42. Lost Memories

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Target: 110 votes

"I am back"

Sonakshi's breath hitched as she heard those words. She could feel her heart racing in fear as she sensed someone's fingers brushing her hand over the blindfold. She wanted to scream, scream out loud. But words failed to leave her mouth as she stood there unable to believe the happenings. This was nothing less than a nightmare to her. She wished she could wake up from it as it was her yet another bad dream. But no, it wasn't. Suddenly the knot of her blindfold was pulled open and the cloth around her eyes slid down, making her gasp. She slowly opened her eyes and her face went pale in fear. She didn't want to turn around but she knew, she should.

Gulping down nervously, she slowly turned around but as soon as she did, her eyes widened in shock. There was no one infront of her. Confused, she looked around nervously but stopped seeing someone's shadow from behind her. An unknown fear crept upon her again, making her stand rooted on her spot. Her breathing quickened as the fear in her grew more. She turned back slowly, expecting the worst possibilities. But as soon as she did, a wave of relief washed over her face seeing the person infront of her.

"Ms. Bose", before Dev could finish, Sonakshi threw herself in his arms and hugged him tightly. "Dev... Someone.. Someone was there..", she fumbled nervously trying to hide herself in his hold. "Where? What happened?", he asked confused seeing her getting panicked all of a sudden. "There", she pointed towards her back but when he looked there was no one. He looked around but all that he could see was nothing but emptiness. Moving his hands behind her back, he tried to calm her down but in vain. "Relax.. No one is there", he said more of a whisper and she pulled herself out of his hold. "I know. There is no one now. But before.. Before a while someone was there", she said stammering as he looked at her confusedly.

"Someone was standing behind my back and removed my blindfold. But when I opened my eyes there was no one here", she said nervously. "What? It would've got loosened by itself", he said but she nodded at him in disagreement. "No! I am sure. There was someone here a while ago. Didn't you see? Where did you go?", she asked but he shook his head in a no. "I got a call", he said and she sighed in dismay. "Dev, he even said something. I.. I could very well remember. It was so similar to that nightmare", she said fumbling nervously. "Which nightmare?", he asked her with confusion etched on his face. "The one during which you were with me. The one in which I was having a cloth tied around my eyes in a similar way and someone clasped my mouth from behind, pulling me to somewhere dark and..", her mind went back to that dreadful nightmare sending chills down her spine.

"No, that's not possible", Dev was quick to reply breaking her thoughts. "It's impossible Ms. Bose. There can't be anyone here", he added sounding confident but she was adamant. "Dev, I know it's almost same. I mean... He also said that..", before she could finish he interrupted her. "Ms. Bose, I am so sure. There's no one here", he said and she looked at him in disbelief. "No! There was someone. Why are you not trusting me Dev?", she asked worriedly and he sighed in dismay. "It's not about trusting you. I am just saying you the possibilities. As you said, if there was someone how can he disappear so suddenly?", he asked her. "How do I know that? Instead of finding that you are questioning me!", she said in disbelief.

"I can find only if it had happened", he said and she looked at him shocked. "Then, do you think I am lying to you?", she asked and he sighed tiredly. "When did I say that?", he asked. "Your words mean that!", she was quick to reply. "You should stop imagining things that never happened!", he said and she looked at him stunned. "What do you mean by that? Do you think all that I told you was just my imagination?", she asked him shocked. "I was talking about that 'lying' thing", he was quick to reply but she didn't look convinced. She lowered her gaze trying to hide the tears that were ready to spill out anytime.

What bothered her the most was that the person whom she trusted the most inspite of his flaws didn't even trust her words now. She definitely knew that she was not hallucinating. Everything felt so real, unlike her dreams and she was sure about it. Looking at her getting silent all of a sudden, he let out a deep breath. He walked towards her and held her face in his hands, "Sonakshi, try to understand..", "You try to understand me Dev", she looked up at him who sighed in dismay. "I need to go home", she said pushing his hands away. "But..", before he could say, she cut him off angrily, "Please". Giving up, he let out a deep breath and gestured her to get into the car.

