27. The Mysterious Man

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Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 100 votes

"Psychologist! How can that be even possible?", Elena said shocked looking at the card while Sonakshi stood stunned by the sudden turn of events. "If he is a psychologist then why the hell he was working here? And what are these sketches related to? I am so confused", Elena said holding her head. Sonakshi walked towards the table that had a few more unfinished sketches on it. And everything had one particular sign including the portrait that she saw a while ago. She could very well remember seeing it somewhere else too. But couldn't remember where she did.

"These unfinished sketches must be by Dev, isn't it?", Elena asked looking at the papers in Sonakshi's hand keenly. "Then even this one must be by him because it has the same sign in it", she said pointing at the huge portrait. Sonakshi looked up at the sketch and reminisced the moment she saw it in Devrath's room.

"What about this picture?"

"Which picture? I can't see any pictures around"

"But I saw a picture.. there!"

"But there isn't anything here!"

She remembered how Dev disagreed to her when she said that she saw a picture on the wall and also how it disappeared the next moment she turned around. Everything seemed mysterious to her. With no doubts, she could sense that Dev was related to all these things somehow. Though her mind said the same her heart refuses to believe it. "Why do I think like this is all Dev's plan and there is some hidden motive behind all these things? If so, who is he and why did he come here?", Elena asked confused. Though Elena always had a doubt over Dev now all these happenings were even beyond her imagination.

"Rohan!", Sonakshi shouted all of a sudden making her startled. Hearing her Rohan came rushing towards her. "We are leaving to London today. Make sure all the arrangements are done", she said leaving elena and Rohan shocked. "But sona, why to London?", Elena asked interrupting. "And, I will give you 10 more minutes. I want all the details related to Mr. Dixit right now", she said more of an order making him stunned. "But Ma'am..", he was about to say something but she cut him off. "I don't know how you will find but I need all the information about him. You have already wasted 2 minutes. Hurry up otherwise be ready to face the consequences", she said and stormed out of the room leaving him pale in fear. "OMG where is my phone?", gaining his senses, he started running across the room nervously while elena facepalmed herself sighing in dismay.


"Sona, why do you want to go to London now?", Elena asked entering Sonakshi's room. Sonakshi who was silently sipping the coffee standing by the window side didn't even realize her presence. Sensing this, Elena walked towards her hurriedly and turned sonakshi to face her. "Sona, didn't you hear me or are you trying to avoid my question?", Elena asked her annoyed. "Did you ask me something?", Sonakshi asked casually while elena rolled her eyes off her. "I asked you why do you want to go to London", Elena said trying to remain as calm as possible. "Elena, you already know the answer", Sonakshi said as elena looked at her in disbelief. "You are not going after Dev, are you? It's so clear that he had some plans up his sleeves", Elena said annoyed and before sonakshi could say something Rohan interrupted them.

"Excuse me Ma'am. I got a few details about Mr. Dixit", he said and elena rolled her eyes at him annoyingly. Sonakshi gestured her to wait for a while and nodded at Rohan continue. "Mr. Dixit was staying at London since past 10 years. He got graduated from University of Cambridge and was practicing since 2012. He was running his own clinic and this card is of that. But since the past one year, there were no traces of where he went or what he was doing. Even his clinic was shut down a year ago", he said. "Is it due to some financial problem?", she asked but he nodded in a no.

"He was very successful in what he was doing. I don't think it's due to any financial issues", he said doubtedly. "I don't want any of your assumptions Rohan. I need the clear cut fact", she said sternly. "Sorry Ma'am. I will look into it properly", he sounded apologetic. "It's okay. And anything about where he used to be 10 years back?", she asked. "No Ma'am. Couldn't find anything regarding where he lived or where his family belongs to. He seems to be a very private person", he said. "And mysterious too", Elena muttered inaudible to sonakshi. "It's okay. No issues. We will find it out once we get there", Sonakshi said and Rohan nodded at her obediently walking out of the room.

"Sona, what do you think you are doing? You are not going behind him, that's it. He has hidden his identity and disguised himself among us. He may definitely have some hidden motives", Elena said worriedly. "Elena if he wanted to hide his identity forever from us then he wouldn't have left his belongings here. He left these pictures and wallet here for a reason. He wanted us to know who he is, he wanted me to know who he is", Sonakshi said confidently. "But why would he do that?", Elena gasped. "How do I know? We should find it", Sonakshi said. "Sona, are you okay? Talk it out if you want to say something. Don't keep it to yourself. I am all ears to you", Elena said worriedly.

