39. You Are My Home!

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Happy Republic Day people! 🤗

Thank you all for your votes and comments.

Thanks for completing the target!

6241 words! The longest chapter of FM till now as a compensation for not updating last week. I hope you don't find it boring 🤗

Warning : This chapter might contain a few things that are no way closer to reality. I hope you all remember that this book belongs to the category of horror fantasy!

Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 115 votes

"Yes!", Dev said more of a whisper and Sonakshi wondered if she actually heard him or it was just her illusion. "Yes Ms. Bose, it was me who was responsible for your nightmares the previous two times", he admitted and she lifted her gaze up to meet his, which was filled with nothing but guilt. "But don't ask me why", he said looking away as she tried to read his eyes for answers but in vain. "How?", she asked and he furrowed his brows at her. "I mean, how did you do that? I know you are well trained in psychology and all. But still, I don't think it's possible for anyone to read other's thoughts. It's beyond science", she said in disbelief as Dev paused and stared at her for a while.

"Come", he said holding her hand and making her stand. "Where?", she asked confused as he dragged her out of the room. "Let me show you", he said and she furrowed her brows at him. She wasn't able to understand what he was going to show her but she couldn't help the curiosity building up in her. "Why are we here?", she asked confused as he brought her infront of the closed doors of Rohan's room. But without replying her anything, he pushed the door open and walked towards Rohan who was snoring aloud. "What are you going to do to him?", she asked sounding nervous as he stood beside the bed and looking at a sleeping Rohan for all the while.

"I'm thinking of ways to kill him", he said calmly and her eyes widened in shock. "Dev!", she said in disbelief as he kept his gaze fixed on Rohan, with still in his deep thoughts. "It's Mr. Dixit for you", he replied and she rolled her eyes off him. Even at this moment he wanted to show her, her place. "Obhodro!", she thought, cursing him and looked away from him. "I heard you", he mouthed still staring at Rohan and she flared her nostrils angrily. "You are invading my privacy. I can't even think anything now infront you!", she sighed in dismay and saw him smirking.

"By the way, did you hear what I was thinking when we were sitting in the living room after the dinner?", she asked with a playful smile and he immediately snapped his head at her. His smirk was long gone! "You better sit here", he said pulling the chair beside and made her sit on it forcefully, trying to divert her talks. "Wait! Don't tell me that you are gonna punish me by making me sit here and stare at Rohan for what I did to you this night. I don't want such a cruel punishment", she said with a sad pout but he shook his head and sat beside Rohan without replying her anything.

"Stop trying to act like something which you are not", he said. "What?", she was quick to ask. "Cute!", he replied with a straight face and she gawked at him in disbelief. "Then you too stop trying to act like something which you are not", she said. "What?", he asked her quizzically. "Rude!", she said seriously but he rolled his eyes off her ignoring her words as if he didn't hear them. "By the way, do you find me cute? But I find you hot!", she said smiling at him who gave her a blank look. Was she trying to flirt with him? From when did she become like him? He thought and shook his head in dismay. "Ms. Bose, you are distracting me!", he said more of a warning. "Oh! So now you are admitting that I am a distraction to you. Good improvment!", she said smiling to herself proudly.

"Seriously? Just before a few minutes you looked like a cry baby. Look at you now!", he said and her mind immediately travelled back to the dream she got to see. And the thought itself made a chill run down her spine. Seeing her getting lost, he realized what mistake he has done by reminding her about her dream again and mentally facepalmed himself. "Now listen", he said breaking her reverie and she snapped her head towards him. "Ms. Bose..", before he could say something she cut him off. "It's sonakshi for you". "Ms. Bose! Listen", he stressed the first part and saw her giving him a staunch look muttering a silent 'Obhodro' to herself again. "What are you going to do?", she asked curiously as he took Rohan's hand in his but he shushed her off. "Let me concentrate", he said holding Rohan's hand and staring at him making Sonakshi wonder over his actions.

