31. Dreadful Memories

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A short chapter for completing the target in less than a day!

It seems like you people like such tragic chapters more, is it? Should I write more like that?😛

Thank you all for your votes and comments. Thanks for completing the target too!

Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 100 votes

"Shona didi", called a little girl entering inside the bride's room and hearing her Shona who was busy infront of the mirror turned around. "Are you shona didi?", the little girl asked walking towards her. "Yes, I am!", she said smilingly. "That uncle asked me to give this one to you", she said handing over a letter to shona who looked at it amused. "Which uncle?", shona asked confused and the girl thought for a while. "That tall one!", she said stretching her hands up making Shona chuckle. "But there are so many tall ones here right?", she asked making her think.

"Umm.. He had something tied on his head", she tried to explain. "Turban?", Shona was quick to ask but the girl pushed her lips out not knowing what it was. "How do I know if you said like this?", shona asked. "He was standing there", the little girl pointed outside the door but when shona looked behind there was no one. All she could see was the closed door of Dev's room, opposite to her's. "He called me and asked to give this letter to you. He had a beautiful smile. He said his name was D...", she paused thinking for a while. "Dev?", Shona asked curiously. "Haan! Yes!", the little girl jumped excitedly making Shona's grin grow wider. "Oh fine! Its okay then. Thank you", Shona pulled the girl's cheeks and she ran out of the room leaving shona smile to herself.

"What happened? The to-be-bride seems so happy? Started dreaming about jiju already?", Radha, her friend teased entering in and hearing her shona quickly hid the letter behind. "Shut up! Now go, I need to change", she said pushing her out. "Arey shona! But I came here to help you only", Radha protested. "No need. Go, I can help myself", she said and closed the door, locking it from inside. "Dev, we are so close, but still you are sending me letters. Not fair!", Shona murmured with a sad pout. "But even this is fun and romantic too", she blushed opening the letter.


Dear Shona,

Wondering why I've sent you this letter when we are just a room far? Though we are so close still I feel like we are so apart. There are so many people around and I didn't even get to see you for the past one week.

So please, meet me in the store room behind the mandap in 10 minutes. I want to give you something very important. I am waiting for you already.



Shona folded the letter and placed it on the table beside, with a small smile playing on her lips. "You have waited these many days, but still can't wait for a few more minutes! Very bad Dev!", she smiled. "But since you have pleaded me so much, I am coming. Umm.. And also, even I can't wait to see you", she blushed. "But what are you going to give me?", she thought for a while. "Let me see it by myself", she said smiling to herself and walked towards the mirror. "Beautiful!", she said smiling, looking at her own reflection. "Dev, I want to see that look on your face when you got to see me in this dress, as a bride, your bride!", she blushed and giving a last look at herself in the mirror, she walked out through the back door of the room.


Opening the door with a screech, shona entered into the room and looked around only to be met with nothing but darkness. "Dev.. Are you there?", she asked walking in and her voice echoed inside the lonely room. "Why did Dev ask me to come here? This room is so dark!", she murmured to herself doubtedly. "Dev are you there? Stop playing with me. We may get late to the muhurat", she said trying to stay calm but somewhere she felt nervous, for she don't know why. "Dev, are you inside?", she asked again but still no response.

Getting a little nervous due to the unusual silence, she turned around and was about to leave the place. But someone clasped her mouth and pulled her from behind making her shocked. Her eyes welled up with tears, as she tried to pull away the huge hand that was covering her mouth, not letting her shout and so strong was the hold that all her tries went in vain. Suddenly, she felt her eyes drooping and everything around her went dark and all she could sense was getting carried away somewhere, very far.


Slowly opening her drooping eyes, Shona held her throbbing head in her hand. She looked around scared, only to be surrounded by nothing but darkness. Panicked, she gulped down in horror with her unrhythemic breathes being the only noise in the eerie silence. Suddenly, she heard the creaking sound of opening the door and felt her heartbeat raging in fear. She scrunched her eyes shut as the sudden brightness filled the dark room and as she opened her eyes slowly, she saw someone stepping inside the room, the ticking of his shoes being the only sound that could be heard apart from her uneven breathes.

