38. Her innocent thoughts!

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Target: 110 votes

"What?", Adithya asked turning around quickly, all stunned hearing Dev's words. "Yes! I know Ms. Bose very well. She has never been so comfortable with anyone like she is with you now. She hardly even speaks to any men but see, here she called you for a vacation with her that too to her own house! It's a very big thing. And even you! I have never seen you making any friends and hanging around with them. But now, it's just been a month or two since you have gotten to know her and you are already agreeing to all her demands without any opposition. Strange!", Dev said in a go finally letting out the breath which he didn't know for how long he had been holding on.

Adithya who had been silently listening to Dev all the while, walked towards him and stared at him in silence. "What?", Dev asked confused as Adithya held his chin and turned his face left and right. "Nothing. I was looking if you have any marks of wounds at the back of your head", Adithya said still examining him while Dev scrunched his brows at him quizzically. "I know Dev. You must have got hurt on your head. That's why you are talking as such", Adithya said sounding sad while Dev gave him a staunch look. "So you are telling that I've gone mad", Dev said fuming. "You got it! Smart boy!", Adithya replied with a tight lipped smile, patting his shoulder. "What if not today, someday or the other you will realize the truth and tell me that you are in love with her! And that day is not too far!", Dev kept shouting but Adithya shook his head smilingly and walked out of the room, not listening to any of his words.

Huffing in annoyance, Dev turned around and opened the cupboard, deciding to get changed. It's been a tiring day for him. He never thought that he would visit this place again but well he was in a need to. And ofcourse he can never deny Adithya's wish. Sighing tiredly, he took out a shirt and threw it on the bed. Closing the cupboard, he looked at his reflection on it's mirror. There were worried lines on his forehead, which was so unlike of Dev Dixit. He has always been a cool headed guy who never cares about anything. But not since a few days. Everything has changed in those past few months, changing him as well and he very well knew the reason of it.

All lost in his thoughts, he started unbottoning his shirt, that he didn't notice someone standing at the door step of his room. Suddenly he heard someone knocking the door and thinking it to be Adithya only, he didn't bother to turn back. "I know you will come back, but I never thought it to happen this soon. But it's good that you realized it atleast now. It's never too late. Now stop wasting the time and say whatever is in your heart", Dev said without looking up. "Really? Are you so interested to hear it from me again?", he heard a very known voice and stopped realizing who it was. He quickly turned around and was shocked to see Sonakshi standing at the doorstep with a huge grin pasted on her face.

"You!", he asked shocked as Sonakshi walked inside the room. "Yes, me! It seems like you were expecting me so much, weren't you?", she asked smiling widely and he rolled his eyes off her. "I didn't know that it's you", he said. "Oh! Then whom did you think here was? Haww! Mr. Dixit don't you dare think of any other women. I sure will take both your eyes out if you dare to look at some other girl", she said seriously but what surprised her was he smiled! Dev Dixit smiled! Yes, she saw him smiling! A small one but that was enough to create a havoc inside her fragile heart.

"You smiled!", Sonakshi said surprised but he covered it up with his usual annoyed look. "Who?", he asked as if he didn't know. "Stop acting! I am damn sure you smiled", she said confidently. "And I am sure you are dreaming with your eyes open", he said annoyed and it was then her gaze fell upon the two opened up buttons of his shirt. She smirked to herself and looked at his annoyed face, she sure was in a mood to tease him. "And I am sure you know that my eyes are open. That's why you have opened something else", she said walking near to him while he looked at her quizzically. "Are you trying to seduce me Mr. Dixit?", she asked smirking and hearing her, his eyes popped out. He kept staring at her for a while to assure himself that if he heard her right, but to his shock, he did!

"Whaattt?", he asked more of a shock and noticed her gaze travelling from his face to down his neck but stuck up there. When he looked down following her gaze, he was shocked to see the top two bottons of his shirt open, revealing the upper part of his chest. But what shocked him more was seeing Sonakshi literally drooling over him! Seeing her smirking, he quickly bottoned up his shirt and saw a pinch of disappointment covering her face. "Why?", she asked with a sad pout making him even more shocked. "What do you mean by why? Firstly what are you doing in my room? That too when I am dressing up. Go out!", he said sounding nervous.

