44. The Piano class

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Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 110 votes

Sonakshi tossed around in her bed due to the bright rays of sun disturbing her sleep and pulled the duvet up till her neck. Suddenly she felt someone tugging her freely falling tresses behind her ear and it didn't take her much time to realize who it was. "Good morning", she heard Dev whispering in his sleepy tone and her lips immediately curved up into a bright smile. She opened her eyes slowly and met with his honey brown orbs that were already boring into hers. Pushing the duvet aside, she sat up leaning her back on the bedrest while he looked up at her, still lying down.

"Don't tell me that you were staring at me the whole night like this", she said and he immediately sat up, facing her. "Ugh! So you became that old Ms. Bossy Bose again. Not even wishing me 'Good morning' back", he said with a sad pout and she couldn't help herself from smiling again. Holding the side of his neck, she leaned forward a little and pecked his forehead softly, much to his surprise. "And that's my 'Good morning'", she said smiling making him smile too. "Not only good but 'the best' morning ever", he responded quickly making her chuckle. "Dev, a few days back, nothing was right. But now", she smiled. "Everything feels like a dream, a beautiful one", he could very well see the happiness in her eyes. "But still, something bothers me. And that makes me feel so restless at times", she said with worried lines covering her forehead all of a sudden.

Though this was what she wished for, all these days, she couldn't let herself sink in this happiness. Something disturbed her from inside, stopping herself from doing so. Be it the previous day's happenings or Dev hiding his part of story from her still, she couldn't understand what. But she knew there's definitely something more that she didn't know and their relationship was not at all transparent. He was hiding something huge from her. But she trusted him with all her heart, because she somewhere felt that he couldn't do anything that would possibly hurt her. But little did she know that some feelings needn't to be true.

Dev took both her hands in his and caressed them gently, breaking her reverie. "I know what you are thinking of", he said and she chuckled, "I know". "Sometimes I wish, even I can read your mind like you do", she said smiling a little. "Then everything would've been simple and clear", she added but he shook his head in a no. "You don't want to, Ms. Bose. It's a curse", he said and she looked at him blankly. "And I realized it much later", he smiled a sad one. "Life would've been simple if it hadn't happened with me", he added and she looked at him dazed. "But this is what you wished for, right? An interesting and extraordinary life!", she was quick to ask but instead he shook his head in a no much to her surprise.

"All that I want now is a peaceful life, with you", he said and her heart almost skipped a beat. She couldn't believe her ears. Was that actually a proposal? Her eyes widened upon that thought. Was he proposing her for real or was she over imagining? But his words meant that only, though not directly, it was somewhere near to that. She had neither read any dreamy fairytales nor did she used to watch any romantic movies to know how a perfect proposal should be. But the moment he uttered those words seemed magical to her, much more perfect than when he kissed her for the first time.

Seeing her literally gawking at him, he chuckled and moved closer towards her. "I can hear you", he whispered in her ears and this broke her reverie. Her eyes widened upon realization and she quickly composed herself back, keeping a check on her thoughts. She turned towards him hurriedly and covered both his ears with her hands making him chuckle aloud. She sometimes behaved way too cute to handle, he thought and smiled to himself. But the best thing was, only he knew this side of her. Who would believe if he said that the super rude and dominating Sonakshi Bose that the world knows would behave childish at times, fighting with him over a piece of sandwich and cuddling with him when he was fast asleep!

"Can you just stop reading my mind please? You are making me embarrassed most of the times", she said with a sad pout which he couldn't resist. "Or else do one thing. Give me too some practice so that even I can read your mind. So that it will be equal equal", she smiled feeling proud of her ownself for getting an awesome idea but instead his smile faded. He pulled her hands down and held them in his' and breathed a deep one. "Beaware of what you wish for. You have the whole world in your hands", he said and she looked at him quizzically. She can never understand him and his puzzled words.

Seeing her confused face, he pressed his lips together trying to push a smile. "Okay, so I will bring my things here", he said and she narrowed her eyes at him confusedly. "Why?", she was quick to ask. "I am moving in, to your room", he said and hearing him Sonakshi's jaw almost hit the ground. She wondered if she heard him right or was she hallucinating. How could he say as if it's a simple thing, she wondered. "N.. No.. No! Why should you? You shouldn't", she was quick to refuse. "What do you mean by why Ms. Bose? You know!", he said casually. "I don't know", she pressed her lips together trying to prevent herself from stuttering. "Sonakshi!", he tried to make use of his charms and her heart instantly melted hearing her name from him, again. He very well knew how to strike the right chord.

