54. The Devastating Truth!

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An extra long chapter with more than 8000 words! The longest one I've ever written! So sit back and enjoy. And I hope it won't be boring!

Warning : Explicit content (violence) ahead. Skip if you are not comfortable.

Please ignore the mistakes. Happy Reading!


A soft whimper left Shona's lips as she felt every nerve of her body shoot up with pain. She squeezed her eyes as a lone tear trailed down the corner of her swollen eyes. She bit her lower lip unable to bear the immense pain her body was giving her and slowly opened her heavy eyelids. Everything around her was dark that she could hardly see anything. She hissed as she felt a sudden sting at the back of her head. She moved her trembling hand up to touch it and sensed something cold. When she looked at her fingers covered with nothing but blood, she immediately froze. Tears started flowing from her eyes as her gaze never left her blood coated hands.

Suddenly she heard a loud voice of someone whistling with a noise of shallow footsteps and she immediately jerked in her place. The tune was so creepy that she felt goosebumps erupting all over her body. She gulped down her dry thought and slowly looked up as the sound stopped so closer to her, filling the room with nothing but eerie silence. A sudden panic arised in her heart, as she sensed someone so close to her, though she couldn't see anyone in the dark. She felt her breathing go heavy and sensed herself shivering in fear. Suddenly she felt a cold metal touching the side of her neck and her eyes widened realizing what it was. Her breath hitched as the tip of the sharp knife slowly moved towards the front and stopped right on her throat. Her gaze travelled down to the hand holding the knife and it didn't take her much time to realize.. It wasn't Williams' hand!

She lifted her eyes up but the surrounding was dark enough that she couldn't see who was infront of her. "Eager much, aren't you?", a loud masculine voice made her tremble in fear. She sensed the knife on her neck being traced slowly to the other side. It wasn't pressed with much force, but she knew it was deep enough to cut her skin and she could already sense a few drops of blood rolling down her neck. She immediately shut her eyes tight, trying to absorb the pain but couldn't help the flooding tears. "Tears!", she heard him chuckle and sensed the tip of the knife moving across her cheek, removing the tear. "Not so soon!", she sensed the knife being moved away and she let out her baited breath. She felt her heart pounding aloud in her chest and slowly opened her eyes. But when she looked at the person standing infront of her, she felt the whole world crumbling down her feet. 

"You didn't expect me here, did you Sonakshi?", he smirked but she was too much shocked to even hear him. "You... You know me!", her voice came out more of a whisper still not getting over the shock. "Ofcourse I very well know you Mrs. Rajvanshi.. Oops! I am sorry! I can call you as 'Mrs. Rajvanshi' only if you get married to The Rajvanshi family. But now I am not even sure if your wedding will happen", he shook his head sounding sad while Shona looked at him in horror. "May be the person who told me everything about you, must have told you just a little about me, isn't it?". He took out a cloth from his pocket and wipped the blood from the knife. "But what did you do to him that he kept chanting your name to me everytime he writes or calls me?", he raised his brows smiling while she looked at him scared. "Anyways, that's none of my business. But I feel so sorry for him right now. He must be excitedly waiting for you in the mandap. He probably has no clues that you are going to die now! Uff.. My poor friend, Devrath!", he chuckled and Shona flinched in fear.

"Why.. Why are you doing this?", her lips trembled in fear as he neared her. "Revenge!", he smirked and her eyes widened. It wasn't much earlier when Dev had showed her a picture of himself with his only friend Ratan, who lives in London. He had told her many times that if there's someone whom he trusted a lot, even more than her that could only be Ratan. According to Dev, he was the one whom he could blindly rely on. He had told her that his friend had helped him so much and he was indebted to him for all his life. He was even worried a lot as his friend couldn't make to their wedding. But now, seeing that same friend of him uttering these words, shook her from within. "Do you want to know why?", he asked while she stared at him silently. "Because he had everything and he still has!", he said furiously while she looked at him dumbfounded. "He has money, he has power, he has luxury, he has wealth, he has love... And he even has this ruby!", he pointed down at the ruby in her hand and her eyes widened.

"He had everything but I needed to earn everything! Because my parents weren't rich as his parents. But what's my fault in that? Haan?", he lifted her chin up with the tip of the knife and she hissed in pain. Her eyes welled up as the sharp metal pierced through her fragile skin. "Is it paining much? Umm.. Let it pain! Because if it pains to you, then it will pain to him!", he said and moving the knife up and she squirmed a bit. "I want to see him in pain, so much pain that he should feel like dying is a better option. And that can be made possible only by you!", he said and she gulped down in fear. "But..but he trusts you", her voice came out more of a whisper and he chuckled. He dropped the knife from his hand and she let out the breath that she was holding on. But he immediately clutched her neck with his one hand making her choke.

