49. I Still Love You!

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Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 110 votes.

"I am not Devrath Rajvanshi!"

An eerie silence filled the room and Sonakshi stared at him silently. Words failed to leave her mouth as her mind was too much occupied to process what he said. "It.. It was all a lie", he said looking everywhere but her unable to meet her strong gaze. "L.. Lie!", her lips trembled in fear. What did he mean by lie? It's true that she was the one who modified that picture. After getting the picture of Devrath completed by Saurab, she further asked him to modify it with reference to what she remembered from the pictures of Shona she got to see in Golu's house. She thought it would surprise Dev because she had never found a picture of Devrath and Shona being together in that bungalow except one sketch of them from Devrath's letters to Shona. But to her bad luck, she lost that too after her accident.

"Lie means?", she asked again but Dev stood tight lipped. He looked like he was trying so hard to collect his words to explain himself but couldn't. She walked towards the potrait with her gaze fixed on their faces. "Oh yes! I was the one who modified this picture. But that can't make it a lie Dev. And.. And I know you are Dev Dixit!", she chuckled at her own joke touching the picture with her trembling fingers but he shook his head. "I lied Sonakshi! I lied to you!", he stressed the latter and she turned back to face him quickly retrieving her hand back from the picture. He took a deep breath and looked into her eyes that were already boring into his. "I know it's hard for you to accept but this is the truth. I am not Devrath! I can't be Devrath!", he said and she felt like all the air knocked out of her lungs. Though her mind was hinting at what he was trying to say, her heart was not ready to accept it. This can't be true!

"Stop lying!", she spatted at him and her voice was filled with nothing but anger. He looked up at her painful gaze and his heart immediately filled with guilt. "What had happened all these days was a lie! Not this!", he said and her heart skipped a beat. If he was trying to pull some prank on her now then she was not at all going to leave him just like that. "Initially, I wanted to make a better connect with you and Devrath's story helped me in it", he said and Sonakshi looked at him in shock. What was he trying to say? "What.. What do you mean by story? Was that all just a story?", she asked hesitantly with nervousness clear on her face. She had enough for the day. Now it's getting too much for her to handle. She didn't know which was worst out of all the things he revealed to her, him being a thief or him being a betrayer?

"It was a story, but someone else's story. Not ours!", he said and she looked at him stunned. "N.. Not ours means?", she stammered. "I read Devrath's diary way before giving it to you", he said and she looked at him shocked. "Neither I am Devrath nor you are his Shona. I.. I just made it up", he said and Sonakshi felt the floor beneath her feet shift. She knew she was not at all ready for what's coming next. "To make you believe, I did everything, from repeating the lines from his diary to using your sketches when needed. I hope you remember the time when you got to see your sketch hanging on the walls of Devrath's room. It was me who put it there", he said and all the colours drained from her face.

She could very well remember that moment which he was mentioning about and how scared she got to see her sketch in Devrath's room but then it disappeared suddenly. Thinking about it still made a chill run down her spine. "But then I didn't expect such a reaction from you. You immediately fainted and fell ill. I felt so guilty and that made me take care of you until you were back to being healthy. But it was then I came to know about your medical history through your doctor. And.. And.. I shouldn't have done that. But I was so selfish that I made you go through the nightmares and..", before he could complete he felt a sharp pain on his left cheek and immediately shut his eyes. Holding his cheek with his one hand he looked up to find a furious sonakshi with tears filled in her eyes. She slapped him!


"You are here!", Adithya said and hearing him elena who was scrolling through her phone leisurely lying on the swing in the garden, stood up with a sudden jolt. Rohan who was following Adithya till then, stood behind a pillar from afar trying to listen to what they were talking. But to his bad luck, he couldn't hear anything. "I was searching for you everywhere", he said smiling making her heart skip a beat. "Searching for me? Really?", she asked adjusting her hair and correcting her appearance. She knew she was looking like a mess. But she never thought that Adithya would be searching for her that too this early in the morning. If she had known that already then she would've stayed awake the whole night and dressed herself like a queen. But now all that she prayed for was that she shouldn't look like a begger infront of him.

"Yeah.. I want to ask you something", he said flashing one of his brightest smile making her heart melt. "Anything! You can ask me anything Adithya", she grinned widely. She knew it's too much but is he going to ask her a date? That thought itself made her squeal. "I just want to know what Sonakshi likes? Like what's her favourite flower, food, music, something like that", he asked and she huffed in dismay. Did she dream a little too much? "Umm.. She likes white tulips. In food she likes Italian cuisine. And music, back then, she never used to listen to any kind of music but nowadays she is fond of soft music, all credits to that devil", she murmured the last part to herself which went inaudible to him.