But she quickly composed herself back and gave him a warning glare. "No means no!", she sounded adamant making him frown. "But why? Few days back you were so bold with me. But what happened to all your courage now? So all that was just an act uh?", he asked her teasingly and she gawked at him in disbelief. "Sonakshi, I want to be with you, all the time", he said making a puppy face melting her heart yet again. This side of Dev was new to her. From a flirty one when she met him for the first time to an egoistic idiot in the middle for sometime and a total lover boy that he is now. Such a transition, she thought and smiled to herself.

"But Dev, there are so many people other than us in this house", she definitely can't let others think bad about their relationship, whomever it might be. "That's what I am worried about", he said more of a whisper which went unheard by her. "Stop talking like an old school Ms. Bose", he said and she frowned at him. "It's okay even if I sounded like one. We definitely can't stay in the same room until we get mar..", she clasped her mouth with both her hands immediately on realizing what she was about to blurt out and Dev on hearing her, cocked his brows with a teasing smile playing on his lips. "Complete what you were saying", he said suppressing his smile but she shook her head from left to right and quickly scooted from there, locking herself inside the washroom leaving him giggle to himself.

Leaning her back on the door she facepalmed herself realizing the awkward situation she had landed herself into. Was she about to say 'married'? Her eyes widened upon realization and she looked at her reflection on the mirror opposite. Her face was so red and she didn't know whether it's because of blush or embarrassment! Marriage! Seriously? Where did this come from all of a sudden? She looked like a fool in her own eyes. Never had she dreamt of her marriage like every other girl used to. Not even after realizing her feelings for Dev. But what happened all of a sudden that made her blurt out something that she never even thought of, she wondered.

"But someday or the other it's going to happen", one side of her mind tried to convince her making a small smile appear on her lips, with her cheeks turning to a hue of red. "But not now!", other side of her mind was quick to put a stop to her over flowing thoughts. "And you were the one to do everything at first. It was you who confessed your feelings to him first, not only once but so many times! And now even about your wedding! Such a fool you are Sonakshi!", her mind taunted her making her give a thought over it. "You even tried to seduce him so many times Sona! Get a hold on yourself girl!", it added and she gulped down nervously. It was right. She went overboard so many times.

*Ahem Ahem*

Dev coughed from other side of the door making her eyes widen. Was he hearing her all the while? To prevent him from hearing anything further she quickly turned open the tap but in her hurry, she opened the shower instead, wetting herself from head to toe and shrieked aloud in shock. "What happened Ms. Bose? Are you alright? Should I come inside?", Dev asked panicked seeing her shouting all of a sudden. "No no! Nothing serious. I just drenched myself in cold water", she frowned looking at her now fully wet form. She neither brought any spare clothes inside nor she could go out in the same clothes now. Her dress was stuck to her body like a second skin and she definitely didn't want Dev to look at her like that! She somehow could sense the consequences if he did so! NO! A BIG NO!

"Dev, can you please move out of my room for a while. I forgot to take my clothes", she said standing near the closed door. Though she couldn't see, she could literally feel his wicked smile behind the door. "It's okay Ms. Bose. I don't mind staying here", his reply came from the other side exactly as what she thought. "Dev please! If I stand here like this, all wet, I might catch cold soon. Do you want to see me ill?", she asked sounding dramatic but he was in no mood to give in to her. "Aww.. But Ms. Bose, I would love to see you wet, if it's for me", she sensed him smiling and it really took a minute for her to understand his double meaning joke. But when she did, she was totally tougue-tied. "Ugh! D..Dev! Go away!", she shouted from inside and heard him laugh aloud.

"Okay.. Okay! I will go. But you have to let me stay by your side, for all day!", he said and she sighed at him tiredly. Giving up, she agreed to him with no other choice. "Fine! But you should stay in your limits, okay?", she asked doubtedly and heard him chuckling. "My limits are bounded to you Ms. Bose", he replied and she narrowed her eyes confusedly. "Yes or no?", she was direct with her question. "Okay! Should I leave now or come inside?", he asked her teasingly. "Leave!", she was quick to shout. He shook his head smiling to himself and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. His smile soon faded and he let out a long breath, as an unknown fear crept over him. He wished he didn't give her any false hopes.


