26. Unexpected Revelations!

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Thank you all for your votes and comments.

Thanks for completing the target too.

I've added a note at the end of this chapter. Don't forget to read it!

Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 100 votes

"I love Dev. I am in love with him!", those words left Sonakshi's mouth leaving herself surprised as well as elena shocked. "Sona, you are not serious,are you?", Elena asked expecting that she heard her wrong but she wasn't, much to her panic. "I was never this serious ele", Sonakshi stated confidently. "Okay fine relax. May be you are still sleepy. We will talk about it in the morning", Elena said pushing her towards the bed trying to divert her talks. "You sleep. I should go now", Sonakshi said rushing and taking her bag. "Where?", Elena asked more of a shock sensing what was coming. But without answering elena, Sonakshi took her phone and dialled Rohan.

Rohan who was having a relieved sleep for being returned alive after months of surving in Devrath's bungalow woke up with a jolt seeing Sonakshi's number flashing in his mobile at this time of the night. "Good morning Ma'am.. Sorry good night", he blabbered in half sleep. "Rohan book a ticket to jharkhand", she said and elena's eyes widened hearing her. "Ma'am! Again?", Rohan asked her shocked. "Do it right now", Sonakshi said strictly and before she could end the call, Elena snatched her phone. "Sona, you are not going anywhere", she said seriously. "Elena, I need to", Sonakshi said trying to get her phone back but she couldn't.

"What's the need?", Elena asked as sonakshi breathed out a deep one. "I need to meet Mr. Dixit", she replied calmly as elena gulped down. "It's all my fault", Elena facepalmed herself. "No, you are one of the reasons that I realized my love for Mr. Dixit", Sonakshi said holding her by her shoulders. "Love? You don't even know him much", Elena said annoyed. "But I know his heart", Sonakshi said as elena rolled her eyes off her. "Do you remember ele? Once you said that you will be the most happiest if I fall in love with someone. And now I did but you didn't seem to be happy", Sonakshi said worriedly. "Yes I did say. But I didn't expect something like this. I mean, no.. He is mysterious. I want you to stay away from him", Elena said concerned.

"If all you want is that, then I am sorry elena", she said pushing her hands away and took her phone from elena's hand. Dialling Rohan's number, she was about to talk but Elena grabbed her phone again. "Rohan, book 3 tickets", Elena said. "3?", Rohan asked her confused. "Yes, for sona, me and you!", she said and disconnected the call leaving Rohan shocked. "No, not again!", he mentally cried over his ill fate looking back at the phone. "Thanks elena", Sonakshi hugged elena with all smiles. "I can't leave you alone sona.. Never!", elena said worriedly thinking over something.

Next morning :

Sonakshi's POV :

"Have a happy journey Ma'am", the air hostess said giving me a warm smile. "Thank you", I replied smiling to which she nodded her head as I walked in searching for my seat. And here I found it! I was never fond of window seats or may be I can say I never bothered about them. But now that I got one, I couldn't help but smile.

"Ever travelled in window seat of a flight?", Dev asked.

"Umm.. Few times, why?", Sonakshi replied casually.

"If it happened any time in future, listen to this song", he said making her wear the head phone.

"I don't like to listen to songs", she said taking off the head phone.

"May be not now. But you will do, in future. So let me save it", he said taking her phone.

"Over confidence!", she said surprised.

"Yes!", he replied winking at her as she rolled her eyes off him.

I was so much lost in my thoughts smiling to myself that someone needed to tap my shoulder to bring me back to the real world. "Madam how long are you going to stand and smile like this?", Elena asked annoyed as I stood there blocking her way. After last night she managed to convince me that we will leave Delhi next morning. And giving up I too agreed to her since there weren't any flights in the middle of the night! Thus I am here on my way to Jharkhand along with Elena and Rohan too who was forcefully pulled along with us by her.

"Oh sorry! I was thinking something", I said smiling again making her more annoyed. "That's what you are doing from last night", she said tiredly and was about to walk in but I stopped her. "That's my seat", I said quickly rushing inside ignoring the weird look that she gave me. "Strange!", I heard her muttering to herself as she sat beside me and I chuckled to myself. I won't blame her, even I find myself that something I was not, strange!

