30. The Fateful day

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A surprisingly shocking and a very long update!

But there is a special reason to it and you will get to know that as you read the chapter. So go ahead!

Thank you all for your votes and comments. Thanks for completing the target too.

Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

P. S : I am trying to publish this chapter since 11.30. Idk when it gets published 😐

Target: 100 votes

"What happened to her?", Sonakshi asked gulping down her dry throat. Though she knew the answer already, her heart craved to know more, more about everything. "She was.. killed!", Golu's grandfather said looking down unable to meet her painful eyes. Though he had heard about shona only through his father, he could still picturize how agonizing it would've been for his father and his family when that tragic incident happened. Even now, after these many years, still thinking about that made him shiver. Such was the pain everyone had undergone on an unexpected time, turning their lives upside down. "How?", she asked more of a whisper, her voice barely heard. Hearing her, he looked up and took a deep breath. "It was the day of their wedding..."

Flashback (21st November, 1907) :

"Dev bhaiya, how much more time will you take? Please come before the muhurat ends. Women are way better than you!", Ramu said annoyed walking inside Dev's room. It was already time for Dev and Shona's wedding but Dev was still in his dressing room, making Ramu tensed. Why won't he be! He was the one who was representing the groom's side for the whole wedding. Though he denied, Dev forcefully made him as groomsman and gave all the responsibilities of the wedding to him, inspite of the protests of his various family members.

When Ramu asked him not to, he said only one thing. "If you are scared of the words of those people who call themselves as my relatives today, remember you and your father were the only people who stood by my side when they didn't even have time to look at me. Only you deserve this place Ramu. If you are still denying then stop calling me as 'Bhaiya' here after", Dev said strictly making Ramu huff in dismay. He very well knew that Dev will make him dance to his tunes by blackmailing him and so giving up, he agreed to his words.

"Uff! Ramu, shut up! Relax man. Who's wedding is this, mine or yours? I'm already nervous. So please stop panicking me", Dev said. "Nervous! Why?", Ramu asked. "Do I look good? Shona will like me in this dress, right?", he asked adjusting the collar of his dress nervously. "Good? Not at all! You look like a King!", Ramu said smiling. "Yeah, a King without his Queen", Dev said with a sad pout. "Seriously Bhaiya? Anyhow your Queen is going to arrive here in a few more minutes. You can ask this to herself. I wonder what shona did to you, that you became like this!", he said in disbelief. "Oye! Respect her. She is your bhabhi", Dev said in a threatening tone while he made faces. "And ofcourse you will never understand. Because this is what love does to you", he said blushing a little!

"Oh so if shona said that she doesn't like your dress, will you change it now?", Ramu smirked. "Ofcourse I will! I will change anything for her, even you!", Dev pointed towards Ramu making his jaw hit the ground. "Why won't I? When you are in love, you will even be ready to change the whole world upside down for that one person. But if that same world is against that one person, you won't even think a minute to destroy the whole world, even if it costs your own life!", Dev said while Ramu let out a long sigh. "Now I am scared!", he said gulping down. "For what?", Dev asked doubtedly. "Shona!", he was quick to reply. "What did she do to you?", Dev asked him furrowing his brows.

"It's not about what she did already. It's about what she is going to do hereafter. I can very well imagine my condition after your wedding. I'm sure she will take her revenge for what I did to her previously. She is going to stop all the workers in our Bungalow and make me work day and night instead of them! But bhaiya, you will support me right?", he asked blinking his eyes dramatically. "Why would I? I will support my wife only", Dev said with a proud smile. "Wife already! Great!! Let me go and pack my luggages now itself. I'm sure I will be thrown out of the house today", Ramu said seriously. "And please don't come back for a week. We need privacy", Dev said while Rohan flared his nostrils angrily.

"Will a week be enough?", he asked sarcastically. "Umm.. Better come after a month", Dev smirked. "I will come after a year, is that okay?", Ramu asked faking anger. "No. If you are not here for a year then who will take care of our baby?", Dev was quick to ask while Ramu gawked at him open mouthedly. "Baby! Seriously? It seems like you both have planned everything already!", Ramu asked in disbelief. "Yes, even the name of our grandchildren", Dev replied smilingly while Ramu's mouth formed a 'O'. "Close your mouth. We are getting late, let's go", Dev said grabbing his hand and dragged him out of the room but stopped seeing chotu standing near the doorstep.