Sonakshi was standing near the balcony when she found Adithya walking to and fro down in the lawn, talking, no, literally shouting to someone through phone. Wondering what happened, she decided to ask him about the same and when she did reach him, he ended the call. "Ugh! Someone looks so angry", he heard and turned around to see Sonakshi standing infront of him with her arms crossed across her chest. "Do I?", he asked frowning and she shook her head in a yes making him frown more. Tiredly, he sat on the swing and looked at his phone. Sonakshi went and sat beside him while he kept staring at his phone like with a totally annoyed look.

"Anything related to business?", she asked. "Dad!", he replied and Sonakshi listened to him silently. "He wants me to get married this year", he added and on hearing the word 'Marriage' again, sonakshi couldn't help her mind from travelling back to the conversation she had with Dev this morning. And the thought itself made her go red in embarrassment! "See, you yourself became sad hearing my poor condition!", he interrupted breaking her reverie. "No no! That's not the reason", she was quick to refuse. "Then?", he asked her quizzically. "Umm", she thought smiling a sad one. "Adithya, you are lucky", she smiled and he looked at her confused.

"Atleast you have someone who would pester you to get married", she gave him a tight lipped smile and he by now understood what she was hinting at. Looking at her getting drifted into her thoughts, he decided to divert the topic. "Oh! Seems like someone wants to get married soon", he joked and hearing him she looked at him wide agape, shaking her head in a no. "It's okay. Don't worry. I am here to trouble you to get married. And tell me one more thing. Do you want me to find a groom for you or did you already found him by yourself?", he cocked his brows at her teasingly and she sensed herself going all red. Why was everyone reminding her of marriage from that morning and making her embarrassed?

"Wow! Looks like you already found him! Will you do the honour of introducing him to me atleast now?", he asked and Sonakshi stared at him silently. How could she tell Adithya that the person he was talking about was none other than his very own bestfriend with whom he thinks that she was always at loggerheads but instead he was the person whom she fell head over heals for. It would definitely be shocking for him but what bothered her more was if he will feel like she had used him to get closer to Dev, which she definitely didn't want. Ofcourse Adithya was a very good friend of her even before Dev came back into her life as his bestfriend.

Though she knew all this, she was skeptical about if he would understand her because in some way or the other, it was for Dev that she had called Adithya for this vacation. And she didn't know what he would think of her if he gets to know that. And before he would get to know it by himself, she thought it would be appropriate if she herself had told him everything. "Umm.. Adithya, I want to tell you something", she finally decided to break the ice and he nodded at her quizzically. "I don't know how you will react if you get to know this. But I am really sorry. I don't want our friendship to get affected by this anyhow", she sounded a little hesitant making him confused all the more.

"I...", before she could complete she heard a loud music of piano, making her startled. It took a minute for her to calm down her raging heartbeat because everytime she used to hear the same music in past, she always freaked out. But this time, it was somewhat different, she thought and a sudden smile appeared on her lips. "Excuse me", she stood up hastily and rushed inside the house, leaving a completely confused Adithya behind.


Sonakshi stopped at the door step of Devrath's room. A huge smile appeared on her face as she took in the sight infront of her. Dev was sitting near the piano and his fingers playing with the keys rhythmically. She could literally feel goosebumps erupting all over her body hearing the same music. This wasn't new to her. Infact he had played the same piano, earlier too. But now, something seemed different from then, her realization! She walked in, all lost and stopped a few steps away from him. She didn't want to disturb him either. Leaning her head to the side of the wall, she kept staring at him. She felt like a hopeless kitten, completely lost in love, all mesmerized by him. She closed her eyes, with a small smile playing on her lips as the music started sinking into the depth of her soul.


Shona stood leaning over the wall and kept staring at Dev who all lost in playing his piano, with a constant smile lingering on his lips which reflected on hers too. So soothing was the music that she couldn't help her heart from melting into a puddle. She wasn't an avid listener to music but his fingers did magic on the huge musical box, she thought. Suddenly the music ended breaking her reverie and it was then she noticed that Dev was already looking at her with an amused expression. He eyed her to come towards him and she did accordingly, like a lost puppy. When she stood beside him he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him making her land on his lap.

Shona gasped in shock realizing what he did and tried to get out of his hold but he held her waist and made her sit comfortably on his lap. "Do you like it?", he whispered in her ear and she immediately shook her head in a no, thinking that he was asking about their positions right now and he chuckled aloud. "I asked you about this", he pointed towards the piano and her eyes lit up forming a huge smile on her face, giving the answer for his question. "Do you want to play this?", he asked and she replied with an instant, "Yes!", making him chuckle. "Then go ahead", he said and she shifted herself on his lap uncomfortably. "Only if you let me do so", she pointed towards his hand wrapped around her waist.

