43. Unspoken Words

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Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 110 votes

P. S : Sorry in advance for a super boring chapter 😐

Sonakshi sensed a soft touch on her hair and opened her eyes slowly. She found herself lying on her bed and the room looked dark except the dim light emitting from the night lamp. She turned around and found Dev's hand caressing her hair softly with him sitting beside her and staring into the oblivion. It seemed like he was so much lost in his thoughts to even notice that she was awake. She stirred a little, trying to get up and this broke his reverie. "You woke up!", he said amused as she sat upright. She looked at the clock and found that it was already past midnight much to her surprise.

"When did I sleep?", she asked confused facing him. The last thing that she could remember was them returning to the bungalow. That's it. But everything happened in the morning. Did she end up sleeping for all day? she wondered. "It's me who needs to ask you that Ms. Bose. When I returned with medicine to apply on your wound you were already in deep sleep!", Dev said and Sonakshi looked at him amused. It was then something striked her. He was right, she got hit on the table and she could very well remember the way he became worried seeing her and ofcourse those weird flashes which she got to see as if a part of her dream were still fresh in her mind! But then all that she could remember was he went to fetch her the medicines. What happened after that, she couldn't recall at all. She didn't even know how and when did she fall asleep.

"Was I sleeping when you returned?", she asked doubtedly and he nodded at her in a yes. But she sensed something weird. She felt like she had missed something. "But Dev, I feel like.. Something happened after that.. something important", she thought for a while and then her gaze fell upon the table beside. There was a glass of water placed on the table and as soon as she looked at it, she felt herself zooming in and out. Suddenly her vision became blurry and she held her head in her hands. Seeing her getting unsteady, Dev panicked. "What happened Ms. Bose? Are you okay?", he asked with worried lines covering his forehead. "Yes I am good. I feel a little dizzy. But I guess it's just that I woke up from sleep", she said massaging her temples. "I guess you are hungry. You didn't eat anything from morning", he said concerned. "No, I am not", before she could complete a loud noise interrupted them.


Sonakshi immediately looked down at her stomach which was growling aloud making her eyes widen. She looked up at Dev who was already staring at her stomach and her face immediately flushed in embarrassment. He looked up at her and she gave him an awkward smile. He smiled at her one-sidedly as if saying *I told you* and she couldn't help herself turning red. It couldn't get any more awkward, she thought. "I.. I will get something to eat", she said putting her legs down. "I will help you", Dev said trying to hold her hand but she stopped him. "I can walk. My foot is better now", she looked down at her toe and found that the swelling has reduced much.

Her anger on Dev was still intact and she was in no mood to give into him, though she wanted to. More than anger it was her disappointment for the incident that happened earlier that morning. Adding to that, she was even more confused after getting those weird flashes. But what bothered her the most was she couldn't remember anything after that. She wasn't someone who sleeps all day. Infact she never sleeps during day. So now she couldn't believe that she slept the whole day without even any hindrance! Suddenly her gaze fell upon the ice bag placed near the foot of the bed and she looked up at Dev. She could now understand how the swell of her foot has reduced so quickly and she couldn't help her lips curving up into a smile. He had been giving her ice massage for all these hours!

"So, am I forgiven?", he asked seeing her smiling and her lips immediately curved down forming a frown. "No!", she mouthed and walked a few steps but stopped in her traces as the light around went off turning the room into pitch dark. "What happened now?", she asked looking around and before she could complete she felt someone's hands looping her waist making her rooted at her spot. "Dev!", she said in a warning tone as she sensed him hugging her from behind with his chin on her shoulder. "I am scared of dark!", he said sounding panicked and she rolled her eyes off him. "Seriously?", she asked in disbelief as he pulled her closer to himself and she sighed in dismay. She very well knew it was his yet another drama to make her forgive him. "Ofcourse! I am not a brave person like you", he said still holding her and she shook her head at him tiredly.


