48. The Biggest Lie

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Target: 110 votes.

"You came here to steal this, right Mr. Dixit?", Sonakshi asked pointing towards the ruby in her hand and Dev froze. Words failed to leave his mouth as he stared at her in shock. This was the last thing that he had expected her to ask him. "What? Why are you looking at me like that? You never keep your mouth shut, didn't you? Then what happened now? Are you shocked because I found out your truth?", she asked him with anger dripping from her words. He could clearly see her eyes that were ready to spill the tears, but this time the tears of betrayal. "You want to know how I got to know it, isn't it?", she asked while all he did was to stare at her in silence. She slipped her hand into the pocket and took out a pendrive, the same one which she found in her room.


Sonakshi clicked the video open and what she saw then made her dazed. It was Dev talking to someone who was seated opposite to him but his face wasn't visible to the camera.

"So, I hope you understand now what to do Mr. Doctor", Sonakshi heard the other man say and she scrunched her eyes in confusion. She knew she heard this voice somewhere. "Okay!", Dev was quick to reply making Sonakshi wonder what he was agreeing to. "I will do what you told me to. But don't forget you should not forget your words", Dev added and Sonakshi listened to them confusedly. "Ofcourse not! If you stay loyal to me, I will stay loyal to my words. It's as simple as that", the other man said forwarding a bag and opened the zipper. Sonakshi looked at the video carefully and what she saw then made her eyes widened. The bag was full of money!

"You will get this too!", he said and Sonakshi gasped. What did Dev agree to do for the sake of money? By the way that man was behaving, he didn't give her any good vibes from him. But Dev closed the bag and pushed it a little aside. "I hope you know what I really want in return", Dev said seriously but instead she heard the man laugh. "I know you are smart. I understood it by the time you broke into the museum. But you should get that I am smarter than you. Even after you did it after getting the entire control of the museum, I still managed to take evidences against you", he said and Dev pressed his lips together trying to suppress his anger.

Sonakshi watched the video with a visible shock pasted on her face. When and why did Dev broke into a museum? What could be the need for him to do that? Though she couldn't understand anything, she could definitely sense something wrong. "So get my work done and I will stay by my words. You already knew the consequences when you denied", he said and Dev fisted his hands in anger. He was about to leave but stopped hearing him. "So Mr. Doctor, you have your countdown starts now. Come back with the ruby in Sonakshi's hand", he said and sonakshi's heart almost skipped a beat on hearing his words. Did she hear him say 'ruby'?

Before she could let the thing sink in her mind, the video ended and the next one that popped up was a picture which almost took her breath away. She slided, slided and slided and in each one of the pictures, all she could see was Dev hiding and walking into a room which looked so dark. These pictures looked more like from cctv footages that she could hardly see anything. But she could understand one thing for sure, he was doing something inappropriate! Suddenly her gaze fell upon a board placed at one corner of that room in the picture. She zoomed the picture in and she gasped seeing the name printed on it.

"Yamanashi Museum"

Yes, she could very well remember. This was the same museum which Rohan had mailed her about. The same name, which was written on the paper she found in Dev's room that day. Her gaze shifted to the empty glass case placed infront of which Dev was standing with a disappointed look. There was a board placed near it and she zoomed the picture to read what was on it. But when she did, she immediately froze seeing the words written.

"The Ruby"

It was then something striked her, yes, she had visited to this museum in Japan once. Not now, but before almost two long years! During one of her business trips to Japan, she was invited by her partner to this particular museum. And there was one unique piece of jewellery, which stole her heart instantly. Sonakshi gulped as her mind realized what it was. Trying to hold her pounding heart, she looked down at her right hand as in her finger it shone among the dark, the ruby!

**End of flashback**

Sonakshi threw the pendrive down on the floor making Dev startled. He stared at her in shock as the tiny rectangular thing fell on the floor with a cling. "Do you have anything to explain now?", she asked him angrily but he stood tight lipped. "So you came here to steal this ring from me but I, like a fool fell in love with you without knowing your intension. And making use of my feelings, you came closer to me to get what you want. And yes, now I got why you were glued to me all these days!", she said in disbelief. Everything started making sense to her slowly. What she thought to be his care for her, turned to be a trap instead!