Elena has never seen Sonakshi happier like she saw her since lastnight. Though it's hard for her to accept, she knew Dev was the only reason for Sonakshi's happiness. But within a few minutes, every dream of her came crashing down. But still she managed to stay strong without showing up anything, making elena wonder about her. Though she seemed stronger outside, Elena could sense how broken she would've felt when she came across the mysterious truth. "I am very much fine elena. You don't need to worry", Sonakshi said with a smile that reflected the opposite. "Sona, I am saying this again. He seems to be dangerous. I don't want you to get into any trouble. Please stay away from him", Elena warned her but instead Sonakshi smiled. "Let him be elena. You know right, I like to play with danger", Sonakshi said thinking over something.


"Ma'am why do you look angry?", Rohan asked as elena gave him a death glare. They were about to leave to the airport and were waiting for sonakshi outside the bungalow. "Because I am! Why is Sona always going behind Dev? I mean why! She knows he is dangerous but still she is going behind him. Why is she so blind in love?", she said annoyed but Rohan chuckled. "Are you laughing at me Rohan?", Elena asked him angrily. "No Ma'am not at you. I am actually happy", he said smiling. "But for what?", she asked him doubtedly. "Because it's now clear that Mr. Dixit is not a spirit as you said. He is a normal human like us. And also Sonakshi Ma'am likes him", he said hiding his smile. "What's so good in sona liking him? And who told you that he is a human? Till now you didn't know anything about his personal life so how can you trust he is not a spirit?", Elena asked annoyed and stepped into the car leaving a completely shocked Rohan behind.

"If you are done with dreaming, shall we move?", Sonakshi asked coming out of the house breaking rohan's reverie. Regaining his senses back, he opened her side of the door as she stepped in and he quickly hoped into the car as it was ignited to life. But as soon as the car passed a few steps it came to sudden halt. "What happened? Why did you stop the car?", Sonakshi asked the driver confused. "Ma'am someone fell down on the road", he said panicked and everyone stepped out hurriedly. "Oh god! Can't you be a little slow? You have almost hit him", Sonakshi said rushing towards a kid of around 6-7 years sitting on the road with blood oozing from his knee.

"Are you okay?", she asked helping him to get up. He nodded his head in a yes looking at his wounded knee. "You should've been careful. What if he had got any big hurt?", Sonakshi spatted at the driver and he lowered his gaze unable to face her wrath. "Ma'am it's not our driver's fault. This boy came running across the road all of a sudden", Rohan interrupted but stopped as that boy gave him a staunch look. "Stop blaming the kid rohan. He knows nothing", Sonakshi said examining his wound. The little boy stuck his tougue out teasing Rohan without getting noticed by Sonakshi while Rohan gawked at him open mouthedly.

"Sona, let's get him to the hospital", Elena said and Sonakshi too agreed at her. "No need. It's so usual for me to get hurt like this. It will get fine if I put some medicines at home", the little boy said smiling. "That's so sweet of you but we can't leave you just like that", Elena said. "Let us drop you at your home atleast", Sonakshi asked. "In this car?", he asked pointing towards the car excitedly to which she nodded at him in a yes. "Yayy! Then let's go", he said clapping his hands excitedly while Sonakshi and elena smiled looking at each other leaving Rohan fuming.

"What's your name?", Sonakshi asked him as he was peeping out through the window. They were already half way to his house. Hearing her he turned around and gave her a sly smile. "What happened?", she asked confused seeing him smiling to himself. "My parents and friends call me as 'Golu'", he said smiling meekly. "Aww.. That's so cute and apt", Elena said pulling his cheeks while he giggled. Rohan who was listening to all this from the passenger seat, rolled his eyes off them annoyingly. "Okay golu, now tell me if your leg pains", Sonakshi asked and he shook his head in a no. "I am a brave boy. I don't feel pain", he said proudly while Sonakshi smiled at him.