"Where are the candles?", Sonakshi was searching through every corner of the kitchen with the help of her phone's flashlight but in vain. "I think we can find the candle soon if you leave my hand", she said turning towards her left looking down at her hand which was tightly clasped in Dev's. "I will never leave your hand", he was quick to reply and she gave him a staunch look. "Okay!", he agreed much to her surprise and took his hand around to the side of her waist making her jump in her place. "I didn't mean that!", she said shocked pushing his hand away that was looping around her waist. "Hold my hand!", she said flaring her nostrils angrily and he tried to suppress his smile. "You are so bipolar Ms. Bose", he said sounding innocent and heard her cursing him under her breath which instead brought a huge smile on his face!

"Here it is!", she said finally finding one and took the match box to lit it up. "Now you can move", she said placing the glowing candle in the middle as it emitted enough light to lit up the room and he frowned at her. And as soon as she turned back he blew the candle off and immediately clutched her hand as the darkness filled the room yet again. "Dev!", she said more of a warning as she understood what he did. "What?", he asked innocently and she gave him another death glare. "I already feel dizzy. I don't want to faint now due to hunger. So stop all your games", she said lighting the candle and turned behind but the candle blew off again filling the room with darkness much to her annoyance. "Dev!", she yelled angrily. "I didn't do anything!", he admitted honestly. "Only we both are here!", she said huffing in annoyance and lit up the candle again, unaware of the fact that it really wasn't him this time!

"Why can't I find anything?", she asked looking into the refrigerator. There is nothing except some boring vegetables. "I didn't eat the whole day and no one seems to have noticed that! They didn't even cook for me it seems", she said not finding anything cooked. "It's okay. I will make something for you Ms. Bose!", Dev said and she looked back at him. After staring at him for a while, she turned back and started searching inside the refrigerator again. "What? I can cook well", Dev said seriously but she didn't seem to believe him. "Tell me what you want. Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Spanish, Arabian, Indian or continental, I can cook whatever you want", he said proudly and she turned back looking at him with her arms folded across her chest. "I want food. Just food!", she said stressing the latter and he looked at her, thinking for a while.

"Okay.. Move!", he pushed her aside and searched inside the refrigerator that was almost empty. "There is nothing except a pack of bread and some vegetables. I can make only sandwich. I will show you my cookery skills some other day", he said taking up the bread and some vegetables to chop them. "You said such a long list of cuisines to make a sandwich. Great!", she said sarcastically and he looked up at her. "It would've been appropriate if these words were said by someone who knows to cook. I am sure that you don't even know to boil water", he said washing the vegetables and keeping them aside. "I know!", she was quick to reply. "What?", he asked. "To boil water", she said looking away and he smiled at her one-sidedly. "Congratulations", he said tauntingly, making her frown.

And before she could retort back he quickly picked her up by her waist and made her sit on the slap making her eyes widen. "Now please stay quiet and let me concentrate", he said placing her finger on her lips and returned back to what he was doing while she glared at him. "Am I a disturbance to you? Obhodro!", she thought still not averting her gaze from him and giving him a death glare. "Not a disturbance. But a distraction!", he said chopping the vegetables and she furrowed her brows at him. "Did I tell you how hot you look in this candle light?", he asked casually and she could very well sense herself blushing hearing his words though she didn't want to. "I know you are hungry and I don't want to exhaust you when you are already tired. First eat and then I will show you!", he added winking at her making her heart skip a beat. She wondered what was he going to show her when she finished eating.

"Can you really cook all those cuisines like you said?", she asked doubtedly. "Ofcourse yes! I have tried everything", he said proudly and she looked at him amused. "From doctor to magician to chef, how many more sides of you are there that I didn't know?", she asked him surprisedly to which he laughed. "I am neither a magician nor a chef Ms. Bose!", he said. "Don't lie okay? I have seen you doing magic infront of my eyes", she said pouring herself a glass of water. "No, that was not magic. That's just a trick", he said and she furrowed her brows at him confusedly. "Okay, do you remember the time we played ludo once?", he asked and she reminsced the old days. She could very well remember how illiterate she used to be that she said she will bring a ball for playing ludo! Thinking about it made her embarrassed even now.

