28. Treasured Secrets

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Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 100 votes

"You can't do this to me. All I did was to help you but instead you kidnapped me and torturing me like this. How can you be so cruel!", a man whined as he was trying to unknot the rope tied to both of his hands. He kept tumbling in the chair that looked too tiny to fit him in it making constant noise, irritating elena who was walking to and fro across the room. Annoyed by his behaviour, she stopped and walked towards him, giving him a murderous glare. "If you want me to leave you then tell me the truth. Otherwise you can't see him alive", she said in a threatening tone making him gulp down.He looked at his little hamster in elena's hand, who was almost crushing it, with an apologetic look and then back at elena.

"Elena I promise you, what I am telling you is the truth only. I don't know anyone named Dev. Please leave me and my Booboo", he said almost at the verge of crying. "Then tell me saurab, Who told you to sketch face of Dev in this picture?", she asked pointing towards the completed picture of Devrath that she received a while ago. "Who is Dev?", he asked scared. "Stop acting! Otherwise you won't be able to see your booboo forever", she shouted at him. "Rohan, give this hamster to the chef down here", she said passing on the little creature to Rohan, who looked at her quizzically. "As him to make hamster soup. I love it!", she said licking her lips making his jaw hit the ground. Hearing her Saurabh's sobs grew even more louder, annoying her much.

"Ma'am, are you going to eat this?", Rohan asked in disgust looking at the hamster jumping in his hand. "Yes. Why? Do you want it too?", she asked and he was quick to shake his head from left to right clasping his mouth, feeling nausic. "Elena please believe me please. I am your friend, right? I even promise on my Booboo, no one asked me to draw this face in this sketch. This must be the original one!", he said and hearing him Sonakshi who was silently staring at the picture stood up from her place. "Leave him elena", she said still staring at the picture. "But sona..", before elena could say something she stopped her. "Please elena stop all these nonsense and leave him. Rohan untie his hands", she said and Rohan nodded his head, doing accordingly.

"But what if even this is Dev's plan?", Elena asked annoyed. "What if it's not?", Sonakshi asked back. "Saurab, how sure are you about this picture?", Sonakshi asked him as he finally got relieved getting back his Booboo in his hand. "80%", he said confidently. "80% only? What about the remaining 20%?", Elena asked hiping her hands. "Arey! To know that, the only way is I should travel back in time and sketch a picture of this person. I am not a time traveller to do that, neither I have any time machine", he said and elena rolled her eyes off him. "It's okay Saurab. Thanks for your help. And sorry for elena's stupidity", she said and he smiled at her slyly. She handed him a cheque makinh his smile even more wider.

"This is for your help. Thank you", she said and he looked at the cheque to receive the biggest shock of his life. "15 lakhs!", he said shocked looking at her and then back at the cheque. He felt the entire world rotating around him as he had never received such an huge amount in his life ever. "What! Are you going to give 15 lakh rupees for this single picture?", Elena asked shocked. "Not rupees, pounds", she corrected her while Elena gawked at her open mouthedly. "I've been working here for past 3 years but still my overall salary isnt even 15 thousand pounds but this football and his rat got 15 lakh pounds! So much injustice!", Rohan said in disbelief while saurab gave him a victorious grin.

"Everyone gets paid for their work Rohan. So stop comparing", Sonakshi said strictly making Rohan shut his mouth. "But saurab please be available whenever we need you", She added and he nodded at her smilingly. Taking his little creature in his one hand and flaunting the cheque in his other hand, he walked out of the room squealing in excitement. "Isn't this all mysterious?", elena asked as sonakshi caressed the picture with her slender fingers, standing near the balcony. From the hazel brown eyes to the pointed chin everything looked like him, to her. "He is mysterious", Sonakshi said still staring at the picture. "He? It? What is Dev? I'm so confused", Elena said holding her head.

"What are we going to do now?", she asked as sonakshi heaved out a long sigh. Standing still staring at the picture, suddenly something flashed across her mind. "Diary!", she muttered as elena looked at her quizzically. "We may get something from Devrath's diary", she said and walked into the room but stopped in her traces realising something. "Oh god! I left that diary in my room itself", she facepalmed remembering the moment she kept the diary in the cupboard after reading Shona's letters lastly. "Now should we wait till we get back to India?", Elena asked as sonakshi huffed in dismay.

Suddenly they heard Bruno barking aloud and when they looked down they saw him pulling out one of the bags placed on the table. "What happened Bruno?", Sona asked but instead he pulled the bag making it drop down on the floor making the things in it scatter everywhere. "What are you searching for?", Elena asked as sonakshi moved towards the things emptied down. She saw Bruno barking continuously looking at a box, the box that golu's grandfather gave her. Confused she took the box in her hand and sensed Bruno getting silent. "Isn't this the one golu's dadu gave you?", Elena asked and sonakshi nodded her head in a yes placing the box on the table beside.