"Are you leaving so soon?", golu who just reached there asked coming inbetween. Seeing him, Sonakshi eyes softened and she kneeled down beside him. "Are you coming with us?", she asked smiling a little and Dev gave her a open mouthed look. Just while ago, she was fighting and arguing with him but now all she did was to smile at this little kid! Golu's eyes gleamed with happiness hearing her but soon his face fell low. "What happened? Are you not coming?", Sonakshi asked. "I want to come. But I should go to school now", he said with a sad pout. "Great!", Dev exclaimed with a huge grin pasted on his face but Sonakshi gave him a murderous glare making him zip his mouth. "Idea!", golu gleamed clicking his fingers. "I won't go to school today", he said smiling widely.

"No no! Don't be a spoilt brat. You should be regular to school", Dev was quick to oppose. "And it already seems late. Punctuality, honesty and modesty are very important", he added while Sonakshi rolled her eyes of him. "Says who! Obhodro!", she said the latter part more of a whisper, looking at him who went silent. "It's okay golu. Anyhow, we will be here for the next 10 days. So you can come on weekends okay?", she asked and he nodded his head in a sad yes. "Okay, since it's already late, can I drop you at school?", she asked and golu instantly smiled at her. "No!", the reply came from Dev much to her annoyance. And she snapped her head at him, giving him another death glare.

"I mean, no need of that. He might go along with his friends. Don't disturb him Ms. Bose", he said covering up. "They would've left already. I am late", golu said with a sad pout. "Then we will drop you", Sonakshi said and golu nodded at her smilingly. But before Dev could say something, Sonakshi interrupted, "I don't want you to be late to school because of me, golu. By the way, punctuality, honesty and modesty are very important", she said and Dev gave her an annoyed look. "I will bring my bag", golu said rushing into his house as Sonakshi smiled looking at him.

"What?", Sonakshi asked as she saw Dev standing leaning on the bonnet of the car and staring at her. Golu was already back with his school bag but what she couldn't understand was why Dev was hell bent on troubling the little kid. "What if I say that I won't drive?", he asked crossing his arms across his chest. "This is my car and I know to drive", she said pushing him aside. "Golu get inside. We don't need to wait for anyone who is not interested to come with us", she said moving towards the driver seat but Dev held the handle preventing her from opening the door. "I will drive", he said giving her a defeated look and snatched the key from her hand.

He got inside the car and inserted the key to start but when he looked to his left, he dropped the key down in shock. Sonakshi was seated in the passenger seat and Golu was siting on her lap, happily! "Are you comfortable here?", Sonakshi asked to which golu nodded in a big yes with all smiles making Dev fume more. Pressing his lips together in anger, he opened the door and stepped out much to her confusion. Opening the other door, he scooped golu up and dropped him on the backseat. "Stay there!", he said locking the door behind making Sonakshi gape at him. "What are you doing?", Sonakshi asked shocked. "Backseat is spacious enough to accommodate him. He will be more comfortable there", he said with a tight lipped smile and shut the door giving a winning smirk. She shot furative glances at him as he got seated beside her which he ignored royally.

Throughout the drive, Sonakshi kept staring outside the window while golu was jumping up and down making Dev sigh annoyingly. He kept stealing glances of Sonakshi who didn't even seem to look at his side. All that he could hear was nothing but her silent curses, ofcourse for him. On the other hand, Sonakshi was sure not to think anything right now as she was well aware that he could hear her all the while. She felt it was better to stare at the empty road than to involve into any argument with him regarding the recent happening. The fear she had at that moment completely turned into anger on getting such an unexpected response from Dev and she had no regrets about it. Looking outside at the sky, she tried to keep her mind free of any thoughts but soon her eyes closed in their own accord, taking her into the land of nod.


"Relax shona!", Devrath said as shona shut her eyes, clutching the sides of window pane of the car tightly. They both were seated inside Dev's Rolls Royce and it was her first ever ride, the one she wished for so long. Though she tried much, she couldn't help but feel scared sitting inside the moving car for the first time in her life. She thought she would enjoy her first ever ride but the things happening seemed to be completely different. She was almost shivering in fear and though Dev tried to calm her down, he couldn't help himself but smile. He ofcourse enjoyed his own share of fun seeing her all scared of nothing but travelling in a car.