Pushing my thoughts aside, I scrolled through my playlist and found only one song 'Calypso'. I plugged on to the headphone and switched on the song as an instant smile appeared on my face. I couldn't understand even a single word but still the fact that it is his favourite, made me smile. He was a person like this, chirpy and crazy. A typical someone who would be liked by everyone he meets. But I am way opposite to him, moody and unpredictable, one who is not so of his types. But still how did this happen? Strange, isn't it?

I could still remember the moment I met him. It wasn't a dreamy and beautiful one. It was spine chillingly shocking one. Well who won't get shocked if they meet someone whom they got to see in their dream! That was my exact case. No one will believe if I said that I got to see Mr. Dixit in my dream, even elena didn't. But that's what had exactly happened. Even I couldn't believe my own eyes when I got to see the person who I saw in my dream, standing right infront of me. But no one can change the truth and this thing still remains a mystery to me!

But that's what makes him different from others, isn't it? When people get scared to even stand infront of me, he was the only one who had the audacity to stand against me. There were occasions when he used to mercilessly pull my legs, argue with me, fight with me and even flirt with me, which I hated the most. But even I didn't know when this hatred of mine, turned into something that I had never even imagined in my dreams, love! Well that's why people say it happens at the most unexpected time and with the most unexpected person!

That too for a person like me, who always believed that love happens only on materialistic things, this was a shocker. Well I shouldn't be complaining, not that I am. But still when even I can't believe this how can I expect my best friend to, who is sitting right beside me and giving me some weird looks. I am sure she will be thinking that I have gone insane. If so, she is absolutely right and I have no qualms in it! But the credits to this goes to the person whom I trust the most, at this moment and forever.

Well, I doubted on him from the very first moment we met. His flirty talks, his naughty looks, his insane behavior everything made me doubt him more and more. But even amidst all this, I wonder how he managed to break the walls around me and made his way to my heart like no one did. The way he took care of me by staying awake the whole night when I was ill, was the first time I noticed how good of a person he was. The emotions in his eyes were pure and genuine that I found them in no one I came across! Being a lonely person that I am, from the time I grew up, I somewhere craved for this care from someone who doesn't even exist. And getting this from someone unexpected surely made me melt, a little.

The moment I accidently spoiled the drink he made for me, I felt like the guiltiest one alive. I thought he was invading my personal space which no one ever dared to. But what I failed was to realize that I was scared to let him into it, scared that I will lose myself to him if I did so. Those little efforts that he put on to make me smile, did manage to do what they shouldn't. I was totally unaware that I was losing myself to him, slowly, silently, step by step. I could very well remember the moment I apologized to him and the way his eyes softened hearing me. From that I could understand that he never wanted to hear my apology but just wished to acknowledge his efforts and that's what I did. That drink he made putting all his efforts just for the sake of my fever, still is the most sweetest one I had ever had, inspite of it's bitterness!

Something that still makes me laugh at myself was the way I got jealous of my own bestfriend! Well, yes let me accept it. It was jealousy! I was jealous! The great Ms. Sonakshi Bose who was never jealous of anyone or anything was jealous on her own bestfriend for being close to her another friend! Okay, fine I can no longer convince myself that he is just my friend but the truth is that's what I was saying to myself on those days, Mr. Dixit was my friend! But still something pricked my heart whenever I got to see them together, may be that was also one of the reason what made me realize his worth in my life! But the moment elena got to know about my dream, though I didn't like her calling Mr. Dixit as 'ghost', somewhere I felt relieved to see her away from him.

Everything was going well until that night, when he got to see the weaker side of me, which he shouldn't. The strong, independent Sonakshi Bose appeared to be a weak, broken person infront of him. I feared he would judge me, for getting to see what no one ever got to. I was scared if he would pity my state, for what I am, for putting up a facade and living a life of lie. But he didn't, much to my surprise! Instead of consoling me, he tried to make me feel comfortable. He tried to fight back my fears, together with me by supporting me, giving me the much needed strength, which I always lacked. That's why he became my strength, my support system!

May be things wouldn't have been what now they are if I had stayed there a little longer. They say, someone's absence from our life will make us realize their importance what their presence couldn't. And that's what had exactly happened with me too. How can I forget the night before I flew back to Delhi! That was one of the most memorable nights in my life. I never thought that a silent walk will make me happy if it's with someone whom we love. I wonder if a few minutes of walk is that beautiful what will be, if he happens to walk by side for all my life!

