50. His Wish 💔

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Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!

Target : 110 votes

"Whom are you in love with Sona? Dev Dixit or Devrath Rajvanshi?"

Elena's question left Sonakshi stunned. She neither knew what to reply her nor she could understand what made her ask such a question. "What kind of comparison was that?", Sonakshi asked but elena remained calm. "I'm not comparing both Sona. I'm trying to make you understand difference between the two", Elena said and Sonakshi furrowed her brows at her. "Sona listen", she squeezed her hand gently. "If you have any problem with Dev, then either fight with him and punish him for what he did or accept him and all his lies", she paused. "Forgive him for what he did and give him and yourself a second chance. Forget everything and think what to do next", she said but Sonakshi interrupted.

"Do you think it's easy for me to forgive him this soon? You can't understand it elena. I have no more energy left in me to fight with him. He freaking kept feeding my brain with so many lies. I don't even know if whatever he said now is the truth. What if even all these are lies and he still has so many secrets in him? I totally lost my trust on him elena. I totally lost it", she sighed covering her face in her palms. She never thought that there will be someday when she would lose all the trust on the person whom she trusted the most once. "Sona", elena placed her hand on Sonakshi's shoulder and made her face her. "Dev himself will say everything that he has hidden from you, even if there is still any. I promise", Elena said and Sonakshi looked at her quizzically. "How?", she was quick to ask. "I have something to do with it. You don't have to worry", she said with a tight lipped smile but Sonakshi looked at her doubtedly.

"Okay wait", before she could ask anything elena stormed out of the room but soon entered in with a tray in her hand. "Have this coffee", she said placing the tray on the table beside while Sonakshi looked at her amused. "I know what you are gonna ask. But yes, I made this special coffee for you!", she said proudly and Sonakshi looked at the tray. There were three cups to her surprise. "For the first time in my life I entered the kitchen and made something for you. So please don't deny it", Elena said and Sonakshi couldn't help but smile. She was about to take one but elena stopped her. "Wait! Have this one", she herself forwarded another cup making Sonakshi wonder. "But we are just two here. Whom is the other one for?", Sonakshi asked but elena remained silent. "Will you believe me if I tell you that I'm gonna drink both?", she asked and Sonakshi shook her head in a no.

"Then leave it. Umm..I asked you something Sona", Elena said as Sonakshi took a sip of her drink. "What?", she was quick to ask. "Did you fall in love with Dev because of the person he is or because he was the person you thought him to be?", she asked and Sonakshi stopped, hearing her. She placed the mug on the table and looked up at her. "What do you mean?", Sonakshi asked hesitantly and elena shook her head a little. "Did you love Dev only because you thought that he was Devrath Rajvanshi?", she asked and Sonakshi looked at her stunned. "If your answer is no, then its upto you to decide what you need to do next. As I said already either forgive him or forget him", she said and Sonakshi stared at her in silence.

"But if your answer is a yes then", elena paused and Sonakshi sensed her heart already racing in fear. She didn't even know if she was ready to hear what elena was going to say. "Then try to understand one thing sona. You are living in a delusion", before she could complete, Sonakshi yelled, "Elena!". "Listen", Elena took Sonakshi's hands in hers and squeezed them gently. "Either you agree or not, that's the truth sona", she said and Sonakshi gulped down her dry throat. She knew what elena said was right. "It's okay if you are angry at Dev for lying to you. But if you are disappointed that he is not Devrath, then the one you are in love with is not Dev Dixit but Devrath!", she said and Sonakshi looked at her in horror.

Elena stood up and turned to leave but stopped and turned back again. "And remember, Devrath doesn't exist anymore. He was just a part of past, the past which no where has you in it", she said and Sonakshi felt something prick her heart. "And, the biggest truth is, he is never going to come back", she added and Sonakshi sensed her heart getting heavier with her every word. "Think about it Sona. Don't chase the shadow leaving the reality", she said taking the tray back and left the room leaving Sonakshi dwell in her thoughts. Elena closed the door and sighed a long one. She looked down at the two cups of coffee on the tray in her hand. "Now it's time to teach you some lesson Dev!", she smirked to herself.


Kichu who was busy in the kitchen saw elena entering inside, much to his surprise. May be in all these months, this was the first ever time he was seeing her in the kitchen. "Madam, do you need anything?", he asked as she came inside and started inspecting the cupboards one by one. "Yes kichu bhaiya. I need to make coffee", she said. "Madam a while ago I made coffee for all but it got wasted as everyone refused to have I don't know why", he said reminiscing the morning incidents. Rohan was all lost in his own misery while Adithya seemed too excited to stop and have a coffee. Even they seemed better but Dev and Sonakshi didn't even open the door for him when he reached their respective rooms.