Her heart thumped aloud in her chest as she saw someone's shadow nearing her. As she looked up, her eyes widened and words failed to leave her mouth. "Mrs. Rajvanshi.. Oops! Sorry to-be-Mrs. Rajvanshi!", she heard Mr. William and gasped aloud. "I am sorry but you can never become Mrs. Rajvanshi", he smirked. "You!", she stuttered nervously as she saw him nearing her. With his every move towards her she kept crawling back, until she hit the wall behind. "Yes, me! Aren't you confused why I brought you here that too on your wedding day?", he asked to which she gulped down. "Ask your fiance about it. Ask him what he did", he gritted his teeth in anger making her shudder.

"Offo! But how can you ask him? Anyways you are not going to leave this place alive", he laughed making her shot her eyes open in shock. But soon she composed herself, careful enough to not let him know that she was scared. "My Dev will save me", she said confidently making him amused. "Oh really! But in your dreams! By now he might not even know that you are here. And by the time he gets to know that, you won't be alive", he smiled making her gulp down. Suddenly she felt her hand over something, and as soon she realized that it was a wooden stick, without thinking much she brought it up to hit him, but he caught it in the air.

"Smart uh?", he asked smirking and before she could realize what happened, she felt a hard slap on her cheek and fell back on the floor. He grabbed her hair forcefully with his one hand and she writhed in pain. "Stop all your stupidities and stay quiet if you want to have a painless death. Otherwise I can't promise how much you will have to suffer", he shouted making her flinch. "What.. What do you want?", she asked as tears filled her beautiful kohled eyes. Never in her dreams, she thought that something like this will happen that day. She felt so stupid of herself for coming here all alone believing in a letter. She wished she could turn back the clock and run into the arms of her Dev, the only secured place for her in this cruel world.

"This!", he pointed at her hand and she looked down only to find her ruby ring glistening. "Do you know how precious it is? Do you know how much I've tried to get it? But now it's in the hands of a filthy woman like you!", he shouted. She looked at the ring as Dev's words flashed through her mind.

"You should never take if off shona.. Never"

"Even if I am not with you, this ring will give my presence around you. Promise me that you will never remove it"

Shutting her eyes, she let a trail of tears drop down and looked back at the ruby. "If all you want is this ring only, I will give this to you. But please leave me. I want to go back to Dev. He will be waiting for me", she said as tears trailed down her cheeks, unstoppably. "Oh is it? Then go ahead", he said smirking making her doubt over him. But pushing her thoughts aside, she tried to pull the ring out of her finger but she couldn't. Wondering why, she pulled it out with all her strength but it didn't even budge a little much to her shock. "But it wasn't this tight previously", she thought and tried pulling it out but all her attempts went it vain.

"I know you can't", she heard him saying and looked up at him teary eyed. She didn't know what to do at that moment, all she wanted was to escape from there by any means though it costs anything. Ofcourse this ring mattered to her and Dev the most but not at the cost of her life, their life. She shouldn't destroy their future for a ring, though its much precious, she thought. But much to her dismay, the ring doesn't even move a bit out of her finger. "Never mind. I know how to remove it", he said taking a knife in his hand and neared towards her. Scared she stood up and pushed him with all her strength and he fell down on the floor. Taking this as a chance, she looked at him who was struggling to get up and started running out but..


She felt a sharp pain on the back of her head making her head spin. Holding her head in her hand she turned around as everything around her went blur except a pair of darker eyes..


"Dev!", Sonakshi shrieked waking up, still panting heavily. "Ms. Bose, what happened?", asked Adithya scared a little by her sudden scream. She looked around and found herself in a hospital room, with various needles piercing through her skin. There were plasters wrapped around her one hand and leg that she could hardly move them an inch. She felt like every fiber of her body was screaming in pain especially her head that felt so heavy. "Ms. Bose are you okay?", Adithya asked again seeing her going all nervous. But looking at her not getting what he was saying, he shouted aloud, "Doctor... nurse!".