"Chotu, you are here! Now you tell me, how your to be jijaji looks? Am I suitable for your shona didi?", Dev asked smiling but he kept mum. "I won't say!", he replied angrily. "Uff! Someone is so angry! But why?", Dev asked bending down to his height. "Bhaiya, he would've stolen laddoos prepared for the guests and got a big slap from his mother, isn't it chotu?", Ramu interrupted only to be stopped by the death glare of chotu! "What happened? I will get to know only if you said, right?", Dev sounded concerned. "How can you give my work to someone else?", chotu asked with an angry pout. "Which work?", Dev asked confused.

"It's always me who gives your letter to shona didi, right? But today you asked someone else to give it to her. So bad!", chotu said with a sad pout making him even more confused. "Oh so you are the postman between them", Ramu laughed aloud. "I carry only special letters!", Chotu replied annoyed. "Special letters as in, letters of governor or what?", Ramu laughed again but soon his laughter died seeing Dev's death glare. "But chotu, which letter are you talking about? I didn't..", before Dev could complete someone interrupted. "Chotu, what are you doing here? Go and call your sister", Bijoy asked walking in. "And Dev beta its time for muhurat. Panditji is calling you already", he added and nodding at him smilingly, Dev walked towards the mandap.


"Maa, Shona di is not opening the door", chotu complained to his mother after knocking the door of Shona's room for so many times. "Why? Let me call her", she said walking towards Shona's room and knocked the door. But much to her surprise, the door didn't open. "Oh god! Where did these girls go now?", Asha asked looking around searching for Shona's friends and found them chatting with each other a little far. "Radha, what are you doing here? Now you should be helping shona right? See she is not opening the door now. She must be struggling to dress up herself", Asha huffed in dismay as the girls looked at her apologetically.

"Maa, she said that she wanted to change. That's why we left her alone", she explained. "It's already time for muhurat. But she is changing now only! This girl... Such a lazy head!", Asha facepalmed and went towards Shona's room again. "Shona, it's getting late. Open the door. I will help you", Asha said knocking the door again. But getting no reply from the other side, made her a little scared and so she started banging the door with all her might. "Shona are you okay?", she asked panicked, still not getting any answer from her. Getting nervous, she walked towards the stage where Dev was already seated. "It's getting late for muhurat. Please call the bride soon", the priest said making her gulp down in fear.

Nervously, she walked towards her husband and gestured him to come aside. "What happened? Why is shona taking this much time?", Bijoy asked annoyed. "She is not opening the door", Asha said more of a whisper, nervousness so clear from her face making him shocked. Seeing Bijoy and Asha standing at one corner worriedly made Dev confused. "Maa, is everything fine?", he asked doubtedly. "Haa beta, nothing. We will come in a while", Bijoy said faking a smile. Though something bothered him, Dev ignored it and nodded at them smilingly as Bijoy rushed towards Shona's room while Asha followed him behind.

"Shona what are you doing inside? Come soon, it's already time", Bijoy called banging the door of her room careful enough to not let anyone hear them. But not getting any response, both looked at each other nervously. "Let's break the door", Asha said panicked to which Bijoy too agreed. Soon the door was flung open revealing an empty room. "Where is shona?", Asha asked looking around scared and both were shocked to see the back door of the room open.

"Dev bhaiya, what are you doing? Concentrate there", Ramu sighed tiredly after repeating his words for the nth time. Still, much to his annoyance Dev kept gazing at the side of Shona's room instead of the mantras that the priest was chanting. "What to do Ramu? I'm so excited and nervous at the same time!", he said smiling meekly still looking at Shona's doorstep making Ramu roll his eyes off him. "Nervous for what?", Ramu asked annoyed. "I don't know Ramu. May be because finally shona is going to be mine. I wish my parents were with us by this time", he said with a sad smile as tears formed at the corner of his eyes.

Sensing him getting saddened Ramu thought to lighten up his mood. "Then even they would've said the same", he said as Dev narrowed his eyes at him. "What?", he asked. "That their son became 'joru ka gulam' ", he said chuckling, receiving a death glare from Dev. But unable to hold it anymore, he laughed out loud making Ramu smile. But soon his laughter died sensing the hall becoming weirdly silent. Feeling something unusual, he looked up at the doorstep and what he saw then made his world crumble down at his feet.


He heard a completely unstable Shona walking into the hall, holding her head in her hands and her whole body drenched in blood from top to bottom. Unable to believe his eyes, he stood numb as his legs refused to move seeing the scene unfolding infront of him that he never imagined, not even in his dream while the people around gasped in shock. Not having anymore strength in her to walk further, Shona stretched her one hand out, gesturing him to hold her while the other one was holding the back of her head.