"Are you smiling?", she gasped in shock as she looked up at him. "Sorry! But what can I do? You look so cute when you are scared", he said smiling widely making her fume more. But soon her anger turned into fear as he fastened the pace of driving. "Oh god! Please Dev, stop this. Let me get down from this box. Please!", she almost cried and he looked up at her. "Car!", he corrected her and turned back to face the road. "Whatever! Please stop", she kept whining but all that he did was to laugh to himself. He totally enjoyed seeing her getting all scared like a kitten. "No! How can I not fulfil your wish sona? It's you who wanted to travel in this car, from the very beginning. No, I can't go against your words", he said suppressing his smile making her all the more annoyed.

"And also my brother-in-law seems to be enjoying the ride. How can I ruin his happiness!", he asked dramatically seeing chotu who was almost jumping in excitement, sitting in the backseat. Shona turned behind still holding the sides of the car and gave chotu an innocent look, gesturing him to help her, but he ignored her royally continuing what he was doing to which Dev chuckled to himself. "Shona, I can't understand what makes you so panicked now! I mean, haven't you been in any horse carriages before?", he asked. "I have been, but those have horses in the front. But this one, it's moving on it's own and also it moves too fast", she said gulping in fear making Dev chuckled aloud.

"Stop!", she shouted getting annoyed. "Sorry! I won't laugh again", he said covering his mouth with his hand. "I asked you to stop this box too", she said irritatedly. "Car!", he said and she rolled her eyes off him. "No! Don't stop jijaji", chotu said and Dev shrugged his shoulders. "Jijaji! Now I get why you are behaving as per chotu's wish!", Sonakshi said fuming to which Dev smiled to himself. "Shona, if you are scared for travelling in this car, how will you travel in trains and ships with me?", he asked and she gave him a blank look. "Why should I?", she asked him innocently. "Because I am going to take you to London after our wedding!", he said casually and her eyes widened in shock hearing him.

"No.. No! I am not coming anywhere with you", she was quick to retort back. "But earlier, it was you who said that you will come everywhere I go to stop me from leaving this village. Was it a lie?", he asked and she looked at him tongue-tied. "I never lie", she said and he cocked his brows at her questioningly. "Says who? Lies' factory!", he said and she gave him an open mouthed look. "I hate you!", she said mentally crying over the wish she made. Ofcourse she was so excited to travel in the car with Dev. But never did she thought that it will be such an horrible experience to her. "Such a meaningless phrase!", he said smiling and concentrating on driving leaving her sulk to herself.

"Fine, I will stop the car", he said and immediately her face lit up. "But you have to do me a favour", he said smiling one sidedly. "I will do anything. Just stop this box!", she was quick to reply and he immediately pushed the brake, stopping the car, making her sigh in relief. She was about to step down the car, but he grabbed her hand, not letting her move out while she looked at him quizzically. "Jijaji, why did you stop?", Chotu asked him with a sad pout. "It's enough for today. I will take you alone, again tomorrow. Now go and play outside", he said and chotu nodded at him sadly, stepping out of the car.

"Dev, why are you not letting me go out?", shona asked suspiciously as Dev gave her a sly smile, still holding her hand. "Because that's what my favour is all about!", he said smirking and she gave him a quizzical look. And before she could ask anything further, he leaned towards her side making her eyes widen in shock. She looked around and found that the car was parked in one isolated corner and she couldn't even spot chotu anywhere. When she turned back to face him, she gasped seeing him leaning so close to her and she was already trapped between his arms. "What.. What are you trying to do?", she asked sounding nervous and he smiled at her one sidedly.

"You still have doubt!", he said smirking and inched further towards her, making her breath hitch. She could sense her heart pounding aloud in her chest with every move of him towards her. But she neither had the courage to stop him, nor to let him continue. Gulping down nervously she looked at him, who already had his eyes closed with a small smile playing on his lips, and inching towards her. Suddenly something striked her and she quickly slid down in her seat, making Dev hit himself on the glass window. Shocked, Dev opened his eyes only to find himself kissing the window glass, with all his force. Shona, opened her one eye and looked up to find Dev still in the same position with his lips pasted on the glass.