"Yes, my brave boy. Now we reached your house. Lets get down", she said as the car halted infront of a house. It was a normal one storey simple building which kinda looked old but somehow familiar to her. "Thank you beautiful", he said smiling as Sonakshi got down along with him. He waved her a bye and rushed into the house while Sonakshi smiled a little. "No wonder children are beautiful, he made me smile even amidst all this", she muttered to herself and was about to turn back but stopped sensing someone's strong gaze on her. Confused, she looked at the direction and found an old man sitting infront of the house Golu has entered in and looking at her shocked with his gaze fixed on her.

Unable to understand why she turned around to leave but stopped hearing him. "Stop!", the old man shouted and she halted in her traces. She turned around and saw him gesturing her to come towards him. Confused, she walked towards him who was sitting still with a completely shocked look on his face. "You?! Are you new to this place?", he asked her with a look of disbelief while she nodded at him in a yes. "Dadu! She helped me today when I fell down on the road. You know what, I came in that big car!", golu who reached there suddenly said excitedly.

"Is it?", he asked and golu nodded his head in a big yes with all smiles. "Fine. What did I teach you? If someone had helped you, you should always return their favour, right?", he asked and golu nodded his head. "So you go and get that box from the cupboard", he said to which Golu gawked at him in disbelief. "That box?", he asked more of a shock. "Yes, now go and get it soon. We shouldn't let her wait for so long", he said and before sonakshi could stop, Golu hurried inside the house.

"It's okay..", Sonakshi was about to say something but he gestured her to stop. "You have helped my grandson and it's my duty to give this to you", he said while she looked at him confused. "Here it is", Golu came rushing out of the house with a wooden box in his hand. "Give this to her. She saved you right?", the old man asked and golu nodded his head forwarding the box towards Sonakshi who looked at him quizzically. "But what's the need..", before Sonakshi could continue the old man interrupted again. "It is needed. Very much needed. You will get to know it soon", he said with a warm smile making her confused. Unwantedly she got the box from Golu's hand and looked at it from top to bottom.

"Open this only when you feel like", the old man added breaking her reverie and she nodded at him in a yes. Thanking him and after waving at Golu she walked towards the car and handed the box to Rohan. "Keep it inside. I will open it later", she said stepping into the car while elena looked at her in disbelief. "Sona, why did you get that? You can't trust people so easily. What if it contains some bomb?" Elena asked making Rohan jerk. He looked at the box in his hand and quickly locked it inside the car's dicky. "Stop being dramatic ele! Why should he try to hurt me?", Sonakshi asked annoyed. "Because I am scared if everyone would be like Dev", Elena muttered to herself which didn't go unnoticed by sonakshi, who felt something prick her heart.


"Dev Dixit!", said an old man to which Sonakshi nodded at him awaiting for him to continue further. It was this morning Sonakshi landed at London along with Elena and Rohan. Though it was difficult, she somehow managed to get in contact with Dev's professor Dr. Charles, a man in his late 80s. His expressions clearly stated how amused he was to hear this particular name after a very long time. "He was one of the brightest student during his course of study. He was very talented in his profession. But..", he stopped. "But.. What happened Dr. Charles?", Sonakshi asked. "But he was different, very different from other students of mine. I found this quality of him good but sometimes weird too", he said.

"Weird as in?", Elena interrupted. "He was able to do what even the most experienced people of his profession couldn't do that too at such an young age. Of course it made him very successful in a very short span. But things weren't the same for long", he said as the three looked at each other confused. "Why? What made him different from others?", Sonakshi asked doubtedly. "Well, let me tell you something. When he was in his 2nd year of school, there were some allegations that he used to be present in the school premises after it was closed, which is actually illegal. Even a security guard agreed that he had seen him practicing something during the night hours inside the campus and he was accused of the same", he said.

"Then he must have been punished right?", Elena asked. "No, he wasn't", he said. "Why?", Rohan interrupted. "Because the next day, the same security guard stated that he had never seen Dev before", he added. "He must have lied", Elena said. "No, he didn't", he said smiling. "Then?", Sonakshi asked confused. "Dev made him forget everything that he saw", he continued. "Like erasing his memories?", Elena asked shocked. "Not exactly but yes", he said making everyone gasp. "You can't be joking Dr. Charles", Elena said in disbelief. "I am not", he replied smiling. "Erasing memories means, like the one shown in movies!", Rohan asked gulping down. "But Dr. Charles even after knowing everything you didn't expose him!", Elena said in disbelief but he chuckled. "He is my favorite student for a reason", he replied smiling.