"Open it", Elena said sitting beside her as sonakshi tried to open the latch of the box. "It's tight", she said trying to open the rusted one. "I'll get some spray", Elena said and went out of the room leaving sonakshi alone. "What do you think will be inside?", Sonakshi asked Bruno who was standing beside her silently. He barked aloud once asking her to continue what she was doing and she huffed tiredly. "Let's try it once", she said trying to open the latch one last time but to her surprise it opened, on the very first try. "I was trying to open this for all this time and I can't even move the latch. But how did it get open now? Strange!", she muttered surprisedly.

She lifted the lid up with a little nervousness but the curiosity in her to see what's inside was more. But as soon she opened the box, her eyes widened seeing something that made her heart stop for a while. There were a bunch of letters that looked so old that they were almost teared up. But what caught her attention was the first word that was written on the letter.

"Dear Shona"

Unable to believe her own eyes she took the papers in her hand and looked at them one by one. Each one of them looked similar, as the first one. There were 6 - 7 letters and everything had the same handwriting that she had seen somewhere. "Devrath!", her eyes widened upon realization. Yes, it was the same as she saw in Devrath's diary making it even clearer to her that it was nothing but the letters written by Devrath to his Shona! "These must be the return letters sent to Shona by Devrath, a week before their wedding. But how come these are here?", she gasped in shock looking at the papers in her hand.

"Keep this box"

"But what's the need.."

"It is needed, very much needed. You will get to know it soon"

She remembered what Golu's grandfather said and stared at it in horror. Suddenly she heard Bruno barking aloud and this broke her reverie. He looked at the letters in her hand and barked again making her think for a while. "Sh.. Should I read it?", she asked more of a doubt. "Isn't it unethical to read someone else's letter?", she asked gulping down looking at the picture of Devrath kept beside. Giving up and putting an end to her curiosity, she started reading the first letter.

[For continuity, have a look at chapter 25]

Letter 1:

Dear Shona,

I never know that my shona is this smart! But seriously its only been a day since we met and you are missing me already! Do you know how good I feel right now? Fine but to be honest even I miss you the most. Not that much, but yes, very much. I wish these seven days pass by soon.

6 long days and 7 sleepless nights to go!



She folded the letter and opened the next one.


Letter 2:

Dear Shona,

Haww! You became a thief! I'm going to get married to a thief! Anyways stealing an invitation card isn't a big crime when compared to stealing my heart, which you did already. And I am not even complaining because you gave yours instead of mine. So keep it with yourself, forever.

And our names are written together not only on the cards, but also in our fates. Our names can never exist alone without each other in the near future. Devrath and Sonakshi will always be 'Devakshi'.

5 long days and 6 sleepless nights to go!



"Devakshi", Sonakshi said more of a whisper as a small smile appeared on her lips, unknown to herself.


Letter 3:

Dear Shona,

Yes, the Tilak ceremony was so good and I was nervous about the same. What to do, this is my first wedding right? It's obvious to get nervous! Everything was good except that you weren't with me. The fact that I will get to see you only after 4 more days, that is on the day of our wedding only made me disheartened. So I thought why not imagine that special day of us now!

Haha..shocked? Don't be! Its you who told me to think about the moments we shared and about the moments we are going to share. And ofcourse its my duty to follow your words! Fine, listen..

First the pandit asked me, to sit down infront of the holy haven which is going to be the witness of our togetherness. Though I was physically present there, all my attention was only in peeking at the doorstep of your room awaiting for your presence.

And then after which seemed like a decade, he asked to bring the bride, which is you. Finally putting an end to all my miseries, you stepped out of the room surrounded by your friends who were teasing and laughing at you. But all I could see was nothing but you!

To say beautiful is the least, for you looked ethereal, draped in the white with maroon coloured traditional saree with a big bindi on your forehead. The tingling sound of your bangles and anklets that kept loudening everytime you took a step towards me, gave me the immense feel that you are nearing me, to become mine, very soon. And above everything was that soul brightening smile of yours, with a tint of blush adorning your cheeks making you look as Mine in every possible way.

I was so lost in you that I forget to even blink until you snapped me out of my thoughts and it was then I realized that it's been a long time since you are seated beside me and giving me a quizzical look. Smiling on my stupidity I shook my head and focussed back on the rituals though all I wanted was to look at you for all my life.

"Make the bride wear this mangalsutra", the pandit said as I took the auspicious chain from him. Taking the blessings of people around, I made you wear the mangalsutra as you officially became mine. I took the vermillion and placed it on your partition as you closed your eyes, both of us savouring the moment with tears of joy at the corner of our eyes. Holding each other's hands, we walked around the holy haven promising each other, of our togetherness till eternity.

