her father is a well disciplined man. But shona and her brother were such a headache from their childhood", Ramu said tiredly while Dev gave him a death glare. "Give some respect to her. She is your bhabhi", Dev said seriously to which he furrowed his brows in confusion. "How?", he asked Dev to which he huffed in dismay. "What are you calling me as?", Dev asked him calmly. "Bhaiyya", he was quick to reply. "Then what would you call my wife as?", Dev asked him again. "Bhabhi ofcourse", Ramu replied innocently. "So that's the answer to your question", Dev said casually and Ramu scratched his head confusedly.

"But for that why should I call shona as..", Ramu's eyes widened in shock, understanding what Dev was hinting at. "But when did this happen?", he asked Dev shockingly. "Yesterday", Dev replied smiling shyly. "But you came here yesterday only", he replied more of a shock. "Ramu, Good things don't take much time. Come let's move a little closer and see what she is doing", Dev said walking towards the next pillar leaving him completely confused. He very well knew that shona was a good person. But he can't understand whether he should be happy for Dev or sad for himself because only he knew how much she had troubled him all these years. And he can't even imagine his state once she gets married to Dev. Anyhow if that's what brings happiness to Dev, he was ready to accept it happily. Brushing away his thoughts, he too followed Dev and hid behind the next pillar.

"How cute she is!", Dev said admiring her who was trying to imitate someone while all others are sitting around her and giggling to themselves. Ramu facepalmed himself looking at his most sane boss going insane over a girl that too an already insane one! "And then he said like this", she said standing straight making Dev curious as to whom she was acting like. "Fine. No problem. But don't repeat this again", she said making a straight face and Dev thought for a while. He had heard those words somewhere but he couldn't figure out where. And then she shifted to the other side and acted worried as if she was on the verge of crying. She nodded quietly and was about to go but stopped and shifted her place again. "And... You don't have to jump into this house hereafter. You can walk through the gates and look at the car anytime you want", she said making a seriously worried face while all others giggled and it was then it dawned to him.

"And this is how, I fooled him", She said proudly unaware of the fact that Dev was standing right behind her, hiping his hands. Chotu, who was sitting in front of her saw Dev standing behind her and his eyes popped out in shock. He gestured her to stay silent and look behind but she couldn't understand what he was saying. Sensing something unusual, the other girls too looked behind her and saw a man glaring at her. "And.. How did he look like?", Radha, one of her friends asked her nervously. "Umm.. I didn't look at him that much. But he looked tall and muscular. He was clean shaved with no mustache or beard, just a little stubble. He had light eyes...like light brown, sharp nose but not as sharp as mine and his lips were perfect and pink. He looked good and handsome too. But anyways he's so stupid", she said giggling.

Dev who was smirking and blushing hearing her words till then, gawked at her open mouthedly hearing the last part. "Shona, just around around and see", her friend said gulping down nervously making her confused. Shrugging her shoulders, she too turned around while chotu and her friends escaped from there quickly. "What's there...", her words died in her mouth as she saw Dev standing infront of her with his arms crossed across his chest. "So, I am stupid!", he said raising his brows while she gave him a nervous smile and started moving back. She nodded her head in a yes and then a no as he moved forward to every step of hers, till her back hit the wall behind. "Tell me. Am I stupid still?", Dev asked her smirking, and caging her between his arms making her gulp down nervously.

Cliffhanger! So, how will she escape from Dev now?

Precap : Devrath's demand to his shona. Will she be able to fulfill it? 🤔

I've kept the target for this book low because as I said already I will be active only for a month or so and updates will be regular till that only. After that I may disappear from wattpad so I want to complete this story as much as possible before that. This is quite a long story and so to get it completed soon, vote faster! You will get the chapter as soon as the target gets completed.

And also, not all the chapters might be scary. Some may have a little horror content and some may not even have anything, just like this chapter. I've already specified the genre of this story to be horror romance and not horror only. So, will add horror scenes when the story demands.

And the story will go slow and tell me immediately if you find it boring!

My other works,

# Falling for you..

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

#My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

~ See you soon ❤️

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