"Trust my foot! I want him to suffer for everything he made me go through from my childhood. But I feel so sorry for you Sonakshi. You had done nothing wrong to me but even you are going to suffer, a lot! Because you took only one wrong decision. And that one wrong decision is going to turn your life upside down. Ever heard that one wrong decision could ruin your life? This is it! You did a big mistake by loving Dev. So now you have no other option, than to die!", he smiled and Shona felt her heart race in fear. "But well, Dev is an idiot! To get away from that stupid General, he asked my help. But he never knew, I am more dangerous to you, than that Williams", he smiled. "But amidst all these, the biggest fool is that Williams. He, like an idiot is behind Dev's house which isn't even worth a penny. But I made a deal with him that if he kidnapped you for me, then I will not make use of my powers to transfer him and ofcourse assured him that he will get Dev's house too and he believed everything!", he smiled wickedly making her panicked.

"Now if I killed you, everyone will think it was done by Williams, even your beloved Dev will! No one will ever come to know that it's me who is the reason behind your pain and sufferings. Every truth will turn into ashes along with you! And ofcourse I knew Dev can't handle this huge loss. So either he will lose his mind or lose his life! ", he smiled strangling her tightly and her eyes widened. "And either way it's a profit to me. I will get all his money, properties, power and  ofcourse the biggest reward, this precious ruby!", he pushed her back holding her neck and she winced in pain as her injured head hit the wall behind. "I still remember the time when Dev told me that his mother has a special magical ruby ring kept all protected for her future daughter-in-law. I heard that it will fulfill all our wishes. Is it so? Then ask the ruby to save you from me. Let's see if it does", he tightened his grip on her neck and she shut her eyes letting a trail of tears flow down.

She didn't even know why he was doing all this but she wanted to get away from here. Flashes of Dev's smiling face appeared infront of her eyes making her heart feel heavy. Never in her dreams did she thought there would be someday where she will be tortured to such an extent that she will lose all her hopes of living. But now, it happened, that too on the most awaited day, the day of their wedding. She knew she shouldn't give up but she was completely worn out, physically as well as mentally. At this moment all that she is praying for, is only to see her Dev, to spend her last moments with him. But she was so doubtful if he atleast got to know where and how she is. Because if he had known, she knew that he would have been there to save her at this time.

Though she wanted it to happen, somewhere she had a fear too. If she was subjected to this much torture, what would happen to Dev if he was also caught like her? She knew she could be able to bear anything, but not to see him in pain. So the only option that's left for her was to escape from there. She knew it's difficult but she had no other ways. It was then her gaze fell upon the knife that was lying on the floor. It was little away from her hand and she knew if she stretched a bit, she could reach it. She sensed his grip around her neck getting tightened making her choke even more. He was so much engrossed in her that he didn't realize when she grabbed the knife in her hand. And in a split of a second, she threw the knife on his face and he immediately fell back.

As soon as he released her neck, shona coughed heavily panting for air. He shut his eyes as the knife pierced through his skin and he covered his face with his hands, trying to prevent the oozing blood. Looking at his state and taking this as a chance, holding the back of her head which was bleeding heavily in one hand, she stood up with great difficulty and tried to walk out as fast as possible. Ratan who stood up just now, saw shona walking out of the door and before she could reach the door, he grabbed her one hand and twisted it behind her making her wince in pain. "Do you think you can go out that easily?", he smirked holding both her hands. She tried to pull out with all her strength but he was too huge for her fragile body.

Her one hand was behind her but the other was still holding the knife. Realizing that, she tried to move the knife near his hand that was holding her. But understanding her intentions, he smirked to himself and quickly getting hold of her hand, he threw the knife to the side of her waist, penetrating her fragile skin. "Die!", he whispered in her ears and moved back releasing her from his hold. Shona immediately froze as she felt a sharp pain to the left of her abdomen. She looked down and her eyes widened seeing the blood oozing out of her skin. She sensed her legs had already given up and felt her hand getting dampened with her blood. Tears started flowing from her eyes as she felt a burning sensation all over her body and she immediately slumped down on the floor.