Unable to control anymore she burst out laughing and Dev looked at her in disbelief. Retrieving himself back slowly, he looked down giving a death glare to her who was still laughing out loud clutching her stomach. Pressing his lips together trying to suppress his anger, he was about to grab her arm but instead she pushed him aside and quickly got down the car, shutting the door behind her. "This is not fair!", he said giving her a murderous glare but she stuck her tongue out still laughing at him. "I guess I did a very big favour to you, right Dev?", she asked trying to suppress her giggles but ended up laughing more making him even more annoyed. "And I think it's enough for today. Let's meet tomorrow. Good night", she said turning back while he looked at her with his mouth wide agape. How could she fool him and walk away just like that?

But after taking a few steps, she turned back, smiling at him and walked towards the car making him confused. Bending down she leaned towards the closed glass of the window and kissed the exact spot where he kissed making his heart skip a beat. She moved back and looked at Dev who stared at her without even a blink or shrink. "I hope it will be a good night now!", she said smiling with a tint of blush covering her cheeks making him gawk at her. She gestured him to come closer and moved towards the closed glass window and chuckled as he obeyed her words like a lost puppy. "Next time, make sure to lock the door", she said more of a whisper and winked at him before walking away leaving a completely shocked Dev behind. He blinked his eyes twice to assure himself that what he heard was true. And when it did sink in him, his lips curved up into a huge grin. Holding the left side of his chest, he fell back on the seat and smiled to himself seeing her retreating figure and inbetween was the impression of their lips on the glass window!


Sonakshi opened her eyes with a jerk as the car suddenly came to an halt. She looked around and was shocked to find herself on the passenger seat of her red ferrari with Dev beside her. "We reached your school. Now get down!", Dev said looking bacj. She looked behind and saw golu jumping in his seat excitedly. Her face went pale in fear as the things she got to see a while ago came flashing infront of her eyes. "You woke up from your sleep!", Dev said surprised and Sonakshi looked at him amusedly. "Sleep! Am I sleeping all the while?", she asked shocked and he nodded his head in a yes making her even more shocked. "Was it a dream?", she asked to herself in disbelief. "Dream?", Dev asked her confusedly. "Nothing", she didn't want to tell him as she herself was not sure about what happened a while ago. She didn't know if it was just a dream... or a lost memory.


When they reached the bungalow, Sonakshi stormed inside without even waiting for Dev. More than being angry, she was confused as well. She couldn't really figure out what was happening to her. If the thing happened in the playground was nothing but her hallucination, then did what she saw a while ago, also a dream? But it looked so real as if she was the one living in it! Her mind was completely filled with confusion. All that she wanted to do now was to sit back and relax. She badly wanted to find the reason of her dream if it was one. She wanted to talk to Dev about it but she was still skeptical about his reactions. So much she was lost in her thoughts that she failed to notice the person sitting or almost lying on the couch.

"Good morning ma'am!", she heard a very familiar voice and looked around only to be shocked. "Rohan!", her eyes widened as she saw a completely damaged Rohan with so many plasters covering his legs, arms as well as his face! "What happened to you?", she asked rushing towards him. "He fell down from the stairs", Elena who walked towards them said. "Where were you keeping your eyes on Mr. Nerd?", Dev who reached there asked him standing beside Sonakshi who moved a little away from him. Rohan looked up at him and gave him a sad smile. Only he knew where he kept his eyes on, that made him land on the floor and result in such a state. "Answer me Mr. Nerd", Dev said. "The answer itself is asking an answering to his question!", Rohan thought smiling a sad one making Dev wonder.

"Did you call the doctor?", Sonakshi asked and Elena nodded at her. "He left just a while ago. It's good that the injuries are just minor ones. I asked Rohan to rest in his room. But your oh-so sincere P. A. wants to work even now!", she added pointing at the heap of files placed on the table and Rohan couldn't help but smile. Inspite of all his pain, he was contented to know that elena atleast cared for him. Seeing Rohan looking at elena with awe, Sonakshi smiled a little. "Rohan, you don't have to do anything now. And ele, you take care of him. If he troubled you, don't hesitate to break his other leg too. I will take care of his treatment", she said and elena gave her a thumbs up with all smiles while Rohan gawked at them open mouthedly. Smiling, Sonakshi walked upstairs, leaving them alone not before giving another death glare to Dev. "Here! Take this!", Elena handed him his pain killers with a glass of water and walked inside leaving Rohan in all smiles. He couldn't help his grin getting wider with every minute. He never knew falling sick would turn this beautiful!