"Are you going to do any magic on him?", she asked but he didn't reply anything. "When did you become a magician from psychologist?", she asked again. "When did you become so annoying? Stop bombarding your questions like a question bank!", he said annoyed and she furrowed her brows at him. "By the way, it's not magic. I am trying to read his mind", he said and Sonakshi looked at him wide eyed. "Can you read Rohan's mind too? I thought you can read only mine!", she said the later part more of a whisper but it didn't go unnoticed by him. "Ofcourse I can! What made you think that you are the only one whose mind I can read? You are nothing special", he said and she pressed her lips together trying to suppress her anger. "Why he has to be so direct to me! Obhodro!", she thought. "Because I don't sugar coat things", he replied and she sighed angrily.

"Can you please stop reading my mind and concentrate on what you came here for?", she said annoyed and he got back to Rohan. "But what you are doing is wrong!", she interrupted. "I don't care", he replied and she huffed in dismay. She by now understood it's of no use talking to him. "But I care. And I don't want to know what Rohan is thinking about now", she said and was about to stand up but he held her hand stopping her in her tracks. "What?", she asked as he gave her a blank look. "He is dreaming!", he said and she rolled her eyes off him. "What else he would do in sleep?", she asked annoyed and he sighed tiredly making her sit back on the chair. "Listen to him", he said and she narrowed her eyes at him. Giving up, she moved a little closer to Rohan and found him mumbling something to himself in sleep. But when she heard him right, her eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Ma'am, you look very pretty today!"

"What's happening?", asked a shocked Sonakshi looking at Dev and then back at a smiling Rohan, or more precisely a blushing Rohan!

"Elena Ma'am.."

Sonakshi heard him mumbling, "Oh it was elena!", she sighed in relief. "Wait.. What? It's elena!", Sonakshi said in shock and looked at Dev who shrugged his shoulders.

Rohan and elena were walking beside each other with Rohan occasionally looking at elena who was all in smiles. "Ma'am you look very pretty today", he said and hearing him elena blushed to a hue of red still looking down. "And you look even more pretty when you blush", he added and elena couldn't help her cheeks heating up. "I want to tell you something", he paused and looked at elena who was still looking down but with a mix of nervousness. "I...", he let out a long breath mustering up the much needed courage but before that elena screamed aloud making him panicked.

"OMG! Rohan save me!", she shouted hiding herself behind him, shutting her eyes and he looked around startled wondering what was scaring her only to find a tiny cockroach near his feet. He bent down and took the cockroach in his hand, holding it's leg inbetween his fingers and hanging it up in the air. He gave it a death glare before throwing it away and dusted his hands with a proud smirk. "It's gone Ma'am. I have thrown it away", he said proudly and elena who was hiding behind him shivering in fear till then, opened her eyes and sighed in relief.

Giving him a sly smile she immediately parted away from him and looked down shyly. "You are so brave!", she said blushing and hearing her his smirk grew even wider. "You.. You were about to say something", she said fidgeting with her cloth and it was then it striked him. Smiling, he cleared his throat and was about to open his mouth but found elena staring at something behind him in surprise. Wondering what she was looking at, he turned around and was shocked to see Adithya walking towards them, with his ever charming smile. But what shocked him more was, Elena was still staring at Adithya open mouthedly even without a blink, with a tint of blush adorning her cheeks.

Fuming in anger, he stomped his foot and the ground beneath his feet splitted into two, swallowing him in it. Even before he could understand anything, he slipped into it and found himself hanging in the air, with his hands holding a rock on the ground, preventing him from falling down. He looked down and his eyes widened in fear seeing nothing but darkness deep down inside the earth's crust. He looked up and saw elena still smiling dreamily looking at Adithya who walked towards her flashing one of his brightest smiles, both totally unaware of his state.

"Ma'am save me!", Rohan shouted aloud and this broke their reverie. Elena looked at Rohan shocked and was about to help him but Adithya stopped her. He walked towards Rohan and bent down to his level, who was struggling to come up. Giving him a pitying look, Adithya loosened the grip of Rohan's hand around the stone and pushed him down, making his eyes widen in fear. And even before he could understand what had happened, rohan felt himself falling into the darkness with the image of Adithya standing up on the ground, holding elena's hand and both smiling at each other dreamily.

"No!!", Rohan shouted aloud waking up from his dreadful dream and looked around panicked only to find himself inside his room. Realizing that it was just a dream, he sighed in relief and pouring the water on the glass he gulped it down quickly. When he was done, he pushed his duvet aside and stormed upstairs. Standing infront of the closed door of elena's room he looked around a little reluctantly whether to knock the door or not. Giving up, he quickly descended downstairs and walked back into his room.