"Elena kept telling me to not believe you, but I, even after knowing about you, that you have lied to me, I gave you time to confess everything. Do you know why? Because I trusted you! And what did I get in return? Betrayal!", she paused as her voice choked in. She had gone through so many pain because of him earlier, be his disappearance or his rejection and she somehow coped up with it. But what she is going through now is unbearable, because this time it's not only her heart which he broke but also the trust she had on him. People say that the word 'trust' is more powerful than the word 'love' and she learned it today in the hardest possible way.

"Sonaksh..", before Dev could say something she stopped him. "Dare you say my name Mr. Dixit! You lost all your rights long back!", she said and Dev felt his heart being crushed. This was not what he was expecting to happen. Definitely not! "Speak only if you have any explanation", she said and he went quiet. Somewhere she expected him to atleast say something that would be close to acceptance. But no! He was no where near to it. And from his silence she knew he had no answers. "Here you were lying to me and cheating me behind my back but I was so stupid that I was even ready to give myself to you! But thank God! Nothing had happened between us", she said as he shut his eyes unable to bear her accusitions.

"See you don't even have the courage to look into my eyes", she chuckled a sad one as he looked everywhere but her. "That's how a thief would be!", she muttered and he fisted his hands trying to stay calm. "But why? If you have asked me I would've given you my everything, from whatever I have earned to what I will earn in the future. But instead you chose to be a betrayer! I can forgive anyone Mr. Dixit, but not the one who fooled me behind my back", she said agitated. At this moment she felt like a fool for trusting him and relying upon him. A few hours back she didn't even expect that things would worsen to such an extent between them. But it did, and she didn't know if its for her good or bad.

"All these while, after getting enough of fooling me behind, you might have felt bad. So the reason why you stopped in the mid way last night is out of your guilt..", before she could complete he stopped her. "Enough!", he said in a stern voice making her look up at him. "Enough Ms. Bose! Enough of all your accusitions! I know I did wrong. And I am in a place to answer you. But that doesn't mean you can talk whatever you want. Yes, I agree. I came here for only one thing, for this!", he said holding her hand and showing the ruby, inspite of her protest."But do you even know why?", he asked but she pushed his hands off her getting herself free from his hold.

"What else than money!", she said angrily and he gritted his teeth in anger. "Money my foot!", he let out a deep sigh trying to calm himself down while she furrowed her eyes at him. If not money then for why did he do all this? "Because this ruby ring you have is no ordinary one", he said while she looked at him confused. "How do you know?", she was quick to ask. He took a deep breath and turned to look into her eyes, "Because it was mine!".

Flashback (9 years ago) :

"Hey you! Stop following me!", Dev shouted annoyed. It was one dusky evening when he was having his daily walk on the beach side of his university. It was already late and people were restricted to be inside the university campus at that time. But Dev somehow managed to stay inside till late night because strolling amidst the waves and sands gave him the peace of mind which his empty room failed to. He loved to spend time there sitting under the moonlight and sinking himself in it's jittery cool waves. He didn't know why but he felt contented whenever he did so.

"Didn't I tell you to stop?", he shouted again looking down at a crab that was crawling near his feet. Annoyed, he hipped his hands and gave it a death glare. "I know I look very good and ofcourse I'm the most wanted student in this university. But you can't keep following me just like that. You need appointment", he said grumpily but the crab digged the sand and went under it much to his annoyance. "Hey wait! I am talking to you!", he shouted again but in a fraction of second it disappeared and he sighed angrily. "Such a courageless fellow!", he shrugged his shoulders and was about to walk when the waves kissed his feet, wetting them and making them press under the sand. He suddenly felt something poking under his foot and confused he bent down to look what it was. But when he did, his eyes widened in surprise.

It was a beautiful ruby ring. Taking it in his hand, he kept staring at the stone in awe as it shined brightly under the moonlight. To say he was awestruck with it's beauty was a smaller word. He had never seen in his life, a ruby looking as royal as this one. It had its own aura which attracted him the most. "Do you know you look beautiful?", he asked looking at the ring. "I don't think anyone might have lost you here", he said looking around the empty beach. As it was an within the University it was usually restricted for students and even staffs to get there at odd hours. "But whom do you belong to?", he asked and his eyes widened seeing the ring glowing. "Woah! Is this a ring or flashlight?", he examined the ring front to back but stopped hearing someone.