She called again, her voice barely a whisper that could be heard and was about to fall down but getting his senses back, Dev rushed towards her and caught her in his arms. "Shona.. Shona.. What.. What happened to you? What.. What is all this?", he asked shocked as tears started flowing from his eyes. He held her close to himself, dampening his shirt with nothing but blood. He touched the back of her head and felt his hand getting wet and her body shivering in pain. There were so many wounds all over her body, with blood oozing everywhere. She flinched with his every touch and hissed in pain as she found herself losing her consciousness. "Shona.. Shona.. Look at me", Dev tried to keep her conscious as he found her eyes drooping.

"Shona, what happened to you? Shona.. Look here", Ramu kneeled down beside them holding her hand and patting her cheeks. Tears filled his eyes as he sensed her not responding to him properly. Bijoy and Asha who arrived there hearing the commotion around, felt their world crashing down seeing a lifeless sonakshi lying in Dev's arms, covered in a pool of blood. "Shona, what happened to my daughter? What is all this?", Bijoy asked shocked as they both rushed towards them. "Papa...", her voice barely a whisper as she heard her father's painful cries. She opened her drooping eyes and looked at her parents who were all in tears. She saw chotu, standing beside them and crying looking at her.

Her gaze then fell upon Dev who looked devastated. His eyes all red and swollen, his hair completely messy, his face full of tears freely flowing from his eyes and his wedding dress completely soaked in her blood. "Shona, I won't let anything happen to you... You are going to be fine, okay? I.. I will call the doctor. Just.. Just bear for sometime", he fumbled nervously and looked around. "Ramu.. Ramu.. Call the doctor. Call the best doctor in the town. I will not let anything happen to my shona. Go, go and call someone. Can't you see that my shona is in pain? Go!", he pushed Ramu away who was all in tears but Shona held his hand with her shivering ones stopping him from what he was doing.

"Devv.. You.. you... can't.. save me. I am.. going.. to..", "Shut up! Shut up shona! How dare you say that! Nothing will happen to you.. Nothing. Ramu go!", Dev shouted angrily. Seeing him losing his senses, she caressed his face gently, trying to wipe away his tears with her blood soaked hands. But he held her hand and kissed her palm, as she hissed in pain. And it was then he noticed the bruises in her hand as well. "Who.. Who did this shona? Tell me. Who dared to hurt you? I will never let them alive. I will kill them, right here!", he shouted at the top of his voice, his eyes in blood shot red. "Sshh.. Dev.. Don't.. Don't do anything", she flinched in pain as every part of her body burned due to the deep bruises.

"Just.. Just hold me tight.. My wish is going to come true Dev.. I'm going to die.. in your arms", she smiled as a lone tear escaped from her eye, wetting his blood soaked shirt. "Enough! Just shut up! Stop talking nonsense! You are not going anywhere", he cried and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to himself. She shrieked in pain as his hand touched the side of her hip. And hearing her, he looked down and his eyes widened looking at the deep cut near her hip. It looked as if someone had slammed a very sharp thing into her skin, making blood flow out in excess. He covered the cut with his hand trying to stop the blood flowing out, but nothing seemed to help.

"See... I am.. I am dying", she said more of a whisper. Her voice so feeble and every nerve of her body screamed in pain as she tried to speak a word. "No! YOU ARE NOT! You are fine... You will get fine.. Just a few more minutes.. doctor will be here", he said trying to convince himself more than her. "I.. won't", she said smiling sadly and he felt his heart getting heavier with every passing second. He sensed her eyes closing in its own accord and patted her cheeks panickedly to stop her from getting unconscious. "No no! Shona look at me!", he shouted as he felt her head leaning on his chest. Unable to see the scene unfolding, asha sobbed even more.

"Dev..", Shona whispered still closing her eyes. "Haa... Shona.. I'm here.. Right beside you. Look at me", Dev replied quickly holding her hand. "I.. I want to die.. here", she said smiling a little, placing her head on his chest, and hearing his unrhythemic heart beat. Hearing her words, his heart broke into million pieces and he hugged her close to himself, not ready to let her go. "Shona, you can't do like this. Wake up. Wake up and tell me this is just a stupid dream of mine. Get up shona", he shouted but she shook her head slowly. "See, today is our wedding. The day we both were dreaming for arrived finally. But you, what are you doing here? Get up", his voice choked in as a lump formed in his throat not letting him to speak further. He wished all this could be one of his deadliest dreams, but unfortunately it's not.