"I came here to check you out", she blabbered while he narrowed his eyes at her and she bit her tongue realizing what she said. "I mean to check out what you are doing", she corrected herself. "And to call you for dinner. But it seems like you have other plans for tonight", she said smirking and looking down at his not-so-properly buttoned shirt. And hearing her his eyes popped out again. "But well, I don't mind it even", she said smirking and nearing him making him stunned. That nervous look on his face with a mix of shock and fear was more than enough for her to laugh to herself internally. She had never seen him like this before, his face was worth watching and she knew she couldn't stop it now. "What are you doing? Go back!", she sensed him stammering and saw his golden brown pupils dilating now and then. Though he maintained a good composure outwardly, she could very well sense him getting nervous around her and that gave her the confidence to not back off.

Smirking to herself she walked nearer to him and he moved a step back to every move of her towards him. "If you forgot, let me remind you something. This is my house and I can go anywhere I want", she said and he looked at her annoyed. "And also I have every right on your room as well as on.. You! Because..", she paused and he narrowed his eyes at her. Sensing him listening to her curiously, she further moved towards him and whispered in his ear huskily, "Dev, You are Mine!". His eyes widened in shock hearing her and he quickly pushed her back who was almost leaning on him and straightened himself as well. "It's Mr. Dixit for you!", he said more in a threatening tone. "So you are okay with what I said later, aren't you?", she asked smirking and before he could tell anything she continued again.

"By the way, this is not the first time", she said smiling to herself and hearing her he narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Let me tell you a secret", she said more of a whisper and he listened to her with a look as if he didn't care to. "Once seeing your mysterious behaviour, Elena had a doubt on you that if you were a..", she paused looking at the suspicious look on his face and smiled to herself. "Ghost!", she completed and saw all the colours draining from his face which he soon masked. "So one day when you were changing, she was about to check if you have legs", she continued and he started at her in shock. "But don't worry. I stopped her", she said as he sighed in relief. "But I couldn't stop myself", she said smiling at him mischievously and walked out of the room leaving a completely shocked Dev behind.


"Why do you always have to keep your face like that?", Adithya asked Dev who just got seated for the dinner and hearing him, his frown got even more wider. "It's manufacturing defect", he replied but Adithya shook his head in a no. "You were fine when you were manufactured. It's just that you are aging and a few connections in your brain must have got loosened. It needs to get fixed immediately. Or maybe do you need someone to fix it?", he asked raising his brows in a teasing manner and Dev gave him a staunch look. "I guess I can help with it", came a voice from behind and Dev on recognizing who it was, sighed ta tired one. "But to fix what?", Sonakshi continued, walking towards the them.

"To fix his brain", Adithya said chuckling receiving a death glare from him. "Ugh! It will be such a difficult task to do because one needs a brain to get it fixed", she said and Adithya tried to suppress his laughter seeing Dev shooting daggers at him. Smiling to herself, Sonakshi tried to pull out the chair beside Dev but couldn't. Wondering why she looked under the table and found Dev holding the chair, preventing her from sitting on it. "Dev! Can't you see Sonakshi struggling to pull the chair out? How could she do it with one hand? Help her with it", Adithya said seeing Dev sitting without caring about anything. "Adi, you don't know about Ms. Bose. She is an independent woman. She can do anything", Dev said teasing her.

"Well she might be an independent woman but not a super woman. So be a man and help her", Adithya said trying to sound as polite as possible. He didn't know why he felt Dev's behaviour with Sonakshi so cold. Dev and Sonakshi both are his friends and he wished to maintain peace among them as much as possible. But it seemed like they both would take a war against each other anytime. Seeing Dev not listening, suddenly something striked in Sonakshi's mind. She dropped the crutch from her hand and it fell on the floor with a thud. "Mr. Dixit, can you please pick it and give me?", she asked with a puppy eyes and sighing in dismay he bent down to pick the stick leaving the chair he was holding. Taking this as the chance, she quickly pulled out the chair and got seated on it within a blink.

Picking it up in his hand, Dev looked up to give it to her and was shocked to her sitting on the chair, suppressing her smile. And it literally took a minute for him to understand her plan. "Thank you so much Mr. Dixit", Sonakshi said grinning widely taking her crutch from his hand while all Dev did was to fume to himself. "It seems like you people forgot me", Elena said budging in, seeing the three settled down for dinner. "No elena. Actually we were waiting for you", Adithya said flashing one of his brightest smile making elena's heart melt like a puddle. "How sweet!", she said smiling dreamily and seeing her losing her control, Sonakshi cleared her throat to break her reverie.

"Ele, where is Rohan?", she asked looking around. "Who knows! He must be sitting and crying in his room for bringing him here again", Elena said while sonakshi shook her head in dismay. Elena saw Dev and sonakshi sitting on one side of the table while Adithya on the other. Her eyes gleamed seeing the chair beside Adithya empty and she was about to pull it out but suddenly Rohan jumped in between getting himself seated on it. "Rohan!", Elena shouted more of a warning which he ignored royally. Giving up, she pulled out the chair beside him with a screech and sat on it, angrily.