"I know. That's why I am here to prepare some special coffees", she said smiling while Kichu looked at her amused. "Madam are you going to make coffee?", he asked more of a shock and elena exactly knew why. "Trust me kichu bhaiya. I'm good at it", she said while kichu looked at her bemused. "But Madam..", before he could say anything she stopped him. "Don't worry. I will make a coffee for you too. You just sit there and take some rest. I will manage everything", she gave him a tight lipped smile taking a vessel in her hand and Kichu looked at her wide agape. Why was she so good with him today? "It's okay madam. I have some work in the garden", he said a little hesitantly and she gave him a bright smile. "That's better. You go and do your work. And please don't bother if you hear any noise from here, okay?", she asked smiling widely and kichu walked out not before nodding at her doubtedly.

As soon as she saw kichu walking out through the door, Elena's smile disappeared. Pressing her lips together she dropped the vessel in her hand and it fell on the floor with a loud thud. She grabbed the spoons and empty dishes and threw them down on the floor angrily. She took the mugs and saucers and was about to drop them too down but stopped realizing that they were indeed made of glass. So placing them back on their places she stood quietly with her hands supporting on either sides of the counter and shut her eyes trying to calm herself down. Getting relaxed a bit, she opened her eyes and gritted her teeth. "How dare he!", she fumed in anger. "He hurted Sona so much that now she even started to hurt herself!", she said in disbelief reminiscing Sonakshi walking out of Dev's room with a visible bruise on her hand when elena was about to enter Dev's room.

"And to the top of everything, he even messed with my love, my Adithya!", she fumed more. "Oh my god! He was my 50th love! And I lost him too because of you Dev Dixit!", she flared her nostrils in anger. "And yes! After you entered Sona's life, she became a complete mess. You are going on breaking her heart again and again and making her state miserable everytime. But now I am not going to spare you Dr. Dev Dixit!", she placed the vessel on the stove and emptied the milk in it. "Did you think I will see all this and leave you just like that?", she took three cups and added a spoon of coffee and sugar in each. "Never! Even if Sona forgives you, I won't!", she found the milk boiling and turning off the stove she poured it into the cups.

"I will make you pay for what you did!", she said taking a strip of pills from her pocket. She popped out a few and dropped in one of the cups. "This will make you suffer for a while and then you yourself will blurt out all the truth", she said smiled a wicked one. "And yes!", she slipped her hand into another pocket and took a bottle of capsules. Emptying it on her palm she dropped them one by one in another cup. "I am sorry Adithya. You have to sleep for sometime, just till all this mess gets cleared. Because if you are awake you will definitely make the situation even worse". She dusted her hands and exhaled a deep breath. "Come on elena, Now its time to show some villainism", she smirked taking the tray in her hand and walked out of the kitchen.

**End of flashback**

"For how long will I behave so chilled out? I feel like breaking this plate on your head Dev", she gritted her teeth in anger. "But wait! I won't do that because Sonakshi loves you, though I don't like it even a bit. And that's the only reason why I am letting you alive", she flared her nostrils angrily. "Ofcourse I tried to behave myself because already sona was stressed out and I don't want to worry her more. But don't be happy as I asked her to forgive you. Because even if she forgets everything you did and forgives you, I am not going to spare you! Just drink this coffee once and you will get to know who elena is", she smiled wickedly. "You yourself will confess everything to Sona and ofcourse the pain you are going to go through now is so much! So much that you will never forget it in your life. And that's the punishment for making my Sona cry. You are dead Mr. Dev Dixit!", she pressed her lips together determinedly.


"Where did he even go now?", Elena sighed angrily as she walked out of the bungalow. She had been searching for Dev all over the house but couldn't find him anywhere much to her disappointment. But whatever happens she was in no mood to give up on her plan. She was about to leave for searching him again but it was then her gaze fell upon Adithya who was sitting on the swing in the lawn and day dreaming leisurely. "Oh he is still here!", she said surprised. "Thank God atleast he is here! Let me give him this and put him to sleep. I'm sorry Adithya!", she shook her head sadly and started walking towards him.