But that can't make me forgive him for what he did. I am going to fight with him for not picking up my calls or responding to my messages for the past two days. To be honest, I like that sad pout he gives when he looks at me apologetically for getting scolded when he did something wrong. I always loved that. But the difference now is I can tell that to him, which I couldn't do in the past because we will no more be just friends like I always used to say. This time it's going to be a step ahead, a beautiful beginning of a beautiful bond and the thought itself makes me blush! Blush and Sonakshi Bose! Yes you heard it right, nowadays I am blushing much, ain't I?

I covered my face with my hands, smiling to myself. Oh wait! I hope no one saw me blushing. I removed my hands that were covering my eyes only to see Elena and Rohan giving me a weird look and passing each other confusing glances occasionally. Okay I was caught! I smiled at them awkwardly and turned to the other side, looking outside the window, at the sky that was covered with nothing but clouds. I looked down and my gaze fell upon something on my palm, a single eyelash that stuck on to it making my lips curve up, as my mind went back to that day.

Flashback :

"Hello Ms. Bose!", Dev greeted sitting beside Sonakshi in the swing near the garden area, who was all lost in looking at her phone, with earphones plugged. Not getting any response from her, he waved in front of her face to gain her attention. Seeing Dev there she removed the earphones and looked at him quizzically. "Ms. Bose lost in her phone! That's something new! Watching anything interesting?", he asked trying to peep into her phone. She nodded her head in a yes and turned the phone showing him what she was looking at. "News! Stock market updates!! Seriously?", he asked her in disbelief making her chuckle.

"This is what is interesting to me Mr. Dixit. You may not understand", she said plugging the earphones back and continuing what she was doing. "Whatever! And what's with this new look? You look like a chashmish!", he said chuckling as she adjusted her big round glasses. "Oh Hello! I know I look good in whatever I wear, even these big nerdy glasses!", she said confidently. "I agree but these glasses hides your big beautiful eyes", he was quick to reply making her speechless. She was new in taking complements. Not that no one found her looking good. There were so many men going crazy for her looks but no one dared to complement her right before her face. Dev doing this without any fear made her feel different in a good way, and feel good in a different way!

"Is it?", she finally managed to ask. "Yes!", he said and before she could stop him he removed her glasses. "You look the best now", he said smiling making her heart pound aloud in her chest. "But I was..", before she could say something he interrupted her. "Sshhh.. Close your eyes", he said nearing her. "Why?", she asked moving behind. "Close your eyes!", he said and she did immediately wondering what he was up to. She sensed him moving towards her and felt his fingers brush her cheek making her shiver due to his sudden touch. "Open your eyes", he said and she immediately shot her eyes open. Before she could react, he grabbed her one hand. Closing her palm, he placed an eyelash on the back of it, making her wonder what he was doing.

"Close your eyes, make a wish and blow this one", he said making her surprised. "But this doesn't look like a birthday candle", she said. "Haha.. Very funny. I will laugh to your joke tomorrow. Now do what I said. If it flies then your wish will come true if not it won't", he said pointing towards her hand. "But why?", she asked confused. "This eyelash of yours has lost it's life for you. So now if you make any wish by letting it free, it will make your wish come true, whatever it is", he said while she looked at him surprised. "Do you believe in all these things?", she asked him. "Why not! It's good and ofcourse true", he said confidently. "Okay now hurry up and do what I said", he said excitedly pointing towards her hand.

Shrugging her shoulders she moved her hand up and closed her eyes. "I should get the happiness of the childhood now, which I never got in mine, back in time", she thought to herself and blew the eyelash. Hoping that it shouldn't be stuck, she opened her eyes only to find her hand empty making her sigh in relief. "I did what you said Mr. Dixit. Now lets see if my wish comes true", she said smiling and looked to the other side only to find it empty. Wondering where he went, she was about to turn back but the swing that she was sitting on started swaying suddenly much to her panic. She held on to both the sides of the swing and shut her eyes tightly as it started swinging at its highest speed.