Shutting her eyes, she let her tears fall down as flashes of the moments she spent with Dev, with her family, came across her mind making her heart ache. Holding her stomach with her one hand, she pulled out the knife that was piercing her skin, with the other as a loud whimper left her lips. "Dev!", she whispered as her eyes welcomed never ending tears. She felt herself slowly slipping into darkness and all that she could hear was Ratan's loud laughter filling the air. "Do you still think he will come here to save you?", he shook his head sounding sad. "You are going to die here, all alone!", he chuckled aloud seeing her wincing in pain. But soon his laughter died and she heard a loud noise after which everything went silent. Shona lifted her head up and what she saw then made her shocked. It was General Williams standing with a wooden rod in his hand and Ratan fell on the floor holding the back of his head. 

"Run!", Williams shouted but she was too much shocked to even process his words. Her eyes were already drooping and she had no more strength left it her to even stand. Realizing her state, Williams rushed towards her and grabbed her hand helping her to stand up. "I will manage him. You go away from here. Fast!", he pushed her out before Ratan could get up. Shona tripped down a little but she somehow managed to walk as now her mind was filled with only one thought, that is to go back to Dev! Seeing her out of the sight, Williams sighed a little and before he could understand anything he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head. He turned around and slipped down on his feet as he saw the raging eyes of Ratan, going darker with every second!


"Sonakshi! Sonakshi! Wake up!", Sonakshi jerked up as she sensed someone shaking her by her shoulders. She tried to regularize her uneven breathing and grazed her eyes around carefully. And it took a minute for her to realize whatever she saw was just a dream... or the memories of her past! She gulped down nervously and looked around to find herself sitting down leaning on a tree. The surrounding was almost dark and she could understand that she was lost amidst the woods. She looked down at her hands and blinked her tears. "So this is what happened atlast!", her voice stuck in her throat as the flashes of her blood coated hands came before her eyes making her heart race in fear. Everything that she got to see in her dream felt so real that she could even feel the physical and mental pain that she had gone through. "Sonakshi.. Sonakshi! Look at me! What happened to you?", she heard a familiar voice again and it was then she looked up at the person infront of her. But as soon as she did, her heart skipped a beat. Those were the same pair of darker eyes!


"I will look inside. You stay here", Rohan said stopping elena. They both went to Devrath's old house in search of Sonakshi as they couldn't find her anywhere in the bungalow. "Why should I stay here?", she narrowed her eyes at him and he sighed tiredly. "Because it's not safe to come inside. We don't know who will be hiding where. Already Sonakshi ma'am is missing. So stop making me more worried", he said and her lips immediately curved up into a smile but she covered it up. "So what? You don't need to worry about me. I am not scared of anyone. I know kung fu", she said stretching her left hand out to her side and right hand up above her head with her one leg dangling up in the air. "Oh hello! I am not worried about you. I'm worried about that person. You don't even have to try all these gymnastics. Just open your mouth, he will immediately die", he said and walked inside leaving elena gawk at him open mouthedly, still standing in the same pose.

As soon as Rohan walked in, his gaze fell upon a photograph lying on the floor. Wondering what it was, he bent down and took it in his hand. The glass at the top was broken all over that he needed to look at it properly to get a clearer view of the picture. But as soon as he did, his heart skipped a beat. "See I came inside what will you do now? I am worried about sona more than you. So better stay quiet", Elena said stepping inside the house. "What are you looking at, like that?", she asked seeing him standing rooted at his place but he was too much shocked to even hear her. Confused, she grabbed the photograph from his hand but when her gaze fell upon the picture, her heart almost stopped for a while.


"Dev! Dev!", Elena rushed inside the Bungalow along with Rohan but it was empty much to their annoyance. "Madam, Dev bhaiya is not here", kichu said walking out of the kitchen while Elena and Rohan stared at each other. "Where did he go?", Rohan asked and kichu narrated how Dev received a location where Sonakshi was taken to and how he immediately rushed there. "Oh my god! Why did he go alone?", Elena asked holding her head in her hand. "I will call the police", Rohan said taking out his phone. But before he could dial, he received another call which he picked up quickly.

"What?", his face grew pale as he listened to the other side making Elena suspicious. "Yes please", he soon ended the call and looked at elena who was awaiting for his response. "It was from the officer who is handling Sonakshi ma'am accident case", he said about the accident Sonakshi met, a few months ago infront of the airport and Elena narrowed her eyes at him. "Did they find out anything?", she asked and he shook his head in a yes. "It.. It wasn't an accident. Someone hit her intentionally", he said. "Who?", she asked sounding doubtful and he gulped down in horror. But the next word he uttered, left her stunned, "Adithya!".