Hearing him shouting at the top of his voice the doctor rushed in, followed by Elena and Rohan. "Sona what happened? Are you okay?", Elena asked hurrying towards her but as soon as she reached her, Sonakshi pulled her into a tight hug and started sobbing uncontrollably. Seeing Sonakshi breaking down badly made elena panicked. She slowly caressed her back up and down trying to calm her and felt her sniffs getting slower. Soon elena pulled her out of the hug and wiped away her unending tears. She had never seen sonakshi like this, not even when she came to know the truth about Dev, but what happened now, she wondered.

"Sona, relax. You are fine", Elena tried to console her who looked pale in fear. She sniffed silently staring down at her lap, with dried up tears all over her face. "Elena.. they..", she stuttered nervously looking at Adithya and Rohan who were standing behind which didn't go unnoticed by elena. "Mr. Sharma if you don't mind?", before elena could complete, he nodded his head in a yes understandingly and walked out of the room. "Move!", Elena said to Rohan who was standing still at the same place and staring at them. "Sorry Ma'am, I can't leave Sonakshi Ma'am alone with you", he said only to be stopped by elena's death glare. "Okay I will leave", he replied and left the room, shutting his mouth.

"Elena, they will come back.. Please don't go", Sonakshi started sobbing again making elena confused. "Shh.. Relax sona. Who will come back?", she asked. "They.. They tried to kill me. He hit me here", she said placing her hand at the back of her head, there was a plaster wrapped around it too. "But sona, you got into a car accident", Elena said confused but she seemed to be lost. "Dev.. Where is Dev? Please take me to him. This place is not safe", Sonakshi said as tears brimmed in her eyes once again. "Dev? But he went missing, right? Did you see him?", Elena asked shocked.

And it was then sonakshi realized everything. What she saw minutes before was nothing but her dreadful dream, or precisely a nightmare. But what shocked her more was the person who appeared in her dream, Mr. William! It looked as if she had seen a part of the past, that is what had happened to shona after she went missing from the mandap, as golu's grandfather said. But still she felt it to be so real that it made her think as if it had happened to her only. Her mind snapped back to the time when she had one of those nightmares back in Devrath's Bungalow. What she saw then was also similar to what she saw today, though not completely.

"Can he make someone come across memories that they have never experienced?"

"Memories are which you have experienced previously and yes, if I am not wrong, he can!"

She gulped down as she remembered what golu's grandfather said.

"But you staying here in Devrath's Bungalow and getting to know about Sonakshi...Umm.. Not everything can be a coincidence"

She gasped in shock as now everything made sense to her. What she got to see that night in her dreams as well as a while ago, were nothing but her memories, those dreadful memories, which couldn't be a erased from her mind and heart. "Sona, what happened? Did you see him?", Elena asked again jerking her out of her thoughts. Gulping down, Sonakshi nodded her head slowly in a yes making Elena gasp. "When? Where?", Elena was quick to ask. "Near the airport", she said as elena looked at her in disbelief. "I saw him on the opposite side of the road and called him. But he didn't hear me. So I walked towards him but suddenly something hit me and I was thrown on the road", she paused.

"But I am sure, he too noticed me", she added making elena shocked. "Sona, are you sure that you were not dreaming?", she asked and sonakshi glared at her. "I am 100% sure elena. He noticed me", she said confidently. "If so, why would he leave you in the middle of the road when you are fighting for your life?", Elena asked furrowing her brows but sonakshi shook her head in a no. "We never know what happened after that. And he is not someone who will leave me alone", she said lost in her thoughts.

"Oh then what did he do a few days back? He left you all alone, didn't he?", Elena was quick to ask. "He might have had some reasons elena. For someone who followed me all the while, I don't think it's possible to be leave me alone", she replied. "What do you mean?", Elena asked her confused and sonakshi inhaled a deep one. "I know you won't believe me elena. But Dev is none other than Devrath, the one who died for his love. And now he came back again, to get his Shona back, that is me", Sonakshi said calmly leaving elena stunned.

So, what will be elena's reaction now?

Precap : Finally, someone is gonna return back! Who?

And enough of all tragedies and violence. Chapters ahead are gonna be fun and different!

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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