"Aah!! Mr. Dixit, what are you doing?", she asked panicked hearing him giggling. She sensed him standing behind the swing and pushing it making it swing at the highest. "Open your eyes Ms. Bose. I am just fulfilling your wish", he said pushing the swing, making her shot her eyes open. "But.. How do you know?", she asked still not getting over the fear. "Sshh.. Relax.. Just stop questioning me and enjoy the swing Ms. Bose. Every moment of life is precious, so is this one", he said pushing the swing and she leaned back, relaxing a bit. She closed her eyes, stretching her legs out with her hands still holding on to either sides. "It's beautiful, isn't it?", he asked as she nodded her head in a yes, with a small smile playing on her lips as the air around got filled with nothing but the sound of the swing, swaying up and down.

**End of flashback**

I smiled looking at the eyelash on my palm and placing it on the back of my hand, I closed my eyes. "Mr. Dixit should be with me, forever", I made a wish for lifetime and blew the air. Praying that it shouldn't be stuck I opened my eyes and my lips curved up seeing my hand empty. "Ahem.. Ahem..", Elena who was noticing me all the while coughed to gain my attention. Sensing her gaze, I immediately dropped my hand down and gave her a meek smile. "What were you doing?", Elena asked me doubtedly. "You know what elena! If we blow a fallen eyelash and make a wish, then that wish will definitely come true", I said excitedly while Elena looked at me surprised. "Is it? But whenever said such things you never believed in them", she said angrily.

"But it's true. Mr. Dixit told me this", I continued with all smiles making her fume more. "Is it? Let's see that", Elena said annoyed and turned to the other side to find Rohan staring at us confusedly. "Close your eyes", she said more of a order making him gulp down. He looked at me scared as I wondered what she was upto. Giving up he closed his eyes and without giving us much time to thing, she removed his glasses forcefully and plucked his eyelash as I looked at her in horror. "Ahh!!", he shouted covering his eyes with his hands. "What are you doing elena?", I asked her shocked seeing her placing the eyelash on the back of her hand. "Wish", she said closing her eyes and blew the air. She opened her eyes and gave a victorious smile seeing her hand empty. "Now lets see whose wish comes true", she said smirking and turning to the other side making me wonder over her actions.


After hours which seemed like decades, we finally managed to reach the Bungalow. Never had I thought that I will be back here this soon. But thinking about the reason why I am here makes my heart flutter. "Ma'am, let me stand here. You both have your work done. I will be here waiting for you", he said as elena gave him a death glare. "Shut up and come in", Elena said annoyed and pulled him inside as we walked in. "Madam! You too are here!", Kichu bhaiya said more of a surprise looking at my sudden arrival. I asked Rohan to inform kichu bhaiya about us reaching there, but it seems like he said only half of the story.

"Yeah kichu bhaiya. How are you?", I asked looking around as my heart is longing to get a glimpse of someone. He replied something which obviously went into deaf ears as my concentration was completely somewhere else. "Where is Mr. Dixit?", I asked directly interrupting him as he looked at me surprised. "He is in his room right?", I was quick to ask another question as he looked at me quizzically. Well, no wonder, he might have never seen me this desperate. Seeing him not replying anything, I took it as a yes and rushed towards Mr. Dixit's room hurriedly ignoring Elena who was calling me from behind.

After a few seconds of running across the corridor, I finally landed myself before his room breathless. But what I saw then made me shocked. "Why is it locked?", I asked Kichu bhaiya who reached there just then. "Because he is not at home Madam", he said as I furrowed my brows at him. "What?", I asked more of a shock. "That's what he was saying a minute ago. But you were dreaming all the while", Elena who stood behind him said annoyed. "Where did he go?", I asked him worriedly. "I don't know Madam. I saw him here day before yesterday. But after that he didn't return", he said making me panicked. "What? You should've told me before. How can you be so careless?", I spatted at him angrily. I know I sounded rude, but I can't help.

"Sona, relax. He might have gone somewhere here only", Elena said but I can't convince myself. I took out my phone and dialled his number again. But this time it was switched off raising my fear much. "Did he say something before going out?", I asked kichu bhaiya waiting for something but he nodded his head in a no, much to my disappointment. "He must be here somewhere. He is playing with me", I murmured to myself as tears blurred my vision. I can't let my dreams shatter right infront of my eyes, not this soon! Elena wrapped her arm around me and caressing my back. "It's okay sona. We will find him", she tried to convince me but only I know it's impossible. Though she hated Dev, she tried to give me the much needed courage right now. But I won't give up, atleast not this soon!