Sonakshi was about to step on the stairs but within a blink, she was already floating in air with someone holding her in his arms. "Leave me!", she screamed trying to get herself out of Dev's hold but he was too strong for her fragile body. "Didn't you fake about your broken leg to get this favour from me Ms. Bose? Now that I am doing it for free, you should be glad", he said carrying her in his arms and climbing up the stairs. "I don't want anything from you now. Just put me down", she protested but he was adamant. Rohan who just looked up, almost choked the water seeing the scene unfolding infront of him. He looked around and found himself sitting alone in the huge hall. There was no one other than him to witness their romance yet again, except him, much to his shock.

"Stop jumping in my arms Ms. Bose. Otherwise, I have my own way to silence you, like last night", he said smirking and her eyes widened hearing him. She immediately stopped protesting and stared at him in shock. Though at that moment, she wanted to punch him on his face for smiling at her, she couldn't help but fall for the same stupid smile of him. "Ugh! Ms. Bose and her mood swings!", she heard him chuckling as he placed her down on her feet. She looked around and found that they were already in her room and wondered if she was so lost in him to even miss the time when he carried her to her room. "Ofcourse you are!", he said smiling and she pressed her lips together in annoyance.

Giving a death glare, she pushed him back a little and walked towards the bed. But on her way, she hit her foot on the table inbetween and shrieked aloud, "Ouch!". Dev, on hearing her, came rushing towards her as she held her foot in her hand. "Where do you keep your eyes? Can't you even walk properly?", he almost yelled at her making her sit on the bed and she flared her nostrils at him angrily. No one in her life even dared to scold or shout at her, like he did. "Such an obhodro!", she thought. He removed her shoe and looked at her toe, which was slightly swollen. "You never wanted to walk without your crutch it seems!", he said examining her foot and she gave him an annoyed look. She couldn't understand why he was over reacting.

Suddenly something striked her mind and as she blinked her eyes, everything around her went blur. She looked at Dev who was sitting down on his knees with her foot on his lap. And her eyes immediately widened in shock. It was Dev, but he looked different, yet familiar! "From today you should wear these shoes whenever you step out of your house, okay?", he asked and she looked at him stunned. She very well knew, those words are also too familiar to her! "Let it be a gift to you from my side. Our first Valentine's day gift!", he added smilingly and her heart almost skipped a beat. She sensed the whole world spinning around her as she kept staring at the man infront of her. But only one thing echoed in her mind, 'Who is he?'.

"Hello Madam!", Dev snapped his fingers to break her reverie. Getting back to the world, Sonakshi looked at Dev who was already glaring at her with questioning eyes and she gulped down nervously. "I know that I am very good looking. But if you keep on looking at me like that, no wonder you will slip in your every step and hurt your foot like this", he said and she looked down at her foot which had nothing but a little swell on one finger tip. She looked around and found herself in her room in her bungalow, with her Dev infront of her. "Okay, stay like this. I will be back with some medicine to apply on your foot", he said, carefully placing her foot on the floor and walked out of the room, while all she did was to stare at his retreating figure nervously, till he was out of her sight.

She clutched the sides of her skirt tightly with both her hands as a sense of fear ran through her. Images of what she got to see a while ago flashed infront of her eyes and she gulped down in horror. Biting her lips out of nervousness, she felt her breath getting quickened. She knew something was happening to her and it was all strange. Trying to calm herself a little, she shut her eyes and let out a deep breath. She looked at the glass of water placed on the table beside and was about to take it when her gaze fell upon an envelope placed under it. Moving the glass aside, she took the envelope in her hands and looked at the blank cover with nothing written on top of it. Keeping her nervousness aside she opened the envelope and found a piece of paper kept folded inside it. Taking the paper out, she unfolded it slowly, fearing for the worst possibilities. And when her eyes fell upon the letters imprinted on it, her heart almost stopped for a while.

"Live your life as much as you can..

You have only 6 days left!"

So, what was that letter all about? And are Sonakshi's dreams just dreams?

A chapter with past Devakshi after a very long time! So, how was it?

Precap: A hint to the hidden truth..

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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