But before she could reach him she bumped onto someone and lost her balance. The tray almost slipped out of her hands and she was about to fall down on the floor. But before that, the person held her by her waist without letting her fall down and balanced the tray on his other hand. "Hey! Be careful! Don't leave the tray!", she shouted seeing it getting unbalanced on his hand. "Okay!", she heard him say and before she could understand anything he left his hold on her and she fell on the ground with a thud. "Oh shit!", she closed her eyes as an immense pain shot up on her back. "What the! How dare you drop me down!", she yelled angrily and stood up with great difficulty, holding either sides of her hip.

"I said what you told me to. So better stop shouting!", the other person said and hearing him Elena couldn't help the anger building up in her anymore. She could neither understand who he is and she could hardly see his face. But she was sure, she had heard his voice somewhere, that too very often! "Hey! How dare you come here and talk to me like this? First of all who are you?", her words died in her mouth as she took a glimpse of him. Was she actually day dreaming or hallucinating?

"Rohan!", her eyes almost popped out in shock as he was busy in assembling the cups on the tray. She almost gawked at him from top to bottom but he didn't even seem to care. His oily hair was now neatly gelled, his tugged in shirts and pants were replaced with casual wears and most importantly his big round nerdy glasses were long gone. In short, he looked hot! "You.. You look like Rohan!", she sturred still being unsure of her own eyes. He looked up at her and smirked seeing her gawking at him. "Because I am Rohan!", he smiled one sidedly and her heart almost skipped a beat. But how can that be possible?

"No!", she murmured to herself which didn't go unheard by him. "What?", he was quick to ask. "But how? I mean why?", she asked still unable to retrieve herself out of the shock. "Changes are important aren't they?", he cocked his brows and elena gulped down her dry throat. What's happening to her? "Yeah.. But.. Umm", she fumbled with her own words. "What happened to your glasses?", she asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "I removed them and started seeing myself through my naked eyes, those which hold more value for myself", he said and she stared at him even without a blink or shrink. "Ugh... Umm.. But", she struggled to even say a word and he chuckled.

Taking her hand in his, he made her hold the tray. "Usually it will be me who fumbles but now its you, which seems quite different. So be careful! And please don't fall again, like I did!", he said the last part more of a whisper to himself and gave her a tight lipped smile. She kept staring at him all the while and he turned to leave but stopped hearing her. "Rohan!", he turned back to her and raised his eyebrows while she mentally slapped herself. She herself didn't know why she called him now. "Umm.. I need your help", she said covering up and he looked at her quizzically. "I was searching Dev throughout the house to give him this coffee but couldn't find him anywhere. So I will give the other one to Adithya. Can you please find where Dev is?", she asked and he furrowed his brows at her.

"But this isn't your work though. I will call kichu bhaiyya", he was about to call him but elena stopped. "No! Wait! He has some other work. Don't disturb him", she tried to cover up. She wasn't sure whether to tell her plan to Rohan or not. She was already blown away by this sudden change in him and she was sure it would take her a few days to let her mind accept that the one before her was the actual Rohan only. So now telling him her secrets wasn't a good idea, she thought. "Oh okay! Then better I will give Adithya his coffee. You go and find Dev", he said taking a cup while Elena stared at him silently. "You are okay with it right?", he asked again and she nodded at him meekly. He gave her a tight lipped smile while Elena turned back and started to walk back inside the bungalow.

It was then she realized what she was doing and stopped in her traces. She turned back and saw Rohan walking towards where Adithya was seated. "Why the hell am I doing what he told me to? Shouldn't I be the one to order him?", she held the tray in her hands tightly and turned back. "What is happening to you elena?", she gulped down. "Whatever it is, it's so wrong!", she shook her head and rushed inside the house without letting her mind think more. Rohan turned back and saw elena walk into the bungalow. Sighing in relief, he walked towards one corner. "Did you think that I am cupid between you two?", he asked pouring the entire cup of coffee down on the ground. "But I am so sorry. I am not a matchmaker but a matchbreaker!", he smiled one sidedly and looked at the way elena went. "Now get ready to see a new Rohan, a totally different one!", he smirked himself.


"Why are you running like this?", Dev asked as he saw Elena rushing inside the house. "Oh my goodness! You are here!", she sighed in relief finally finding him and he looked at her quizzically. "Here! Have this!", she said forwarding his cup of coffee and Dev gave her an amused look. "Is this the time to drink coffee? I need to talk to Adithya", he was about to move out but she stopped him. "Before that I need to tell you something very important about Sonakshi", she said and Dev stood rooted in his place hearing her. "What? Did you talk to her? Is she still angry on me?", he started bombarding her with questions.