"I.. I am sorry Dev", she struggled to speak. "I broke my promise.. I can't be with you all the time.. I am.. so.. sorry", she stammered as he wiped the tears flowing from her eyes. "No, I am not going to forgive you. You can't break your promise. You are not going anywhere. Get up", he broke down. "Dev.. It's.. It's my fault only.. I shouldn't have gone there.. I thought it's.. it's your letter.. But..", she stopped. "Letter! Which letter shona? Where did you go? Who did this to you?", Dev asked her shocked. "Dev... It's...it's that Gene.. Ahh...", she shrieked in pain shutting her eyes making everyone panicked.

"Shona.. Shona.. What happened? It won't pain. Just wait for a few more minutes. Ramu, he will come along with a doctor. He will cure you. Then everything is going to be fine.. Just bear it for a while, okay?", Dev asked letting his tears roll down but she shook her head in a no. He didn't know how to keep her strong when he himself was broken beyond repair. "Shona.. Shona.. look at me beta. Stop making us cry. Nothing is going to happen to you", Asha cried holding her hand. "Shona beta you are a strong girl right? Please listen to papa's words. Just bear it for a while", Bijoy said caressing her face. His eyes full of tears and his heart felt heavy. Seeing his daughter in pain is the nightmare of every father and that too when she was about to get every happiness of her life, such a tragedy was completely unexpected.

"Shona Di..", chotu who was scared by the sudden turn of events clutched her hands tightly. Seeing her family in such a miserable state pricked her heart even then. "I.. I am sorry papa.. Maa.. I was.. I was never a good daughter", her voice broke as she looked at her parents apologetically. Today, she not only disappointed Dev but also her family who were expecting her to live a happy life. She destroyed the hope of a father who dreamt of his daughter's happiness as well. "Shona, you are the best daughter anyone could have. You know what, I always felt so proud of you though I never told you that. I know you will never break your promise", Bijoy said teary eyed but she smiled a sad one.

She turned towards Dev who was staring at her in nothing but fear. For the first time in his life, he was scared to have her close to him, scared that she will never be close to him as now, hereafter. With every passing second, he felt as if someone was stabbing his heart. The pain was so much that he feared he will die out of it. Even if so, he would be happy, nevertheless to see her in pain. "Dev.. You wanted me to say this since the day we met.. But I never did.. And now I wanted to..", she said as tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes. "Dev, I never thought that I will.. tell this to you in such a state", she paused closing her eyes as she felt a sudden streak of pain all over her body.

Seeing her struggling, Dev caressed her back trying to soothen her pain, but nothing seemed to work. He wished he could transfer all of her pain to himself and die in disgust for not protecting her. Tears from his eyes never seemed to stop looking at her struggling to even breath. Asha and Bijoy who were seeing all this, never felt so helpless. They didn't know for what they should cry, either for their daughter who was fighting for her life or for the man who loves her more than himself. "Dev", she moved her trembling hands and wiped away his tears, caressing his face gently. For the first time he felt her touch burning every cell of his body. He felt so low, so filthy of himself. He failed, he failed as a man who couldn't protect his woman.

"I.. I lov..", before she could complete he felt her hold on him getting loosened and her hand slipped down from his face, making his heart stop for a while. His face became pale in fear and imagining the worst possibilities, he looked down and saw a lifeless shona lying in his arms. He looked at Asha and Bijoy who seemed more than shocked. "Shona.. Shona.. Sonakshi..", he shook her but still there was no response. "No no no! Sonakshi.. Sonakshi wake up! You can't fool me!", he patted her cheeks but she doesn't seem to hear his screams. "Shona please, today is our wedding, our special day. You are making me cry on this special day sonakshi! You are making your Dev cry", he sobbed even more hugging her so close to him, that he feared he would crush her already delicate body.

"Fine, I won't cry", he wiped his tears and held her face inbetween his hands. "Shona, look at your Dev. You can't leave me alone. I need you Sonakshi. I need you for all my life", he cried kissing her forehead and hugging her with all his might. For the first time he felt something different, her body was cold and rigid and she wasn't responding to his hug. But what shocked him the most was her heart which used to beat against his, was all silent. Panicked, he released his grip on her. Holding her face in between his palms, he looked into her eyes that were still staring at him, without a blink or shrink. A layer of frozen tears adorning her still beautiful eyes, which failed to even spill out. And it was then he realized, the first and the last thing he looked into her, were her eyes. The ones which used to speak thousands of words once, this time decided to stay silent, but for a forever.