Dev stood rooted with his gaze fixed on Williams lying on the floor covered in a pool of blood. Words failed to leave his mouth as his mind was too much occupied by his overpowering thoughts. But what scared him the most was, "Sonakshi!", he gasped as he his eyes roamed all over the dark room. He didn't know when and where did she go but all that he wished was for her to be safe. Suddenly his phone buzzed breaking his trance and he pulled it out of his pocket to see a call from Elena which he attended quickly. But before he could say anything, she interrupted. "Dev, why did you go alone? You should've atleast informed us before leaving. Just now Kichu bhaiyya told us everything. Did you find Sonakshi? Is she fine now?", she kept throwing her questions at him, but what he said then shook her completely, "Williams is dead!".

"What?", shock was an understatement for her. Looking at her, Rohan too arrived there, standing next to her. "Yes he was the one who sent me this address. But when I came here, he is lying on the floor all injured. I am not sure if he is dead but looking at his state, I guess yes. But what scares me more is Sonakshi! She is nowhere to be seen. But I guess all these happened just few minutes back and so she must be here somewhere near. I hope she is fine and didn't do anything in a haste", Dev said looking at the motionless body of Williams. The last thing that he wanted to know was if Sonakshi was the reason behind Willaims' state. He knew she was not someone who would do anything as such out of anger but what if she did to defend herself. If she did so, then he knew it would ruin her life, totally.

Elena held her head in her hand and let out a long breathe. She never knew things would turn this worse. "Okay listen. As you said Sonakshi must be there somewhere near. So you please go and search for her. Rohan is already calling the police and we will arrive there soon", she said gesturing Rohan to dial the police and he did so but Dev didn't seemed to be convinced, "But elena, what if Williams is alive?". "You don't have to worry about that Dev. Police will arrive there in a couple of minutes. If he is still alive they will take care of him. You please go and search for sonakshi. She might be in danger", she said and Dev rushed out from the backdoor of the godown. "Danger? But Williams can't do anything now", he said confused.

"Williams is not the only one who could harm her Dev", she said and hearing her Dev stopped in his traces. "What do you mean?", he was quick to ask. "Just a while ago, we got an information about Sonakshi's accident case. It wasn't an accident! Someone had intentionally hit her with the car!", she said and Dev furrowed his brows. He could very well remember how Williams threatened him to get back the ruby from Sonakshi or else told him that he will kill her. "Williams?", he asked more of a doubt. "Adithya!", she said and Dev felt his whole world flipping down. "Wh.. What! You.. You must be kidding", he stammered. "Dev, listen. I've sent you a picture which I found in Devrath's old house today. It seems like Sonakshi was looking at it before she was kidnapped. First have a look at it", she said and ended the call much to his confusion. But not so later, a message from elena popped up on his phone and when he clicked it open, he immediately froze.


"Williams! Williams! Where the hell are you?", a furious Devrath barged inside Williams house. The most cruel thing that a person could ever experience in his life was to see his loved ones die infront of his eyes. And just a while ago, Devrath got to see the only person who mean everything to him, his shona, losing her life in his arms. He could still feel her fragile body covered with nothing but blood. Such was her condition in her last minutes that could move anyone to tears and Dev's state was nothing less. He looked like a fire that would swallow anyone in his path. And even after knowing who might be the reason for his Shona's death, he couldn't stop himself. He searched every nook and corner but couldn't find Williams anywhere.

Agitated, Dev was about to leave the house to search for Williams somewhere else but stopped seeing him walking near the gate of his house holding the back of his head in one hand. Anger shot up inside Dev and without thinking much, he rushed towards Williams and pulled him by his collars, startling him. "How dare you? How dare you do this to my shona?", Dev roared hitting him on his face without letting him speak. "Please listen", he tried to speak but couldn't. "What do you want me to listen more? You bloody jerk! How can you do this to her? If I had known you would do this I would've killed you long back", Dev shouted pushing him against the wall. "What did she do to you? Why did you kill her? Why?", he screamed in agony and Williams looked at him shocked.