"Yes, I won the game", she said proudly lifting her invisible collars up. "And if you remember, you got a five atlast and won the game. But it was actually a six!", he said and she almost choked the water that she was drinking. "What? How is that possible?", she asked bemused. "Yes, it was a six. But I changed it to a five to make you win", he said giving her a sly smile and she gawked at him open mouthedly. "That's cheating! Did that mean you rolled the dice without even touching it?", she asked in shocked. "No, no, not that. It was still six but I made six appear as five to all your eyes", he said and she blinked her eyes trying to grasp what he was saying but she couldn't. Understanding her dilemma he continued. "I controlled your minds and made you all believe that it was a five when it was actually a six only", he said and she gasped in shock. "That's so bad!", she said while he chuckled. "That's fun!", he added smilingly.

"I did similarly so many times though, including the truth or dare game we played recently", he said sounding proud while she looked at him shocked. "So you can control everyone's mind that easily, is it so?", she asked in disbelief. "Not really. As I told you already, it takes some time for me to understand them, to know them well, to control them. And that time varies from person to person depending on their mental strength", he said and she looked at him dazzed. "Means?", she asked confusedly. "Umm.. Like for Rohan it was much easier. It took me only a day or two because he is someone whose thoughts can be controlled easily. He will agree to you just if you threaten him a little. But for elena it was quite tough among all of you. It took more than a week for her! Her mind was adamant just like her", he said shrugging his shoulders and Sonakshi stared at him even without a blink.

She couldn't believe his words. Is it actually possible to control someother's mind, if it is so can she too be able to do that? Too many thoughts clouded her mind. "Anyone can. But it could take a lot of time and practice", he said and Sonakshi gulped down heavily while he chuckled looking at her shocked face. "Now stop thinking too much Ms. Bose. Give your little brain some rest", he said poking the side of her forehead and she immediately frowned at him. "You know what, I was in the list of top 10 young business women in Asia last year too!", she said sounding proud. "So what?", he was quick to ask and she sighed angrily. "You almost called me brainless!", she said annoyed and he laughed at her.

"Not really", he said and she gave him an angry pout. "Do you know what makes you special? You don't think from here", he pointed towards her head. "But from here", he pointed towards her heart, smiling. "That shows how pure you are. And I am more than proud to have you", he admitted honestly and her lips curved up into a bright smile. She knew whatever she is today, it's because of the man infront of her. A few months back, she was never like this. She never even thought that she would become like this one day. But then suddenly he came into her life and brought a drastic change in her. Though it was slow, the result was a beautiful one, because at the end he gave himself to her. And hearing such words from the same man today, made her heart flutter.

"I wish even I can cook", Sonakshi said smiling. "But what to do? I never had any time to learn cooking. I was too busy in taking up the responsibilities of my family and the business that I failed to look at anything beyond that. My world revolved only around my work and work only", she smiled a sad one, which didn't go unnoticed by him. "Even now?", he asked her teasingly to distract her, breaking her reverie. "No!", she was quick to reply. "Now my world revolves around something else..to be precise around someone else!", she added and he smiled at her knowingly. "Bruno!", she completed and his lips immediately curved down forming a frown while she struggled hard to suppress her laughter.

"But you always do what you like, don't you?", she asked. "Definitely!", he was quick to reply. "I don't do something that doesn't interest me. Whatever it might be!", he added and she nodded at him. "But still a few things, even I myself didn't know why and how I did", he paused, thinking for a while. "That's what the difference is between both of us, right?", she asked breaking his chain of thoughts and he quickly composed himself back. "Sometimes, I feel like I don't even know 1% of you, like what you know about me", she said and looked up at him. "I want to know more about you Dev, more than what I know about myself", she said smiling at him. "But let's take it slow. We have a lifetime for it, right?", she asked and he just stared at her, before smiling at her assuringly.