"Hey! Who is there?", asked the security seeing Dev. He gulped down and stood up, quickly hiding the ruby inside his palm. "You! Didn't I tell you to not come here at this time?", the security asked annoyed seeing Dev standing rooted at his place. This was not the first time he was being caught by the same security guard. In the past, he somehow managed to escape from him everytime. But now, he knew it was difficult. "Wait I am going to complain you to the principal right now. You can't escape from me this time", the security was careful that he shouldn't let Dev go now. If he did, then he knew Dev would definitely come back again some day.

Not so later, Dev stood tight lipped infront of his angry principal and his favourite professor Dr. Charles. More than a professor he was like a guardian to Dev. No wonder Dev was his favourite student. Not only because he secures good scores in his subjects but also because of his way of handling things. He always found Dev to be an interesting personality, the one who does things only if he likes. But if he likes something, he knew he would attain it no matter what. The principal kept walking across the room folding his hands behind his back while Dev kept looking at him like a pendulum striking left to right. "How I wish to read people's mind! God help me! I definitely don't want to get suspended", Dev murmured to himself getting panicked. He looked at Dr. Charles with an apologitic look as if seeking for his help but he shrugged his shoulders and turned away much to his worries.

"So, Mr. Dev Dixit!", the principal roared breaking his reverie. Dev looked at him, who walked dangerously close to him with his protruding belly moving up and down. The staunch look pasted on his face was still intact. "What were you doing at this time inside the campus? Don't you know it's against the rule?", he asked in a stern voice while Dev kept shuffling  his mind for answers. He knew he should say something now to save himself from his principal's wrath. "No Mr. Robert. You are getting me wrong", Dev replied making Robert narrow his eyes at him. "Care to explain?", he asked and Dev immediately replied something which he realized to be very stupid only later.

"I was not inside the campus. I was standing outside the gate when this security pulled me inside and brought me here", he said but the principal looked at him doubtedly. "Do you mean to say that the security lied?", he asked raising his voice a bit. "Yes!", Dev replied confidenly as if it was the truth and the principal immediately shifted his gaze towards the security who was literally gawking at them. How can Dev lie about him infront of his own eyes? "What? How can you say like this?", he asked visibly shocked while Dev mentally prayed to get himself out of this situation. "I wish I can control minds and erase everything!", he mumbled to himself and looked at the security who was already staring at him. "Say no! Say no! Please!", Dev kept murmuring to himself while all he did was to stare at him.

"So tell me where did you find him?", the principal asked the security. "No!", he was quick to reply much to everyone's shock. "I have never seen him before", he added and Dev couldn't believe his ears. The principal's face redded in anger as he tried to suppress his growing rage while Dr. Charles gawked at them open mouthedly. "Then why the hell did you even bring him to me?", he shouted making the security gulp down. "That's what even I want to know", he replied confusedly and the principal got it enough. "Get out!", he shouted and the next minute all three of them were outside his room.

"How did you do that?", Dr. Charles asked and Dev narrowed his eyes at him. "What did I do professor?". "Don't tell me you don't know what happened right now! You just controlled his mind and made him forget everything", he replied while Dev looked at him agape. "Dr. Charles you can't be serious!", he said in disbelief. "I'm very serious Dev. May be you didn't realize it still", he paused while Dev looked at him quizzically. "You might even have the whole world in your hand. So be careful in what you ask for", he smiled and walked away leaving Dev wonder over his words. But suddenly something striked and his eyes widened in shock. Weren't these the same things he wished to do, to control and erase the security's memory?

He looked down his hand and opened his fist to find the ruby still glowing. "Aren't these all your work?", he asked looking at the mysterious ruby. "But how is that possible?", he thought for a while. "Whatever! Now that you came to me, you are going to be mine!", he smirked looking at the ring and quickly removing his chain he inserted the ring into it. "It's going to be fun now!", he smiled looking at the ruby ring in his chain.

End of flashback

Dev looked at Sonakshi who was already staring at the ruby in her hand, "And that's how", "You got to read and control people's mind!", she completed for him and he let out a deep sigh before nodding his head in a yes. "So another lie!", she murmured reminiscing the time he told her about how much he had practiced to read people's mind. It was so real that she actually believed all his words like a dumb. "If all you wanted was this ring, then you could've asked me the same. Why to play with my feelings? Is it just for the sake of fun?", she asked in disbelief as tears blurred her vision. She still couldn't believe that whatever he said was nothing close to truth. He kept feeding her with so much lies and she trusted all his words like a fool. But in the end all she got was to end up with a broken heart.