"OMG! So Rohan likes Elena!", Sonakshi said astonished looking at Dev who instead smiled at her. They both were standing, hiding behind a pillar, looking at the things happening around all the while. "How come I never noticed this!", she said still unable to retrieve herself from the shock. Never in her dreams she thought that Rohan would like elena. Even when Dev narrated her Rohan's dream she didn't believe him but now Rohan's behaviour said something else. "See, I told you", Dev said smirking but she looked too much shocked to believe him. "But his dream seems to be unreal! I mean why would elena fear of a cockroach? She could even catch a snake! Rohan flirting with her and the ground splitting into two! What's all this?", she said in disbelief.

"Because it's a dream Ms. Bose. And dreams are unreal!", he said and she looked at him for a while, her mind trying to process his words but before that he interrupted her. "We have another work", he said smiling while she looked at him quizzically. Grabbing her hand he pulled her towards Elena's room making her surprised. "I don't know if you will agree to what I am going to do or not. But I couldn't help myself from doing this", he said and sat beside a sleeping Elena, taking her hand in his, making Sonakshi wonder over his actions.


"What did you do to elena?", Sonakshi asked Dev as they both went back to Sonakshi's room. She was sitting beside him all the while, looking at him doing something weird to a sleeping elena. He just held elena's hand and stared at her for so long and sonakshi could somehow sense what he was doing to her friend. But still much to her own disappointment, she didn't stop him. "A favour", Dev replied with a small smile playing on his lips. "To whom?", she asked furrowing her brows but he remained silent. "You did something with her dream, didn't you?", she asked giving him a doubtful look.

"Ms. Bose, from when did you become this smart?", he asked her surprised. "What did you do?", she asked him suspiciously. "You ask that to your friend itself tomorrow!", he said with a tight lipped smile and walked past her but she was not in a mood to leave him. "What did I ask you and what did you do? And you seem to be so proud on yourself for what you did", she said in disbelief. "Ofcourse yes! I did something good after a long time. And I feel so satisfied", he said smiling. "Oh! This is how you must have felt after changing my dream too, isn't it?", she asked and his smile immediately disappeared hearing her, which didn't go unnoticed by her.

"What do you want to know now?", he asked with his usual annoyed look and she let out a deep breath. "For how long have you been doing all this?", she asked but he remained silent. "Don't tell me you did this previously to Rohan and elena too", she said in disbelief. "Not really. But yeah, quite a few times", he admitted and she looked at him shocked. "Seriously? This is not something to feel proud of", she said sighing in dismay. "What's wrong?", he asked her annoyed. "There's nothing right in it. You don't know what mental trauma your this mere act has caused me. You don't know how scared I was everytime after I used to get those dreams. It was..", she stopped in the mid way looking at Dev who looked away from her. "I am sorry", he muttered and was about to go but she held his hand, stopping him in his traces.

"What stops you Mr. Dixit? What's bothering you? I need to know", she asked more of a plead and he looked back at her apologetically. "Tell me what's wrong.. Atleast as a friend", her voice came out more of a whisper and he looked down at her, both staring at each other in silence. "I shouldn't", he said and she looked at him quizzically. "Ms. Bose, please don't try to dig more into this. It may end up in danger", he said and her confusion grew more. "Let's just stop it here", he added. "But you didn't answer any of my questions", she said. "Some questions are better unanswered", he replied and was about to walk away but she stopped him again. "Mr. Dixit, you can't leave just like that", she said and he sighed in dismay. What more she wanted to know, when he clearly stated that he couldn't tell her anything, he wondered.

"Have this", she said coming infront of him and forwarding him a glass of milk while he looked at her surprised. "You can't refuse again", she said gesturing him to take the glass from her hand and he looked at her in disbelief. 'After all this, she stopped me to drink milk, seriously?', he wondered. "If you have finished staring at me, you can have this milk", he said breaking his trance and giving up, he got the glass from her hand. "You are so adamant", he said handing her an empty glass. "Just like you", she replied back making him shut his mouth. "And that makes us perfect for each other", she said smiling a little and he rolled his eyes off her. He was about to walk out of the room but she got hold of his hand again.