"Did she.. die?", he gasped as a sudden guilt engulfed him while Dev pulled his collar and pushed him down on the floor. "You should be happy hearing this, aren't you? Now feel happy for the last time", Dev shouted and his eyes widened. Looking around Dev spotted a huge flower pot at one corner. He quickly lifted it up in his hand and rushed towards Williams. "Because you are going to die now", he said angrily and Williams looked at him panicked. "I didn't do anything please leave me", Williams begged but Dev was in nowhere to listen to him. Dev was about to drop the pot on him but stopped hearing him, "Ratan did everything!". "What?", Dev asked stunned if he heard him right. Did he say Ratan? His friend, Ratan? "Yes.. I just did what he asked me to do. It was all his plan... Your friend Ratan Singh Choubey!", Williams said making Dev dumbfounded.

He dropped the pot down a little away, on the ground breaking it into pieces. Williams gulped down and quickly got up from his place. "Yes! He told me he will handover your old house to me if I did everything according to his words. He was the one who kidnapped Sonakshi, not me. He was the one who asked me to threaten her asking for the ruby ring. I don't even know what it is. But later I got to know he was just using me as a prey to get her and leave you all alone. I heard him telling her that he will kill her and her death will obviously leave you devastated. So he will get all your wealth and live a happy life while I will be spending my life in prison"

"Because according to whatever happened so far, if Sonakshi is dead, everyone will accuse me and no one will even have any clues about him. When I overheard this, I hit him and let Sonakshi go. But he caught me back and I just now escaped from there with lot of difficulties. I know, Sonakshi was in a very bad state while leaving but I never knew she would even lose her life. I am sorry. I am sorry for whatever I did", he cried and Dev fell down on his knees. All the words Williams uttered were ringing in his ears leaving him more shocked. He couldn't even understand whatever Williams said was true or not. He knew if there's someone whom he trusted more in his life it's Ratan. But now, at this moment, after losing everything he had, he couldn't trust anyone, be it Williams or Ratan! "Where is he?", Dev asked as his eyes reddened in rage.


"Bloody Williams! How did he escape! I need to get him before he says something about me to Dev", Ratan said angrily looking at the empty godown. He searched everywhere nearby but couldn't see Williams. "Probably Sonakshi must be dead by now. May be on her way itself. But Dev would've got to know it anyhow. So now its time to show my acting skills. I need to convince Dev such that he belives my words. Uff.. He always does that. Idiot!", he smirked and was about to walk out but suddenly the door flung open startling him. He looked up to find a furious Dev standing at the door step with his hands fisted. Shocked by the happenings, Ratan stammered a little." Dev.. Dev.. What are you doing here? I just came here and", before he could finish Dev grabbed his collars and pushed him on the wall behind.

"Tell me the truth, only truth", his whisper sounded more as a warning. "What.. Which truth are you talking about Dev? I.. I don't know..", Ratan tried to cover it up but Dev tightened his hold on his shirt. "What are you doing here?", Dev asked. "I.. I just came to India to give a surprise visit on your wedding day. By the way, what are you doing here? You should be at the mandap now. Shona must be waiting for you", he acted innocent but Dev didn't even budge a little. His eyes were full of anger and pure disgust and it was then he understood, he can't fake it anymore. "She must be waiting for you, in the heaven. Go and meet her, soon", he smirked and hearing him Dev's eyes widened. Dev's grip on his collars loosened and he pushed Dev back a little, adjusting his shirt.

Tears filled Dev's vision as he stared at him in shock. If Shona's loss left him lifeless, Ratan's betrayal crushed his soul. "Why.. Why did you do this to her?", his voice was more of a whisper that even he could hardly hear. Ratan walked towards him and placed his hands on either side of his shoulders. "Listen, I had no problem with her. It was you, always you!", he said while Dev just stared at him speechless. "Yes! I agree. It was me who made her come out of the mandap by giving her a letter pretending to be written by you! But poor girl she couldn't even recognize that. Who knows your handwriting better than me Dev!", he chuckled leaving Dev stunned."She was just like a coin in chess.. Umm.. Like a selfless queen who lost her life for her king! But now as the queen is no more, it's time for the useless king to die!", he smiled and Dev felt his heart getting heavier.

A sudden rage erupted inside him and he pushed Ratan back on the wall. "Why? Why her? If for my money I would've given you my everything. But why did you kill her? She can't even bear the pain of a thorn pricking her foot. But you! You crushed that fragile soul! How dare you?", tears of betrayal filled his eyes but Ratan chuckled. "Because I wanted to see this! This pain in your eyes! I have waited for this, so long Dev! And even after knowing that I would get this only by snatching your source of happiness, why won't I do it? That's why I killed her, your only source of happiness!", he smiled making Dev flinch. "I trusted you, more than myself!", he said in disbelief. "Did I ask you to trust me? No right? Then what? Where is my fault in it?", he asked while Dev fisted his shirt in anger. "It's always your fault Mr. Devrath Rajvanshi! It's always your fault!", he stressed the later while Dev just stared at him in shock. Even after doing all this, how could he blame him just like that?