"I agree", he said breaking her reverie. She looked up at him with painful gaze. "At first, I did everything for fun. I was surprised by the way you kept ignoring me and that attracted me to you as well. So I". She interrupted, "So you decided to play with my emotions and leave me when you are done, right?", she ranted at him. Was she a toy that he could play and throw her away when he got bored of her? "Listen, you are taking everything in a wrong sense", he tried to explain. "Listening to you was the biggest mistake I have ever done. And I don't know why I am doing it still!", she held her head in her hands. Nothing had pained her more than this, not even his rejection.

Dejectedly she sat back on the bed with her face buried in her palms. She didn't know why but she couldn't even cry. She just wished to get lost somewhere far away so that no one could reach her. Seeing her, Dev knelt down infront of her trying to remove her hands. "Listen to me, please", he pleaded but she pushed his hands away furiously. "Why? Why should I listen to you?", she shouted in anger. "Because I love you!", he shouted back and her heart almost skipped a beat. These were the words she was dying to hear from him, but not at this moment. "I love you Sonakshi! Please listen to me once", he begged and her eyes softened.

"Another lie!", she whispered as her voice choked in. He quickly shook his head in a no and held both her hands in his. Though she protested at first, she eventually gave in. "This is the biggest truth of my life, of our lives!", he said. "Okay. But If you love me then why did you leave me alone? Why were you ignoring me all the while? Why were you acting infront of me? You asked me for a time of 7 days but at the end you might've left me alone again, don't you?", she asked in disbelief and he shook his head in a no. "You know only half of the truth. And half truth is more dangerous than a lie", he said. "Then tell me the whole truth. I am ready to hear it, whatever it might be", she said sternly and he knew it's her right to know everything now. He can't hide everything from her this time. Though it would break her, he knew she should accept it.

He took a deep breath and continued. "I didn't know when and where did it started, but I started falling for you without my own knowledge. It's not easy for a woman to survive in this men dominated world and shine out among them unless she is fearless. I thought you were perfect but after knowing your fears and flaws, I started admiring you more. I loved how you fought with your fears alone for all these years and eventually overcame them. Everytime you argued with me, I loved how you kept your self-respect over everything. But for the first time, when you opened up to me, I loved your purity. I don't know if that innocence of your smile when you danced with me in the rain, was the one which made me fall for you more. But if I can I will get back in time and freeze the moment then and there", he smiled a little while she kept listening to him all the while. She never thought that he would've been noticing her this much, in detail. Images of the sketch of her from their dancing moment in rain flashed infront of her eyes making a warmth spread across her heart. She knew he wasn't lying this time.

"But then, one day you were about to return to where you came from and it was then the reality striked me. You felt nothing for me! For you, I was just a friend but for me you were the person I looked upon, I admired, I adored and loved with all my heart. Understanding that I can't make you reciprocate my feelings, I decided to let you go with this ruby, as a symbol of my love", he looked at her hand at the ruby, that shone among their tears and Sonakshi felt her words struck in her throat. Did he really love her so much even before she started loving him? "But, then after realizing my feelings I came back for you, isn't it? Why didn't you accept me then?", she asked and he shut his eyes.

"I wanted to, but I was not supposed to", he said and looked up at her confused face. "Means?", she asked quizzically. "Do you know how this ruby which I had protected for years came to you?", he asked and she kept staring at him quietly. "With this ruby, I was very successful. Everyone thought that I had some superpowers to understand the mental state of my patients and cure them. And yeah, it's true", he chuckled. "I had this ruby. But no one knew about it. Some believed that I can read people's mind because of my practice while some believed that I was just cashing over them. But whatever it was, at the end of the day it was all a profit for me", he smiled while she listened to him curiously.

"Everything was going fine. But one day, I don't know how but this ruby went missing and that's it. I lost all my everything. There wasn't even a single place that I failed to search for this ruby. And finally I found it in Japan, in Yamanashi Museum. I know it's wrong but it's true that I went to steal it. I was careful enough to turn off the cameras there and somehow managed to get in", he paused. "But to my shock it was not there. It was then I came to know that someone had bought the ruby that evening and it was no one but you!", he said. "So you tracked me down and came here to steal this ruby from me, right?", he nodded his head in agreement and she looked at him in disgust. How proudly he was admitting everything as if he had done some divine job!