"Wait!", he took the plate from her hand and turned away when she was about to grab it making her confused. She tried to peep into what he was doing from his behind but he kept hiding the plate from her. "Have it now!", he said forwarding the plate grinning widely and she looked down at the plate to find a 'Sorry' written on the top of each one of the sandwiches and a sad smiley too! He placed the plate on her hand and held his ears, pushing his lips out and looked at her apologetically but she gave him a death glare. "Just because you look cute when you are angry you can't remain angry all the time! Show some pity on me", he said with a sad pout that could melt her heart.

"So, you want me to forgive you!" she said surprised and he quickly nodded his head in a yes. "Then come here", she pointed her forefinger at him gesturing him to come forward which he did obediently. "Close your eyes", she said and he looked at her quizzically. "Close your eyes", she repeated again and he immediately did. "Take a deep breath. You may find it difficult to breath for quite sometime!", she said and his lips curved up. He could somehow sense what was coming ahead, may be a kiss, he thought smiling to himself! "Hold your ears!", she said when he was about to remove his hands from his ears and he quickly took his hands back to where they were, confusedly. "Open your mouth", she said and wondering why, he parted his lips a little. "Wider!", she said more of a threat and he opened even more widedly.

And before he could think anything she took some two to three pieces of sandwich and shoved them all in his mouth, at once. He shot his eyes open in shock only to see her smiling to herself. "You deserve it!", she said crossing her arms across her chest and looked at him who was struggling to say something. It's been a few minutes, and she almost finished hers but still he remained in the same position with his mouth full and his hands busy holding his ears. Seeing him struggling she pulled his hands down and he immediately took the sandwich from his mouth, catching the much needed air. "Oh my god! My mouth pains", he said holding his jaw and twisting it trying to reduce the pain but she chuckled.

"And my heart too!", he said pointing towards the left side of his chest. "You broke my dream! I thought of something else", he said giving her a sad pout and he felt so stupid of himself for expecting her to kiss him when she didn't even forgive him still. "Come here!", she pulled him by his shirt and jumped down from the slab much to his surprise. "What did you think?", she asked standing closer to him and staring into his eyes. "Nothing", he replied turning his face away from her. But she held his chin and made him face her. She caressed the right side of his stubbled cheek with her thumb softly and he closed his eyes feeling himself passing through the ecstacy with her every touch. She moved her right hand from his neck with her cold fingers playing on his warm skin and he placed his hands on either sides of her waist.

She looked up at him who still had his eyes closed and moved her fingers rhythmically, opening the first two buttons of his shirt, making it flung open. Bitting her lower lip, she moved her slender fingers across the left side of his chest slowly, teasing his sensitive skin and stopped it right there. Bending down a little, she kissed the place of his heart and sensed his grip on her waist getting tighter as soon as her lips touched his cold skin, giving him a tingling sensation. She moved back a little and looked up at him with a small smile playing on her lips. "Does it pain, still?", she repeated his words and he opened his eyes immediately, which was filled with nothing but pure passion. Placing both her hands on either side of his neck, she moved a little up and stood up on her toes. "You said that even your mouth pains, didn't you?", closing her eyes, she murmured brushing her lips against his softly, teasing him much and he hummed in response, subconsciously awaiting for her to go ahead. But..

Suddenly, Sonakshi heard someone's footsteps and pulled Dev down hiding behind the slap. It took a minute for Dev to understand what happened and when it did sink into his mind, he shot his eyes open in shock. They were both sitting on the floor hiding under the kitchen slab and Sonakshi was peeking up trying to look at the person who interrupted them. He couldn't actually believe it. Did she just stop it right away in the middle leaving him wanting for more? That too for an unwanted interruption? "Ms. Bose..", before he could say she clasped his mouth with her hand and eyed him to stay quiet. "Someone is here. Don't talk", she whispered and he furrowed his brows at her annoyed. Wondering who had interrupted them at this time of the night, he too tried to peek up and his glare immediately turned into an angrier one.

