45. The Movie Date

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Target: 110 votes.

P. S : Unedited chapter!

"Let's watch it, Anabelle!", Elena said and all the colours drained from Rohan's face. He looked at elena who excitedly got seated on the front row. She looked like a little kid who was given her favourite candy. He couldn't understand what excites her so much and why was she always interested in these paranormal stuffs when he was totally opposite to her. A few minutes ago, how he wished to watch a movie with her but she let it all go in vain. Forget the movie, now he just wanted to run away from there to save his life. He was about to make a move out, but stopped in his traces hearing something which he never wanted to.

"What makes you so excited elena?", Adithya asked elena chuckling. "Adithya, you don't know how much I love horror movies. They are so freaking cute!", she squealed and Rohan looked at her in disbelief. Cute! Seriously? "It looks like you haven't watched this movie before", she asked and Adithya nodded his head in agreement. "I knew it. Okay, sit here. It will be damn interesting", she said patting the place next to her and Rohan's eyes widened in shock. Images of Adithya and Elena watching the movie together flashed infront of his eyes. What if some ghost popped out of the screen all of a sudden and made them both scared resulting in a hand hold and eventually a hug! No no! He can't let it happen! The thought itself made him feel as if all the blood was sucked out of his body by some bloody vampire.

Adithya shrugged his shoulders and was about to sit beside Elena but all of a sudden Rohan jumped inbetween them from no where and sat beside elena making both shocked. "What are you doing Rohan?", Elena whisper yelled at him. He was very much spoiling her dream of watching a movie with Adithya, big time. "Ma'am, you know right? I might get scared in the middle of the movie. So let me sit here inbetween you two. So that I won't freak out", he said giving her a meek smile and Elena huffed in annoyance. But before she could retort back Adithya sat on the other side of Rohan. "Okay, let's start the movie. I am excited as you are", he said smiling and elena gave him a tight lipped smile. What to do, this stupid P.A. of her best friend made all her excitement go in vain within a fraction of second.

Sonakshi sat on the couch behind them and saw Dev was about to sit front, beside Adithya. Sighing in dismay, she quickly grabbed his hand before anyone could notice and dragged him behind to sit with her. "I am not sitting with you", he said with a poker face. He was highly disappointed with her for calling everyone for the movie and spoiling their date which he arranged with so much difficulty. The place they were in wasn't even a town and getting such things to prepare for a movie date wasn't an easier task at all. Still, he somehow managed to get everything within a short span of time just because she wished. But she herself spoiled everything by bringing everyone there and that made him more annoyed.

"And I am not asking your permission", she said pulling him down beside her making him frown. Elena switched on the projector and the movie began making Rohan gulp down in fear. He lowered himself down and covered his face with both his hands with his eyes still peaking from inbetween. "You are!", Dev almost shouted but Sonakshi clasped his mouth before the other three could hear him. "Sshh.. Slowly. I don't want others to hear what's going on between us. Let them watch the movie", she said removing her hand and he gave her a staunch look. "You are womanhandling me!", he spoke angrily and hearing him she giggled aloud gaining others attention.

Adithya and elena looked back at her like she had gone crazy and it was then she looked up at the screen. It was a freaking killer scene and here she was laughing like a maniac. She gave them a meek smile and they turned back confusedly. Rohan went almost under the seat in fear. Though he was scared to watch the movie he was even more scared to look back. He definitely know what Dev and Sonakshi would be doing together at the back seat and he sweared to himself to not turn back throughout the movie. "You are so cute Mr. Dixit", she said pulling Dev's cheeks making him frown even more. Here he was angry but she was making fun of her, he thought annoyed.

Before he could say anything they heard someone knock the door and saw Kichu standing with a tray full of popcorn and softdrinks. He walked in pushing the trolley and placed each of their respective cups in front of everyone. But Sonakshi stopped when he handed one to her. "It's okay kichu bhaiyya. I won't need this", she said with a tight lipped smile and he nodded at her before walking out. Dev was sipping his drink when suddenly Sonakshi grabbed the glass from his hand, startling him. He turned and looked at her wide agape seeing her drinking from his glass. Finishing her part, she licked her lips and showed him a two. "What?", he asked her confused. "Already two mosquitoes went inside your mouth. Close it if you don't want to eat more", she said and he immediately shut his mouth, giving her an annoyed look. "Why did you drink from my glass? You just now asked kichu bhaiyya to take back yours", he asked and she smiled at him coyly.