"Stay, atleast until I fall asleep", she said and he looked at her surprised. "I don't want to have that dream again. So, please", she said more of a whisper and he couldn't help but agree to her. Giving up, he sat beside her as she lied down on the bed. Pulling the duvet upon her, she turned towards his side and kept looking at him who seemed to be confused. "You want to ask me something, don't you?", she asked breaking his reverie. "Umm.. Yeah but", he sounded a little reluctant. "You don't have to think before asking me anything Mr. Dixit. I won't mind", she said and giving up, he finally asked. "Even after knowing that it's me who was the reason behind your previous two nightmares, you still want me to stay beside you now, why?", he asked.

"Because I trust you", she said smiling while he furrowed his brows at her. "Do you remember once you said that I can never untrust you? It's true!", she said. "I know that you won't repeat your mistakes again. Because I can still see the guilt in your eyes", she said while he looked everywhere but her. "But what if I did?", he asked and she smiled. "Even if you try to, you can't", she said, her eyes reflecting her confidence. "Do you remember the night before I went back to Delhi you told me something?", she asked and he tried to recollect his words. "You asked me to stay safe. And I know there is no other place for me in this world as safe as you!", she said and he felt something prick his heart.

"If someone faces a problem, the first place they run to is their home. And you are my home!", she said smiling, closing her eyes and he felt the heaviness in his heart getting multiplied a thousand times. He shut his eyes letting out a deep breath and finally continued. "Ms. Bose", he paused and she hummed in response. "Dreams are the reflection of what we think. Sometimes they show us what and how we wish things to happen", he looked at her who was about to sleep. "That's what Rohan's dream is all about. We all know how scared he is when he is around elena or even you. But in his dream he looked courageous infront of elena. And about elena, may be he wished her to be naive atleast once that's why she, who so wanted to talk with a ghost, got scared seeing a little cockroach", he chuckled and saw her smiling with her eyes still closed.

"He dreamt of something which never happened in the past or may be we can say that he dreamt of something which he wanted to happen in future. But then may be his fears overpowered his thoughts and that's why Adithya came inbetween his dream. May be he might have thought that elena is interested more in Adithya who is better than him in every aspect. And this insecurity might be the reason for the latter part of his dream", he said and paused for a while. "And there are a few dreams which are the reflection of our past, I mean the things happened to us in past", he said and looked at her who was becoming nervous.

He held her hand that was clutching the bedsheet tightly, gave it a gentle sqeeze and sensed her calming down a little. "With a mix of things that we fear would happen", he looked at her nervously. "May be if someone rekindles those thoughts", he completed. "But I wonder who did that", he sounded confused and looked at Sonakshi only to find her sleeping peacefully with her face as calm as a moon. He pulled the duvet up and covered her properly careful enough to not disturb her sleep. "May be that's for me to find out", he said looking at his one hand which was still entwined with hers.


Sonakshi tossed around in the bed as bright sunrays disturbed her sleep. Squeezing her eyes annoyed she opened them slowly but what she was then made her heart skip a beat. "Ahhh!", she screamed aloud and sat upright placing her hand on her chest trying to calm her raging heart beat. "Why are you shouting?", asked an annoyed elena crossing her arms across her chest. "OMG Elena! Why do you have to show your face to me as soon as I woke up, that too this closely! I freaked out", she said trying to calm herself while elena smirked at her. "Why won't you? You would be expecting to see someone else's face when you wake up. But my bad! You got to see me!", she said faking anger while sonakshi looked at her quizzically.

"What do you mean?", Sonakshi asked while elena gave her a staunch look. "I agreed to let you stay here with Dev just because you love him and want to get him back in your life though I don't like him much even now. That doesn't mean you both can do anything now only", she said giving her a death glare. "What?", Sonakshi asked in shock not understanding what she meant. "I saw Dev walking out of your room a while ago. Doesn't that mean he stayed in your room for all night?", she asked suspiciously while Sonakshi looked at her in disbelief. "Did he stay here with me till morning? I can't believe it", Sonakshi said surprised while Elena narrowed her eyes at her.