Taking the blessings of our parents, we walked hand in hand as I made you sit inside our car, on the front seat besides me, like you desired making everyone look at us in surprise, as I introduced you to this world as Mrs. Sonakshi Devrath Rajvanshi, the only person in this world who have all the rights to call me as 'Dev' because I am all yours, now and forever!

4 long days and 5 sleepless nights to go!



Sonakshi felt tears blurring up her vision but with a constant smile lingering on her lips as she opened the next letter.


Letter 4:

Dear Shona,

You should have been get caught by your uncle yesterday itself! If so, you wouldn't have called me as 'Devi'. Now that you did you have to suffer for your deeds. Wondering what? Wait, let me continue from where we left yesterday..

After performing post ritual ceremonies I retired back to 'our' room and found it dark. Wondering where you went I called you out but all that I felt was nothing but silence. Panicked a little, I moved into the room when suddenly someone ignited a candle and what I saw then made me rooted at my place.

In the glowing light of the candle, all I could see was your captivating eyes which never left mine. From your sharp nose to your quivering lips, oh how I wish I could trace my fingers along them and tug that single strand of hair that falls straight on your face!

Taking slow steps I walked towards you but you instantly lowered your gaze, trying to hide your blush but failing miserably. Smiling to myself, I took the candle from your hand and placed it down on the table beside. You instantly turned the other side but not before I clutched your hand stopping you on your traces. Holding your one hand I pulled you towards me, wrapping my hands around your waist, protecting you in my hold. I will never let you go!

Inhaling your scent, I pulled you closer towards me as if it was even possible, and felt you shivering under my hold. "Dev", you whispered audible enough to me only as I kissed your ear, removing the jhumkas, caressing your soft skin with my warm fingers in the process, making your toes curl up.

Moving my hands across your neck, well aware of your hold getting tightened on my shirt, I stopped at the back of your neck, unhooking the chain in the process. I looked up at your face, which was glowing already in my love, with your eyes closed savouring each of the moment of the union of our souls.

Satisfied by seeing the effect I have on you, I traced my hand along the length of your arms ending it right on your palms, I took them in mine and kissed them together not before letting your bangles fall down with a tingle and I scooped you in my arms instantly, carrying you towards our bed...


Sonakshi instantly folded the letter and kept it aside, facepalming herself. "Shit! Sona how can you read someone's such a personal letter! Fool!", she shut her eyes in embarrassment while her mind was still busy processing the words written in the letter. "Okay, enough I will read the next one!" she said and opened the next letter expecting it to not contain any of the things like the previous letter.


Letter 5:

Dear Shona,

Oh you are laughing at me! Laugh as much as you can, because if you laugh at me after our wedding I am not responsible for the punishment you are going to get. Remember, yesterday's letter was only an example for that! The reality will be even more cruel and ofcourse the haldi idea wasn't a bad one!!

2 long days and 3 sleepless nights to go!



Sonakshi felt her cheeks heating up understanding what he was hinting at. She felt so stupid of herself for reading these personal letters of someone but never felt awkward, she don't know why! Keeping it aside, she opened the next letter.


Letter 6:

Dear Shona,

A relationship formed on the basis of truth and trust can never be weak. And ours is such a one. We have gone through everything and that's what makes our bond strong. So stop worrying and cheer up. That beautiful smile on your face is the one I live for. Never let anything or anyone change that. We are and always will be together. And about the dance.. Hmmm.. we have a life time for that!

1 long day and 2 sleepless nights to go!



Sonakshi couldn't help but smile. The faith Devrath had on his relationship with shona made her feel contented. But thinking about the truth, the tragic end, pricked her heart like never before. His every word screamed only one thing, his dream of their togetherness, which never happened! Closing the letter with heavy heart, she opened the next one.


Letter 7:

Dear Mrs. Rajvanshi,

You like when I call you like that don't you? Even I like calling you like that. Not in letters like this, but I want to see those precious expressions on your face when I call you as 'Mrs. Rajvanshi'. And I know that time is not so far. Wait for a night to pass by shona, only one night, I will make you Mine forever!

And yes let it be the colour of your mehandi or your face, getting darker red, it should be obviously because of me only. And with this, I have sent you one of the two wedding gift from my side. Wondering what it is? Just have a look, it's nothing but our future, the capture of our moment when Devrath and Sonakshi will become Devakshi, Forever!

Only one night to go!



Closing the letter, Sonakshi found another paper behind it. Thinking it might be the gift which Devrath was stating in his previous letter, she opened it quickly. But what she saw then, made the floor beneath her feet shift. Her eyes widened in shock, as her hands started trembling unable to hold the paper that had a picture of... them!

What will happen now? 😶 And anyone want Sonakshi to read the continuation of letter 4? 😛

Precap : Secret behind the box.

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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