"I thought, let's share and add some romance. What say?", she smiled one sidedly, handing him the same glass and he shook his head in disbelief, letting out a long sigh. He took the glass and was about to take a sip from it but she stopped him. "Here!", she pointed to the other side and he found her lipstick mark there. "It will be sweet", she added smilingly and he couldn't help a small smile appearing on his lips, which he covered it up quickly. He placed the glass on the table in the front much to her dismay. "Where did you learn all this? Don't tell me you watched old romantic movies and got to know these sick ideas", he said but she nodded her head in a no.

"Elena used to say such things to me during her previous relationships", she said proudly and he shook his head in disbelief. Out of all, she chose elena as her love guru! Great! "And what makes it sick? This is so romantic!", she said joining her hands together and smiling at him dreamily while he looked at her in disbelief. Is she actually the same bossy and arrogant Sonakshi Bose he knew? But now she looks nothing less than a teenager who had just experienced her first love, dreamy and crazy, so unlike of herself! "So did elena tell you even to bring everyone in the house for a date?", he asked with annoyance dripping from every word of his and she gave him a sad pout.

She could very well understand how much he was pissed off with her but couldn't help now. She didn't know what got into her but she wished to watch the movie with everyone forgetting the fact that she should ask Dev's opinion too before bringing them there. Afterall he was the one who made all the arrangements for her only. "I am sorry", she held her ears in her hands and looked at him apolitically. But he immediately averted his gaze from her and fixed his eyes on the screen. She remained in the same position for some more time expecting any reactions from him but there was nothing! Sighing in dismay, she turned back to the screen, thinking of some other way to please him. She was no more interested in movie but only on the man beside her.

She turned at him who was just staring at the screen. She followed his gaze and narrowed her eyes immediately. There was nothing but a creepy looking walking doll. "Don't get jealous of that doll", she heard him whispering to her. "You both are no different", he added and furrowed her brows at him confusedly. She was neither concentrating on the movie to know what's that doll was about nor did she have any idea on what genre of movie it was. So she was completely clueless about his comparisons and that he was mocking her. She just gave him a tight lipped smile and saw him smirking, making her wonder why. But brushing her thoughts away, she decided to continue what she was doing, Mission pleasing Dev!

"You can hold my hand if you want to. It's dark and you might get scared", she said forwarding her hand to him to hold but he ignored her royally. Not getting any reply, she turned back and flared her nostrils in anger. Back to his egoistic idiot form again! Letting out a heavy breath and calming himself down, she turned to his side. Smiling, she placed her hand on his, which was on his lap and entwined her fingers with his authoritatively. But he didn't hold her hand back much to her annoyance. She looked up at him and found him staring at the screen as if nothing had happened. But deciding not to give up, she looped her hand into his, and rested her head on his shoulder. And surprisingly he didn't stop her from doing so.

Smiling to herself she looked at their hands. Though he didn't hold her, he didn't move his hand out of her grip too. She wrapped her other hand too around his and held his hand tighter inbetween both her hands. Bitting her lower lip, she folded his fingers one by one such that now their hands became entwined and a soft smile appeared on her lips. But soon it faded as he once again released his grip on hers, letting her go. Pressing her lips together in annoyance, she looked up at him who was still staring at the screen. She quickly clasped his mouth with her one hand and pinched his arm with the other making his eyes pop out of his sockets. "Dare you leave my hand again! Obhodro!", she whisper yelled at him removing her hand that was covering his mouth letting him calm his batted breath.