"Ele, stop looking at me like that! Its nothing like what you think. We were talking all night and I asked him to here till I fall asleep. But he was there till morning!", she said astonished and a small smile appeared on her lips. "Wait! Did you say that you both were talking all night? But what were you both talking? Is everything okay between you both right now?", she asked surprised. "No! It's about drea..", Sonakshi stopped sensing what she was about to blurt out. If she told elena about what Dev had done to Rohan then she had to tell her about his dream too, which would even cost Rohan's life because she very well knew that Elena won't think twice before murdering someone if she is angry. "What?", Elena asked her curiously who was still lost in her thoughts.

"Umm.. I asked him.. Where and why did he go without telling anyone previously and why is ignoring me all the while", she tried to cover it up. "What did he say?", Elena asked. "He said that he shouldn't say that", she said and hearing her Elena rolled her eyes off her. "And you still believe him!", Elena said in disbelief. "Elena, he didn't say, he cannot say that. Instead he said that he should not say that. There's a lot of difference between both", Sonakshi said. "Means?", Elena asked confused. "May be something or someone is stopping him from saying the truth", Sonakshi said thinking for a while and elena looked at her puzzled.

"Even after all that he has done to you, why do you still have to trust him Sona? Why are you so dependent on him?", Elena asked annoyed. "Because in the past, it was him who did everything", she replied. "So?", Elena asked quizzically. "In future, it's going to be him who's gonna protect me from every such things", she replied with a tight lipped smile confusing elena all the more. "Fine leave it. You will understand when the time comes. I thought of asking you something", Sonakshi said. "Did you get any dream last night?", she asked and saw elena's expressions changing into an angrier one. "OMG Sona, don't ask me about it! I am seriously pissed off from morning because of that stupid dream", Elena said annoyed. "What did you dream about?", Sonakshi asked curiously and elena gave her a sad pout.

"I wanted to say this to you since a long time. But couldn't", Elena said smiling shyly looking at Adithya who was standing with his back facing towards her. "I had so many crushes and been in many relationships but nothing was as serious as this", she said fidgeting with her fingers nervously. "I.. I think I am seriously in love with you", she said looking down smiling shyly. "You know what, you are my 50th love! If you say yes, we can celebrate our Golden jubilee together", she said smiling slyly, bitting her lips out of nervousness.

"Okay what happened then? Did he say no? Is that why you are sad?", Sonakshi asked anxiously but elena shook her head in a no. "That would have been better", she said with a sad pout making Sonakshi confused.

"Please tell me something. I am ready to accept even if it is a no", Elena said gulping down nervously. "Let's celebrate our Golden jubilee together", she heard him saying and she clasped her mouth in surprise. "OMG! Really? I love you so much!", she jumped in joy. "I love you too", he said and turned around but seeing him, her eyes widened in shock. "I love you too, Elena Ma'am!", said a smiling Rohan and hearing him her world came crashing down her feet.

"I am going to kill that Rohan! How dare he to come in my dream! Idiot!", Elena said fuming in anger and Sonakshi who was gawking at her till then, couldn't help her lips curving up into a smile. She very well knew that it was Dev's divine deed. "Sona, your stupid P. A spoiled my mood yaar", Elena said whining and Sonakshi quickly composed herself back. She knew if elena saw her smiling then that would be the death of her. "Ele, Calm down! It's just a dream", she tried to convince her. "But still, how dare he say such things in my dream!", Elena said irritatedly. "Okay baba, relax! It's your dream and he has nothing do with it", Sonakshi said though she knew the truth. Even elena had nothing to do with that dream, the only person who's responsible for her dream was none other than Dev!

"I know but still..", Elena paused looking sad. "I need to relax a bit. I'm going to my room", she said annoyed to which Sonakshi nodded at her. She was about to walk out of the room but bumped onto someone increasing her anger all the more. "You!", she shouted at Rohan who was busy in picking up the files that got scattered down on the floor. "Sorry Ma'am", he said gulping down nervously and elena gave him a staunch look. "Are you blind or what Rohan? Why do you have to come everywhere I go? First in my dream and now here!", she shouted angrily and Rohan looked at her scared, wondering over her words. "Elena! Go and freshen up", Sonakshi interrupted trying to save Rohan. Stomping her foot in anger, Elena walked out of the room not before giving Rohan a death glare.