"Yeah and you know everything after that", he said and she sighed. "Still you didn't answer my question. If you loved me then why were you ignoring me when I came back searching for you?", she asked and he went silent. "Because I am a thief, a fraud and a cheater. I don't deserve you", he said and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Shut up!", she yelled and he looked at her amused. "Don't even think that I will deny to what you said. Never!", she paused and he stared at her tight-lipped. Oh yes, he is ofcourse a thief with no doubts! "But I know you are lying now. I am sure this is not the reason. Tell me the truth atleast now", she said and he looked everywhere but her.

"Who is Mr. W?", she asked and he looked at her shocked. "I know he was the one with whom you were talking in that video, the one who was threatening you to take this ruby from me", she paused, "And also the one who kept this pendrive in my room with a note as 'Well wisher'", she said and he looked at startled. "Did he came here, again?", he gasped in anger. "Again?", she sounded suspicious as he looked everywhere but her. "I'm sorry", he looked up at her apologetically making her doubt grow more. "I.. I erased your memory once!"


"So already he came inside the house and left a threatening letter in me room", she said in disbelief to which he nodded at her in a yes. "So it was him who scared me that morning when we went to see Golu's grandfather", she said reminiscing that day when someone tried to threaten her. She could very well remember how Dev refused believe her then, but only now she got to know why. "Probably", he said doubtedly. "But who is he? How did he get to know you?", she was quick to ask and Dev let out a deep sigh, "Mr. Williams!".

Flashback :

"Why the hell did you bring me here? What do you want from me?", Dev asked angrily as he was brought inside a dark room by a few men. "The Ruby", he heard and looked up only to find a man with grey eyes and fair complexion. His British accent showed that he wasn't someone belonging to here. "Which Ruby?", Dev asked as if he wasn't aware of it. "The same ruby which made you the most popular Psychologist of London Mr. Doctor!", he said and Dev gasped. How did he come to know about his secret? "I don't know what you are talking about", Dev replied and turned away his gaze, but only until he saw the pictures scattered on the table beside. It was a picture of him inside the Yamanashi museum when he went to steal the ruby!

"The same ruby for which you broke into the museum careful enough to not get caught in the security cameras. But your bad luck, I caught you!", he chuckled seeing Dev turning pale. "What do you want?", Dev managed to ask. "The ruby", he shrugged his shoulders. "But I don't have it", Dev was quick to reply. "I know", he paused. "I even know where it is now and I want you to get that for me", he said and Dev looked at him bemused. He knew it's with Sonakshi now and he willingly left it with her, because he felt that it belongs to her. "What if I say no?", Dev asked furrowing his brows. "What if I say I will kill her?", he asked and before he could complete Dev stood up to hit him on his face but was stopped by his men.

"Uhh! Relax Mr. Doctor! Wanna have water?", he asked forwarding the glass to Dev but he pushed his hand making the glass shatter into pieces. "Stop trying to threaten me. You can't even near her till I am alive", Dev yelled. "Really? Okay! I take it as a challenge", he stood up shocking Dev. "No! What are you going to do?", Dev asked panicked. "You can see it with your own eyes Doctor", he smirked making Dev furious. "I won't let you..", before Dev could finish, he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head and everything around him got blurred making him feel dizzy.

Dev opened his eyes slowly to the bright rays of sunlight and found himself sitting inside a car. Wondering where he was he quickly got out of it and scrunched his eyes, he could still feel the pain at the back of his head and it was then he remembered when and where did that happen. He looked around confusedly and realized that he was infront of Delhi airport. Confused he was about to turn when his gaze fell upon someone walking out of the exit. "Ms. Bose!", his eyes widened in shock as his eyes met with her dark ones. The shocked look on her face was soon replaced with a happy one and he could see her smile widening seeing him. Gleaming, she literally ran towards him and he was so much lost in looking at her that both failed to notice a car approaching her from the other side.


Dev froze as Sonakshi was thrown on the other side, hit by the car and now lying on the road covered in a pool of blood. Gaining his senses back, he rushed towards her but was caught by a few men on his way and thrown into a van. "I guess now you got to see that my threats are not a joke", Dev heard and turned back to find the same person who kidnapped him back then. "Why did you do this to her? Let me go. I will kill you if anything happens to her", Dev shouted trying to get out of the men's hold but he laughed. "Don't worry. She is still alive. See, she was taken to the hospital", he pointed outside and Dev looked out through the window to find an ambulance leaving the place.