**End of flashback**

Sonakshi stood numb hearing him, that she even failed to notice the unending tears flowing from her eyes. She felt her heart getting heavier as her mind kept wandering around what he said. "No one ever thought that such a thing would happen. It was completely unexpected and a tragic one", Golu's grandfather said breaking her reverie. It was then she realized where she was and wiped her tears quickly. "But who did this?", she asked. "And what happened to them?", she paused. "What happened to Devrath?", she stared at him expecting for an answer but all that she got was his silence. Taking out a long breath, he continued.


"Bhaiya", Dev heard Ramu calling him and squeezed his eyes to open. His head felt heavy and his eyes were very much swollen that he could hardly see the things infront of him clearly. "Dev bhaiya, it's time", he said and Dev narrowed his eyes at him. "Time for what?", he asked sitting upright. "To.. To take shona", Ramu replied looking down at Shona's body that was placed in the middle of the hall. "Where?", Dev asked as Ramu stood silent unable to say anything. Dev himself didn't know when he slept. He refused to move even an inch from where shona was, throughout the time, inspite of everyone's protest. But much to Ramu's surprise, Dev didn't do anything as he expected. He was silently sitting beside her all the while and staring at her, with his hands still entwined in hers.

"She won't come anywhere", Dev said seeing Ramu's silence. "Bhaiya..", Ramu was about to say something but he cut him off. "I told you right? Shona won't come anywhere and that's it. Just go away!", Dev shouted at the top of his voice making him startled. Hearing him, the people around stood up while Bijoy and Asha arrived there quickly sensing the commotion. "Maa, papa tell him that shona won't go anywhere. Let her be with me here, please", he pleaded as tears pooled up in their eyes. But composing himself, Bijoy walked towards him. "Dev beta, please understand. Shona is no more with us", Bijoy felt his heart ache, as he let out those words. Never in his dreams, he thought that he would say such a thing in his life. But he knew, now more than himself, it was Dev who needed the strength to face things.

"Papa, what are you saying? Shona is here, with us only", he said clutching her hands tightly. Hearing him asha wiped her tears and sat beside him. She made him face her as he kept staring at the oblivion. "Dev, cry it out. Don't keep it to yourself. Please", she said. "Maa why should I cry? I won't", he said turning away from her and caressed Shona's bruised face. She still seemed delicate to him, soft like a fragile flower. "Dev, enough", Asha said unclutching Shona's hand from his hold inspite of his protest. "Stop making it difficult for us.. and for yourself too", she said as tears filled her eyes. He kept staring at shona as she pulled him away from shona and gestured Ramu to carry on.


"I can't", Bijoy said as he was asked to set fire on Shona's body that was placed on the pyre. His eyes dampened as he saw his child lying lifelessly on the pile of woods covered in a white cloth, her beautiful face which was then covered with bruises was the only thing that was visible. "Chachaji", Ramu tried to convince him but he adamantly walked away. His heart ached to even think about his daughter getting burned infront of his eyes. Giving up, without any choice, Ramu walked towards Dev who was standing at one corner, far away from there and staring at them all the while. "Dev bhaiya, Chachaji refused to. So please", Ramu tried to convey. But Dev was more than confused to understand his words.

"What should I do?", he asked calmly and Ramu breathed out a deep one. He got Dev along with him and gestured him to take the piece of burning log in his hand, which he did accordingly without any protest. "If you want to look at the face, please do", the person standing beside said as Dev moved forward and gazed at her face without a blink or shrink. Her face still looked like a moon to him, calm, serene and flawless. Soon the person covered her face with another log and asked Dev to set the fire. Silently, he nodded at him and touched the pyre with the fire log in his hand, making the whole pile of woods burn in high. Ramu shut his eyes letting his tears out while Dev stood still, staring at the raging flame.

Sensing his unusual behavior, Ramu looked at him doubtfully. "Bhaiya, let's go", he said clutching his hand and pulled him away but instead Dev freed his hand out of Ramu's hold. "Bhaiya, what happened?", he asked seeing him still staring at the burning fire. "You go, I will come after a while", he said not moving his gaze anywhere. "Bhaiya please", Ramu tried to convince him but he was adamant. "Go!", Dev spatted at him angrily. Giving up, he decided to let him be alone for a while. "I will wait there", Ramu said and turned around to walk but stopped hearing a loud noise. Panicked, he turned back and what he saw then made the floor beneath his feet shift. "Dev Bhaiya!", he gasped in shock stopping the people around in their traces, as he saw Devrath falling into the raging fire, along with his shona, as the flame turned them into ashes, together.