"Rohan!", Sonakshi called him who kept staring at elena's retreating figure, gulping down in fear. "Ma'am I didn't do anything intentionally", he said nervously and Sonakshi huffed in dismay. "Anything important?", she asked him looking at the heap of files in his hand. "Yes Ma'am! These files need to be sent as soon as possible after you signed", he said. "Keep them on the table. I will sign them and inform you", she said and he nodded at her after placing them on the table. "Rohan!", Sonakshi called him who was about to walk out of the room but hearing her he stopped and turned back. "Everyone is a hero in his/her own life Rohan. If you believe in your dreams, one day they may come true", she said giving him a warm smile and walked in, leaving him wonder over her words.


Sonakshi knocked the door of Dev's room but getting no response she pushed it a little and it flung open much to her surprise. "Dev!", she called him out but was surprised to see the room empty. She looked around startled wondering where he went. Flashes of the day he went missing from the bungalow, came infront of her eyes making her nervous all the more. The thought that he would go somewhere leaving her alone again itself haunted again. She gulped down nervously and looked around the room one more time. But the sudden gush of water from inside the washroom made her sigh in relief.

Facepalming herself, she walked in with the help of her crutch and her gaze fell upon the clothes placed on his bed. Her lips immediately formed a smirk. Smiling to herself, she placed his clothes behind the bed careful enough that they shouldn't get noticed by him. She then walked towards the study table. There were a few huge books placed on it with strange pictures on the cover and completely different languages written on it's top which she had never seen before. Pushing her lips out, she flipped the pages of one of the books but stopped noticing a small paper inside it. Wondering what it could be, she looked front and back and found something scribbled over it, in a language unknown to her.

She was about to look at it carefully but the sound of mobile phone beeping broke her trance. Walking towards the table, she saw Dev's phone beeping aloud. She took his phone and walked towards the washroom. Standing near the door, she knocked it a few times. "Dev!", she called him out and heard the sound of water gushing stopped. "It's Mr. Dixit for you!", came a reply from inside and the sound of water gushing started again. She flared her nostrils angrily and huffed in annoyance. "I won't give your phone now, Obhodro!", she muttered angrily and looked at the caller name which showed 'W'.

"W! W for?", she wondered thinking for a while and her eyes widened as something striked her, "W.. Wife!". So not wasting anymore time she picked up the call, nervously. "Hello!", she sounded curious to hear the other person. The last thing that she wanted to hear was a woman's voice from the other side. "Hello, who's this?", she asked again. "Hello!", came the reply in a masculine voice with a non-Indian accent making her sigh in relief. "Mr. Dixit?", she heard him asking. "He is in washroom. I'll ask him to call you once he's back", she said. "Who's this?", he asked. "Sonakshi.. Sonakshi Bose", she was quick to reply but found the other end going all silent. "Hello! You there?", she asked again. "Who are you to him?", he asked and Sonakshi furrowed her eyebrows wondering why he wanted so much details about her. "His girlfriend! Why? Anything important?", she asked irritatedly but the call ended much to her surprise.

"Such a mannerless person!", she muttered annoyed and placed the phone back on the table. She suddenly heard the sound of knob clicking open and looked up but what she saw then made her jaw hit the ground. Dev who just walked out of the shower with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, was drying his hair, completely unaware of the fact that Sonakshi was literally gawking at him. Water droplets from his hair were dripping on his already wet body, making him glow more. Sonakshi blinked her eyes twice travelling her gaze from his head to toe shamelessly. His after shower fragrance already hit her nostrils making her mind go haywire. Dev who was unaware of her presence till then, looked up only to be shocked seeing Sonakshi literally drooling over him. "You!", he asked shocked and hearing him she got back her senses. Realizing what she was doing, she immediately shut her eyes and turned back.

"Youuu... You didn't go out of my room still!", he said stammering trying to cover himself with something. Sonakshi opened her eyes slowly with her back still facing him but the reflection of the mirror on the wall opposite to her showed everything! She saw through the mirror, Dev struggling to find his clothes and smirked to herself. Ofcourse it was her plan to hide his clothes  and she knew she shouldn't back off now. Mustering up the much needed courage, she turned back to face him much to his shock. "Why.. Why did you turn now? Go out of my room!", he stammered as he saw her walking towards him with a smirk adorning her face. "What if I say no!", she said standing dangerously close to him and he gulped down in horror.