It was Rohan who was holding a flashlight in his hand and walking slowly towards the kitchen with his wounded leg. "What the hell is he doing here right now?", Dev whisper yelled making Sonakshi's eyes widen. "Sshh.. Dev! Stay quiet. I don't want to be get caught by my P.A. now. It would be so embarrassing for me!", she said more of a whisper silencing him. He rolled his eyes off her annoyingly and glared at Rohan giving him a staunch look. Sitting back on the floor he gazed at Sonakshi who was looking around a little panicked. He wondered how she still managed to look so beautiful even in the dim light. Smiling to himself he took her hand in his and kissed the back of her palm. "Dev!", she whispered in shock as he gazed at her lovingly. "I promise, I won't make any noise", he said with a sad pout and neared her much to her shock.

"No one here cares about me! I can't able to walk here but they didn't even keep a glass of water besides me. Cruel people! And it's so dark here and I am alone. Oh god!", Rohan kept mourning to himself walking towards the kitchen. Placing the flashlight on the slap, he went towards the refrigerator and opened it. After getting water, Rohan turned around and it was then he noticed a glowing candle, an empty plate, a pack of leftover bread and also a few chopped vegetables with a knife. It looked as if someone was there just a while ago but disappeared all of a sudden. Wondering how, he was about to take the flashlight but it rolled down the slab. But before it could touch the floor, he caught it in the nick time.

Sighing in relief, he was about to leave when his gaze fell upon a white cloth from behind the slab. Gulping down in fear he slowly peeked to the other side but what he saw then made him rooted at his place. It was Dev and Sonakshi sitting on the floor, so close to each other and he spotted them together, yet again! "No!", he saw Sonakshi pushing Dev a little away while Dev gave her a sad pout. "Rohan might see us", she added and Rohan blinked his eyes not understanding what to do. "Oh god.. They are hiding from me! What should I do now?", he thought bitting his nails out of nervousness. "I will walk away as if I didn't see anything. That's what I do always!", he thought mentally crying over his ill fate and hopped out of the kitchen as soon as he could, forgetting to take the water bottle that he placed on the kitchen slab!

Pushing Dev aside Sonakshi stood up and sighed in relief finding Rohan no where. "My goodness! He didn't spot us together", she smiled and looked at Dev who stood up dusting his pants, giving her a grumpy look. "Where are you going?", she asked shocked, seeing him turning away to leave. "I don't want to get ditched again if someone else enters. I'll better go and sleep", he said annoyed and before he could complete she grabbed his wrist and latched her lips with his much to his shock. It's been a few seconds but she sensed him not responding to her. Disappointed, she was about to pull away and this made Dev realize what he was doing. So without wasting anymore time, he scooped her up by her waist and placed her on the slab and started kissing her with equal passion. She looped her hands around his neck, pulling him more into her, both smiling often inbetween.

Rohan who just realized that he left the water bottle in the kitchen itself turned around instantly and it didn't take him much time to realize that it's his worst decision ever. His eyes popped out in shock and he almost had a mini heart attack seeing the sight infront of him. His boss was kissing a man! No a spirit! No no a vampire!! Ugh.. whatever he is, with all her might and that was enough to corrupt his innocent mind. Gulping down he turned back quickly on realizing that it's better to die of thirst than to stay there and almost ran towards his room with his bruised leg, in a blink of a second! But Dev and sonakshi were too much involved in each other that they failed to notice the candle getting blown off again and a silhouette of someone showing up on the glass of the window beside.


"Sona!", Sonakshi stopped in her traces and turned around to see a sleepy elena walking out of her room. "You are awake!", Sonakshi asked amused. "I should be the one to ask you that. For how long will you sleep madam?", she asked yawning tiredly. "Oh ele! I myself didn't know how I ended up sleeping for these many hours", Sonakshi said surprised. "Leave it. More than that I want to ask you something", Elena said and sonakshi looked at her quizzically. Elena grabbed her hand and pulled her into her room confusing her more. "Why was he with you throughout the day?", she asked and Sonakshi gave her a confused look.