He caressed his hand that was almost reddened where she pinched and gave her an annoyed look. "What if I did it, again?", he asked and she gave him a death glare. "I swear I will kill you!", she gripped his hand tighter and turned back to the screen. "But what if you asked me to?", he asked looking at her and she became silent all of a sudden. She turned towards him and looked into his eyes, "I will kill myself!". Dev's heart skipped a beat hearing such a reply from her. This was something he never thought even in his dreams. He didn't know if she was serious or not when she said so, but her words shook him from within. He held her hand back and entwined his fingers with hers. Clutching them tightly, he brought it up and kissed the back of her palm and sensed her lips curve up a little. "I will never leave your hand even if you asked me to", he said and her eyes immediately lit up.

He took the glass that he placed on the table and rotated it towards the side of her lipstick mark and sipped the drink from there, looking at her from the corner of his eyes. "It's sweet", he said and she couldn't help herself smiling, with a tint of blush covering her cheeks. He placed the glass back on the table and asided her flicks. "If just the impression tastes this sweet, I wonder how the source of it will taste", he whispered and she immediately wetted her lips, understanding what he was hinting at. "Dev, everyone is here!", she spoke softly. She couldn't imagine what will happen if they all turned back and looked at them. That would turn into the most embarrassing moment of her life. "It's you who invited them. So bear the consequences too", he smirked nearing her and she closed her eyes in anticipation.


They heard the door flung open and Sonakshi distanced herself from Dev, making him frown. "Who is disturbing our movie time?", Elena yelled and they all turned back. But what they saw then made them stunned. The door was wide open and they all could see a tiny silhouette of someone standing near the doorstep. Rohan gulped down in fear and hid himself behind elena, with his eyes only peeking from there. "Mmm.. Ma'am.. I think.. it came... Ana...belle!", he spoke as his voice trembled in fear. "Oh shut up Mr. Nerd!", Dev yelled annoyed but Rohan was in his own misery. "Who is there?", Adithya asked and the tiny figure started walking in, making everyone panicked all of a sudden. Dev clutched Sonakshi's hand tightly but to his surprise she removed his hand hastily and stood up. Inspite of his protest, she walked out and switched on the lights. But what they saw then, made everyone sigh in relief.

"Golu?", Elena asked surprised seeing Golu standing there and she stood up quickly making Rohan fall down. It was then he realized whose silhouette it was and his face immediately turned rigid. "What are you doing here?", Sonakshi asked him surprised and Golu gave her a toothy grin, "I came to see you beautiful!". "Anabelle would've been better!", Dev murmured to himself, sighing in annoyance. "Haww! So you didn't come to see me?", Elena too joined them giving him a sad pout and golu immediately looked up at her. "Even you, gorgeous!", he replied smiling and Rohan gawked at him open mouthedly. How did this tiny boy manage to flirt with two women at the same time when he didn't even dare to talk to them without stuttering?

"That's so sweet of you, Mr. Handsome!", Elena replied back pulling his cheeks and he grinned at her widely making Rohan fume more. "Do you wanna watch a movie with us?", Sonakshi asked and Dev immediately snapped his head at her. After Elena, Adithya and Rohan now she was even inviting this little devil to spoil their movie date. "No!", there came another voice and they all looked back at Rohan. "I mean, ma'am it's a horror movie. He might get scared", he came up with a good excuse. And for the first time, Dev felt so proud of him.

"Oh, is it a horror movie?", Sonakshi asked amused and Elena looked at her in daze while Adithya chuckled. "What? Without watching movie what were you doing all this time sona?", she asked in shock and Sonakshi bit her tongue realizing what she said. She gave elena a meek smile and looked at Dev who was trying to hide his smile. Only they both knew what they were doing. "It's okay. I love horror movies!", golu said grinning and elena hi-fied at him. "So, then lets enjoy!", Sonakshi too joined them and they continued the movie, leaving the two boys who were desperately waiting for them, to sulk to themselves.


It's almost time to sleep and Sonakshi was eagerly waiting for Dev to return, but she didn't even saw him after the movie. Golu spent the latter part of the day with them in the bungalow and he kept her so busy by always playing or talking something to her. She found him unusually cute because she never had been close to any kid. Leave alone kid, she only had a very few people whom she could call as her close ones. In her workaholic life she realized that she had never spent any time to relax herself. She had never been to a movie and didn't even know to play a single sport. She always immersed herself in excessive work when she was in Delhi. But here she found her life going peaceful and smooth. It was then she realized, buying that bungalow was the best decision she ever took in her life. Little did she know that it wasn't a decision, but her destiny.