"Why did you always have everything you want but I didn't? From our childhood, if you ask for something you will get it immediately but I never did. Everyone respected you, even though you don't belong there! Because your family had wealth and reputation, but mine didn't!", he said and Dev looked at him stunned. "Are you even comparing these materialistic stuffs? You had the biggest treasure which I didn't. You had your parents with you, you had their love with you!", he replied. "So what? Does it worth a penny? My father fell in love with my mother, who was an Indian and married her. So he lost all his reputation among his people. I need to start from the scratch and earn everything! Today whatever I have, is all that I have earned by myself, be it in a good or bad way. But you, you had everything! And that's why I wanted to snatch everything from you, EVERYTHING!", he said and Dev looked at him in horror. Is he even for real?

"Did you do all this just because of ...  your jealousy?", Dev asked in disbelief but Ratan smirked. "I did all these to make you lose. I did all these to win! Did you see here? Did you see there? Every corner of this place is filled with your Shona's blood! At that's my victory. You lost and I won!", he smiled and it was enough for Dev. Can anyone stoop so low and go to the level of taking someone's life just to satisfy his own ego? The thought itself made him flinch. "And this", Ratan took a cloth from his pocket coated with blood all over. "This is all your Shona's blood!", he smiled while Dev fisted his hands in anger. Unable to take it anymore he pushed Ratan back and he fell out on the ground, through the door. It was a few feet deep that he hit his head back on a rock and started bleeding profusely. "For all the sufferings you have made my shona go through, I am going to make you pay!", Dev jumped out and pulled him up.

"You can't", Ratan smiled wiping the blood from the corner of his lips and this triggered Dev more. Dev pushed him behind and his back hit the tree. Without sparing even a second, Dev kept hitting his face while he was already in a dizzy due to his injured head. "I feel ashamed for having a friend like you. I feel disgusted!", he yelled but Ratan pushed him back. "Says who! A useless jerk who can't even save the one he loved!", he chuckled in his semi conscious state and hearing him Dev's anger grew leaps and bounds. "If you speak one more word, I will kill you!", Dev yelled but instead Ratan smiled to himself. "Truth is bitter Dev! You are a loser! At first you lost your parents and now you lost your love! What more do you have now? Why are even living?", he asked giggling and Dev fisted his hands in anger.

"And even if you kill me, do you think you can live a peaceful life? Your guilt will kill you from inside Dev! Because it's not me but you are the one responsible for Sonakshi's death! You are the one who forced me to kill her! You are the one who inflicted these thoughts in me! You've spoiled not only yours but three other lives too! You are the one responsible for everything happened to you, me and also Sonakshi!", he said moving back a little stumbling in every step and Dev froze hearing him. "And this thought will make your life miserable. You will be living in a hell! So finally, I will get what I want.. Your pain!", he smiled moving a few steps back and his foot hit the small stones, making them fall off. It was then Dev realized that Ratan was indeed standing at the top of the cliff.

Dev looked at his foot that was so close to the tip and then back at him nervously. He knew he will fall from the cliff if he made just a step back. "Ratan, stop", though Dev wanted to kill him he was once his friend whom he trusted a lot. Though he was a betrayer, he couldn't let him die infront of his eyes. If he did so, then there wouldn't be any difference between Ratan and him. "I won't", Ratan smiled and inched a step back. "Do you think I will live this life which you had given me? Never!", he shouted moving back and Dev stared at him shocked. "I will come back Dev, I will come back to get what is mine", he smiled as his darker orbs dilated. "And remember, I won!", he said and made his final step backwards. His foot slipped and he fell back from the cliff. Dev's eyes widened and he rushed towards the top of the cliff to see Ratan falling down, his darker eyes reflected the smile, the smile of victory!

**End of flashback**

Dev stood stunned looking at the picture in his phone. Now, he could remember everything!


"Sonakshi, what happened? Why are you looking at me like that?", Adithya asked Sonakshi again but as soon as realization striked her, she immediately pushed him away and stood up from her place. Her gaze fell upon a wooden log lying on the ground and she immediately took it in her hands. "Don't.. Don't come near me", she shouted as he stepped towards her, making him shocked. "What are you doing?", he asked her confused as she moved a step back for his every step towards her. "You... You are a murderer!", her lips quivered in fear and his eyes widened. "No! As I got my consciousness back, I was shocked to see that person threatening you. Realizing that he has kidnapped us, I just pushed him as a defense", he said about what happened to William but she shook her head in a no. But the next words that she uttered made him froze, "You.. You killed her! You killed Shona!".