"Who?", Sonakshi asked. "Dev!", Elena was quick to reply and Sonakshi's eyes widen. "Throughout the day?", she asked in disbelief and elena nodded at her in a yes much to her surprise. "He didn't leave your side even for a minute. What's happening?", Elena asked and Sonakshi thought for a while. "But I was just sleeping", she replied confused. "That's what even I told him. But he remained glued to you! Are you hiding anything from me sona?", Elena asked suspiciously to which Sonakshi smiled at her giving her the answers. "Oh my god! Did he accept you?", elena asked wide eyed to which Sonakshi nodded at her in a yes.

"When?", she was quick to ask. "That night, after our truth or dare game", she said smiling while elena gawked at her open mouthedly. "You didn't tell me anything! But wait.. How did he confess his love to you?", Elena asked curiously. And Sonakshi thought for a while before nodding her head in a no, "He didn't". "Then?", Elena was shocked. "What if he didn't say elena? Few things can't be put into words. And Love is one among them", Sonakshi said giving her a tight lipped smile. She very well knew that those unspoken words between them, mean the most, though they are unconfessed. "But sona", before she could say something Sonakshi stopped her. "Elena go and sleep. Don't trouble your mind too much. It's already as adamant as you are!", Sonakshi chuckled smacking her forehead slightly and walked out of the room, leaving elena wonder over her words.


"What are you doing here?", Sonakshi asked Dev who was lying on her bed leisurely. "Gonna sleep. Why? Are you not going to join me in bed?", he asked and her eyes popped out hearing him. "Join.. Join you! What are you blabbering Dev?", she stammered in shock. "It's you who is blabbering. Come on baby. Take your side", he said patting the space beside him and Sonakshi gulped down nervously. "Dev! What's this nonsense? If you want to sleep, go and sleep in your room", she said annoyed. "No, I want to be by your side. See I am scared of dark", he said with a sad pout and pulled her towards him making her fall on the bed beside him. "What's wrong with you? Even the power is back. So keep the lights on in your room and sleep", she asked trying to get out of his hold but he was too strong for her.

"Nothing wrong. Weren't you the one who wanted to sleep besides me today morning. What happened now?", he asked her. "That was for fun!", she was quick to say. "But this is not for fun Ms. Bose. I am serious", he said looping his around her waist and pulling her closer making her gasp. "Dev.. No!", she wanted to deny. She wasn't sure what will this lead to. "Why? Don't you trust yourself Ms. Bose?", he asked and she stared at him blankly. "But I trust myself very much. And I am sure I won't do anything wrong", he said. "Even I won't", she replied quickly. "Then problem solved", he said switching off the night lamp while she blinked her eyes twice before giving in to him. She was sure, he won't leave her now.

"Good night Sonakshi", he whispered looping his hand around her shoulder, pulling her closer to himself and she couldn't help the smile appearing on her lips. "I love it, when you call me as Sonakshi", she said placing her head on his chest and looping her hand around his torso. "I know", he mumbled against her hair and she could very well sense him smiling too. "But Dev, why do I still have a feeling that I missed out something this morning?", she asked a little confused. "Sshh.. There is nothing like that. Just sleep", he said caressing her hair and she hummed in response, closing her eyes. He looked down at her and after assuring himself that she slept, he slipped his hand into his pocket, taking out an almost crushed paper. "Sometimes it's better to erase a few things, even memories!", he whispered, crumpling the paper in his hand tightly and pecked her forehead as she snuggled closer to him.

So Dev erased a part of Sonakshi's memory. But why?

In my hurry to complete this book within 50 chapters I felt like I'm rushing with the storyline. So from now on, the story will go a little slower, but including everything I've planned earlier. And I hope it won't bore you all much!

Precap : Rekindling memories ❤️ But..

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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