"Please bring the key to this room", I said and kichu bhaiya nodded in a yes before walking down. He soon came back with a bunch of keys and opened the door of Mr. Dixit's room. Taking a deep breath I walked inside. It's been almost two days since he left this place but still I could sense his presence here, I don't know why. Everything looked messy, the exact way how he had his room before too. I haven't visited his room that often, but whenever I did, it turned out to be an unforgettable one. I never know this time too, will turn out to be one until I noticed a bunch of papers lying down on the table. Moving the paper weight aside, I glanced at them one by one. Everything had some unfinished sketch, mostly pencil sketches making me remember something.

Not getting what it was, I placed them back on the table and looked up. What I saw then, made me freeze at my spot. It was the same portrait, the same one which I got to see in Devrath's room during one of the initial days of stay in this Bungalow. Exactly the same one, which disappeared suddenly from Devrath's room when Mr. Dixit came inside, the one which had me in it!

"Sona, what is this?", Elena who came inside just then asked looking around surprised. "Elena.. It is.. It is.. Can you see it?", I asked stammering pointing at the portrait hung on the wall. "Yes, I can. It's a sketch of you but you look different in it. What's happening?", Elena asked confused as I gulped down thinking what's going on. "This.. This is the one I found in Devrath's room.. That day", I said holding my head in my hand and I sensed her gasp. "What? How?", she asked in disbelief as I stared at the picture blankly.

"Bruno! Bruno!", we heard Rohan calling Bruno as Bruno walked towards us, holding something in his mouth. "Ma'am, he found something buried under the ground from the garden and carried it inside right away. I tried to stop him but couldn't", Rohan said tiredly. I bent down as Bruno gave me what he was holding, as I sensed it to be something very familiar. "It's Mr. Dixit's wallet!", I said surprised looking at the wallet in my hand. I could still remember it, as he left it in my room once, when I was ill. "It may contain something related to him", Elena said grabbing it from my hand as I stared at it blankly. Dusting the wallet, she opened it and found a few cards, which were of no use. "What's this?", she asked more of a shock taking out something which looked more like a business card. I quickly grabbed it from her hand and my eyes widened looking at the words printed on it.

Dr. Dev Dixit

So, who is Dev actually and where is he now?

A whole chapter with no Devrath and Shona for the very first time! How was it? And while writing this chapter I found it similar to Part - 1 of 'All Credits To Love' except the thing that the POV here is vice versa.

Precap : Finding out the truth!


I was thinking of include this note in 25th chapter itself but forgot to add 🙈 So let me clear a certain things now.

1) The plot of this book was a predecided one. From chapter one to epilogue everything was decided already and till this chapter everything went according to the plan. So I am not going to change the storyline in the middle, no matter what. It may have ups and downs but I am sure the end will be a satisfying one.

2) As you all can see, the story of past and present has leads with same names (i.e. Dev and sonakshi) It may be weird but it wasn't planned accordingly. When I was writing 'Mine' I thought of naming the past leads as Dev and sonakshi and present ones as Shaheer and Erica. But then it would turn out to be a 'Sharica' OS instead of 'Devakshi' . So I changed my mind and twisted past ML's name as Devrath. But back then I never knew that it will be continued as an FF! If so I would've given it a proper name then only! And now it wouldn't have sounded different. But now we can't do anything 😐

3) This story is a combination of three stories which I have planed to write earlier. One was an Horror OS, with sonakshi finding a mysterious book, which would've happened if I hadn't written FM. Second one was a SS where sonakshi finds a diary of Dev, her long lost friend which will eventually help her in finding him. It actually seemed like a very usual plot and it also sounded like a reverse one of AJTH. So I dropped the idea. And the third one was a dark FF in which Sonakshi had a similar characterization as FM, a rude business woman and Dev as his mere employee! And combining all these ideas I've planned the story of this FF! So already this is a mysterious story and please don't ask for any twist in the tale😅

And finally, as I already said in instagram, this story belongs to the category of Horror fantasy. So everything here can't be real though the characters might seem relatable. So chill and enjoy the story without worrying about the end!

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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