"Okay! I have noted everything. Thanks", he replied with a tight lipped smile and turned back to leave but elena stopped him. "Wait! But why are you asking all this? Are you planning any surprise for her?", she asked and Adithya nodded his head in a yes smilingly. "Wow great! But wait! It's not even her birthday", she looked at him quizzically but instead he smiled. Why was he planning for a surprise to Sonakshi all of a sudden? "Shh.. Let me tell you a secret", he gestured her to come closer which she did quickly. Rohan who was watching all this from a far felt his heart shattering into pieces. He could literally see his nightmares coming true infront of his eyes and unable to take it anymore, he walked inside the Bungalow.

"I am going to propose her", Adithya said and Elena looked at him agape. She blinked her eyes twice to let his words sink in her mind. But when it did, she couldn't stop herself and started laughing aloud making him shocked. "Haha... Seriously? Where do you get such ideas? Who even keeps a business proposal with favourite flowers, food and music? It will look like you are proposing your love for her", she said still laughing. "Yes! Exactly!", he smiled making her laughter die in her throat. "Wh... What!!", her eyes almost popped out in shock. She felt her heart breaking into pieces hearing those words from him. This was nothing less than a nightmare to her. If Adithya is in love with Sonakshi then what happened to Dev and Sonakshi? Her mind was bombarding her with questions.

"Why is everyone becoming so shocked after hearing this? First it's Dev and now you!", he said and her eyes widened. "Are you serious? Did you even tell this to Dev?", she asked in shock. "Yes! Infact he was the who made me realize", he said calmly and Elena looked at him disbelief. Dev made him realize? How can that be possible? "No! I mean there is some serious misunderstanding here", she tried to make him understand while he looked at her quizzically. Keeping aside her feelings she very well know how madly Sonakshi is in love with Dev and she didn't want this new misunderstanding to create any havoc in her life. She didn't even know whether it was appropriate for her to tell Adithya about what Dev and Sonakshi feel for each other. She didn't know what impact it will bring on him. "Okay please wait! I will be back", she said rushing into the bungalow leaving a confused Adithya behind.


"DR. DEV DIXIT! One of the best psychologist in London! Wow!!", Sonakshi clapped her hands sarcastically and Dev looked at her stunned. "Psychologist! You!! Chiii!!", she spatted at him angrily. "I have never seen a person like you in my life. I don't even want to see another one. You are enough! And you did enough to me!", her voice choked in. "S.. Sonakshi", his voice was more of a whisper as the guilt inside him kept eating him. "Enough! Enough! I don't even want to hear my name from you", she shut her eyes letting the trail of tears slid down her cheeks and he stood there dumbfounded. He knew what he did was not something which anyone could accept easily. Infact he didn't even expect her to accept him. He knew he deserves all this and he was expecting her to react the same way.

"Do you know who a doctor is? He is someone who saves lives. They are equal to God. But you! You don't even know how to respect a person", she shouted. "You not only played with my feelings but also made a joke out of me. You just ruined my whole damn life!", she slid down on the floor holding her head in her hands. Seeing her losing herself he quickly rushed towards her but she gestured him to stop. "Stay there! Don't even try to come near me! I don't know what I will do if you did so!", she said more of a warning making him rooted at his place. He knew she was at the peak of her anger and he should handle her carefully. A single wrong step might lead to destruction. He did a lot already!

"Haww! Now I got why you left me alone last night", she faked a smile. "Because I thought about Devrath! I thought about Devrath's words! Not yours!", she said smiling a sad one and he shut his eyes. Yes, it's true. That was the reason why he left her in the middle. In their personal moment, instead of thinking about them only, her mind thought about Devrath, the one under whose identity he had hidden himself for all these days. Though he knew, for her both were same, his heart failed to accept Devrath's thoughts in her mind when he himself was with her because he knew the truth. THEY ARE NOT SAME!

"Yes! Yes I got confused with your words and Devrath's words. But I will never do that again. Never! Because you, are not even worth comparable to him!", she shook her head in a no as tears in her eyes failed to spill out. "He lost his life for the one he loved. But you! You said that you loved me right?", she asked angrily and he looked up at her teary eyed. "I still love you Sonakshi!", his words were from the bottom of his heart but she smiled at him sarcastically. "Love my foot! At first, you wanted this ruby so you chased it everywhere. But now you wanted me, I don't know for what and you are doing the same. This is not love! This is obsession!", she said and he fisted his palms trying to calm himself. Her words were hurting him more than he ever thought. "You claimed to love me and played with my feelings all the time. But now you not only played with my feelings but with my whole life! You ruined my everything!", she cried and he felt the rush to hold her in his arms but stopped himself. He knew he don't even deserve to even stand infront of her after what he did.