"What?", he asked more of a shock. "Yes! You go away! You can't do anything to me!", she shouted moving back. "What nonsense Sonakshi! Whom did I kill? Did you dream anything or what? We should leave this place before that Williams or anyone else arrives. Come!", he was about to grab her hand but she kept moving back again. "Stop there Adithya! If you make a step towards me then I won't think before hitting you", she said nervously but without listening to any of her words, he started walking towards her. Realizing that he was indeed nearing her, she immediately threw the rod at him. But before it could it him, he caught hold of the it with his one hand. She looked up at him shocked and sensed his body turned rigid all of a sudden. "Yes, I killed Shona!", he said gritting his teeth and her eyes widened in shock.

And before she could think he pulled the rod from her hand and threw it away. Turning her around, he encircled his elbow around her neck and pulled her towards him thus strangling her a little. "And I'm going to kill you too!", he smirked whispering in her ears and her heart skipped a beat hearing him. She tried to pull his hand away from her neck but he tightened his grip everytime she did so making her choke. Tears pooled in her eyes as her mind played the exact scenario she got to see in her dream a while ago. She couldn't believe everything is happening so similar to the past. She couldn't believe history is repeating itself. But something in her asked her to fight. She did fight previously too, and even now she was determined to never give up. "You should've listen to him Sonakshi", he said as she kept trying to pull herself away but couldn't. "You should've listened to Adithya!", he said smiling an evil one and she immediately stopped protesting in his hold.

"What.. What are you saying Adithya?", before she could complete he interrupted her. "Not Adithya! Ratan! It's Ratan Singh Chaubey!", he smirked making Sonakshi rooted. "The same Ratan who killed you back Shona! I have waited all these years just for this day, to make my dream true!", he said while Sonakshi gulped down in horror. His mysterious words were making her more confused than ever. "What did you think? Adithya was the one who did all these! No! I did everything! From hitting you with the car, to making that stupid Williams act according to my words, to sending you threatening letters and kidnapping you now, I did everything!", he whispered in her ear making a chill run down her spine and her eyes widened. "And this Adithya, he is such an idiot who don't even know that his body is under my control! Ratan's control!", he chuckled and Sonakshi gasped in shock.

"I guess you got it now! Your beloved Devrath might have killed my body. But my soul is immortal! Ratan is immortal!", he smirked and her heart skipped a beat hearing him. He pulled her by her neck towards the edge of the cliff and pointed down at the bottom making her panicked. "It's been 111 years since I fell from here and lost my life! But my soul still remains the same, as it did!", he smiled pulling her up and she looked at him nervously. Tears blurred her vision as he tightened his hold around her neck even more. "And on that same day Devrath too burnt himself alive along with his Shona's body", he chuckled a sad one making her flinch. "And I made use of this! Soon after that I killed General Williams who betrayed me badly, in this same godown!", he pointed towards the godown a little away, from where they escaped a while ago. "And everyone in this village believed it was Devrath's spirit! Stupid people!", he chuckled and she looked at him in horror.

"No.. We shouldn't blame them. People believe only what they hear. But this helped me a lot. I used the bungalow your beloved Devrath had built with all his dreams and people named it as haunted! Ofcourse it was but they never knew it was not Devrath but me, Ratan residing in it!", he tightened his grip around her neck and she winced in pain. "Wait! That's not the end. This is where the story is gonna start. After more than hundred years, someone bought this haunted bungalow making me surprised. But what shocked me was the moment I saw you, Sonakshi!", he said and she sensed her heart racing in fear. "But before I could know about you, there came another shock, that Dev Dixit!", he said and she gulped down in horror. "But I was relieved that you both haven't realized whom you used to be. And one day you both left this village too!", he smiled.

"Everything was going well until that day when you returned soon after. You started digging the past and soon realized who you are. So I had no other options than to make my next move", he paused. "It was then I got to know this precious treasure, Adithya Sharma! He looked so alike me but his personality strangely opposite to me. So that's when I decided to make use of him. I used his friendship with you to stay near you. I did every possible thing to make Dev Dixit stay away from you and made this Adithya stay with you. But he is such a stupid that at the end he gave you up to Dev itself and moved away!", he shook his head slowly. "But in all these, I don't know where this Williams came from! He is such a stupid to think that his grandfather was killed by Devrath for this ruby when it was not even in the context", he grabbed her shivering hand and Sonakshi looked down at the ruby shining amidst the dark.