But instead he smiled and turned her around making her sit inbetween his legs, facing her towards the piano. His hands were still around her waist and his face in the croon of her neck, making her gasp with the sudden intimacy. She knew, it was to some other level, more than what they shared so far but strangely she didn't want to stop him either. "Let's start. Shall we?", he whispered in her ears and she hummed in response, so soft that for a minute, he doubted if he heard her or not. He moved his fingers up, tracing the length of her arms and clasped her palms together in his hands, making her wither like a leaf. "Now place your fingers on each key", he took her fingers one by one and placed them on their position over the keys and gave each a gentle press.

"Each key represents each chord. They have their own level of softness and sensitivity", he pressed the first key holding her finger and caressed his stubbled cheek on her soft ones, making her shiver. "See!", he pressed the next key with her other finger and moved his face down to her neck, making her hiss in pleasure. Seeing her all lost, he smirked to himself. "Are you listening to me?", he asked as if he was innocent and she hummed in response subconsciously. She herself was not aware of what he was doing with her. He pressed the other key with her trembling finger and grazed his lips along the side of her neck, making her gasp. He neither let them touch her skin fully nor did he moved back, he just touched her then and there, making a shiver run down her spine.

"Can you understand the difference, now?", he asked and she hummed at him again, absentmindedly. Her mind still couldn't process which difference he was asking about. He pressed her other finger on the next key and pulled her closer to himself, cocooning her from the back. She was no where near to protest him. "Now?", he asked kissing her neck and her breath hitched as soon as his warm lips touched her cold skin. Her eyes closed in their own accord and he felt her leaning back on him. "Shona", she heard him whispering in her ears but she was totally lost in the moment to even respond to him and he very well knew that. "Listen to me", he murmured against her skin and she gulped down nervously.

She was trying so hard to listen to him but he himself was not allowing her to do so. And that's when she realized, he had a complete control over her! But soon she felt his hands loosening around hers and she opened her eyes slowly. She turned around only to see Dev giving her a remorsed look. She narrowed her eyes at him confusedly and he turned her around, to face him. "Can we continue this piano class after our marriage?", he asked a little hesitant and he looked at him quizzically. "I don't think I will ever be able to control myself if we continue further now", he said with a sad pout and her eyes immediately widened as the reality striked her. He was right, this time they went a little overboard.

"What? You want to continue the piano class it seems!", he asked her smiling playfully seeing her sitting still on his lap. "Dev!", she whined and was about to get off his lap but he pulled her down again. Before she could retort back, he turned her around in his hold, hugging her from back."This", he pointed towards the piano. "Is like a remembrance, a connection between us", he said while she listened to him silently. "Wherever you are, whatever you do, this music will make you run to me", he chuckled. "Reminding you all the precious moments happened between us", he added. "Forever!", he hugged her closer and kissed her hair while she smiled.

**End of flashback**

Suddenly the music stopped and Sonakshi shot her eyes open only to realize where she was. She looked around and gulped down nervously. What did she saw just now? Her face went pale as an unknown fear crept deep inside her. Did she actually see.. a glimpse of her past? "I know you will come!", she heard and shot her head up at Dev to see him standing beside the piano. She wanted to ask him how, but stopped herself from doing so. She saw him walking towards her and he held her hand in his.

"What happened? Why are you looking at the piano as if you had never seen it before?", he asked her jokingly but she didn't seem to avert her gaze off it. "Do you want me to take you.. piano class?", he asked and her heart skipped a beat hearing him. "W.. What?", she stammered though she didn't want to. "I can teach you, if you want to", he replied casually and she gulped down nervously. "No.. No need", she turned around panicked. She didn't know why or what she was fearing about. "Ms. Bose", he hugged her from behind and she closed her eyes relaxing herself in his hold. "Why do you look tensed?", he asked as she let out a long breath. "Dev, I feel so suffocated staying inside the house for so long. Can you take me somewhere out? Like a date?", she asked. He was right. She wanted to clear her now totally messed up mind.

"Umm.. Out?", he sounded a little hesitant. "Why? Any problem?", she asked over his puzzled expressions. "No.. No! I was just thinking as to where to take you in this village. If it had been our city, we would have gone for a movie date or a restaurant", he smiled though sounding nervous. "Do you know Dev, I have never been to a movie!", she said and he turned her to face him. "Don't tell me that you were studying all day to even spend some time in watching movie", he asked in disbelief and she gave him a meek smile. "You know me so well!", she said and he shook his head tiredly. "Okay! I will take you for a movie date. And it will be the best thing ever! The most unforgettable moment in your life!", he said and she looked at him amuzed. More than watching the movie she was all the more excited in seeing the surprise he was going to give her.