"If he can erase memories, can he create them too?", Sonakshi asked suddenly making everyone snap at her. "I mean can he make someone come across memories that they have never experienced?", She continued to which he smiled. "Memories are which you have experienced previously and yes if I am not wrong, he can", he said making her eyes widen. "But how can that be possible?", Elena asked confused. "I always had a feeling that he has some supernatural powers", he chuckled. "Then he must be a supernatural human!", Rohan muttered shocked. "May be he is not even a human!", he replied and hearing him all the colour drained from Rohan's face.

But seeing Rohan, he burst out laughing. "Jokes apart, only he may know the answer for this question or may be even he didn't know till now", he said smiling. "We heard that he was caught in some scandals last year and it was due to that he went missing and even his clinic was closed. Do you know anything about that doctor?", Elena asked. "No, it's been years since I have seen him lastly. But yes, I have heard about it. No wonder he is a big adventure freak. He loves to do things that are way more different and challenging to him, that's what makes him a mysterious man", he said smiling and seeing Sonakshi who was all lost in her thoughts.


"Actually this man seems weird. I mean how can he talk so casually about someone as different as Dev. He even addresses him as his favorite student, like seriously!", Elena said in disbelief walking to and fro across the room. They were already back to their hotel in which they were staying in. Sonakshi was sitting silently staring at the empty wall while Rohan was standing in a corner, still shivering after the meet with Dr. Charles. Everything he heard about Dev, freaked him even more. "Where are you going?", she asked as sonakshi stood up. "Nah.. Nothing. Let me have some coffee", she said walking upto the door. "Let's order it or else I'll accompany you", Elena said. "No need Elena. Let me be alone for some time", she said storming out of the room while Elena shook her head in dismay.

Sonakshi reached the cafferteria and sat in the table gazing out the lawn through the glass window. The trees were empty and the leaves were withered and lying dry on the ground. The cool breeze did manage to make a few fly but still everything fell back on the ground even more scattered. Heaving a long one, she moved her gaze to the other side and saw a ladder being leant on the wall, on which a man was trying to climb up. It doesn't look that stable and it was shaking throughout, making her mind travel back in time.


Sonakshi was passing through Dev's room which was adjacent to hers, when she heard some cracky noise. Confused, she looked into his room, which had its door open and saw Dev struggling with a ladder. "Any help Mr. Dixit?", she asked entering in and he snapped his head towards her. "Ms. Bose you are here! I thought no one is at home", he said surprised. "Everyone went out leaving me alone", she said with a sad pout. "You are not alone Ms. Bose. A 6 feet tall human is standing here right infront of you", he said pointing at himself. "Human! Where?", she asked looking around and he gave her a death glare.

"Okay okay, relax. I was just joking", she said chuckling looking at his annoyed face. "But you weren't completely wrong though", he muttered to himself which didn't go unheared by her. "Fine, help me now", he tried to distract her. "How?", she asked confused. "I need to take that bag from the top. But this ladder doesn't seem to be that strong. So if you hold it, I will climb up", he explained and she nodded at him obediently. "Hold it tight", he said stepping on the ladder and she held it from both the sides. "Be careful Ms. Bose!", he said panicked as he could sense her shaking the ladder from the bottom giggling to herself. "Don't worry Mr. Dixit. I am stronger than what you think. Even if you slipped from there I can hold you so that you don't fall on the ground", she said chuckling. And before she could complete her sentence, the ladder fell to the left making him slip from his position and all that could be heard after that was...


"Mr. Dixit, are you Okay?", Sonakshi asked panicked looking at Dev who fell on the couch nearby. "Omg! How can you? Help me first", he said extending his hand out which she clutched helping him to stand up. "Thank God! This couch saved me", he said sighing in relief. "My bad!" , she muttered to herself which didn't go unnoticed by him. "Ms. Bose are you planning to kill me?", he asked her shocked to which she chuckled. "Mr. Dixit I told you that I won't let you fall on the ground and see now", she said casually. "Fine, let's do one thing. You climb up the ladder and I will hold it", he said but she was quick to disagree.