"Everytime you came up with some excuses when I caught you, I accepted that too. Because I trusted you. I loved you. I gave my everything to you. But you! You lied. You cheated. Even after knowing about my problem you decided to play with my mind and heart. How cheap can you get?", she asked and he looked everywhere but her. He didn't even have the courage to look into her eyes. He knew someday he need to deal with this. But now, he could feel the pain in her getting more than he expected it to be. "Everything is for this ruby right?", she asked pointing towards the ring in her hand as he looked up at her. "Let me throw this on your face", she wiped her tears. "And I don't even want to see you after that. Just go away from here", she said trying to pull out the ring and Dev looked at her appalled.

"No, I'm not going anywhere from you. And I don't even want that ruby now", he said but she was not even ready to listen to him. She tried to pull the ring out of her finger but it didn't even budge a little much to her shock. "Why the hell it is not coming out!", she huffed angrily, trying harder and harder but the ring doesn't seem to come out. "Sonakshi stop hurting yourself", he tried to stop her but she didn't let him to. She tried so much to pull it out but realizing that it's not working she stood up hastily making him startled. Looking around, she walked towards the table and before he could understand what she was doing, she placed her right hand on the table and took the vase in her other hand.

But before she could hit her hand with it, Dev realized what she was trying to do and quickly pulled her by her elbow making the vase hit the table, shattering the glass pieces everywhere. "What the hell are you trying to do?", he shouted in anger pulling her hastily and she shrieked aloud holding her hand. It was then his gaze fell upon a piece of glass piercing the skin of her palm, making the blood ooze out. His eyes immediately softened and he held her palm in his hand trying to remove the glass piece out but she was quick to pull her hand out of his hold. "Move back! I.. I feel disgusted when you touch me!", she flinched and he felt something prick his heart. Is she the same one who badly wanted to be in his arms till a night back? How much he had messed up everything that made her feel like this!

Giving up, he stopped himself and tried to calm her down. "Sonakshi listen! Your hand is bleeding!", he tried to near her but she moved back. "Don't.. Let it bleed! Let it pain! I deserve this for trusting you blindly", she said and he stared at her silently. Her words were painful enough to kill him, he thought. It was then her gaze fell upon the portrait that was on one corner of the room. Walking towards it angrily, she looked around and found a bottle of red paint on the table beside. Before Dev could understand what she was doing, she took the bottle and threw it on the portrait covering the whole picture with red, much to his shock. "What are you doing?", he asked her panicked. "Destroying everything you have created", she murmured angrily and walked out of the room leaving him shattered. He covered his face with his palms and sat down on his knees. Can it get anymore worse?

"What have you done?", Dev looked up to find elena standing at the doorstep nervously. "Elena, I didn't..", before he could say something she interrupted him. "Adithya said that he is gonna propose Sona", she said and Dev looked at her gobsmacked. "And you are the one who made him realize. What's this new drama?", she asked irritatedly. She was already annoyed with whatever Dev did to Sonakshi. Be it hiding his identity of being a Psychologist or the way he behaved as if he didn't have anything with her when they met at Adithya's party. But after that when sonakshi told her that they have reconciled, she believed that he had changed. But now, what he did to Adithya was something she had never imagined. Was he trying to hook up his own girlfriend with his friend? "Listen, it was all a misunderstanding", he tried to explain. "Then go and clear it by yourself. I don't want Sonakshi to suffer more because of you", she glared at him and left the room making him think over her words. "You are right elena. I shouldn't let Sonakshi suffer because of me, again!", he murmured to himself.


Kitchu walked out of the kichen with a tray in his hand. It was time for him to serve morning drinks for everyone but to his surprise the whole house seemed empty. Confused, he went to the lawn in search of elena whom he saw there a while ago. But even she was not there much to his shock. "Where did everyone go all of a sudden? May be I should check their rooms", he mumbled to himself and turned back to go inside but stopped in his traces seeing someone sitting on the floor covered in a blanket, infront of the house. Wondering who he was, he walked towards the person and was surprised to see Bruno sitting on his other side.