Suddenly, the door flung open breaking her reverie and her eyes immediately lit up seeing Dev entering in. "Oh God Dev! Where did you go all this time? I was missing you! Did you realize it's already late? Come soon!", she moved a little aside letting space for Dev on the other side of the bed. But to her surprise he didn't even spare a look at her. "Dev, are you listening to me?", she asked in disbelief and he turned back at her, giving her a staunch look. "What?", she asked confusedly as he continued shooting daggers at her. "What did you ask me now?", he asked hipping his hands angrily making her gulp down. "I asked you so many things. What are you talking about?", she asked confused and he narrowed his eyes at her.

"You were asking me where did I go, right?", he asked and she nodded her head at him slowly. She didn't ask anything wrong, she thought. "From the time when you were busy in watching movie with your golu molu to the time when you were lovingly feeding him food and finally kissing him good bye, I was right beside you!", he said stressing the latter and she gasped at him in shock. "It's just that you were so much involved in that little devil to even notice my presence", he huffed in anger. "Dev, he is a kid!", she whined quickly. "See even now instead of convincing me you are fighting back with me for him. What magic did he do on you? What is there in him that's not in me?", he asked annoyed and Sonakshi who was gawking at him till then, immediately broke into fits of laughter hearing him making him more annoyed.

"Dev, you are jealous of a little kid, seriously?", she asked in between her laughs and he sighed. "Not a kid but a devil!", he corrected her. "Says who? The devil himself!", she tried to suppress her laughter but couldn't. "Shut up okay! He is stealing all my time with you. Already there isn't much left", he said the latter part to himself which went unheard by her. "Okay baba sorry. Hereafter I will give all my time to you only", she held his hand but he got himself out of her hold. "Where are you going?", she asked seeing him walking away. "To sleep", he replied curtly. "But I am here", she gave him a sad pout as he was about to walk out of the room. "Are you going to sleep in your room, leaving me alone here?", he stopped in his traces hearing her.

Letting out a long breath, he closed the door and turned back. She smiled at him excitedly and hoped back on the bed. "This side or that side?", she asked arranging the bed but he snatched the pillow from her hand and threw it on the couch. "Are you going to sleep on the couch?", she asked shocked as he settled himself there without answering her. But the couch was too small to accommodate him that he needed to fold his legs to fit himself there. Annoyed, he stood up and spread the mattress on the floor. "Dev, it's not a good idea to sleep on the floor. It's too cold now", she said but he was in no mood to listen to her. He turned to the other side and pulled the duvet to cover himself making her sigh in dismay.

"Dev, I know it won't be comfortable. Come here and sleep", she said as he twisted and turned. "Or else go to your room and sleep. Why to sleep here in my room if you are not ready to sleep beside me?", she asked but he didn't reply. "See, he is not even replying me, obhodro!", she murmured to herself irritatedly which obviously went heard by him but he ignored royally. Giving up, she lied on her side of the bed and kept looking at him who had his back facing her. It's been a few minutes but Sonakshi was still wide awake like an owl. In these past few days he had habituated her to sleep beside him that now she didn't even get an ounce of sleep now.

Giving him a last longing look, she closed her eyes trying to grab the much needed sleep. But sleep was far away from her eyes. She felt like she had the most peaceful sleep in his arms only, totally free of her nightmares and bad dreams. She missed the warmth of his body, so comfortable and soothing. She opened her eyes and looked at him who was still having his back faced towards her. She let out a deep breath and smiled as suddenly something striked her. She closed her eyes again and imagined him to be lying beside her. Her fragile body wrapped up in his arms pulling her more into him as she snuggled closer to sink herself in his warmth. Her one arm wrapped around his torso and her face pressed against his chest. Him caressing her hair softly as she was slowly tracing his spinal column with her slender fingers, thus soothing him. Suddenly she felt him getting hold of her hand that was teasing him in his back and she jerked her eyes open.