"What's this? How can every dish here be Dev's favourite?", Adithya asked surprised looking at the wide variety of food items placed on the table. And it was then even Dev noticed that everything served was his favourite food. "Kichu bhaiya, don't tell me that he flattered even you with his sweet talks. Well, who won't be! He was always like that. Only God knows what happened to him nowadays!", he said the last part more of a whisper to himself to which Kichu bhaiya just smiled in return. "Adithya didn't know that it was not kichu bhaiya but me who got flattered by you", Sonakshi whispered in Dev's ears smiling to herself while Dev pressed his lips together, and shook his head tiredly.

"Adithya, this one will be good. Cashew halwa is one of the best dishes of kichu bhaiya. Let me serve you", Elena said taking a bowl in her hand and was about to serve adithya but Rohan inserted his plate in between. "What?", Elena asked annoyed but he eyed the halwa and then his plate gesturing her to serve it to him. Rolling her eyes off him annoyed, Elena took a spoon full of halwa and put it on his plate and was about to move to Adithya but he interrupted again with a meek smile. Narrowing her eyes she placed another spoon full of halwa in his plate but he didn't move his plate even an inch, with that stupid smile still pasted on his face. Huffing in annoyance, she emptied the entire bowl of halwa on his plate, making everyone laugh at them while Rohan gave her a sad pout.

Dev was having his food silently when he felt something tug on his left foot. Wondering what it could be, he looked down and what he saw then made his eyes widen in shock. It was Sonakshi's foot! He looked up at her who was having her dinner as if she didn't know anything and then back at her finger which was drawing patterns on his bare foot. "Ms. Bose!", he whisper yelled audible enough to her only. "What happened?", she asked him innocently while he sighed in dismay. "Your leg!", he pointed at her foot over his. "Oh that one! I told you right, now I too got a doubt like elena. So I was just checking if you actually have legs or not", she said sounding innocent while he gave her an are-you-serious look.

Not in a mood to put on a fight with her, he gently moved his foot away and continued eating. But it was only until he felt something crawling over his leg moving his pant up a little and he almost choked the food that he was eating on. "Dev, what happened? Drink some water", Adithya said handing him a glass of water which he gulped down quickly. "That's why you should concentrate on food while eating instead of thinking about something else", Sonakshi said suppressing her smile and he gave her a death glare while she looked everywhere but him unable to control her laughter. "I am done", Dev stood up leaving his food in the middle. "Why? Everything here is your favorite food. Then what's your problem?", Adithya asked. "Just because you like something, you can't have it anytime", he said eyeing sonakshi and walked away leaving her wonder over his words.


Dev was sitting on the couch, all lost in his thoughts, when he felt someone's presence. He looked up and saw Sonakshi standing infront of him with a glass of milk in her hand. "Drink", she said forwarding it to him but he turned his face away. "You didn't even eat properly. Drink", she said coming infront of him again and he furrowed his brows at her. "And you are responsible for that", he said annoyed and she sighed. "Yes, I accept. I am responsible. And I am sorry for that. Now have this", she said sounding calm. "No thanks", he turned his face away again.

Giving up, Sonakshi placed the glass on the table beside and gave him a staunch look. He sure was getting on her nerves. Never in her life she had pleaded to anyone as much as she was doing to him now but still he chose to remain rude to her. "Idiot!", he heard her murmuring to herself and looked up at her who seemed visibly annoyed by his actions. "What is he expecting me to do more? Should I fall on his feet! Obhodro!", she thought angrily and when she looked up at him, she saw him smirking to himself and stretching both his legs out, as if gesturing her to fall on them making her jaw hit the floor.

Flaring her nostrils in anger, she muttered something under her breath and sat on the couch opposite to him, both shooting daggers at each other very often. Adithya, who just passed by, saw these two sitting and giving each other murderous glares. Wondering what happened now, he walked towards them and sat on the couch in the middle, gazing at both occasionally. "What is the silent war happening now?", he asked breaking the eerie silence, bringing them both back to the world. "Your business partner is so annoying. Why can't she be quiet even for a while? Sorry Adi, I guess I can't stay here anymore. I am leaving to Delhi", Dev said irritatedly while Sonakshi looked at him in disbelief. It was then she understood what was going in his little brain. He was waiting for the time to escape from there and she was sure to not give him any chance to even think about it.