"But I agree. This is so precious, but it's mine! I need this, I need this more than anything! Do you know why? Because it's going to giving me the life which I lost because of your Devrath", he said and she gulped down in fear. "You can't understand, can you?", he asked but she stayed silent. He grabbed her chin forcefully and made her look up. "Did you realize what's special about tonight? It's the same full moon night on which all three of us lost our lives, 111 years ago!", he said and she gasped hearing him. It was then her mind went back to the words she got to read in Devrath's diary.

"There is an auspicious date 10 days later for the wedding. It's so special that it falls on a full moon night that occurs only once in 111 years"

"Yes! I have waited all these years just for this day. Now, I even have this ruby with me. And this will make my wish come true. Now, I can stay permanently in Adithya's body", he said Sonakshi looked at him stunned. "But that poor fellow will never come to know this, never! He even tried to save you Sonakshi but you are so stupid that you didn't believe him. Umm.. Now you can't do anything. Just sit and watch. The history is going to repeat except for one thing. I am going to kill you and your Dev is going to die out of guilt. But I will stay in Adithya's body and live my life which I lost because of you both!", he smiled and Sonakshi shook her head slowly in a no. She had never imagined such a thing could ever happen in her life. She was never a believer of paranormal stuffs but now these words from him made her spooked. By now she understood, her one wrong might cause a huge destruction because the one who is going to get affected is not Ratan but Adithya, whose body Ratan is making use of!

"Adithya!", they both heard a well known voice and looked up to find an angry Dev standing infront of them. A ray of relief washed over her face and Adithya smirked seeing him. Dev pulled out a pistol from his pocket and pointed towards him making Sonakshi stunned. It was the defense gun she had! "I remember everything Adithya, sorry Ratan!", he said and Sonakshi looked at him shocked. "I remember how you betrayed me acting as a friend and what you did to my Shona. And even now, you did the same. But this time, I won't let anything happen to her, even if it means killing you!", he said and Sonakshi's eyes widened. She could somehow make that Dev got the memories of his past back and is now thinking that Adithya is Ratan, just like she did, a while ago. But how could she say him Adithya was not Ratan but just a look alike of him! And harming him will not harm Ratan but instead will harm Adithya!

"Leave her.. Otherwise I will shoot you!", Dev shouted pointing the gun towards Adithya making her panicked. She tried to speak but he tightened his hold around her neck without letting her speak. Getting no response from him, Dev raised the pistol up and pulled the trigger. But before she could think, the bullet shot Adithya's right arm making him jerk back making her heart skip a beat. And even before she could let it sink in her mind, Dev shot again at Adithya's foot and he slumped back a little from the edge of the cliff making Sonakshi froze.

She looked at Dev and then back at Ratan who was instead giving her an evil smile. He collapsed down and was about to fall back from the edge of the cliff but before that Sonakshi grabbed his hand preventing him from falling off. Dev rushed towards them seeing Sonakshi trying to pull Adithya up, who was about to slip from the edge. "Sonakshi leave him! He is a betrayer!", Dev said angrily but she didn't leave his hand. "Dev, help me to pull him up please!", she shouted back making him stunned. "Sonakshi, just leave his hand", he tried to get her hand out of Adithya's hold. "Dev, Adithya and Ratan are two different people! Adithya is innocent! For god's sake help me! Please!", she shouted back and it took a minute for him to understand what she said.

But when it did sink in his mind he immediately bent down and grabbed Adithya's other hand. "Please Ratan, hold my hand. Don't let Adithya die. Please!", she said as tears blurred her vision. The last thing that she wanted was to see Adithya die, who was not even aware of everything happening around him. "I won't", he smirked making both of them confused. "Live with this guilt! It will kill you from within!", he said leaving them stunned. "Anyhow I'll get what I want", he said while the ruby blinked under the dark. He looked up at Dev and smirked. "I won, again!", he said taking his hand out of their hold making them flabbergasted. Pulling the ruby from Sonakshi's finger along with him, he left their hands and they both stared in shock seeing him fall down the cliff, with his darker orbs reflecting the smile, the smile of victory, again!

So, what happened to Adithya?

Kudos to everyone who guessed Adithya to be a look alike of Devrath's friend. A great guess though! 👏👏👏👏

Precap : Epilogue.

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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