Before she could understand anything, she felt herself pulled down and the next moment she was on top of him, on the floor. She blinked her eyes twice to understand that he actually invaded her day dream and literally pulled her out of it. "You disturbed my dream!", she narrowed her eyes at him accusingly. "Correction! Your dream about me", he smirked. "So what?", she was quick to ask and before she could complete he pulled her down and wrapped his arms around her body, pressing her face in his chest. "So now bear the consequences", he spoke and her eyes almost popped out sensing him touching the bare skin of her back. She shut her eyes and clutched his arms tightly. He traced his fingers down along her spinal column and went lower and lower making her breath hitch. And then she knew, she was caught, badly!


Adithya heard someone knocking the door and woke up from his sleep tiredly. Switching on the lights, he stepped down and walked towards the door to open it. But when he did, he was surprised to see the person standing there. "Rohan! What are you doing here at this time?", he asked yawning and looked at the clock. It's almost midnight. "Mr. Sharma, if you don't mind. Can I please sleep here in your room, for tonight only?", he asked gulping down and Adithya squeezed his eyes open. It was then he noticed Rohan properly. He was having a few pillows and bedsheets in his hand. He was wearing a pink colour sweater and a neon green muffler covering his head fully except his face. His big round glasses were peeking from them and he was almost shivering in cold.

"What happened to you? You were fine a few hours before", Adithya let him in and handed him a glass of water as he sat on the bed. He looked good after the movie though he disappeared after that. "Nothing much. Just the consequences of some bad dream", he gulped down reminiscing how the huge Anabelle doll chased him everywhere and he ended up falling into a pit. But then there came a few zombies alive and pulled him inside. After a lot of tries when he finally pushed them all down and started running away, there he saw the biggest nightmare of his life, Elena in a white frock and beside her was a vampire, cladded in a black suit taking wedding vows with her! It took a minute for him to realize who that vampire was and when he did, he went straight to the vampire himself, Adithya!

"Was it so bad?", Adithya asked breaking his reverie and Rohan sighed heavily before nodding his head in a yes. "But I will never let it happen", he murmured to himself determinedly and Adithya narrowed his eyes listening to him. "Did you say something?", he asked but rohan shook his head in a no. "Please let me stay here in your room tonight. I am so scared to stay alone in my room. I thought of going to Mr. Dixit's room but", he paused reminiscing the moment he saw Dev and Sonakshi cuddling together in Dev's room. If he went there again, he was sure that he would get to see more such uncensored scenes and he definitely didn't want that. He would rather watch Anabelle again than go to Dev's room now.

"But what?", Adithya interrupted breaking his chain of thoughts. "But but.. He would tease me. He always makes fun of me, you know", he covered it up and Adithya too looked convinced. "Please Mr. Sharma, let me stay here. Or else I have no other way than to sleep with Bruno only", he was almost on the verge of crying and giving up, Adithya too agreed to him, letting him stay there. And Rohan flashed his toothy grin thinking that his plan has succeeded. Now he was sure that he couldn't let Adithya and elena meet tonight and that made a wicked smile appear on his face.

It's been a few hours and Adithya woke up due to some loud noise. "I never know this village has frequency of wild animals roaming here", he squeezed his eyes and switched on the light lamp. He knew it can't be Bruno. It felt more like growl of a bear than a dog. But to his surprise, it came very much nearer to him. When he turned to the source of his sound, he was shocked. It was Rohan! He was snoring aloud in his sleep completely unaware of the horrible effects it had on Adithya. And inbetween his sleep he could hear Rohan murmuring something to himself. "How dare you!", Adithya heard him shout all of a sudden making him startled. "Bloody Vampire!", he continued and Adithya chuckled. Was he talking to a vampire in his dream?

"What have you done to her that she is so much into you?", he heard Rohan murmuring again and furrowed his brows his confusion. Who is into whom? "You are so bad. But she is so innocent", he continued making Adithya even more confused. He tried to ignore Rohan's talks and sleep but he was too loud. "You know, she likes you a lot", he paused. "But you are a vampire!", he completed and Adithya sighed. He couldn't understand which vampire he was talking about and not that he cared. All that he needed now was sleep and only sleep. So giving up, he finally decided to move out of the room but what he heard then made him froze at his place, "You are a bloody vampire, Adithya Sharma!".