"Oh wait! I will tell you everything. But before that have this coffee", she forwarded him his cup. "Oh my god! Is this even important now? Tell me what she said", he looked nervous but she was in no mood to leave him. "Only if you drink this I will tell you", she said and he sighed in dismay. Without having any other options, he quickly took the cup and gulped the entire drink in one go making her shocked. "It's hot!", she shouted but before that he finished the drink and placed the cup back on the tray. "Okay. Now tell me. What did Sonakshi say?", he was quick to ask and elena smirked. Anyhow she made him drink that. "She said that she wants to talk to you now", she said and Dev looked at her surprised. And without wasting anymore time, he quickly rushed upstairs while Elena did a happy dance internally. "Now, let's see Dev. Even after knowing your true face, if sona still loves you. And before that have some fun!", she smiled a wicked one.


Dev rushed towards Sonakshi's room and saw the door still closed. He was about to knock the door but suddenly an immense pain shot up on his head and he stumbled a little. He immediately shut his eyes and held his head in his hands as the pain grew more making him unable to think anything properly. He shook his head and tried to open his eyes that were already drooping but everytime he did so, he felt like someone was hammering inside his head. But gathering himself back, he pushed the door and it flung open making Sonakshi startled. "You! What are you doing here?", she asked shocked seeing Dev at her doorstep. But without caring her words he walked in and locked the door from inside making her eyes widen.

"Let... Let me talk please", he walked towards her clumsily and she sensed something weird. His steps were unsteady and she could very well understand that something was wrong with him. "Why did you come here now? Can't you let me at peace even for a while?", she shouted but instead he got hold of her hands. Inspite of her protest, he made her sit on the bed and he sat down on the floor near her legs. "What are you doing? Leave me or else I don't know what I will do", she tried to get out of his hold but he was too strong for her. "Sonakshi please don't leave me", he placed his head on her lap and hugged her waist tightly. She immediately froze in her place and stopped protesting in his hold.

"What lie are you going to say now?", she asked and he looked up at her. "I can't hear anything more Dev. Please enough of everything you did to me", she said finally giving up. Even she wants to sit and have a proper talk with him and solve all their problems out. But neither their problems are so simple nor she had the energy in her to listen more to him. She already had enough for her lifetime. "I won't lie hereafter. Promise", he pinched his throat. "If you want slap me, do it as many times you want but please Sonakshi forgive me. I can't live without you", he dugged his head in her lap and she sensed her skirt getting dampened. Was he crying? "Are you drunk?", she asked and he looked up at her teary eyed before nodding his head in a no. Neither could she smell any alcohol on him but his behaviour seemed so weird and he was blurting out everything inside him as if he was completely intoxicated. And suddenly something striked her mind, the extra coffee that elena had prepared!

"Dev himself will say everything that he has hidden from you, even if there is still any. I promise"


"I have something to do with it. You don't have to worry"

"Oh god! Elena what have you done?", Sonakshi facepalmed understanding this was all done by none other than her best friend. "Dev look here", she made him look up at her. "Did you drink anything elena gave you? Something like.. coffee?", she sounded a little hesitant but to her shock he nodded his head in a yes. "This girl! What's wrong with her?", she sighed. "Ahh!", Dev groaned all of a sudden making her panicked. "What.. What happened to you?", she asked as he clutched his stomach and shut his eyes tightly. "It's paining", he gasped as he felt a sudden pang in his stomach. "What? Where?", Sonakshi asked in fear and he closed his eyes unable to bear the immense pain. He felt like electricity passing through every nerve of his body and burning him alive.

"Elena what the hell have you done to him?", she panicked seeing him tossing in pain. "Dev Relax.. Let me call the doctor", she searched for her phone but it was no where to be found. She was about to stand from her place to search for her phone but he grabbed her hand and stopped her from moving away. "Don't go Sonakshi please. It pains a lot", he clutched her hands tightly making her startled. "Where? Where does it pain?", she asked him panicked. "Here!", he pointed towards his heart with tears blurring his vision and she shook her head. "I want to talk to you. Please don't go", he pleaded and she felt helpless. If he was in his good senses she would've definitely not even spared a minute for him but now seeing his state of pain, she couldn't help but feel guilty. A part of her heart ached to see him like this, that too when she knew it's because of her only.