"Mr. Dixit, you want me to be quiet right? I will be. I won't even open my mouth, okay?", she said placing her finger on her lips like a obedient child while Dev looked at her suspiciously. Here he wanted her to shout at him but she was acting totally different, so unlike of herself. "Dev, happy now?", Adithya asked in a disappointed tone and Dev narrowed his eyes at Sonakshi who tried to suppress her growing chuckles. Giving up, he sat back on the couch and tried to busy himself in his phone. But he felt someone's strong gaze and looked up only to find Sonakshi staring at him creepily. Doubting over her weird behaviour he tried to continue what he was doing but couldn't as she kept her gaze fixed on him, distracting him as well.

Paying no heeds to her, he tried to maintain his cool but he suddenly started getting hiccups, startling him as well. "Uhh! It seems like someone is thinking about you. Who could it be?", Adithya asked in a teasing manner and Dev quickly looked at Sonakshi who was silently smiling at him and his hiccups started increasing all the more. "Drink this milk", Adithya said pointing at the glass of milk placed on the table. Dev looked at Sonakshi who was already smirking at him and then back at the milk. "Kichu bhaiya, bring me a glass of water please", he shouted in between his hiccups and saw Sonakshi frowning at him.

"Obhodro!", he heard her cursing him in her mind as he got the glass of water from kichu. Though he couldn't understand what it meant, he could assume what it could be. "You don't know how hot you look when you annoy me. Idiot!", Dev almost spitted the water out as he heard Sonakshi thinking of him. He couldn't really understand if she was cursing him or praising him. He slightly lifted his gaze and looked at her who still had her gaze fixed on him. Though he tried to not get distracted, she was not letting him to, especially her creepy thoughts.

"Stop looking at me like that Mr. Dixit. Just because Adithya is here, I am sparing you. Otherwise I don't mind in continuing from where I've left in your room", Sonakshi thought and Dev's eyes looked as if they would fall out from their sockets anytime. By the look on his face she could very well understand he was hearing her and she definitely didn't mind it even. She wanted to tease the hell out of him for all that he was making her go through. She so wanted to take her revenge on him, ofcourse in a sweeter way. "How I wish Adithya isn't here now! I so wanted to be near you, to touch you, to feel you", she thought and found him getting tensed. This is what she wanted to do to him, to make him pay for all his evil deeds.

"That single strand of hair dangling on your forehead covering your beauty spot over there. Gosh! Why does it distract me so much? I wish I could run my fingers over them. From your golden brown eyes to your pointed nose, I want to touch and feel the roughness of your stubbled cheeks over my soft ones", Dev gulped down nervously as he felt her going a little over board. He couldn't really believe that she was fantasizing over him in the broad daylight that too in the presence of his friend. For the first time he felt that he shouldn't be able to hear what she was thinking. But it's already late and he knew he had no ways to back out now.

He slightly moved his gaze up at sonakshi to check her but then realized that he did the biggest mistake ever. That creepy look on her face was still intact and he found her gazing at his lips, bitting her juicy ones! Can it get anymore creepier? He thought but not so later, realized that it can! "Dev, I wish I could let my fingers travel through your soft locks and entwin them in my fingers tightly. But don't worry I won't let even a moan escape your mouth, as your lips will be busy with mine in...". That's it! Dev couldn't hear more. She was truly testing his patience. Her dirty thoughts are annoying him as well as instigating him. If he stayed there for even a  minute, he didn't know what more he would get to hear.

"Ms. Bose!", he yelled all of a sudden breaking the silent atmosphere and Sonakshi looked up at him as if she didn't know anything. "What Dev? You freaked me out!", Adithya said annoyed seeing Dev shouting all of a sudden. "What's your problem now? She didn't even speak anything", Adithya added while Sonakshi blinked her eyes with an oh-so-innocent look and Dev looked at her frustratedly. Only he knew what was going in that little brain of hers. "Adithya, you didn't know what she was imagin..", Dev paused for a moment. He shouldn't blurt out everything what she thought. Actually he couldn't, even if he wished to.

"What did she do?", Adithya asked and Dev held his words back. He looked at Sonakshi who was giving him an innocent smile and flared his nostrils in anger. "Tell him Mr. Dixit. What did I do?", Sonakshi butted in and he couldn't bear more. "Nothing. It's all my fault. Let me sleep", he said and went to his room while Adithya shrugged his shoulders not understanding anything happening around him. "This is just the beginning Dev. I know you won't open up by yourself. So hereafter my way of handling you is going to be different", she said smiling to herself looking at his retreating figure.