Sonakshi leaned back on the bedrest tiredly stretching her arms out. It's been more than six hours since she was glued to her laptop and all thanks to Dev. It was because of him she totally forgot about her work for the past two days. But strangely, she was happy about it. He kept her so busy to even let her think about anything beyond him. And it was ofcourse a good thing and she enjoyed every bit of it. Even now she need to literally push him out of her room so that she could complete her pending work. She was sure, if he stayed with her, he would never leave her to work, never! "2031 unread mails!", she sighed tiredly and scrolled down through her mailbox. But stopped seeing something weird. It was a mail from Rohan and it was sent two days back. But the subject was 'Translation'!

Wondering what translation it was, she was about to click the mail and it was then something striked her. It must be the translation of the message written on the paper that she found in Dev's room, two days back. But she was little hesitant to read it now. At that time she was curious to know about him and that's why she took that paper from his room even without his knowledge. But now that she knew what she meant for him, she was skeptical about whether to read it or not. What would Dev think if he found that she took something from his room even without his consent? She feared. But something in her asked her to go ahead. So pushing her thoughts aside, she decided to give it a look and clicked the mail open.

"Yamanashi Museum, Japan"

"Museum!", she wondered. "I have never even heard about this one before", she thought for a while. "May be it's something not at all important. Sona, you have wasted your time!", she shook her head and deleted the mail, before continuing what she was doing. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door and looked up to find Dev standing at the doorstep. "Don't push me out again. Enough of doing your stupid work", he said walking in and before she could reply back, he shut the laptop and threw it aside before grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the room.


"Wow!", Sonakshi gasped as Dev opened the door of the store room. There was a huge screen placed in the middle and a few chairs around. It used to be a store room before a few hours. But now, it looked nothing less than a theatre all set to screen a movie. She looked at Dev who stood beside her smiling widely and gave him a puzzled look. "Do you want to have a movie date with me?", he asked extending his and Sonakshi was more than amused. Did he make the whole set of a theatre just for a movie date that she asked him for? That too within a few hours? She wondered. Smiling, she placed her hand in his and walked in, beside him. As they reached near the screen, he gestured her to get seated but she stood there looking around. The hall was huge and there were a few more unfilled chairs. "Should we watch the movie alone?", she asked and he looked at her quizzically.

"Oh my god Sona! This looks so good!", Elena exclaimed seeing the huge theatre set up. Rohan and Adithya were also equally amazed by the sudden transition of store room to a theatre. "Did you really do all this for me? To surprise me for my birthday!", Elena asked surprised. "But Ma'am, there are eight more months for your birthday", Rohan interrupted and elena turned her gaze towards him. "How do you know about my birthday?", she asked him doubtedly and Rohan gulped down sensing that he was caught. "But Sonakshi, this really looks great! How did you do this?", Adithya came inbetween and Rohan sighed in relief as he somehow saved him unknowingly.

"Yeah, it was quite difficult", she smiled and looked to her left only to find Dev standing in one corner and shooting daggers at her. She very well knew why he was angry at her. He made all the arrangements to watch a movie with her alone. But she called everyone to join them, inspite of his protest. What to do, she wanted her first movie to be special, with all her friends! "Which movie are we going to watch now?", Elena asked as Dev stood there unwillingly. He so wanted to watch a movie with Sonakshi only, but she spoiled it big time. "Decide it yourself!", he said pointing towards the various hard drives placed on the table beside.

Sonakshi couldn't believe that he brought so many movies just for her sake. A tinge of guilt spread over her and she smiled at him coyly but he quickly averted his gaze from her. She knew she should definitely do something big to make him forgive her. On the other hand, Rohan was more than excited to watch a movie with elena. No, it wasn't with elena only. But even elena would be there with him. And that thought itself made him go crazy. "Rohan, any suggestions?", Elena asked and his smile instantly widened. He couldn't believe that she was ready to consider his opinion as well. "No Ma'am. Anything you like!", he replied grinning widely. But the words that left elena's mouth then, made even the tiniest of smile disappear from his face, filling it with nothing but horror, "Okay, so let's watch this. Anabella!".

Was the email that Sonakshi deleted actually useless or is there something more to it?

Precap : Horror movie and it's after effects! 👻😂💑

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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