"What if you took a revenge on me for making you fall down? No, I can't trust you", she turned to the other side folding her arms across her chest. But he came infront of her making her look at him. "You can never untrust me Ms. Bose", he repeated his words smirking and she looked at him amused. "Fine, stop looking at me like that. I will get that bag", she said walking towards the ladder leaving him smile to himself. "Hold it tight, okay?", she asked assuring herself and stepped up on the ladder. "Yes Ma'am!", he said chuckling and soon she stepped down taking the bag in her hand.

"Are you going somewhere?", she asked handing over the bad to him. "No, not at all", he said. "Then why did you ask for this bag. I thought you are going somewhere out", she said pointing at the bag in his hand. "No, I am not going anywhere. It's just that there are some things which needs to be arranged in this bag", he said and she nodded at him faintly. "I won't go anywhere Ms. Bose, not without informing you", he said assuringly and sensed her getting relieved. "Sure?", she asked him doubtedly. "Double sure", he said smiling and she turned around to leave the room but stopped hearing him. "Ms. Bose, please don't wear skirts often", he said smiling one sidedly. "Atleast not when you are climbing up on the ladder", he added smirking and hearing him her eyes widened upon realization. She felt blood rushing to her face and immediately stormed out of the room leaving Dev chuckle to himself.

End of flashback

"You should've atleast told me a goodbye", sonakshi muttered to herself as tears blurred her vision. Though she acted strong and unaffected with the sudden turn of events, only she knew how broken she felt from inside. She couldn't understand what's happening around her but still something asked her to never lose the hope, the hope on him. She couldn't come to terms that he was playing with her feelings all the while, though that's what everything happening around meant. But somewhere she still trusted him, trusted him with all her life.

"Ms. Bose?", she heard a familiar voice and immediately looked at that direction. Unable to believe her eyes she stood up shocked seeing the person in front of her, she was definitely not expecting him there. "Mr. Sharma, you are here?", Sonakshi asked surprised to see Adithya. "I guess I should be the one to ask you that. I think you remember I live here", Adithya replied. "Oh yeah sorry. I am here... For some personal work", she replied with a tight lipped smile. "Oh fine, I had a meeting here. And it was a pleasant surprise meeting you here Ms. Bose", he said smiling a little.

And before the silence could get awkward, sonakshi continued. "Would you mind having a coffee Mr. Sharma?", she asked and he nodded to go ahead as they both settled themselves on the table beside. "Are you here alone?", he asked her. "No, Rohan is with me and also my friend elena, I hope you remember her", she said and he thought for a while. "Oh yes, I do", he replied with a tight lipped smile. "Excuse me, one coffee please. And for you Ms. Bose?", he asked as Sonaskhi thought for a while.

"What is that?"

"Beetroot juice! Don't you like it?"


"Why? It's good for health"

"Do you have fresh juices?", she asked and the waiter nodded in a yes."Get me a glass of Beetroot juice please", she said and he left after taking the order. "Beetroot juice! Seriously?", Adithya asked her smiling with a weird look. "What's wrong Mr. Sharma? It's good for health" she was quick to reply. "And good for my heart too", she muttered with a sad smile inaudible to him.


"Thank God! I was waiting for you sona", Elena shouted as sonakshi entered into the room. "Why? What happened?", she asked her doubtedly. "Do you remember once I said that one of my friend can complete the picture of Devrath? We have also sent him that picture from Devrath's, remember?", she asked her excitedly. "Elena, I am not in a mood for all these things now", Sonakshi replied tiredly. "But let's just look at it once. He has sent me the completed picture", she replied switching on the laptop to which sonakshi sighed. "We will look at it later Elena", she tried to convince her but she was adamant. "Oh my God!", she heard Elena gasp. "What happened?", she asked her but she was all silent. Getting no answers she looked at Elena who was staring at the laptop screen in more of a shock. "Why are you looking at it like that?", sonakshi asked walking towards her and turned the laptop to face her. And what she saw then made her go numb. It was a picture of Devrath, Dev Dixit in Devrath!

Who is the one in this picture? Devrath or Dev Dixit? 🤔

Precap : Opening the box of secrets!

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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