Rohan heard some cracking noise and opened his eyes slowly. The surrounding was unusually dark and silent. He always let the lights on in his room and it was then he realized that he was in Adithya's room. Turning towards his left he found the bed empty. Wondering where Adithya went, he stepped down. He found the lights in washroom were also off so he was not even there. Suddenly something striked him and his eyes widened. Was his dream coming true? Are they both gonna marry in the middle of the night? He gasped in shock. He hurriedly went towards the door and was about to step out but the door suddenly shut close making him startled.

He gulped down in horror and looked at the closed door of the room. He wasn't imagining. It was open a while ago but now how it got closed all of a sudden? Brushing his fear away he held the handle and tried to pull it open. But it was too tight for him. He felt as if it was locked from outside. "Someone open the door please", he started banging the door with all his strength but in vain. Giving up, he took a few steps back but found something unusual towards his left. Gulping down in fear he turned around and was relieved to see nothing but a mirror, which showed his reflection only. He was about to walk away but stopped as something striked him. He looked back at the mirror and his eyes widened in shock.

He touched his forehead with his trembling fingers and saw his reflection doing the same. But the difference was, there was a plaster on his forehead in the reflection which wasn't present in his forehead actually. He squeezed his eyes shut and opened them again wondering if he wasn't looking at things clearly. But no, there was a plaster in the forehead of his reflection which he used to have a day before but not now. But what shocked him more was now, the plaster was even more bigger than what it was a while ago. His heart started thumbing aloud in fear and he moved a step back every second.

Suddenly, his foot hit the bed behind and he fell on it. Composing himself he looked up at the reflection again and his heart almost stopped for a while. There were plasters all over his body from head to toe revealing nothing but his eyes which were also covered by his broken glasses. Panicked, he held his face in his hand still looking at the mirror but suddenly something popped up behind him making him startled. His breathing quickened and he felt his heart jump out of his chest in fear. He slowly turned back and what he saw then made all the air knock out of his lungs. It was a huge dark silhouette standing tall with nothing but its red eyes visible, which was already staring at him.

"Mumma!!!", Rohan screamed aloud waking up from his sleep and held his chest in both the hands. It took a minute for him to understand that he was just dreaming all the while. He looked around and found himself in Adithya's room and sighed a little. Unlike his Dream, it wasn't dark but the night lamps were on. He looked to his left and found the bed empty. A sudden fear overtook him and he gulped down nervously. What if he went in search of Adithya again and the things happened in his dream happened for real? But still he couldn't let it like that. What if Adithya actually went to meet elena only? He felt even more horrible with that thought.

Suddenly he felt the sound of water gushing inside the washroom. Realizing that Adithya was in washroom only he sighed in relief and his gaze fell upon the mirror opposite to him. Flashes of his dream came before his eyes making him gulp down in fear. He quickly shook his head from left to right trying to brush away the thoughts, but he couldn't. Suddenly he heard a bark and found Bruno standing down near the bed, wiggling his tail at him. Seeing him, he quickly jumped down and hugged him with all his strength startling the poor creature. "Oh my god Bruno! You came! What I would've done if you weren't there!", he almost cried crushing Bruno in his arms and he gave a soft squeal. "Let's sleep together tonight, okay?", he asked sniffing and Bruno looked at him baffled, still being squeezed in his arms. "Thank you bruno! You are my saviour!", he squealed in joy that he didn't notice Bruno barked out loud, seeing a dark silhouette on the mirror.


Next morning :

Sonakshi woke up from sleep and was surprised to see herself lying on the bed. She quickly sat upright and looked around. Dev was found no where around. How she wished to wake up in his arms! But he disappointed her, big time! She looked around and found a row of pillows arranged on her either sides. "Do I look like a kid who will fall off the bed?", she wondered stepping down. Though it looked silly she loved how he took care of her by sticking to her all the time in these few days. She was never used to such kind of attention from anyone and this made her feel more special. She wanted her life to be like this, simple and beautiful, with him. But little did she know that her life has some other plans for her.