**End of flashback**

"And that's how everything came to an end within a day, one fateful day!", Golu's grandfather said while sonakshi stood stunned staring at him in horror. "How.. How can someone be like that?", she asked more of a whisper. She still couldn't believe whatever she heard was true. Though she heard this long back, after all the things happened around, everything felt new to her. "That's how he was, Devrath was", he said smiling a sad one. "He loved her so much to lose himself for her, such was his love", he added. "But what happened to the ones who were responsible for Shona's death? Who were they?", Sonakshi asked.

"It was said that everything happened because of the ruby ring that Devrath gifted to Shona and General Williams was the one who killed her for that ring", he said. "What happened to him?", Sonakshi asked doubtedly. "Two days later after Devrath and Sonakshi's death, he was found dead in a godown which was situated ouside the village along with his few other men. It was said that his body was badly damaged to even get recognized", he said while sonakshi gasped in shock. "Two days later?", she asked in disbelief. "Yes.. And it was said that the one who killed him was none other than Devrath", he said. "But he died right?", she asked. "That was a mystery dear, an unsolved mystery", he said as she thought for a while.

"See.. I came for you.. I came to fulfill my promise.. The promise that I will come back to live with you"

"I killed them.. I killed everyone who tortured you.. Who took you away from me.. And now no one can separate us"

Sonakshi gulped down nervously reminiscing her dream. It still felt so real to her. "And..", he continued breaking her reverie. "When I saw you for the first time, when you came here to drop golu, I was more than shocked. My father always kept this box here secretly. He never let anyone touch it. He preserved it like a treasure. After all he loved his sister so much", he smiled. "It was one such time in my childhood, when I accidentally got to see the picture which you saw in the box that I gave you that day. But it happened to be good. If not, I wouldn't have known that there is someone who looks exactly like the one who lived in the past", he said. "But you staying here in Devrath's Bungalow and getting to know about Sonakshi...Umm.. Not everything can be a coincidence", he added looking at Sonakshi who seemed to be lost in her thoughts.


"Sona! Where did you go leaving your bestfriend in the airport that too alone with your stupid P.A.? You didn't know how horrible he is!", Elena shouted from the other side of the phone making Sonakshi shut her ear. "Elena, enough! I've already reached the airport. I will be there in an hour. So please stop troubling my poor P.A. till then", Sonakshi said annoyed. "Who is troubling whom? Btw where did you go without telling me also? You disappeared all of a sudden when we reached Delhi", she asked doubtedly. "I will tell you that after I reach home. So, bye!", Sonakshi ended the call without letting elena speak anymore further.

"Where is the driver now? He is not even attending the call", she huffed in dismay standing at the entrance and looking around for her car but she couldn't find any. Sighing tiredly she was about to go in search for the car but stopped seeing someone. She stood rooted in her place as she saw the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time. "Dev!", she gasped looking at Dev who was on the opposite side of the door. Unable to believe her eyes, it took her a while to realize that it was none other than her Dev. "Dev!", she shouted at the top of her voice but due to the commotion of vehicles, nothing could be heard. "Dev, look at me! Wait!", she shouted seeing him walking away. Realizing that he didn't hear her, she rushed towards where he was, before he could get lost in the crowd. So much she was engrossed in looking at him, that she failed to notice a car travelling at a very high speed towards her, who was in the middle of the road. Suddenly she heard a loud honk and before she could understand anything..


She was hit by the car and thrown on the middle of the road, covered in a pool of blood. But her eyes were still capturing him, as she smiled and wished for a forever, atleast this time..

What will happen to sonakshi? And who was the one in spoiler? Past or present?

And I guess now you all got why I updated today. If not have a look at the date in flashback 😊

Well, I gave hints about Devakshi's wedding date in 25th chapter where it was written 14th of November as 7 days prior to wedding. But it happened coincidently that even the date 21.11.1907 was a full moon day! Thanks to MsSweet18 for finding it out 🤗 (We sure will become pandits one day😌)

And who else thought that I will reveal the whole past in this chapter? It's coming in bits by bits 😁

And how heart wrenching this chapter was? Don't kill me for that 🙈

Precap : A turning point!

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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