"Ms. Bose.. Stop! You can't do the same thing again", he said reminiscing how she had teased him the previous day in a similar way. "Oh! So you want me to do something different today!", she said smirking and his eyes widened hearing her. "Do you want me to do what I was thinking last night?", she asked teasingly gazing at his lips and biting hers softly. Hearing her his eyes almost popped out in shock and he parted his lips to say something but stopped sensing her strong gaze. "Should I take your silence as a yes?", she asked looking into his eyes that were already boring into hers. How much she wanted to break those invisible barriers between them! She moved her forefinger from his forehead to down his neck, careful enough to not let it touch his skin. His gaze went everywhere her finger travelled and stopped at his neck.

"I like this", he said tracing her finger on his adam's apple, her soft finger playing with the cold skin of his neck, sending him over the edge. The tiny droplets of water dripping from his wet hair on his shoulders caught her attention. "Do you want me to help you in drying your hair?", she asked smiling mischievously but he nodded his head in a no, with his words still stuck in his throat. "But you wanted me to do that, once", she said reminiscing the old days when he got drenched in rain along with elena and teased her to help him. How much he used pull her legs everytime, but now it seemed like a role reversal! "Nothing is same anymore", he whispered softly. "Except us", she was quick to reply. "And our love", she completed and found him scruching his brows. He quickly pushed her aside and got himself out of her hold.

"Dev!", she whined as he kept searching for his clothes everywhere but he didn't bother to reply her. "If you want to know where your clothes are, then admit your feelings for me", she said leaning over the wall near him with her arms crossed across her chest. He turned to look at her, gave her a death glare and resumed back to what he was doing. He opened the cupboard and took out another set of clothes and wore it much to her disappointment. Annoyed that her plan has flopped she was about to walk out when her gaze fell upon his phone again. "You got a call and I picked it up", she said. "What? Why did you pick my phone? Who's call it was?", he asked. "Why? What's the problem? It was some 'W'", she said and soon all the colours drained from his face hearing her.

"What did he ask you? Did you say anything?", he asked her sounding nervous. "Yes! He asked my name and who I am. I said that I am your girlfriend", she said casually making him shocked. "What?", he asked her in disbelief. "Yes he was annoying. I mean why did he want to know who I am to you?", she asked unaware of the anger brewing up inside him. "What the hell Ms. Bose! Do you even know what you have done?", he shouted at her angrily making her startled. "Dev!", her voice came out more of a whisper, completely dazed by his unexpected reaction. She had never seen him this angry before. Though he used to get annoyed with her, he never shouted at her like he did now. "Enough! You didn't know what mess you have created!", he shouted again while she looked at him flabbergasted.

"I.. I'm sorry. I didn't know..", before she could say he interrupted her. "Sorry my foot!", he punched the wall in anger making her startled. "Dev, what are you doing?", she gasped in shock trying to hold his hand but he shrugged it off. "You know what, you yourself are the reason for every damn thing happening in your life as well as mine! You just screwed up everything! Just get out of my sight!", he shouted making her shocked. Tears blurred her vision as she stared at him trying to process his words. "Just go away Ms. Bose. Go away before I would say anything out of anger", he said still looking away from her. "You already said enough Mr. Dixit", she said wiping her tears and stormed out of his room without waiting for his reply. And it was then he realized what blunder he had created but alas, it was too late to even think about it!

Whose call it is? 🤔

Precap : Dev pleading for Sonakshi's forgiveness 😛 Playing truth or dare 😉

Fact : Mind reading is a simple phenomenon which everyone must have experienced atleast once in his/her life. For example, have you ever thought of a song and your fellow friend who was just beside you started singing it taking you by surprise? Well, it might just be a mere coincidence too or there were also chances that if your brain signals are weaker than your friend's, his/her brain might have read your mind without their own knowledge!

If you had a look at the history, there were a few great magicians and mentalists like Washington Irving Bishop, who used to perform stage shows in which they read people's mind! It was initially surprising to everyone but later it was found that most of them used a similar technique in which they used to have a physical contact with the other person (whose mind is to be read) called as "Muscle Reading".

It's also said that if you doubt a person is lying to you, then look into their eyes for 15 seconds and repeat your questions they will eventually end up saying the truth!

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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