Sonakshi felt her heart racing in fear. She didn't know where she was but all that she could see was nothing but darkness. The surrounding was weirdly silent and she couldn't hear anything except her raging breathes and the loud beats of her thumping heart. With every passing second her heart beat went high for she didn't know why. Suddenly she heard someone whistling a song, sending chills through her spine. The tune was deadly creepy that made goosebumps erupt all over her body. She clasped her mouth with both her hands preventing herself from getting heard. She shut her eyes tightly as she heard the screeching sound of a metal getting dragged on the floor, with nothing but the ticking of shoes. Suddenly the sound of whistling went off and the ticking of shoes stopped but she could still hear the metal rod being banged against the hard floor occasionally sending her to the edge of fear.

"For this moment, I have waited a hundred years..

The moment I could hear, the silent screams of your death..


Sonakshi woke up from her sleep panting heavily and looked around. She immediately switched on the night lamp with her shivering hands as a ray of light filled the pitch dark room. She was still inside her room in Devrath's bungalow and it really took a minute for her to realize that it was nothing but an yet another nightmare of her. But what kept buzzing in her ears, were the lines that she heard and the word at the end.



Dev heard someone knocking his room door. Wondering who it could be as it was past midnight already, he switched on the lights and went to open the door. But as soon as he did, he was surprised to see Sonakshi standing there. "And you came again to trouble me!", Dev said with annoyance dripping from every word of his. But stopped as he sensed something unusual in her. She didn't look like her usual self, not like the one who teased him a few hours back. She looked devastated and her eyes held a lot of fear and pain, may be like the one he got to see when she used to share her secrets with him. "I want to ask you something", her quivering voice came out more of a whisper.

Understanding the state she was in, he took her inside his room. Making her sit on the bed, he handed her a glass of water which she drank quickly as if trying to calm herself down. Getting the glass back from her hand he placed it on the table and sat beside her. "I.. I got a nightmare again", she said looking down at her hands nervously and he waited for her to go ahead. "Like the ones which I got to see when we were here, I mean the ones when you were with me when I woke up", she said and he felt something tugging his heart. He could very well understand which nightmares she was talking about and a pinch of guilt spreach across his heart. She held his hands on his lap and looked up at his golden brown orbs that were already boring into her dark ones.

"I know that I got to see those nightmares previously because of you", she said staring into his eyes and felt him getting tensed. He parted his lips to say something but she stopped him. "I didn't come here to ask about why you did so to me. I don't even want that now. I came here for something else", she said and he looked at her in confusion. Did she really know why he did so to her or was she least interested in hearing them? If so, why? If someone else was there in her place they would've definitely demanded him an explanation in the first place in such a kind of situation. But she said that she didn't want to hear about it and that made him feel even more guilty.

Looking at Dev still staring at her with a blank looon, she took a deep breath and continued. "Dev, this time if it's not you, then who's that? Because of whom did I get to see a similar nightmare now?", she asked and it was then something striked him. She was right, this time it wasn't him who was responsible for her dreadful dream, then who could it be? Or was it a normal one unlike what he thinks it to be? He wondered. "Mr. Dixit you can't be silent now. You have already played enough with my mind and heart. And I don't even know why. But this time I can't be quiet. The thing I got to see in my dream today was so weird and horrible!", she said and he squeezed her palms slightly. He didn't really know what to tell her or what not to. "I don't want to see it again and I want to know what it is all about", she paused and looked up at him. "Dev, I need answers, from you", she said staring into his eyes that held a lot of untold stories while he looked at her nervously. She was sure to get her answers from him tonight, no matter what she had to do for that.

Will Sonakshi get her answers from Dev?

Precap: Opening up!

Fact :  Dreams that we get to see are nothing but a combination of the images or situations that we have come across in our lives with a tiny percent of our brain's creativity added to it. For example if you got to see a new person in your dream, that is someone whom you have never seen before, it is nothing but the game of your brain. Your brain actually remembers every person your eyes got to see. It captures even those whom you haven't noticed though you have came across them, like the one whom you saw today while crossing the road but didn't notice them much. But still, your brain registers their image well that it can reproduce their face in your dreams either fully or partially with a mix of its own creativity added to it.

And another special thing about dreams are they have no sound! Strange isn't it? But that's the truth. You can never hear any sound in your dream like you do in the physical world. You can just feel the voices and noises, but can't hear them. To be precise, it will be like an inner voice. Or else your dream will have the visual created by your brain but the audio of your physical surroundings. For example, if you got to see Shahrukh khan in your dream, there are possibilities of him having the voice of your mother who shouts at you every morning to wake you up!

And I guess I have given a big hint for the story, here in the fact. Let's see who gets it right 😉

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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