After freshening up, Sonakshi came out of the washroom to see her room still empty. She somehow expected Dev to be there when she was back but he wasn't. Wondering where he went, she decided to check his room and did so. She found the door of his room slightly open. Sensing he would be inside only, she walked in and found him lying on the bed with the duvet covering from his head to toe. "Here I am searching you since morning but you are sleeping peacefully! Obhodro!", she muttered annoyed. "I won't let you sleep", she said sternly and thought for sometime.

Previously when she lied beside him without his knowledge when he was sleeping and he caught her red handed. So that won't be a good idea again. Last night she did something daring and then it landed her in a big trouble, though a sweet one! So she dismissed that idea too. Suddenly her gaze fell upon the glass of water placed on the table beside. Her lips curved up as something striked her. Bitting her lips to suppress her smile, she took the glass in her hand and emptied the entire glass of water on his head, startling him. "Oh shit!", she heard a scream and her eyes immediately widened in shock. "Adithya!", she gasped as Adithya woke up from the bed all drenched in the water instead of Dev. At that moment, she knew, she screwed up badly.


"I am so sorry Adithya. I didn't know it was you", Sonakshi felt apologetic handing him a towel. "It's okay Sonakshi", though he sounded fine, she knew he wasn't. She just thought of playing thinking it to be Dev but she didn't really expect Adithya to be there. Thank God! She didn't implement any of her previous ideas! "By the way, I must admit. You are so cruel to Dev. You threw an entire glass of water on his face to wake him up! So bad!", Adithya said seriously and she gave him a meek smile. "What were you doing here, in his room?", she decided to change the topic. "Its because of Rohan only. He came to my room last night saying he was scared to sleep alone but then he ended up leaving me sleepless. So I came here to sleep here in Dev's room but surprisingly he was not here. Do you know where he went?", he asked and Sonakshi coughed her dry throat. How could she tell him that his friend was sleeping with her in her room last night?

"How do I know?", she shrugged her shoulders as if she knew nothing and Adithya too nodded at her, "Yes, how would you know!". "Infact I was searching for him since morning and", she paused as her gaze fell upon the photo frame placed on the dressing table. "Hey! I have never seen this before", she said surprised reaching the picture. It was a framed sketch of Dev and Adithya standing together. "This! Even I have a similar one in my house. It was done by Dev himself", he said taking the picture and Sonakshi's lips curved up a little. No one would know about his sketching skills better than her! "I don't know why but he is allergic to photographs. That's why we framed this sketch. May be he kept this in his luggage all the while and took it out now only", he kept it back on the table and Sonakshi smiled back at him.

"Okay, tell me if he comes back", she said and he nodded his head in a yes, "Sure!". She was about to walk out when Adithya suddenly stopped her. "Sonakshi if you don't mind can I ask you something?", he sounded a little hesitant. "Ofcourse you can", she smiled back at him. "What was that which you tried to tell me yesterday but left in the middle?", he asked and it was then something striked her. She decided to tell him about her relationship with Dev the previous day but then something came up stopping her. "Oh yeah, that one!", she didn't know how to start. Though she was hesitant she found it better to tell him everything now only. She didn't want him to get any bad impression on her for hiding her relationship with Dev, infact he was his friend too.

"I am sorry for hiding this from you Adithya and please I don't want this thing to affect our friendship", she said and he looked at her quizzically. "Actually Adithya.. Umm.. I have feelings for someone", she paused "And you know him well", she said and he looked at her in shock. "What? Who is that?", he was quick to ask. "Umm.. Don't get me wrong okay? I didn't mean to hide this", she sounded hesitant. "Oh god! Stop beating around the bush Sonakshi. Let it out", he sounded more than curious. "Umm", she pointed to his left, at the picture frame placed on the dressing table. "The one who is in your left", she said and rushed out of the room without waiting for his reply. Confused, he looked at his left and what he saw then made him froze. It was a mirror!

******************************************. So another set of confusion starts here! What will happen next?

Rohan's dream part (His encounter with ghost) was suggested by TheCheeky_Girl12 . But wait this is not the end!

Precap : Misconceptions!

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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