"Who are you? Why are you sitting here?", kichu asked and the person looked up at him. He looked somewhat familiar yet different. "Can't you recognize me?", he asked caressing his beard and kichu looked at him quizzically before nodding at him in a no. "How are people so good in forgetting others! Now you are the only one for me Bruno!", he faked a smile and caressed Bruno's hair making kichu's confusion more. "Tell me who you are otherwise please leave. I can't answer elena madam if she asks about it. She will get angry on me only for letting you inside", kichu said panicked and he smiled sadly. "I am here like this because of your elena madam only", he said and took the glasses in his hand. "Can't you recognize me now too?", he asked wearing his big round glasses and kichu's eyes widened upon realization.

"Rohan bhaiya!", kichu said shocked looking at Rohan from top to bottom. His hair looked messy as if he hadn't washed it for days, he had traces of sand all over his dress which itself looked ragged. His face looked so dull and pale as if he was beaten to death. Overall he looked dirty and so unlike of himself. "Are you trying for Devdas role in our village drama? You look so apt that too with Bruno besides you! You both are killing it!", kichu said grinning and Rohan huffed at him tiredly. "Life is a drama and we are all actors. I thought I am a hero. But a vampire snatched my heroine from me and made me a comedian!", he smiled a sad one wiping his invisible tears while kichu looked at him carefully.

"Everything is fine. But what about this beard? Till yesterday you were clean shaven but how did your beard grow this fast within a night?", he asked Rohan confusedly. "It's a fake beard", Rohan peeled it off from one side while kichu looked at him wide agape. "I thought it will suit this get up and my situation more", he stuck the beard back on his cheeks and gave him a sad pout. "But why?", kichu was quick to ask. "Love failure!", Rohan let out a long sigh while kichu facepalmed. "Arey Rohan bhaiya! Instead of this trying something new", he said smiling. "New?", Rohan asked him confusedly.

"Yes! Why to become sad if a girl leaves and show that to her? It will increase her ego more! Instead change yourself such that you look so happy and different. She herself should feel bad for losing a person like you!", he said and Rohan thought for a while." Okay now I'm getting late. And please change your clothes and throw them away. Already Bruno seems to be in a daze because of the foul smell", kichu said covering his nose with his hand and walked in. Rohan looked at Bruno who was having his paws covering his nose and furrowed his brows at him. He held his shirt close to him and smelled it. "Uff! It's horrible", he frowned and quickly left it. "It's just been ten days since I washed it lastly", he shrugged his shoulders while Bruno gave him a are-you-serious look. "But even kichu bhaiyya's idea seems to be good", he thought to himself smirking.


Elena went to Sonakshi's room and found the door closed. She pushed it open and found her sitting on the bed with her head dugged in between her knees and the room was still dark. She entered in and walked towards the window, asiding the curtains and letting the sunlight pass through. Walking towards the bed, she sat beside Sonakshi and took her wounded hand in hers. Sonakshi looked up at her silently as she started dressing her wounds. "He said everything is a lie", Sonakshi said more of a whisper that she could hardly hear and elena stopped what she was doing. "He cheated me Elena. He lied to me. He made me believe things that never happened with us", she said as her voice choked in.

It's true that there are so many questions running in her mind. If the sketches that she saw in Devrath's room was made by Dev only then what about those she saw in golu's house? Was even golu's grandfather set up by Dev to make her believe? Even if so, how did Devrath's picture completed by Saurab looked so alike Dev? Was he even paid by Dev? Then what about the nightmares she got even when Dev was not beside her? What about the flashes that looked like past which she was getting to see often nowadays? There were so many confusion in her mind but her anger overtook everything. She still couldn't believe that Dev literally made a fool out of her by filling her brain with lies and only lies.

"So?", Elena asked breaking her reverie and continued applying her medicines. "What? Don't tell me you are supporting him", Sonakshi said in disbelief and elena looked up at her. "I don't know what actually happened. And I'm not even forcing you to tell me about it. It's between both of you. And I can't support anyone without knowing the whole thing. But you know right, that I'm bearing Dev only because of you?", she asked and Sonakshi sighed. She knew she was right. "You said that he told you everything is a lie, isn't it?", elena asked and Sonakshi stared at her silently. "Did he say that even loving you was a lie?", she asked and Sonakshi lowered her gaze. She knew if there was anything that he didn't lie about to her, then it's only about the love he has on her. "First ask yourself one question Sona", Elena placed her hand down on the pillow and Sonakshi looked up at her. "Whom are you in love with Sonakshi? Dev Dixit or Devrath Rajvanshi?", she asked leaving Sonakshi stunned. And then she knew, this was the question that could change her life upside down!

So what is the answer for elena's question to Sonakshi according to you?

Sorry, couldn't include last chapter's precap in this. So that will also be in next chapter.

Precap : Rohan 2.0! 😎

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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