Dev fell back on the seat with his face buried in his palms. "Get me the ruby. I wont trouble her after that", Dev heard him and looked up at him agitatedly. "Okay!", he agreed. "Good! But remember, don't keep emotional connect with her. If I find out anything of that kind then I'm not responsible for the consequences", he said and Dev looked at him shocked. Why does he care about his relationship with Sonakshi? "I don't like questions. So keep it within yourself. And yes, I hope now you get what you need to do Mr. Doctor", he said. "Okay!", Dev agreed without any other choice.

End of flashback

"So this is what was recorded in that video", Sonakshi murmured reminiscing the video she got to see in the pendrive she found in her room. "And it was not my illusion when I said I saw you before I met with that accident", she said and Dev nodded. "I felt so helpless that I couldn't do anything when you were struggling for life infront of my eyes", he said reminiscing that day. "So you left me!", she said more of a whisper and he looked up at her. "I came back again, to meet you in the hospital", he said and Sonakshi looked at him in shock. So it wasn't her dream when she found Dev on waking up after the accident. He had really came to meet her!

"It was there I got to see my friend Adithya and I was surprised to know he was your business partner. After that I often came to see you and used to watch you from afar because that's what the only thing I was supposed to do. So using Adithya's birthday party as a chance I came back again. The moment I saw you I just felt like holding you in my arms and never let you go. But then, I can't do that because I came for something else!", he smiled sadly and she felt bad. She thought that she was the only one suffering during those days. How wrong of herself! "And then when you confessed your feelings for me, I was shook. I went numb because that was the moment I never even thought in my dream. But when it happened in real, I was force to push you away! How ironical!", he said with a sad smile and she placed her palms over his'.

"I thought you will forget me and move on in life after I rejected you. But you came back stronger than before and that made me speechless. That's when I realized how strong my Ms. Bose is!", he smiled and she chuckled. "And according to your plans you brought me here along with Adithya. Though it was unexpected I accepted it because that will help me in my mission too", he said. "To steal the ruby", she said in disbelief and he shrugged his shoulders. She shook her head tiredly as he continued. "But I was sure to keep my emotions on check because that can bring danger to you. And that's why I stupidly used to tease you with Adithya so that I can get over you. But even that couldn't help me and it ended up even worse than what I thought", he mumbled and Sonakshi gave him a staunch look.

She knew, more than anything playing with Adithya's feelings was the worst thing he had ever done. "I tried a lot. But you never let me go. Do you even know how hard it was to control myself when I was near you? That too when we were sitting among everyone and you were thinking stupid stuffs in your little brain, provoking me so much that I felt the urge to take you then and there!", he said and she gasped turning red."But then even I am a man and I couldn't control myself. As a result, you know what happened that night after we played truth and dare", he said and Sonakshi reminisced the first time he kissed her. No, actually it was not first because he had previously kissed her when she was asleep. But still it was the first kiss about which she had a memory, a beautiful and unexpected memory!

"I thought I could solve this mess within a week and give this ring to Mr. Williams. Though after that I was not sure about his next move, I had a hope that I could leave all these and go far away taking you with me and having a happily ever after", he smiled. "But then", he paused with a sullen look on his face. "Then what?", she was quick to ask and he took in a deep breath. "I know you will be angry at me for what I did last night. Infact you should definitely be!", he said and her mind immediately went back to the moment he left her in the middle last night. At that moment, she felt so dejected more than confused and ofcourse so left out both physically and mentally.

"I.. I am sorry Sonakshi. I don't know how you will feel after hearing this. I don't even know if you will forgive me after getting to know this. Because this was biggest blunder I have ever done", he said and she looked at him doubtedly. What else did he do as if what he did already wasn't enough? He stood up and walked towards the wall, pulling the cloth revealing a huge portrait, the same portrait which she had kept in his room in the thought of gifting him the next morning, the completed picture of Devrath and Shona! "This!", he pointed towards the picture nervously. "Is the biggest lie of all", he said and she stood up walking towards him. "Means?", she sounded more scared than ever. "This isn't true Sonakshi", he paused and looked at Sonakshi who feared for the worst. And as she thought, the words that left his mouth next, made her shook. "I.. I am not Devrath Rajvanshi!".

So Devrath and Dev Dixit are two different people, is it so?

Precap : His wish 💔

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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