"What more do you want to talk? You have talked enough already. Whatever you said broke me from inside. I don't have anymore strength left in me Dev", she tried to move out but he didn't let her to. He clutched both her hands in his and she hissed in pain. He immediately left her wounded hand and caressed it gently with his fingers. "I'm sorry", he whispered. "I.. I know I am no where close to him... that Devrath!", he paused and she looked up at him. Why was he dragging him now? "I am a bad person unlike him. I did so many bad things, even to you. But now I regret everything Sonakshi", he said but she looked away. "I.. I agree, I lied to you, I played with you. It's wrong! Totally wrong! But didn't he do the same... that Devrath? Didn't he himself hide his identity once?", he asked and Sonakshi looked at him in disbelief. Was he comparing those two different situations?

"By comparing with him don't try to justify your actions Dev. He didn't hurt anyone but you did. His reason was totally different from yours. Yes, he hid his identity but he did so to save his love. And please stop comparing him with you", she spoke angrily. "Even I hid my identity to save my love. Tell me something, would you have loved me if I told you that I came here to steal this ruby from you?", he said and she shook his head in dismay. She knew he was not at all in his senses now and it was no use to talk with him."And yes, I am not comparing myself with him. You are forcing me to!", he said and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Yes! You are talking as if he is the most genuine and good person in the world and I am the lowest creature you have ever seen. Do you know, sometimes I felt like you are not in love with me but that... that Devrath!", he stuttered and hearing him Sonakshi froze.

"Dev! Do you know what you are talking?", she yelled but he chuckled a sad one. He looked up at her through his drooping eyes and reached his hand up to tug a strand of hair behind her ear. "You are beautiful Sonakshi.. Just like your heart! But whom your heart belongs to? Me or him? This liar Dev Dixit or that great Devrath Rajvanshi? Whom?", he asked and she sensed her vision getting blurred. "You have named my love as 'obsession' and worshipping his sacrifice as 'love'. Why so? Just because he died unable to save his love? So what do you want me to do to prove my love to you? Should I also die like him?", he asked and her heart skipped a beat hearing him. "What nonsense was that?", her voice choked in at the slightest thought of it. Did she act so rude with him that made him think of such insane things? But can't she even react to what she feels like?

"Then what should I do Sonakshi? You have every right to get angry at me, to shout at me, to fight with me because I did such a huge mistake. I know I didn't even deserve your forgiveness. But I will wait, wait all my life for you to forgive me and accept me. But don't call my love as obsession. It hurts a lot. The only good thing I have done in my whole life was loving you!", he paused holding his head and she panicked looking at his state. He knew he was in immense pain but even that couldn't stop him from pouring his heart out to her. He grabbed both her hands and held them close to his heart. "I never had anyone with me to say what's right and what's wrong. That's why I was like that. I did only what I liked. I never cared about anyone or anything. But then suddenly you came into my life and changed everything upside down", he smiled through his tears.

"I realized I have someone to call as mine, to protect as mine. Because of you, I changed myself and I am still trying to change myself. I will do anything for you Sonakshi, anything that could make you happy", she sensed his grip on her hands getting loosened and he looked up at her, staring into her eyes. "Even if it means letting you go", he said more of a whisper that she could hardly hear and her heart almost skipped a beat. "Consider this as my wish Sonakshi. If you remember, you still have to fulfill one more wish of mine, according to the promise you made when you lost the bet between us", he said and she looked at him shocked.

"Within tonight I will make you scared. And if I won the challenge, then you should do whatever I ask you to.. Whatever!"

"You should grant me three wishes Ms. Bose!"

Her mind went back to the time when he made a bet with her that he would make her scared within a day and if he did, she should do whatever he asked her to. And she could very well remember how she fainted on getting scared seeing her picture in Devrath's room and subsequently lost the bet to him. It was then he asked her to fulfill three of his wishes. The first one was to let him stay beside her all the while when she fell ill, the second one was that she should dance with him under the rain and the third one, he haven't asked her still. And she couldn't believe that he was using it against her now! "Yes, this is my third wish Sonakshi. Go Sonakshi! I won't hold you back anymore. Just remember my love and keep this ruby with you always. If this is what love means to you, then I am letting you go, forever", he said and she froze hearing him.

Break up on 50th chapter 🙈 Did anyone expect that? 🙊🏃 But wait, what will Sonakshi respond to him now? 🤔

Precap : Someone is back to get the Ruby 👻

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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